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Show Page tw MdseOnspYcts "defense program" Ur. Royal nator-d- D. Madsen,' the nationi.1 f state defense NEWS ; i,ro0r:.in, in St, George on 'Wednesday, October to look over the national defense was 2, program here,.' He has visited many state parts of the ; i This adults program is' available 'to: ... Mr-- -- : ; . ; - ; i ember 1,5,- and. and a ' shown different 'trades .are' being 1 taught, Stratton, Cluff- be program. "A- his arid That no more Hardy little the better. debates-durin- g to have Mr, Hinton hopes ; ' ' ' - .D. 'THE SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM continue ' ' ' building. throughout the year. dents- coming ; began yester- - It is expected that this :prgr'am will : THURSDAY similar many the course of the class. ? ; day in the: Science . in the next issue of the D.J.C. class ; ; be aivan the agricultural last Monday on the oy and Horace. DeMille were on 'the negative-'- " Both .'sides were well organized, with' the-- negative doing a ; , ' DEBATE LaS. Loyd . elect officers for the Coming There is" a large group composing this-club, and Mr. Hafen expects- an interesting year. Details of the election will .D. HELD on--th- : . to year. . land should be brought und'er cultivation. The; class was divided' in half, with Helen: LTiar ton,: Elmer Cox,- and Roy.Nisson affirmative;- while Rulon .Iverson, . ,D. Vegas. question,' Resolved: i ' THE SPANISH CLUB MET LAST- Las". ; economics' I have students their Nearly all Those few that haven't assignments. will be given soon. Students, working '.on NYA!' 'should get their time sheets from Miss-- Mood., At the of. each accurate beginning .record of time should be kept .'on blankai. Blanks should first. be-- silpiad ,1'hei Mr;,: then in teacher, concerned, plci'ced Bleak's mail box, ..Accurate check is made, of time turned in by. each student.. Those students "" who. are late in getting their time sheets in, or don't hand them in weekly, may.' not' receive .credit for their work.'. ' freshman, sophomore, that he is very near students, and will not week..--'"an-- St George; Eddie L, Juarez, Mexico; ELmer St. George. . D-- ' many mere On Loren Rex junior, ' INFORMATION able to accommodate day. of the week are: : -- "Bleak sta'tOs his .quota of THE-INCREAS- Pickett, special, .Clive Prospective enrollees are; ayne Robinson, Hartman, junior, Leeds; .D, NYA IS Lundberg,' ' Mr. .D. ' students New-- ' NYA the. - .STILL ON new' Students registering-eac- .with various schools .of the state, and nearly 1000 people' are .taking advantage " of these opportunities," he explained.-GIVES ' ENROLLliENT shop BLEAK foV pictures - craft mechanics, welding .in .air send ; Mr.r Bleak" .has started work on. the music,-- and' .Miss Henderson- is trying to decide on a play for the occasion. practice. There are eighteen different, trades being taught in connection with the' defense program in 'the in been tc them Occasion;: great deal of interest is being ' will 6-- . have '" ing : cipally for helping- - people - to 'become more capable for various positions in' things that are important to the national defense, 'principally metal work. Many .D. - ; intended' prin- ' sent out to. many abtists.- throughout this country, invit- -. Letters ' Is Monday-morning.- PREPARATION PS BEING MADE FOR THE. FINE ARTS.' FEST1VAL', which ;.be held Dec-- 5 had "The defense program '.. ' , who trades. ; . any have never older' people the opportunity before to receive training" in the various 'mechanical' and others will' leave .Thursday morning, Reid of ;, the faculty hat; been chosen as a member., of the nouse-- of delegates. wish the teachers, a The Students and .will resume' their wonderful trip-,-routine the following and ;1 in connection with' this .program, p "I have been checking for all progress in the national., defense " program, and'' helping the new teachers to organize their work for more effective ins true- -, tion. There is a considerable amount- of interest In the national defense pro- -, gram. BRIEFS ."SCHOOL MILL BE' OFF IC TALLY CLOSED next Wednesday night .for two days'. Some of the teachers are leaving then 'for HE. A. , co-ord- iy:. eight- blocks are' eligible .' A BEGINNERS in'-onth' or more ' ' :.D. Ail stu- buses, or living away from school '.. TENNIS CLASS ILL "BE HELD at .4'- o' clock on the tennis courts. All those interested be there with their racauets- and tennis T balls. next Tuesday |