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Show EVENING 'NEWS.' - " TERRITORIAL TTEJitSf? Police Court. To-da- y the follow- PATIENCE ing fines Were assessed : J. Bond, $25; ! J: Murray, ; J. Sullivan, $A; Molly The Ogden river is overflowlnj; Its Meyer, $10; J. McKay, $5; J. Lambkin, April ft, tssa Monday, Matinee April 8, Evening April J). banks and cAsing conslderabfcr dam- $3 All of the parties will find employ-me" ' : at $1 per day. age. '&:' ; Montana expects to send out larse LiTtAOMKNTS. Fair. It is anticipated by the comof cattle this coming seashipments ! PILEM !.:. ! : S. II. again lu the fity. mittee appointed by the Territorial son. Sure .lire f.,r Blind, Bleidin- - .v:.; Sn'kak thieves arc pcowliniaroOud. Park City policemen made a raid on Stock Association to consider the ad- lU huu: 1'iU-Oms box has eure.i !.,. stan.l-.iSo dens last week, and four visability of holding a Territorial fair, worl hsisj of Chinese opium i.G.". 1J0 Lk notations: per i.eed suffer tiv.j m :;uie t lb.s., that about the first of October next one of the Celestials were convicted. usin. William s Indian Pih oitna m. , such an occur will event in this dozen 'I'm: iiiiti.itrt'I hand paraded the ten cents but U111..W-Hbrinfr city. Its thaoiPa per lilavH !tchm. Eggs as poultice, inves instant leii.-p.- in Logan, a fact utterly discouraging to tdreets Mi.for o' lutiin? uily Ptlei, Vallev. Cache in the of Miss industrious hens called Correction. Bishop J. LammkN wa air4U'd yeatcrday t nothing else S.id b Thf It. V. and the district on Saturday to state that Mr. Thomas p rival- parrs ud tiindod on receipt of lor" l 'l u 'Irimk. schools of Provo closed their third Bishop not Messrs. Newton & Son, as druggists indtl.OU pri.e, 60c bv on commence C M I DraL" TVpt the For Sale term and we were informed sunk his own well I'aiisox Newman ha.--t been prayiuK Friday, FKAZIKK MkDlCINK Co Pi,jp week vacation. fourth this without fur in the Nineteenth Ward, and also oue (Irani. Cleveland. (i,i. arm nm the her bsoke Miss Villa Mr. Messrs. The for Newton Bywater. .1. S. TKuui:r-i- , ., went to Monother day at the Park City skatiu rink. did the vork for Mr. Barnes. tana tlii.i morning. Mke THAT 4'OtUII. She was suddenly overcome by a faintI'hroat p.nd By um;r Dr. Frxzter's A uow of .shade trot lias been sot ing spell, and fell iu such a way as to Another Iest. Mr. Caleb Luker, of I. una rJalsam -- the oul sure cute Conths Colds, Hoarseness and Soie cause the accident. out around the Tabernacle. Bountiful, sent to onr office aud all diseases of the throat Throat, A convict named Dingmau, son of as several brown lar&e, smooth, worms, and luugs Do not neglect a (;u:i;-i- i ti.W. C. Bohlni, Kis., U. I. Nascent, a ( senwas and olovado who minister, Scores and hun-d- t a sample of a pest that has appeared in It may prove fatal went to Logan this morning. His Of grateful people owe their tenced iu I.S82 to serve ten years at the great numbers in his neighborhood Throat and Lung received Laramie penitentiary for stage robbing, and is completely destroying many ies to DrmilFracder Vi'. Mf('KM( k no funily will ever be one bar Storioont silver, value, $1,!).V). was pardoned Tuesday by President lields of lueern. These worms are without it after once using it, and disCleveland. marvelous iU of tent size the about covering the jHwer it Co.to-dav F caterpillar, received Wkm.s, vit'ioot up iu large family bottles and soul The roads between this city and the that made such havoc of the foliage of three bars Ctni.sty bullion, value ..Vitf). the small p:ic of' 75 cents per botfor Park, especially at the Summit, are in a lhe trees last year and threatens to do tle For sale brZ.G M I Drug Dept. Si'Mnv School I'iiion meeting in very bad condition, and auimals travel- the same this summer. Their appear m. main tin' Aseiiiblr Hall this evening at 7.30 ing them soon become Jaded, and, in ance and habits, however, are irrnecr qnite Will o'clock be occupied by L.T). & A. Young. consequence, Kimball's stage line will different. The gentleman states that Boots and tine shoes. not resume travel for several weeks. Nii.v.