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Show NOTICE United, Btatet Land Office, To Halt. Lake (Tty. Utah, Aug 14, Whom It May Ooneeraj MoUoe It hereby glveq that the State of Utah- baa Died In this office lists of lands, selected by the of the Act of said State, under section Congress, approved July 14, 18X, as Indemsec. nity School lauds, vis; Lo' . 8. L. M. He rial 04380, . T. I N. K T Ooplr of said lists, so far ns they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person Interested and by the publle generally. Luring the period of publication of this, notice, or any time - n, thereafter, and before final approve certification, under departmental tnstrue-tions of April K. 10U7, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or tubdl visions hereinbefore on the ground that the same Is more . valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for re- port to tbaGeneral lend Office at Washington. 1). O. Failure so to protest or contest, within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the traots and the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection will be approved to the State. R K. Thompson, Register. 1. - nrnoiucKniK Lilt UiJr Iiyfayette Brown are visiting Mann. mother Mr. T HOYTSVILLE NEWS. Commissioners will, on October II, MOD, 12 o'clock M. ot thst day, offer at publle auction at the Court House ot Summit County, at Ooalrllle, Utah. and sell to the Miss Iva ami tieorge Stonelgxttr 15 The folow-In- g blithest Udder for the respective tracts, HENEFER, Sept. father Jseefh their are here visiting folio Ins describe appraised and unnamed visitors attended services the sold State lends situated In Summit Stonebraker. j her on Sunday laat: Chaa. West of County, Utah. Subdivision The Misses Irene Redder aid See., Tp , R-- . No Acres Hoytsville, Bishop W.Z. Terry, 160 N. W IS. 18.. TE, fie are attending Clara Winters HENEFER NEWS. J- and IJOYTSV1LLE, 8pt. home tn. James Astln returned ttje flrt of the week, after spending a week In the city. They will make their home here for the present. Our school started on the 13th with Enoch Brown as principle, Frank Edgel nte.rmediate1 Miss Stonebraker as primary teacher. Mrs. I. T. Mills has been quit 111. l.V-- Mr. Ed-mo- od Rees, C. R, Jones, Wm. h J r. and W. H. Manning of Coalville. All add reseed the meeting but W. H. Manning who favored us with a select song. Born September 11th to the wife of George Foster, a fine eon. All do! Ing nicely. During the week Joeiah Taylor left here for Michigan. A" part 'of John Pasketta family left for Salt Lake on the 11th. Part of Mr. Pasketts family are going to attend acbool In Salt Lake this seaaoa. Car-rut- rJ' Academy at Coalville. Mr. and Mrs. William Edgelhsre moved to Henefer wliere Mf. Idpl will teach school this winter, f Mr! David bargent will leach school this winter at Salt Crt Box Eider county, Mrs. M. C. Redden of Upton was Miss Haxel Sargent returned kpae visiting relatives here on the 15th. last Mouday from a weeks vUtin STRONGEST GUARANTEX. Allen Jacobs moved hialamily to Balt Lake City wither sister NUonal Sewlnfl McWnc Cfli Coalville this week. Miss Theo McMichael leaves Jtils 1JL Bdvtdere, and I.uclle. to attend school at Prov t week Misses Ethel, 7ri,e have gone Wlnefred, and Fay Xee . Advertise vour goods iu )TpE to Logaq to attend school this winter Mrs. Ubble Payne of Ogden and TIMES. Our district school commenced on Your return card printed on Monday, Sept. 13, with a fair atten loo envelope! for 7$ cent! at office. dance. Mr. William Kdgel is prinTHE TIMES cipal and Misses Fern Fautin and Jllias Farnsworth have charge ot the primary grades. Farm work has just commenced a gain after nearlyjtwo weeks idleness. The wheat Is spreutlng badly In the - Vftilimv bfnSST jj; T Slogans " ittasBBBHasBssa&MMBaBBaaan tniEE Madtiaa Sewing runs lighter tHsn any Th World School houi . ' other. , lj any t tniEE beautiful than any other. is more 2 FILED vilritioa haa than any other. o filed if cafier to operate than any other. ' O FILED - jf make a more perfect -- ftitch than any ether. tFHEE