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Show ifir7iFi?TriTriTii-'''f"-- ?TrtrWrajt tn4a ditto bi the natidns, toUa wiWief wbiJe iti tift do- - irtdrctrrffnts j wH ugalns Itlvely as he everd4d to any of the an isplrlt ol peace was leaving; the 4rth. . inesticcqflduct they are hot what ther different parties upon. tpe flimsiest evi cient "Proihet!it ctrtaia . pr'acipk . asA1J ol the Indication that Christ hid should be. Kvery man's lif5 shoutti dence, acq in sotnc instances upon eviof the marsociated with the FthUmhrd Daily, Sunday Kjccrpted, said would be precursory of his second rc suca tnat his wives ana children cau dence which would have no weight riage covenant, haseternity given definite comcoming existed now. In accordance bear best testimony coueemln;; With any Jury. The result mands pertaiuiu thereto and made AT FOUR O'CLOCK. with the divine Injunction it wa.4 h!m. the The speaker stated that his has been that a rciq of jodlcial terror them obligatory. upon us to carry out. therefore proper for the Saints to lift eKteent and love for the servants has prevailed and still prevails in these He has made m;tllifest t? us those great - God bad up their heads and rejofce, because of of Increased - bv Seeing no "prospect of fair and eternal pridtiple.s which bind woPRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE the nearness of their redemption. He closer association with them. This valleys. men have deemed it Defter to man to man and man to woman, childtrial, alluded to the numerous disrupting was because he had opportunities of avoid arrest lor a season, or ubtu mere ren to parents and parents to children, DESERET NEWS COMPANY. elements that were at work in this discovering their devothit to the truth. was a prospect of f receiving pinparttil aud has called upon us in tne most ia Xcountry, and spoke of the present posi- Trere is nothing that U right but they treatment by tber courts and juries.. emphatic and pointed manner to obey the are rutdy. la doil it conduces to the. Prosecution hadegeneratedintQ per-- them. These l: lotions principles intion of the Church In cruel and harassing opposition to advancement of the cause' of God on sedition. A law whicn is in and of volve our dearest interests ami assoCHARLES W. PENROSE, EDITOK.' which it was being subjected. The tue earth. He had heard it stated that itself , as we believe, unconstitutional ciations in time and throughout the We are clouds of adversity were as needful for "Morraonisin ' was a stupendous and aimed at the practice of religion, eternities that are to come. the development of the work as the fraud, and those who were of that and so viewed by a number of our told that this is His everlasting covensunshine of prosperity. There never opinion had wondered that he had been leading statesmen "in Congress is taken ant, and that it has existed from eternApril 6, Mnlny, was a time in which the Saiuts had selected for one ol the leaders, and lie advantage of and carried to lengths ity and, furthermore, that all covenhad been asketl whether he did not probably never dreamed of by many of ants that relate only to time shall be greater reason to rejoice. The opposibe at death an-u, tion would have two leading effects. realize that it was a humbug. To such the men who voted for it. W e have dissolved confekknck. ;kneual The? wer already being .pfMlttitl, Um louxer - Ulndiut; upon the human fiis teettmouy with wh sometime thought Utast ot the people aud the purilk-a-tiosiblc for men to indulge in such vin- family. He has, moreover told us that uniting effect, because he had lived Annual General ConThe Fifty-tilt- h of the organization. The former to his profession. A irool according if we do uot obi y th js.- principles we deal was dictive feeliusrs as have been mani ference of the Churcn of. Jesus Christ . fested bert; but iu condition coukl not b,reaclel wiUumR bcio said atooUt son-ofor a m! mil j be damned. lJelieving tbaathori-Lutter-daIn the y of Saints convened the latter, and unleM we we ot, ties retirHig from pnblic vtew tor a cause we hsve bwii forced to the con principles t tve 01 ioi anf t rn 1,0.1 into cl rnal covenants Christ would u:t fully accept us. 'Al- season. Why should any people thrust clusion that these violent prosecutions we have eiit-re- l Losran Tabernacle, Loican City, on under tlie uiosl .uleiiui ready thy. .riddling process was beguut their hauda intq.. the tire when they were, only intended Jto prevoke thepeo-- , with our wives Saturday, Aprl! 4th, 1W5, in por&uance anifTti the mo.st sacred man and men were showing "where they kuow they will be burned by so doing? pie 16 c muiR some overt act whereby promises of an unnoiiiiceineiit by the First Presistand. In course of time the hypocritThere will be opposition to the Latter-da- y the incoming administration might be lier. Aniomr the rights guarauteed to us in the UonnUtutimi of the United ical and corrupt would be eliminated. Saints until the whole social fabric embarrassed. dency. