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Show n V -- T' 1 I- - R! 4 FORTRESS A K IVEL OA oo o o o I I PNStD- GIBRALTAR ERED IMPREGNA. J, "An enemy' fleet eou the bottom in ten mlnats ling within flvo tnlie Si not even a torpedo-boa- t In entering the bay unoba, b'ackent night!" That g oplnit na of the most experts a to the Impig: the worrldd greatest foig But diaHppointment ighUeeing visitor. Theti barren. 1 covered with hi elation; not a fort prong gun to be seen even w potterful flashes; no difc munition magazines; no only a peaceful, proapti and a sleepy, straggling It la night and the nr on. search; fora the bay Into a ahetf silver, upon which r jestic British warships ff'fng hliadows the tprpi angwer gunu out of eveij crevice and cornerTTihCl e, coal U the beat there U for , i?tf i and domestic purpose -.- A till MINE THB PRICES j STOVE l j' -- Fit MINE. WASATCH RIGHTt Hard to Imaglnd Haw Aj Btacking Could Llva In the jfcncha of Shot That Cog M t " Poured on 4 THE' AT 0 L I jfc Swift-playin- ent to j 4re the v it though ifhni Teg Have you seen the smartest and harbor uf a most popular styles iff era ;! f fttlmmer-In- ren I ..WEBER - ERWl. U naval BiUty of dts e( m 4ucceed d on th i up tbe dSt 1 v g ma- m. ! COAL CO Ladies If not, call and inspect our great new, stock of the New Fall Modes. will be pleased if the women of Summit county will consider We k a personal invitation to , KING OF THEM ALL! this BALLARDS visit SNOW LINIMENT in New Suits, Skirts and Goats. dongated Gnna aiceivable 4 In one Korea of deafening- - uproar., whl ahella plow the water far miles around. . Sentries are ererywhjr ; infantry parties crouch in the afclovs; hundred of gunner stand K utj behind hundreds of guns In then aflsterious labyrinths hewn out of it wild rock the galleries; the tMi ui barking of the Maxim guns glv cettraet to the deep-tone- d baying q he roam-matpieces of ordnance (he mere report of which crackg use roofs and bursts doors and while windows. Could any feet lire thraegh the mur! derous ball of gigantic jhelb? Gibraltar sever aleepsi fey day and night two perfectly egg pal signal stations, proudly flauntfc; Britains flag of ownership, uncetsipy sweep the teas around to a dtkace of fifteen mllea ort a clear k Instantly reporting the coming nt going of wltli Ptienamlnal Success eloce 1883, and Hu been C warned each vessel. Sentries m (t all the on the market Liniment riwty the Beet Household prominent forts. loiagazlgt and gate ways; gunners ' sleep b die their CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, OLD BURNS. RRUtSC. guns; engineers are every dy beside HfURALOIA, SPRAIN. CUTS, waaee. arirr joints, aoaca. scalds. backache the powerful sesscbllght CORN ANKLES. CONTRACT! O MUSCLKS, SRRAINffO finest In Modern needle guos.t NURHER-SPRAINCO WRISTS. FROSTED FEET, CONNS, ' UNS, AND AU. INFLAMMATIONS. the most Europe, are Installed on Refaee All Substitute. unreachC and tt.00, prominent? points They are able from the smv even they 1N0W LINIMENT CO., undlscernlble.. owfbg to hi skill with ST. LOUIS, MO. which they are painted i nd draped rth teeend Street. mrid to match the susroundlnj tegetatlon Rooommendod old byCSSSSS while huge screen drop omatically Bos. John Boy den before them as each afc li fired. miles They have a range- of and could drop shells orijCeuta, In Africa, oipoitB, guile cOifortably! iraeirointo One gun weigh ITt) tons ail la capa- s di.trlct ble of throwing a shell welding fiimithsd by at. Our Hk trarynbu. we of a ton! In that marvel of UMI MtKM biryri. IfI B1 I aunpto mmtl ittctal iifftr ml met. WrtHJm- futt fortuuUrt marine bmhht l 1 under great jiffieultlea, iiJ engineering AY biorelt. MON iro WW XU nil your RKQllRll.O ij f coot dr tautjppmv. and IQ utwnca, nyon. Hjrvbm la h U b VMthmd 0riy the galleries," are concealei guns' for frtfay At B hi low TEN UAbSffHIVK THIALdunrawtuch tun