if the heft of all t t ... SO ID Noland will be sold for leu than the appraised value thereof and In 80 or ISO acres tracts and tales of suoh land will be made oaly to cltlsens of the Ualted Staten. or those who hare declared their Intention to become h of sale: of tha purchase price payable In cash at the time ef sale: the remainder of the payment to be divided In ten equal annual amounts with Interest at the rets of Ove per cent, per annum oa the deferred payments. By order of the State Board of Land Com missioned. W, H- - F A a s s wo bt h , Seeratary of the State Board of Land " Commissioners. such-Term- s Oue-teat- d. nt NOTICE United States land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug Ird, 1108. it May Concern; Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed In, this office lists of lands, selected by the State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, IMS. as Indemnity School lands." vis: WH nwli; w 1 sw 4 and Lots 1,1. 6.4 Scc.JN, TAN..R-- B Serial 04280. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to Probata and Guardianship Kotices. said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, . Consult County Clark or Respective Signers have been conspicuously posted in this office for Inspection by any person Interested for further Information. , and by tbe public generally. During the In the District Court of the Third Judicial period of publication of this notice, or any District in and for County of Summit. time thereafter, and before final approval State of Utah, Probate Division and certification, under departmental regI n the matter of the estate and Guardian- ulations of April IS, 1807, protests or contests against tbe claim of the State to any ship of Isabel Lots McLaughlin. Minor, Order Fixing Time for Hearing Petition of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore for Settlement of Tbltd Acdescribed, on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for agriculcount. AndrewO. McLaughlin, the guardian of tural purposes, will be received and noted the person and estate of Isabel Lois forreport to the General Land Office D. O. Failure so to protest or a miner, having on this 14th day of Julyisoe.jenderfd md . presented for contest, within in tha time specified,- - will settlement and filed In this Court hts sem- be considered sufficient evidence of the" iannual aceount, being six months from character of the tracts and 1st, 1808, of his administration of the selections thereof being otherwise free January No. 7696. from objection, will be approved to the the estate of said Minor, together with Repeat of the condition of the petition praying that said account be al- State, E- - D. R. Thompson, Register, 8 2 lowed nnd approved. IT IS ORDERED that Monday, the 10th NOTICE. of Coalville, atCoalville, in the day of September. A. D. 1000. at 10 o'eloek State of Utah, at the close of busi- a m., at the County Court House, In the United States Lend Office, Salt Lake Olty. Oourt Room of said Court In Coalville Olty, Utah. July 81st, 1808. To Whom It May ness, Sept 1, 1909. Utah, be and Is hsreby appointed for tbe concern: Notice Is hereby given that tha BE80URCSS. bearing of said petition and that due notice State of Utah has filed In this office lists of thereof be given by publication In The lands, selected by the said State, under SecLoans and Discounts Ooalvllle Times a newspaper printed nnd tion 6 of tbe Act of Ooogress, approved Jnly Overdrafts secured and published In Summit County, State of 16. IMF, aa Indemnity School Lands, vlx:-E- l unsecured Utah, and by posting notices, for a period nw)i; Lots L2.8.4. Sec. 80; sw4 U. S. Bonds to secure eir swSi Sao. 20; Lot 6 Sac. 18, eulation 25,000.00 of at least ten days prior to said 20th day of T. 8 N., R- 18 E., 8. L. M Serial 04276. Bonds, securities, etc. .. . 31,330.21 September A. D. like. Witness the Clerk of said oourt with the Copies of said lists, so far aa they reBanking house, furniture late to said tracts by descriptive subdiviand fixtures 2,600.00 seal affixed this 8th day of September, A-190. J M- - HIXSON. Clerk. sions, have bean conspicuously posted In Du from National Banks By Cbas. L Frost, Deputy Clerk this office for inspection by any parson In(not reserve agents).... 