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Show 7 Dr. J. S. Calderwood No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach Resident Dentist oalvitle Office Haiti 9 to 12 O ) Simplex is the first band sep-u- rt that can be sent to dairyman VT aa issttoal all over. No maa eaa bo .. aid like any other piece of ha ia MEYERS, Mgr. who from weak stomach with its V .uffarini ciroaj sisnkrd machinery without having U okasionally come back to the next every is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition f and for attention adjustment. fet$ eoataioed in food, which is the source of all physical I sure give us trial. In kief some of the advantages of 1 strength. When a man doesnt feel just rifht, when he doesnt sleep well, has so uncomfortable to please you. . th Stff Balancing Bowl are: feelmi ia the stomach after eating, is laafuid, nervous, irritable and despond 1. bowl m 111 always run smooth ot, he is losini the nutrition needed to make strength. Smek a mmm mkmmld ose Dr. Pierce's Co idea medleml fed true, even if out of mecha-IcDltco rery. It cores dltemeee e t 4km mtmmmck mad other ' balance. ergons of dlieetlom mad nutrition. it enriches the blood, -Inriioratea (he liver, atreaitbeaa tke kidney, noariakea 2. l- n If the spindles should the nerves, mad mo GFS HEALTH BAD STRENGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. slightly sprung by accl You cant afford to accept a teeret nostrum ns a substitute for this non it w ill not Interfere w ith knt, alcoholic medicine or known courosmoN, not even though the urgent dealer free le make e little i tunning of the howl, may thereby bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. A the machine wears, instead (Established May 10th, 1905.) I becoming noisy and running Capital, $25,000 a krder, as in the old style me-Surplus $5,000 ma-s balanced Z feanlcally 4ilnes.it w ill always run freely t We pay 4 per cent interest on Time fed smoothly. Deposits. We solicit' your patronage. M. on Read the the Fair, Pleasant sales ladies . Bqierience shows that the Self R. Sainton's add front page of this Issue. will show you every cimrtesyjit bot! klancing Simplex, Sapar JAMES PI NO EE. PSCSIDNST ALFRED BLONQUIST.WV&r- -' I ter runs easier wlth.continued PRANK PtNBREC S B. O. BLACKMAN, Mrs. W. W. CluH is here from places of business. M. R. Salmon. A Salt Lake for a few days. Mayor Frank Croft returned from 'Be Simplex ' an extended vihit in the east the lat 6, Found Fair of flushes. Owner Sfe not mi nensTtl e or delicate, BifsiayfiSMSatffifffeBintitss I jL can get same at tiiii office. part of last week. W hile aw ay he visited alt the. important trade Yfcqiiiring the fine adjustment 40 V which Sale "other machines For Cheap. A banjo and centers, and returns much Improved kpend on mechanical balance strings. Enquire at this office.. iu health, v f kr their running. Mrs. Esther Wilson of Garfield is SEPT. 10th, of Trimmed Hats, the finest assorte wear Tj and tear on the bear-r- s B. F. Crltchlow-- of and I Ogden ment I have ever carried--- Come and see them. the guest of Mrs. M. A. Hartley. E. Diiffln of Brigham City were in gs, geariug, etc., Is, In the My School and Street Hats are now on display. Mr. JXuffln Abe Robinson made his regular Coalville yesterday. jkngjrun, much less with the .Simplex.! be- -, weekly trip to Henefer last Sunday. speakes very highly of tke treatment accorded him at Brigham and feuse most of the wear In other Miss Edna Beard left Sunday to of her feachines comes from the rough people generally. PHONE 41 LACK. attend the L. D. S. College at Salt fenning of the bowl, which Lake City. Mr. H. P. McOardle is down and lultlplies the friction and buses the machines to ' run Lett Parcel containing fclothes be- out at the Coalville hotel and the 'V krder and brlnglnereased wear tween Echo and Coalville Return same wlllbe' conducted hyL.E.EI-dredgWe for Success every part. bespeak to this office. Mr. Eldredge and welcome him A cheaply made sewing machine U dear at any price, beMr. W.S. Rigby was a west bound home to Coalville again. cause faulty in action, liable to break and difficult to operate Griffin Hackman & passenger Monday, hi destination ? I THE E3T NEEDLES , 'Ogden, Utah. The post office at Grass Creek has being Salt Lake. - FOR ALL MAKES of sewing machines are made by Thfe been discontinued temporarily ov f1 Last Saturday In Judge Petersons ing to the fact that no one can be In Singer Manufacturering Co., and sold by me. Wdo only good printing. Can court three Greeks were fined $10 duced to take the' DONT USE POOR OIL postmasters hip wi d voursT F rices are right. each for stealing apples. For use on sewing machines, writing machines, bicycles and We uderstand it is the fault of the . all purposes requiring a fine lubricant, the best is ebespest in the enc Genuine Singer Oil can only be obtained at Singer For Sals Corner brick house, barn people up there and not Uncle Sam T Stores. R. M. at and chicken house. Apply T Cant Be A Good Summit Cards are out announcing the com N. J. PETERSON, Coalville, Agent for Summit Co. Salmons for F. G. Baker. lng wedding of Miss Sarah Staley farisr Without