you maynd. ths bnycltxad II '1 1 put It to IQT tret m wib. II yon an tha. not peHocily MUsfttd or de not wish 10 every day In the year! . at ou. xp and net N rut mm trnl. I Xmp tha btcyri. ship It tuc k to These galleries are divided Into iunuab tbo I btcyclc. tt tt poaaibit to malt, FACTORY PRICES i! 11 profit .bora auiul factory coat. Voa aare 10 three sections, entry to which I In, direct ut m and bar tha manufacturer , fu,r Hlil a btcrcla or a pair of Proa Iron rqwar guarded, while one Is closed even to ante behind your tnevett. IH KOI at 0UT 0ntt anttl yarn rtcwvt oar cauinrac and laarm our aaboatd at kN, and in high officers, containing preserved rew murNU rprcu frr rta.r Ott.nta. stores, munitions of war, etn water IE ASTONISHED tea m-r-KILL at tnodott tftnSWb mi awb spring! and a iw r tre caa malt you thif yntr. W, anil Uwbiabaat, rad. bKydaa lor taaaawna, (for Gibraltar baa Palrcnlze a Roma Inflostry. V, - v s;- u- New York Factory Shipment Just Received from , Styles and Prices Right CURES 1 - ' imTEDrA RIDER AGENT if j' .Ik I three-quarter- rir, , 00 profit abor Uctory ott, W, are aatubad wttb owe aaiaa plaM at da, taewnd. - L a OTm AMO OICTCLKS. ViNM rep.lartr kaadlo IBM ntnil tttaML Tkroa IRCynil, , L n n K L. J t.Wan na fttaar aat natlad bTaS harfatall.W Ran. 'tnmyJr N Prfcaa ranyutt ml iaapfurtad laltof atualaa aad Rail akwlt, HO, rapain I af all kinta at Ua oroa rmd frmtt. AlTll'CnAALt, auumnt othrr betorr. 1 VCLS IraALLMh. iMCUttliw bcnlaa BU knaTOKttra fliad tha - L HaL 7i)5jj LEc:ETi:onii -- fill 11 Vu CELF-IIEALin- i o poncTonE-pnco- F TIRES O AueaieM firm h dttrttir.tafbttMM aratU rcraiar rttmil jaflpauaromplrparr AridtAcaraiardrrN-iJ)- o E::zn:;ai rcsM j . complete-condChslng- at T calcu- plant-al- l lated to outlast a siege at seven yeara. The firing la the' most Mathematically perfect Imaginable. The surrounding waters are mapped out, Into squares, upon which certaln gun are kept ready trained, so that It is almost Impossible to miss. During practice targets are towed across the bay, the object. being to, hit tlif water a few yards In advance of then, nwnxi Summit Furniture I KAILS, Tnaki ar GUaa artU Mt Mtltt Mr aak Sixty thouaand paira add lat year, hundred thouaaod paita now ta aan Mad Inal It allrl Bad caay rwltrf.rcnidurablaand Itacdinatdcwitlt n apectal qualtly of rabber, whkh BrrcT breomra nroua and ahkb clonra up small punctures without allow. from satin nr thcairtocaoattt. We bar hundreds trof Intern Iiinf that thatr tire ha only been pumped aawhoteaeaaoa. T hey aret, It no mo re than quatiliea hein, gives as ordinary tiro, the puncture lavrra of Ihtn. npactally prepared fabric on the S, arreml tread, T he ren tar price of then Urea iafH caper pair, but for BOUND THEY 8H0ULD HEAR ewtat tmommom I Rtbukc to Ministers Humorous , tentivs Congregstiorw IT. tnab A' sod nuwtara otrtpa U ttaa itri, u" Dr. Smith Jelliffe, the slieBlaL was S" aba rtaa salting. This once talking shout N prerenl outlook campaign oratory. I wilt any Uka, tire r.iro, oaku-Ma "Blank, he said of a certain senahUItll) LAhl Klintta pains tor; "is such a thorough-going- , withal campaign and tedious, taking, uHcU Btxi loaod voa Biitit Imti cuminwt thm as. So ii ffjwwwtid. eeiprovst Vo oo not bbv b cet per pir)il jrott orator that, whenever I bear him. 1 'pet cnijtherebr nuktoc the price Toe roe M rik ie am reminded ot an CASK WITH OSOIR ood nclwt thtt odrertironL minritlA Ml radios as m order so the Un oray be returned ot OUH expenee If tor ooyteooM they taorea looooofeo reliable oad nttiney test too ister of boyhoodt my. f smI raurloctory oo nsralaotioe. Wo or that they "will ride eerier, m (trier, . It yon order o pair vt three kpMwt'aod hove "This minister, one Sunday mornever tried or tees at oay price. yon better, lori looser end look Soer thoa Sny tire i r that yon raUbeee well pleooed that when yon wnl a bieytle yon witl give no year ordra. ing, spread before him on ft reading We Mat yoa to oead aa trial oker at cmce. beacelhtt rewarkahU tlre ofler. desk a very thick packet St notes, dool boy attyktad at ooy price anttl yonaeee foespattae tire, on aoproral and trial at and launched Into a long, tq. heavy YOU liEED JiriLa ahoee Hedfethani roctre-Proo- t or write for era tdg Tire and Sundry Catalogue Skesperiattntrodnctoey price qnried sermon. 