10,415.53 I Seal) Henderson. Pierce. Orttchlow A Barrette, terested, and by tha publlo generally. Dor-l- ag Dne from approved retha period of publication of this notice. . served agents.'..,.. . 16,696.41 Attorneys, Salt Lake City, Utah. or any time thereafter, and before final Cheeks and - other cash 17.00 items . approval and certification, under departFractional paper currency In the Dletriet Court, Probate Dlvttlon. jn mental regulations of April 2S, 1807, protests or contests against the claim of the State-t12.00 and for Summit County, State of Utah. nickels and centa... .". In the Matter of the Estate of Wm. F any of the tracts or Subdivisions herein14, 8E 4.00 Campbell, deceased Order Fixing time for before described, on the ground that the Keuemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6 per cent hearing petition for an Order Authorising same Is more raleable for mineral than of circulation.., 7. 1,250.00 Petitioner to Accept Cptlon purposes, will be received and Upon the rending and filing the petition noted for report to the General Land Office Total $257,131.24 of Ltxxle r. Campbell the duly qualified at Washington. Failure so to protest LIABILITIES. and acting administrator of the above or contest, within the time specified, will be In 25.000.00 $ stock considered sufficient evidence of the Capital paid named estate, praying that an order be 6,000.00 made authorising her to accept an option character ot the tracts, and the Surplus fund Undivided profits, less ex aa et forth In said petition filed herein on selections thereof, belngotherwlse free from . 1,984.54 The eatate of W m. F Campbell, deceased. penses and taxea paid objection," will be approved to the State. outNational Bank notes E. D. R. Thompson Reglst iTIsOansnsD that Wednesday, the 16th 8 20 25,000.00 day of Sept.,A. D- 186, at 10 o'clock a- m. at standing.,. Individual depots! ts.J&u.b- the eounty court house.! n The 'eourt room 87,185.55 jeot to check f said court. In Coalville City, Ulah, be and NOTICE United States Land Offloe.Salt 106,955.82 It Savinas deposits hereby appointed for the hearing of said leke Olty, Utah, Aug. 6th, 1808. To Whom Time certificates of deposit 8,891 .00 petition and that due notice of the hearing It May Ooneerei Notice la hereby given Cashiers checks outstand-i- n be given by posting notices to the helra of that theState of Utah has filed in this of114.03 SSieel see said deceased, and by publication in Tbs fice lists of lands, selected by the said State Total. COAXV.H.LE Timka, a weekly newspaper under section 6 of the Act ot Congress, ap) State of Utah, printed and published In the County of proved July 16, 1884, as Indemnity School County of Summit) Summit, State of Utah, for tbe periodnf Lands, vii:All sec, 28. T. 8 N-- R. U E 8- - L. ; , Serial 04301; and all See. 26. T- - 8 N , I, Frank Pinjrree, Cashier of the ten prior to said 16th day of Septein M above-namR- U E. 8, L. bank, - do - solemnly bar. A. D U0B. Serial O480C swear that the above statement is Wire sag tbe Clerk of said Court with the Copies of said lists, so far aa they relate tracts by descriptlte subdivisions, have-bee- n true to the best of mv knowledge teal thereof affixed, this Slit day of Aug. and belief. conspicuously posted in this office LbF A. D- - 19W. Fingrek, J. M. Hixson, Cashier. f. inspection by any person interested and by Clerk. Iskal.) t tbe public generally. During tie period1 Correct Attest: " . By- - Chas. L. Frost, Deputy Clerk. Geo. Bradley, Plsc.hel A Harknees, Attorneys, of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter, and before final approval Blonqcist Salt Lake City, Utah. hnd certification, under - departmental! t Jambs - Directors. regulations of April 26. 