-.nearly all of the luceru iu the vicinity i'iotation.s,' corrected, daily an Last week aged man by the name of Bountiful will no doubt be des y ield bj Wcfls, Fargo & Co.: New York, Conirhs, Colds and of Hahn, was drowned In the YellowB II iKMiglass & Sous' season. this to the by I.OIl'llHl pest i'Jtl. readily troyed 'i, o Cough drops. stone, opposite Junction City, MonSaturday the police arrested tana, lie was crossing on the ice to From Brother Morr.m County. iKwavti). Moily My. r for disturbing the peace, to Custer station, when he stepped Samuel Francis, who is down from W. Madsen's furniture store to an. John McKav for tieinir drunk. into an air hole, thus finding a watery Morgan Co., we learn that the snow "l 1. and &o, First. South Street. Sin. i has been off the surface in Weber Val passenicern left, this city grave. I.. A A. lOUSU Little Bartle Hales, about 10 years of ley for about ten days now, and the K. ;. yesterday after-miuv.'r the Have removed tlieir fine stock of while the in, lumber age, as J in playing are bound busy possible putting people points east of )euwr. Shoes to 116 s. East Temple St. yard at Beaver, Tuesday, was hurt by a their crops, w ith strong hopes of an Tin-- Children's Halls in .the Theatre heavy lJxl'2 timlK-- r falling upon the abundant harvest. Quite a number That slight cold you think si little of o;i Saturday werhwell patronized, and small of his back. He lav under the of that have gone to Logan to may prove the forcrnnuer of a region who ul those tended had an enjoa'ole heavy weight some time before any one attend that may be fatal. Avoid this Conference, a rale of :.:)0 hav till..". by taking Ayer's Cherry peccame near to lift it off. He was pretty ing been allowed by the If. P. for the result the best of known remedies for toral, Is now to able walk.' but Tiir: Itah ('atlle anil Horse (Irovvers badly hurt, trip, which may be considered rather colds, coughs, catarrhs, bronchitis, A short time ago Mr. Phil, (trill, of liberal in view of the fact that the incipient consumption, and all nth. r Av.i.i ialion held an informal meeting leased a butcher shoe to a Conference rate to this city used to be throat and lung diseases. in the ity Hull, Safiuvliy afternoon, Oirden, man named John Singer and took his in. 00. Tiie Saints of the Morgan Stake am adjourned. be called Frenchmen can noteforthe sausage machine, stuffer, have lately placed new seats and a "the Knights of-- theproperlv table.0 They are Tiik lei lure hy A. N. Maefarlane, on boiler and scales, which were on the stand in their Stake Meeting House, good Judges in all its retiuemeuts and tie'History of the Jaredites," will be premises. On Wednesday the fellow which render its interior much more delicacies. In order to stimulate the appetite and keep the rilgetttivc organs Ward sueet-;n- ;r skipped out, to Salt Lake.tt Is supi'ivn in t!ie Twenty-Firs- t and comfortable than for liVJood order they'glve attractive to on nouse, Wednesday even'ms. posed, and Phil is trying to find the inerly. Hitters. When ou try Angostura them be sure it is the genuine article, I. W. Haiki.'s minstrel hand dis-- i missing machinery and utensils, which manufactured by Dr. J. G. B. Siegei t 'Hi'Si-sor e line music on the prin- are supposed to have been sold. & A. Correction. Sons whoassaul!