The Lost-B- ay Horse, weight about 1, to John .Saxton, two prominent XX) lbs. Brand R on Left Hip. Re' young people of Upton. They will ward. -- Moses W. Taylor. be married by Bishop Saxton at the home of the bride at 2:90 next Wed old daughter of Annie, the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs JpS. E. Wilde has been nesday quite ill the past few days. G. Albert Bullock has accepted a position with the Coalville p F. L. McCarty, superintendent of to manage the branch store at Grass the mines at Cumberland registered Creek. Mr. Bullock is very popular St the Weber hotel during the week and a hustler and we conp Mrs. J. W. Lamb and family are gratulate the on their good In fortune visiting relatLyes lnOg'len. They securing him. are expected home about next San-daA bouncing baby boy was born to HginTTM the wife of Joseph Barber early Miss Lena Gosnell returned to her Mother and home in Ogden Tuesday after spend- Tuesday morning. babe and the father is doing of nicely ing a couple of weeks the guest Children born lowly recovering. of Mrs. Chas. AverilL this day are under, stars that give The city council will meet next mental and physical power and a Monday night in adjourned session talent for public life. We hope the and fix the salaries of the Jcity off- little fellow will grow up and be a icers for the next two years. for In world. this good power f U of a. in 2 to o p.rn. Simplex is Superior JFU LW. J Extra Good Bill Come and Graduate U. of U. and Surface Underground HOYTSVILLE Jfiust National 3Banh j County Surveyor J lie-fe- - Don Birch, .... Sur-veyin- g. UTAH NEWS HOME V ig Abstracter. VlCK-Pu- Edward H. Rhead Abstracter of Titles for Summitd ifon Cou n t Underlie), GJU-U- t. i Self-Balanci- ' Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans Office at Residence, Cost'ille, Utah. 'Phone SoTS K'd Physician and Surgeon O. W. FRENCH, Physician and Surgeon Office In We are a Admission 10c al Surveyor week. night Summit Block, Coalville Office Hours, from 2 to 4 p. m. All who can should observe these iieurs as near as possible. r syisiBifyBfffss's n - Grand Millinery! Opening! . MRS. M. E. RHOADES, Miliner e. It is Economy to Get the Best - Law. Actorneys-a- t p. H. NEELEY -- . ATTORNEY-AT-LA- If' W Coalville, Utah Phone 41 Red. J wir Secret Society. oalville Lodge No. 28, I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday Evening HalL Visiting Brothers X Cordially Invited. in Jones BTOCKMAN. V COUCH. H. Secy. J. WM. WELSH. Treasurer. W-- Notary Public. Co-o- -- Notary Public Firemans Func Insurance Companv Resident Agent of San Francisco Mary Ann B Gark (at the Shoemaker's.' is the Agent lor Summit - 1.. 2-- 26 Mr. and Mrs. Archie 500 .5-Fo- r fi.oo. 1000 8.00. For 5000 w:h: RobK.fr ..BARBER.. If you want a FirSt-cla. 'or Stave, call on me. Hair-c- ut ss East Side Main St, . BLISS FOR SPRING ILLS - It Is expected that Commander Westwood will be In Park city and Butter wTap?ers (printed;, wiL Coalville during the latter part of be charged for at this office al this month in the interests of the the following rate: Indian War Veterans. For Dress Goods, Heather- bloom close fiirPetticoats, Ladies Skirts, Ladies Belts, Remnants, odds and ends notions, all at Half Price. large quantity of Summer Trenton, Cache county, where they Hoytsvllle, for Designs and prices. Cheaper than wood and lasts a lifewill visit "for ten days with relatives. time. i Buchannan in home their to Salt Lake returned Monday after spending , some time the guests of relatives and friends. LADIES! Remember my Opening Sept. 21st at Relief society build-ing Pattern Hats display Coats all Styles and sizes at prices that will surprise you,3LJL Salmon. The Summit Stake Academy began the school year last Monday with a much bettor enrollment than at the beginning last year. Many more students are expected In the next few weeks. . Tewa, I Coalville, Ut. cordially Invite your patronage dor. Ladies From Adjacent $1.05. Ladies Handkerchiefs, 4 for 25 cents. Corsets were $ .25, now 50c. Muslin Underwear at Cut Prices. Childrens and Misses Shoes, Springtime U ticktime. Purify tne blood cleanse the system by the simple and effective roots, herbs and barks contained in BLISS NATIVE half-a-ce- nt Skin Eruptions. 2C3 Tablets for $1.03. y A Guarantee to cure or money back. Ask for Bliss Almanac and learn folly about this remedy. old-fashion- ed Made by BUSS in Wash- ington, D. C. FOR SALE ST Seamons, Henry Utah Rock port, 1 HERBS The cost is but a a day to rid the blood of the poison that causes Boils Pimples and other J sale Satur- 18, 1909, and for on one day only, commencing at 8 a. m. and Mrs. Joseph Jones and Improve your home'wlth Stewaris daughter left Sunday morning for Iron Fencing. Apply to C.H.West, Mr. Lydia Beard, who recently underSend mr t orders I can fill went a very critical operation at them for you. the hospital, is recovering nicely Utah Coalville, and Is now at the home of her Annt, ' Mrs. James Stone. aa U y. have C R.J0NES, County for 01 Co-o- All the above ARE JUST AS GOOD AS WHEN FIRST IN, and are great BARGAINS, COME AND GET YOUR SHAREr-Tom- or row at 8 oclock sharp. l j Coalville Coop, |