1907, protests or conSubscribed and sworn to before In the Dlgtrict Court of tb Third Jndtolal tests against the claim of the state to any me this Hth day of Sept., 1909. District, in nnd for Summit County, State of the tracts or subdivision hereinbefore C. R. Jon K3, Notary lublie. described on the ground that the same la of Utah. Hula Thompson, plaintiff, v Evert Thomp- more valuable for mineral than for agrt cultural purposes, will be received and' son, defendant SUMMONS. . noted for report to the General Land Office Notice of Special Meeting. Tha Stats of Utah to the said Defendant; Ton are hereby summoned to appear at W ashlngton, D. O- - Failure to to protea la Notice hereby given that a wtthlh tweaty days after service of this or contest, within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence at the non- speeial meeting ef the members of summons upon yon. If served within-ththe Relief Society of the Church county In which this action U brought mineral character of tbe tracts, and tbe elections thereof, being otherwise free Latter-da- y otherwise within thirty days after service, Christ of of Jesus defend tha above entitled action; nnd from objection, will be approved to tbe saints of the Coalville Ecclesi- and in ease of yoor failure so to do. Judgment State. E.D.R.Thompeon, Register. astical Ward of the Church of Jesus will be rendered eg at net you according to Balnts in tbs tha demand of tha complaint, which has Christ of Latter-ds- y with the Clerk of said Oourt and NOTICE United States Land Office, County of Summit, State of Utah, been filed ot which Is herewith served npon Salt Lake Olty, Utah, Aug. 21st, lipe. will be held on the 2nd day of Oc- neopy yon- - This action Is brought to recover it May Concern; Notice ta hereby -tober, A. D. 1909 and at the hour of Judgment dissolving the martT-g- contract given that theBtate of Utah has filed In The-Relief 2 Society Hall heretofore existing between you nnd tha this office lists of lards, selected by tbe said ' A 6 EVANS EVANS Section of the Act ot ConState, under of said ward, being the regular plaintiff for Plaintiff. gress approved July 16, 1TO4, as Indemnity of. said So P. (X Address: 1022Attorneys meeting place Boston Blk Balt Lake School Lands,vlx: All Sec. 30, T. SN R ciety, for the purpose of authorising City, Utah. K. Serial 04434; all Sec. IS, T. I N R 13 E. bold trustees wbo and directing the Serial 04136: All See. 30, T. S N-- . R- - 13 e the legal title to all the real e&rte NOTICE United States Land Offlce.Halt rial 04437; w nw54; nd nw'4; w) w Bee. se'J sw!; iH sei; lota L 3. 6. 4, 6. belonging to said Society.to transfer Istke Olty, Utah, Aug. Is13, 1908. To Whom It See. 22; 18. T, 8 N R. 13 E-- , Serial Concern: Notice May that hereby given to. estate to real fhe title certain the State of Utah, has filed In this office of said lists, so far as they relate to lands, selected by the said state, unEllen Ranner In the County of Sum- llstsof tracts by descriptive subdlvtalons,have der section 6 of tbe Act of Congress, epprov-- said 16. 1884. as mit and State of Utah. Indemnity School Lands been conspicuously posted in this office for Jnly sw!4 neH sec. inspection by any person Interested and brThis meeting Is called and this 1. T 1 H . swV K R. Serial 04321. of said lists so far as they relate to ibe public generally. During the period notice published pursuant to the Copies tracts, by descriptive subdivisions, of publication of this notice, or any time order .ot. the Board of.Directors ot said have been resspkuewlr parted In ttris of- t hereafter," and before "final approval, fice for lnspectlen by any person Interested, . said Society. and by the publle generally During the and certification, under departmental' ts " Dated this 16th dhjrOT September, period of publication of this notice, or any regulations of April A 1907, protests or time thereafter, and before final approval claim of tbe State to any the against A. D., 1909. and certification, under department- of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore 26, luff, regulations of April Susan A. Rhkad, President. al contests protests or against the described, on the ground that tbe same ta. of the state to any of the tracts or more valuable for miner-- .) than