-eman d the Jack Embree, y at noon. .They cipal sir. its of Mrs. 1. Z. C. M. Siikk Factory, Dixon, Vi'UT KEHARK.tEI.E REC'OVF.RV. Laramie, a short I'oiitUieiice a thre e nlhtJs eniraceincnt time and afterward llred three Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester. Salt Lakk City. 1885. at lu: 'J heut ro thij; evebin. Vlich , writes : "My wife has been alhas not commitshots at her bush.-mdApril oth, most helpless for 'live years, so helpT;n: Baird Minstrels came from the ted suicide us so inert up posed. He was Editor Ih'sertt Xi ics: less that she con Id not turn over in I;. ist over the I'. 1'., and reached the caught the other day at Fort Collins, Iu your editorial on Saturday last, oed alone. She used two Bottl. s of i ity l.it evi:niuir. Alter the close of Wyoming, and is now iu the custody of concerning Klectric Bitters, and is so much imthe ''Success of a their ii.'aeeinuut here, they will io to the officers. Ther - is little doubt that institution," you state that deserving proved, that she is able now to do her "the tan- own work." and shoe manufacturing departl'ortland, Oregon, ia the ). S. L. this man will getu lengthy term in the nery Klectric Bitters will do all that i ments were conducted for some time and the claimed Tin-Dixon family, at an actual loss." This remark should thera. Hundreds of testiaiUeitisement announcing the penitentiary, s. J. Ltnu. t X,TT KTTBmVT-?-. i . J. Baicaan who have been iu constant dread lest applv only to the Tannery. The Shoe monials attest their great curative i ii' K.'i iiK iit of Ii'iton appears iu a ut cents Kkdgkk. bottle '. powers. fifty a favorable made has Only 8u Lk. showingI C. M. I. Factory oluiuu. The price of admission he should returu and fullll his murderCat. 2 Drug Store. from the beginning. The tannery, ous now feel relieved. much has heen m'.sed, but .she is ackuowl-- i threats, am pleased to state, is noe paying ex"How are we ever going to get to he the i;reatetlivin actress panses, and a little over. Your quotation of the value of leather produced through our spring and summer's A IMoiieer Gone. Elder John Pack, As ii: lictiyeut having been found last vear lacked oue cipher, it should work? We are all run down, tired out before it begins." So say many a farat his residence in ieadVJ,0ii7.0t. aiainst Klder A. M Muscr, charging whodiedsuddci.lv mer's family. We answer, iro to vour Yours truly, him with uinav.Iul couahiUttii m, he the 17th Ward, on Saturday eveuiug, and pay live dollars lor six Wm.H. Rowk. druggist DEALKRS IN on 2otii was of born the May. 4th, April no tiles oi Aver s arsaparilla. This is w.is i'i.;.i,. d lo appear before New He at . St Brunswick. medicine the ami lsot, will Just John's, need, you atteraoon and this .McKay his parents, at the ago of pay compound interest on the Investbonds in the of .fl,"iiM. Messrs. moved with Ul SINKSS NOTICKS. ment. .New of ei.iiit years, into the Stale N. 1'. Te.is.H and T. W. Kllerbeck beMieltael'M Miracle. York, where he was baptized, iu his came hi.-- sureti- s. 34 lATIf, Slilales, MonlrtlnKj, Framei, loorst W'lodowi, victim of Catarrh. I 20th year, by James lllakesly. He wa-- , An in.staut relief for any pain that have remedies. One bottle tried lilindH. Wood Pumps I'ucklnar Boxm, Bulldera many iiKt kivki! .W. H. U.uicroft, General ordained an Elder in the same year by can be readied by external application. of Ely's Cream Balm gave me more Hardware, Suah VcdgfiU. QIxASS. Etc., Etc of borne have Thousands testimony i.s real rest. a all benent than the It J'aseneer Atrent S. W. Kccles, and Orson Pratt and Luke Johnson, and permanent relief in less than three :o.