1 1 raraU Nracnbri aad qaetra aft erabre aad kindaal ttrea at ebool JThe THIKlt abOE BBTIWO bicycle oft the sweson "The bat write no a poatal today. reading i woodertal know theaei DO ROT XiAfT W aeeet bis pair of tire. Irora anyone nntU yon not lift did He him. sorbed me! a poetal to learn everything. Writ It MOW. Ben we an making. II only eyes. On toward the end, however happening to glance up, be perceived j CYCLE COMPAHYr CIHCACO, almost the enUr congregation to be sound asleep, I "The minister frowned aid paused. He struck the desk a redoubling blow that awakened bis parishloeie. Then be said: My good friends, this inson cost the a great deal of labor, sad 1 do not think yon have given It tht attention It deserves. I shall, therefsre, repeat f It from the beginning. mud Orr, McCall pattern Celebrrie4 Ion riylev mmm if J.L ILL HEM i ' - simplicity sad hold 1 "'T rriislttlity nesriy Sutes snd Uhiled ths tomm in rare clly so ra Zk taxi) direct. Mat sold th.. Fhrl SO yesrs. SShs CALLS Mere subscribers rixessliri-ttri- riSSetuT COMPOUND. , OURES Cough, Cold, Whooping Cough, Bron-V chitia. Sore Throat, Ho&ntncu, Etc H is good for young Tha Favorite Remedy la all Hsbm. and old. Han a Seething aad Mealing Effect ea all CeagNa aad Catda. nreHera Some time rao l ittl bnd cold, w n. reiwhi niihm.n!. Wrik, fcottle of Bollord . HorehonodSvroe So I boh whlck turood ints LoOnpp. t britev BnUord o Hotriwund not me tmtMr quickly. fiiinin.nil.rl It mtnrhlo4 of wUI cure - tttw UnMf Prioe 25c, UUrlMk nay 5 On aod $1.00 Refuse AH Subetitates. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. Sokl and Raeommandad bvIS j Ml Bflfta IM 'A Uri hsn say month. Inralnsble. gSdriiries Lri- - cento rie. Only doable), including s Ire pattern. nu (worth,today, or ml lor rawple eopya abnnr7miam WOt,t mwcEMENTS Sad aewssxh pnxn offers. AddffM cauingne ria actiULCtumNiaw.pmstinra ro A Summer Prescription To keep coot and comfortable with this hot weather OO YEARN experience Children and Dlveite. to real consideration.' I ea ate the only dd not mean to advocate divorce as a trmedy for the present undesirable state of the Institution of marriage. But we are bound to recognise that a tasty marriage, however romantic it may be, will not always keep the affections When two. people find permanent each other and If love not do they they have no children to consider, the best thing and the only thing for them to do U to separate. Cfcarle Zueblln. THE TIMES Ssnd Ira ires eririegra. MMAZm isa A Household Necessity. BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP You cant be a good Summit Farmer without 'Illttl .O Tradk Mark a Dzamaa. CoavataHTa Ae. &S5SS5MKfffiWrB PaUBnU iin snsTirnn. WrihoaiChRTVB. Scitntitic Jlitierican. t ria baadramely IWnrirered waritly. I,ro H Jourari. Terms. say rarinutte f?ror months, U by sU pra-sd- lJ SltBreedrar.f M V BU Wn . Keep a good Temper. Bathe as much as you can." Dont eat meat more than once a day. 3- Dont rush, move with deliberation. v 4 5- - -- Dont watch the thermometer And come around to our fountain for a realty delicious " Soda ''about twice a day;Cool drinks tve have iu bount- i- ' ful variety and jcool they are, not only because they are served ice cold but because they are composed of ingredients cooling to the system. Our Soda is cooled by scientific refrigeration so is" always at the same temperature and Best of- - all jjur service is '' prompt and cheerful . I, 2. 4 JOHN BOYDEN & SON. r jr |