for agriculBakbek, Secretary. claim subdivisions hereinbefore described, on the tural he recelvM aid noted ground that the same Is more valuable for tor purposes, will mineral than for agricultural purposes, will report to tha General Land OffioJaU be received and noted for report to the Gen- Washington, D. O- - Failure so to STATE LAND SALE. protest or eral Land Office at Washington, D. O. Fall-or- e contest within the time specified, will be SO to protest or contest, srtthln tbe time Commisof Land Board Office of tbe State considered sufficient evidence of the hota specified, will be considered sufficient evisioners. Salt Lake City, Utah. September 14, dence of the character of tbe mineral character of the tracts, and. the tracts, and the selections thereof, being selections thereof. being otherwise free from free from objection, will be apNOTICE Is hereby riven that iq accord- otherwise to the State. objection, will be approved to the State. ance with taw, the State Board of Land proved D. R. Thompson, Register. K Register. ) Semi-Annu- - al First National Bank r nts otLcr. crniEE lasts longer titan Everywhere, la ell comers of the eerth aiay be ionnd I. C. S. ludeats-eludewbo era study. Iny lor better positions, lerter sala-tiries. soccesslul lives, sad happy sc de pes deni old see. There are over a mUlioa ' Ol them lust think ol it. mors than 20 times as many students as the lamest American uni jr varsity has bad tat 770 years! Y ou caa &nd them lo the commercial offices ol New Zeeland; the mines Ol Booth Africa; the machine shops of England; end the manufactories of North America. Men in ell ol life from the miner working long hours each day la the mines at amstt wages and with a large family to support, to the salaried official wbo wishes ol te broaden hit knowledge to take advantage enabled lor further promotion. We have thooeandt npon thousands of them te advance in oar 17 year el experience. What dees this meaa te TOO ? It meant that, ae matter what your circumstances are, the 1. C. S. offers yoa today aa easy, cheap, sad sure way lo secure advancement the most practical way la the world. These are eel mere idle ward at they ere ebeeMe facts preved by actual statistics. Let them sink Into your mind, and If you really and position and seriously weald like to better your earnings, eaad at the coupon below. It costt to do yoa nothing thii much II pea a eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee de M MOW. btertriiail CtrrcMicNt ScMi Voa do not hero iea m. trrmdia. Ft. lo leare home, wttkwrt hiithaf abtifatiaa Nr ae poar a ftIMhumftplsli, (Ire I caa aaiiiljp kf a iarfwi aaWrr la ika or position, Wm tlitk I U mi kH L filial J inconvenience i SJiM N.8 EK. . i'4; - o 8peeie......7,... V paartelf la way. Vaar r ...... ' C.-t- non-min- eral com-hin- fd in one. rKEE SEVN'ING MACHINE CO. 11 ILLINOIS CHICAGO - FOR SALB BT Summit Furniture & Mercantile Company eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettee - dy ed to-sai- University: of Utah, Sa1t i.akcitv.utaK Frank- Carter. Alfred Pihorsi, - a THE-HE- OF THE PUBUC SCHOOL AD The School of Arts and and Science, the State Normal School, or the. School of Kdtication, the State-- of Mine, and a School of Medicine are embraced by the University of Utah. 4 Schools SYSTEM OF UTAH $150,000 Laboratory Equipment The very best paratus. the machinery, md and of Include ing the Depart which is part of the School of Arts inent of Law i 225 Instructors Many of ' Including the k- WonitMure nut If4i -- and Science. Mst4f inenis. f all depv,TheDean of Women looks after the the young women students. - wl-fa- re - them graduate of tha greatest Universities of this courttry and Europe. 1618 Studeuts children the $860,000 Equiqm ent brick ami atone hui'dmga. C2 acres of grounds, and other University property 10 y p.Tiin lf s)i con--tes- iW- -' Pn A Address:--Universit- m ri ha tif ri Training Sehtml. in the Uinlver-sit- y young people received instruction ' buildings last year. - Embrace 8 of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Cornelia non-miner-al V. f |