- aud valuable A. safe inediciue. L. A;sl,tant Superintendent A. L.Hor-n- . was an active member of the local minutes by a single application. Sold Fuller, Danby, N. V. VVOOD TANKS OF ALU DESCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER He gathered witB the by all Druggists iu Salt Lake Citv. r, of the I). &H. (i. W., left over that Priesthood. :o:- rout this morning, to- met Col. Saints to Kirtlaud iu lSAi, but went THIS SPKI.U Do.f-On: Notion Department is replete We would call the attention of our (ivryral Manager of the toad, ihe next year to Missouri, where he who is returnimr from the City oO.Iex-le- . was with them in their persecutions. itha Handsome Line of Buttons, readers to a true familv medicine. II &II lllurk Hulk D. C. St. K. IXlluL:0:- n. m. Dress mmt Lace, Brown's Sarsuparllla and Dandelion, Trimmings, Neckware, At one time he was takeu prishere lu: lias bceii on business conHand Satchels and a wun KMiiue Kiiibroiderics, oi I'otassium lor the nect! d with nnildin a railroad to tnat oner, with his wife, on Grand Kiver, laige variety of French Novelties. Blood, the Liver and the Kidnevs. It F. AUKKBACH & BUO and Was condemned by the mob to be has justly taken the front rank of Blood ity. has the on formula oe shot. No one was willing to be his Purillers, printed (ii:oi;,;i: Iisenjif.im ias arraigned each bottle and Is heartily endorsed by he wa reand COAL! COAL! COAL! however, executioner, ! fore the District Court on Saturday rnysicians. When you use medicines. leased. After the surrender of Ear We are now selling the celebrated buy ouly the best. All our medicine on an indictment for embezzlement. he went to Pike County, Ills., Pleasant Valley and Anthracite Coals; dealers, sell Brown's Medicines. The charge stated that he and James West, Cnarcoul, Coke, Pig Iron, Wood, but ! gathered with the Saints the next also Sherlock received j pounds of butter Brown's Arnica Salve will cure etc. ijeud your orders to 14.") Main While to Nauvoo. at year liviug next door sooth of Barratt Borns. Cuts. Bruises, or Sore Eves. from Unle Street, I'etlit to be sold on com- Nauvoo he several Brothers. Telephone. 211. Warranted. d&s performed mission, and that they had used the & Co. KusUtu Burton' t ujWmouj the Status, sklls, proceeds for their own benefit. Mr. and at the time of the martyrdom of Rr'Il.IKM ARNICA HALVE. Woods wa.-- appointed to defend, the bl,UBH BAMEKT. and Hyrum Smith be was abThi Brst Sal vie ta Uut wort. I b Joseph y Go to the Globe Bakery for your aroused. sent with Ezra T. Benson on a mission Candies, Cakes. Fruits, etc. They Cuts, Bruises. Sorea, Ulcers.. Sail can be had pure and wholesome, at low Rhvuin, Fever borea, better, Chap in New Jersey. He crossed the MissHands. Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin issippi river on the ice with his family, prices. Eruntlons. and imsiti ve T i nrev I'i v LOCA.L- NEWS. or no pay required It la guarantee.! Feb. 8th, ls4d, and Joined the camp on KKMCflBEtt. to give satisfaction, or mo tie. going with them subse,. D. &. A. Young are removing to cefunded perfect l'aralyls Father John Tudden-le- . Sugar Creek, Price 25 cents to Winter IK! South Main St., where they will m, who has been the Curator of ttie quently Quarters. For sal at Z. C M I Drur Store ! He was an active member iu the continue to carry a most excellent Jlesei.-Museum sHjici- the demise of and Shoes. stock of Boots to came of who the l'iof iiirfoot, was stricken with paral---- .i company pioneers iand died suddenly at his residence Great Salt Lake Valley in July, 117; Silk anil Dress i Just received iu our .rthe Tweiity-firi.- t Ward, shortly alU r he went, back the same year and rean Tuddknham. Shortly arter2o'clnrk this (ioods Elegant Line of Department . o'clock this niorninsr. turned with his family lu ISIS. In ISlf) ( Ioods iu the most stylish colors. morning, (April 6). at bin residence, Twenty Spring he went with President John Taylor Call and examine at first Ward, Salt Lake Citv, of pariilv.-iJ?. Aukkbacu & Bro. aud Curtis E. Bolton on a mission to KlderJohu Tu Idenli.wn ; born at ti.i.jiier m Aie.ti ne.l. - ! n the District Co.urt France, returning in IS;12. lie was Tv .1T stone, Norfork, KuKlantl, lUtt ot February, C. was Watson James eriioon, 1811; biiized in 1S90; emigrated to Utah in among those sent to settle Carson Valarraigned, chained with unlawful ISfri; performed a misftioa to Knglioi.t in ley, and returned with the others when ! AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. ion, under the Kdmunds law. 186970. were called back. In ls;'. he perlb was urivi n until the Lit of May to they Mill. Star formed another mission to the Eastern please copy. pieuii, :u:d lu.s bonds ilxed at $1,:Vni, and Middle States, senoo which time .Matinee 9. Kl!WBDT.-- At Kvening the Ilnnso of Hi itiir 8, April April Thoinis D")!isoii and J. M. Benedict he has been an active iucuilx.r ot Alma Ilobson. Richmond. Pnelin 1'niiim beomiii;.' seeurities. March 24th. at S:30 a. m.. Nauev Kennmlv. of the Priesthood at home. At the cramp in the Uowols. She was born April C4IAL ! COAL. ! COAL I organization of the Eighth quorum came from Cpper Canada, joined 10th, was hs chosen Weber, Hock Spring, Pleasant ValPurse Lost. Yesterday morning of Seventies, Bed Canyon All the Coais sold tne unarun at an early day, passed through and ley ever and has senior been, Mrs , Toponce lost from the Utah president, iu the Salt Lake market. Our Weber many sufferings for the Gospel's sake, and LOWER THAN ANY OTHER Central passenger train, when near since his baptism, a faithful member is Irom the celebrated Grass Creek died as bhe had lived, a faithfat Latter da e i, lier purse, containing fit in of the Church. He was the father of III mines and we are mining better coal samt com. ' No other Weber than ever before. U7 of whom survive him, beSEASON, AT inoii. v and fi.i worth of Jewelry. The children, can to this market compare brought Wi 5 greatgrandchildren, and tinder w ill please take it to the Utah sides All our coals are nicely with it. ESTRAY KOTICK. tcreeoed and cleaned. Ct ntral tr Wwttm liion Tclesrnph grandchildren. .The funeral wilt be Coui Department, Union Pacific Railheld in the 17th Ward School House oitl.-in i i.'dvo, for the lady. "AYS IN MT POSSESSION Wednesday April 8th, at 'J o'clock p.m. way Company.A. J. Gunnki-L- , Agent. black roan If ARE (Ivp vn.n One The friends of the family are invited. Oilier, Wasatch Corner. white spot In forehead, iio bruud. - Rrother Joseph A Sueeessliil Trip One black roan STI'D ' thr 'v.mr .l.iwhii.--".... turn.-Hut! fveninir from a bnsl-- t Oo to J. C. CuUer & Bro. for PROVO brnd. roan One rears MAKE, The old. three District Court Proceedings. E r WOOLEN Btrip In anJ OTllFK to t i east, in the interest 01 no brand. face, disvs. was case of OOODS, . Flannels, Savage Blankets, ah-Anthony Linsey, One blue grey 8TLD, eight years old, tti PrsKci-- r Nkh. He has been of Wool Battimr, Socks, Stockings, etc., white face, four white feet, while spot on nt i: eks, duriii' wltii'h time he missed this morning, and the suit 4S West First South Street. No. left on right side, uo bruuU. thigh, two London Bank vs. Flagstaff was tians-Icrre- d i ite tt.e rilic.ii. al bnilie-'centre-- : If uol claimedspots will be sold at the etray to the law and motion calendar. s nite sucressf ill, am of h. I'n :i, As we are going into the Boot and pofiad lu Parowan, Friday, April loth, lsti The amended complaint in the case Shoe business exclusively, we will " r turn in f! ;' henlt'i and spirits. W. H. of Hats, of T. C, Grifllths vs. E. A. Ireland was close out our entire stock Goods District 1'ouiidVeeper. and Gents' at ' Furnishing Cups Parowan, April 1, lsskiu ordered tiled. "v (Tost. Call and examine our prices at lfobbei-y- . Saturdav niirht the In the case of Thomas Marshall vs. DlTNFOItD'8. dim ESTUAY NOTICE. v i'kiloni.' in to Thomas Msynard, the London Bank, default of the deREMOVED. who st.ninT at tin- City Hotel, on fendant was entered and the matter reHAVK DT. UY POSSJESSION. L. D.&. A. Young, Boots Shoes to JFir-cj street, was opened bv ferred to the fclei k to compute the sum I1CS. Main St. some one who hud i ntcrcj his rtfom, due, and Judgment was graute.l as old. a Utile white in face near rijjht horn. of two and greenbacks, a prayed. ana on eacn nina loot, uo u.vwuurnj or branda visible. marks Hritish bu'd io- -' pistol, and a pair of The defendant Jq thr? case of the Oa liKtit fed COW VtoVtffMri olU,crop ie thl. t has not y. I been People vs. Lee Dong et al. were arilrawtis. OB belly, not Two ariv.'t- d. brand resembling on right and jrnilty. pleaded raigned days were allowed to withdraw the Matinee ha shoulder, a calf for her siU about ft April 8, Kvenlaff, April montbstnld. An Asisaiilt .. v Complaint was made plea. mm MKU mwmj WUI M vs. In the case of Frank Wright be sold to the bhjhe repoBibIe thibidder, momms.' i'i the Justice's Court, at in a rendered verdict S. Asehclm oa my corral, Muutlay, April 18, 1SM5, bt 10 waj R'.Mi'ist one A C. Jensen, foj assault m. o'clock was favor of the plaintiff and the jury KTKCP OF FIUH. GEO. CRANE, and battery on an ekl man named NielDefendant was allowed own true Laxative. PleasOtetriet PoBiidkeeper, Nature's discharged. sen. Tne arf.iir took plac- on the Millard Kanoah. Co., Vuh, April S, 16. to lUe notice for a new trial,, ant to the Palate, acceptable to the il.oiit, six miles west of the Sixth ten, days ranj-harmless in its nature, painthirty days thereafter In which to Stomach, less in its action, Cures habitual Ward bridge, over Jordan, and arqse aqd ESTRAY WOTICK. file the motion and statement upon the Biliousness, Indigestion and from a dispute reirardiu? a konae built a new trial. kindred ills. Cleanses the system, for motion HATX Df MT POSSESSION. bs Jensen for Neilseii's It In the caseoi Lucien Lutzguebk: v s purines the blood, regulates the Href ou is claiaie.l that Nielsen's asstillanf ,wbo and acts Bowels. Breaks Colds the On- - bay STUD, 3 rears old, left front and a motion for a re- Chills and Fevers, etc. him down sev-cr- Mary Worseldins, is a man, knK-keW:one, br;aaded BN ou loft left . hind foot was granted on organs ou which it acta. Strengthens demurrer Better than upon hearing tiua-htimes, and kicked him la the right trial of cause. nauseons Liver bitter, Om bay 8TUD S Tears ohJ.wfcite mediciaes.piils, in I 1876. and draughts.. bide, severely injuring him. He was Sample oottles face, hiad teet white ; ao braad. atrip A Jury was empaneled in the case of salts aud Oue i oottles sale for Mabk nn n.ara aorrel ail whim free, on to large the t?round, unable by found lylntf N, . Leavltt vs. Oxford and Geneva druggists. Z O. M. I Dni Store. end ef aoae. Mar ! forehead, bind ted arise, and lirought home by wroe otjil M, 0q., and the trial is ia progress. W bolrsalc Agents, r alt Lake City. Ufi friends. lwn4 re 8T 19 Richard 8 Hones, of England, was emUina; Ton left tliiga. ON tobrowalXlNKKT.ahnnte vmm has to Our n.i. . admitted citizenship. Furnishing Department 1 i finest selection of Boy's o brand. the day opened was C. Watson for Jamee arraigned Lecture claim An Illustrated will be toU 13tn; and Youth's Clothing and Children atIf10 mot a. h., al Parownn estrsyAprif ikmmi.U ' Dr. J. W. Iiurroughs will unlawful cohabitation and placed un- Kilt Suits, surpassing any thing show J w. t , ji. holVoak, der $1,500 bonds. He, was allowed heretofore. idve an illustrated lecture on th Dmtnct Pauadkorner. Parewaa Citr. Iroa (fe. ('all and convince yourselves, at , AurU 6th, opheei-- s of Dauiel and Joan' in until May 1st lo plead. F. Auekbach 4 BRO e the Tenth Ward Assembly Kuom, der auspices of the Improvement TIIK kP(JI.AK APPROVAL Welcome Home. Utah's Delegate Association of that Ward. He ha to Of the now famous Syrup of Flis as acT. John Hon. Calne, Congrs, charts the most efficacious and agreeable preseveral I a trp ot caby his wife and two daughparation ever offered to the world as a a a different animals, linages companied T j tarrh bariagi a l Bilihome arrived euro last for Habitual Constipation, ters, evening's by and otlier symbols nsed by these preat U.C. It U atteaded by train, after b absence of up- ousness, Indigestioa and kindred ills, aaianained. prophets lu representing future events. wards of four months, most of which has been won by tbt wise plan pursued 1 Yl by the California Fir Byrup Company. Thes!, with tln wauy hintorlcal refer- time has been spent 1 f benea. a meanbrana the nation's Knowing that any remedy truly ot ences, form a EruiKlwork for a very Uw: nostrils, ficial ia its effects on the system, and enand to guarding laboring Capital, tear docU and at the Same time pleasant to thd taste, interesting ami tstnictle lecture or, hance tbe Interests, of 'his constitui '? ' throat, affecting will meet with a rapid sale, the Comwe might say," ft course ot lectures. t ! the Aa the people of this Territory. Ha pany, through its agent, Z. C. M- - I acrid tnueaa m The gentlemau is no novice at the ents, the firws wttjj a call thla Drug Store, bait Lake City erlvesaway honored scretedrtha the subject,' ' v business and has handled ia ae and we wpre pleased to find sample bottles free of charge Try - 1. . . . botwith and for compaaiod it with which he i .aulte lamUlar, a great morning, Judge Large yourself.. I i?-'him looking so wjell after the long tles Uf ty cents or one dollar. For sals a bnraino; aeasa AK DOMESTIC ", will wblcb Th leetnre, many times. tioa.t Titer are care and assiduous by ail druggists. anxious of 1 period the and is commence at 7 o'clock, free, labor through which be has passed, afuJa. 'of public are cordially ivlted. Wo can lie has faithfully performed tha do tie ; Tooho Brothms time are getting in a headache, water aad Inflaaaed ryes. ' fafely bespeak a most Interesting AN D , S Y Ml hi office,. and his legion of friends large stock of the ever popular Doof NQ YARD. . He will- donltT a Bat ia oa a fonnded reniedr Mtead-wh or those the Territory will doubt- mestic" sewing machines. Two car- eorrect diaimoalf oe ttda duiaaae and can uo le'ss treat the same subjeet In other throughoht were received y, aad two oepeaaea npon. ; 60 eu. at unite with us In bidding loads to diMotlnl ito feel nd.rvl torelfnjeai!nrn.nt less more cars are oa the road. Give them a br nd. - Bample Met, bottle br drurgiau aiaU M ota a v J.tlbfrtl 68. Wards, a it is one that ought t8 be un- him welcome home. i O, IOX tTadc.;lSaljpl r ' BUCKLE A SON. cU. Jw v and old young. derstood by both uptwma walker UoM, ' n i in- i ,..w. r mHBMA J.. nt JL- - . iiio 1 1 'ifti Il 1 a LfUn I s j , Having; been East for several weeks past visiting all the large Furniture, at Carpet and Wall Paper houses, is now better prepared than ever to sH prices to suit the times, having made arrangements lor large shipments, he is selling his large and well selected stock at to-da- y. prJ Adnr 1 nnrr IJi'ULJV in i - j ; i ' . GREATLY REDUCED FIGURES. . K-n- i Call and exauiiue the Stock and compare priced. j to-d- to-d- lr ay 500 Pieces ay n. us Sore-Thro- m 55 o I I. IE3- - BY ut InwM'ilon In Inviletl lo Hi? InleMt unit iiiosl effective leitlii nnl in all the bot mukrs o( t'arMlN, Nnilllt'H Jlwuirllfii, ltt(riM niiat l.oHrll Ntluun' Nrw Vrlvrlii. IIikIj RruotM'lM. Kobnrj 'I He I r I.umi l" uU Monitor, llarttord Thre-Pl- ) , Extra Hupom- In ailllln to the akavr, I hav mi ioiiuraM lino ot all tlier irrmLrs of Inirriu, Muip, Maltlnir, Kir- Colorlna" IECE, 4 c r Yard ! w"all Paper The I .largest and Most Complete .St ock in Decorative and Plain Wall Tapers. THE BRANDS ARE - 3 ngiigs Co-o- tuui-plai- TDTTDUTinn T1 A at Cai-lcu- fr choose from. STANDARD PRINTS, . 1 A complete and Immense stock of all kinds and varieties, troin the cheapest to the Finest that is made. Two hundred different stxles of chairs lo Itah, of all yr.wies iu pre-eiuiiut- ice Morri macks, Mau'lustor, American, Knickerbocker, Washington, Etc. to-da- a-;- I THOMAS , AT RKDUCKD RATES, WALTON'S PATKNT, TIIK UKST MADH. : OIL CLOTHS, RUGS AND MATS, i fr ITIRID AND ri.ANINO MILL. ai.-ot- . m SIERRA . Ooi'n-mis-ion- yer , STAIH BUILDING A SPECIALTY. e, Goods r I i;j-- DEPARTMENTS Dolmans Newiftarkets-- NEW In all th 13 1 ARRIVALS. PATIENCE lul OOTS TT Upholstery and Drapery Material, With Trimmings to Match. A very Klne Stock of Imported and Do mestic Plushes and Coverings. BABY CARRIAGES. A choice selection, ransrinir from to .") .00 eacli. Iam sole asreut iu Utah for the sale of the best Iron Wheel ami Rubber Tire Haby ( 'arriasres and Velocipedes in the United States, also the best line ot Wood", Wheel, Cane, Reed and .slat 'Baby Carriages. " BATHERS. Prime Live Geese FeatlierM and Down. A very extensive and fine assortment of Woven Wire and Also Hair, Eureka, Wool, Excelsior aud Husk Mattresses. BED J . r- I I : jt TE AS DE L'S! . . HOMK-MAD- : . ! A larire assortment kept in stock, upholstered in the highest, tdvle of ort also keep in stock, Parlor Frames in Waluut. Ebony and Mahogany in all the aiesi styies anu upnoisterea to suit customers in any quality of covering. I BED ROOM SUITES 1'ROM $25.00 ! I :'.d - f1". ilteTifif d iirf HOf-TOA- $500.00. HOME MADE GOODS. A large stock of these urooi Is always kept ou nu.u, oi-tiir rf n..ni, and Dining Tables in Walnut or Pine, also Cupboards in Walnut or innegSiitS or tin doors) and Home Made Wire Mattresses. Call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Every article kept in stock will be sold -..- CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AT HENRY DINWOODEY'S, 37 to 43 W. First South Street, I m SALT - i TO BUILDING AND ROOFING PAPER. S v LOTJ1TQ-ES- . PAELOR SUITES . I v s ntral Snrirn Single and Double, amoutr which is the Celebrated Hoev Red T.o nr.trp. the best and most popular Bed Lounge in America for the inone. and for which I own the sole right to manufacture in Utah aud surrounding Territories. Hals, CapsBlankets & Clothing e Styles, Shiela, Madras, Silk, Turcoman, Ap plique and Nottingham. and Coats s. 1 1. olorlnif. FULL. 1. pr br. 4 CURT AIM i tooli-ila- and WINDOW CORNICES, WINDOW SHADES, CUR TAIN POLES AND LAMBREQUINS. i.th. v , !irable Mjle In SfW and Very LUMBER ASS'N ADA T bTT M.BER. ..WiBggg er "iri o: Ti Js 1Z IE CITY. C PATIENCE. 1 j l. . ATTEITIOI SHEEP-ME-N 'n-stlpati- on, Before Iieaving Town, Call on J Hua-in-la- la-L- 'c F CULMER G- - al ' And Mk & Arrangenaenta for Your OIL .0,?" V8 - j w BROS. . : un-th- nicely-prlute- repre-sentir- d Catar rtlOATiFHER K m ir.4 a m .., "i 2 . a Speciality of Both these Ar areJWklns i "We ticles, a 0 ST dia-hArg- Spring" and Summer 1885. a 4 lUmV . 4 ... . rtMllTElj iI Gnm - 5 V?CLOTII TliliI to-da- 1 ' CorrepoB-dewoaaolicitc- d. ,Ti trs mt ay i Amt tll "V 5 THE . la Fm, Om toaiaat Habltatai wu kMin OO 3L Thoae who want to buy Stalliona, Bnirgr or Saddle Horses, should not faif 0 com and euauae for themseloa or write to- me what they want r. t ii! - , ': ALMA 8t!PRATT, i v. .SALT LAKE CITY, -- TwBHles aooth of Temple Block, Wert temple :At2i109 ' T' - J |