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. from the Church, leaving it stronger. of the world is revolutionized, in seeing Permit us to refer to our own cases. states is not only 1 ri t "Congress shall Apostle Franklin 'D. Klcbartfs pre- lue speaker these, things we are only witnessii President John Taylor at the beginning make no law respecting :ui establishBenediction by Apostle Ueber J. more eolid and pcacetul. m.le.l, Bad nothing to say about those who tue imminent ot tuat u lucU lias Oeeu of this vear, bearing of the persecution ment oi religion or prtdiiliiting t !i f Grant. vvhich-ouW were in to the e brethren were subjected to sue thcrco!, " but that 110 SLatu engaged may persecuting I're.ient on the stand : Of the Twelve iiropheeied. the obdetermined to visit that shall euact any "law Saiuts. If the Oltiiuat effects of their men who are corruptexpect arise and AFTERNOON. Franklin ). Jtlchartls, Franmovements will be as stated, tney are proclaim that this people are wicked. region, iu company with a number of ligation of contracts." Ours are concis Marion Lyman, John Henry Smith, The choir saug : of the No man In this Church cau comhiit the the Killers. His object in going there tracts of a moat .sacred ciwiract!!' and unconsciously dojng their lleber J. Grant. of such vital tiuportauce lor time and work of the Lord as well as we, but on siu wincn tne world laiselv accuse was to visit with and, as far as possiAlso a number of President of Hark! the book o,f Jubilee, the opposite line. Jienunciation was the Saints of perpetrating hnd retain ble, comfort the Saiuts. Five of our eternity that all worldly obligations Loud as mighty thunders roar Stakes, Bishops, Elders aud other had uuderoue a form and contracts Kink into insignilicaucc useless, and he had none to nurl at the Spirit aud a standing l the com leadiim brethren from various parts of In comparison with iheui. any one. Kpeaamg iot nirnseir, wun-Of- munity. Adultery is ot a" sins the of trial', a travesty of Justice, and three Prayer by Apostle Heber J. Grant. Utah am! adjacent Territories. .n:on;' the opiulon most abouiiuablo (the sUediliug of in of them had beeii sent, uoder a sen- many of th professors of modern The Conference was called to order Now, let um rejoice in the riay of salvation. out claiming to voice a is iked as an th:s of to ) three iu of tence the mI blood upon of others nocent in relation Christianity controversy the imprisonment excepted sight by 1'resideut Kicuaids. No longer as strangers on ear, h need we half years and "mhi tine each, to what error, and without inspiration or reve said, be knew God. By incidents of his ovvn .expe The Loi;aii choir naux: lhatwasinprogress.be roam. ol nothing those who were opposed to rience the speaker illustrated the confl may be rightly termed the American lation 011 this subject, till the idea t'vH (.lorious things of thee arc .wpokeu. the Church had to offer for which he uence that people outside the Church Siberia, upwards of 2,000 miles 1istmt Hver presented associated with Hit Was suns? by the choir. that they enter from their own homes the House of inamal relations, Zion, city of our (jod. proposed to baiter away anything he have In a busiuens capacity in faith the ful Latter-da- y The other into tletie contraci: "iiiittl tleath do ELDER JCXICS F. WELLS to olevlienc Detroit. had received Correction at and the distrust through Saints, was offered The opeulDg prayer by had to them rarW" Tho b Ulliej., lite glories sentenced been He exhorted the Saiuts to be with which they look upon apostates. two He es- - Gospel. the . congregation. addressed Apostle John flenry Smith. anil and perwtuitv of tno?i l.imesti lies . .. . '' mouths' to each other and to sustain th There are, however, some meu who hi. true i :. imprisonment it 1........ The saut; those etuh'anOtf sssociat'.oiis whiih of God; not only m word, but have been in the Church who never $."ir) tine in the Territorial Penito the truth iu the presence of the people servants in deed xhould it be necessary, lie were energetic while in it, and have tentiary at Yuma. Kvery member of cluster r.'oii.nl tic f.uiily oiganiition, .All praiite of our redeeming Lord, also hau in The assembled of Saints (jod. outmessenger Who )om9 u by Hih grace. perish whenever the grim against those who turned exhibited a similar lnmnereuce alter our Church was shocked at these accordance with an annual custom that declaimed Death approaches, it is now made a aud the truta.anti leav ing it. Some who have withdrawn rageous proceedings. For, while a, friends their against more for than been bad established iiikstuknt f. D. KKIUBUS crime by uninspired men iu po.sscss eharaeterlated a rajtor as the most from the Church, the speaker hoped were prepared to endure the legal confifty years.. Such occasions had been despicuole of ail erealurea s of the of on cartu. to the those hopes and practice tliose see violation to of return fold the S.tWI it va. an occasion for heartfelt sequences someday who those with blessings to wil-Lin the which for an upnot anthem. JlUe.d choir virtuous, The boon hail wtyp llhrist. law, SQiim prepared sang they irratitude that we were permitted to pregnant uou. are dispose! to ooey tne wsii oi u't'tusahd lyratinlpal perversions of right, holy and eu.iiii nt hu h of (iod Benediction by Apostle John W.Taymeet underso favorable circumstances Business iigut anu euergy wueu, in rue iAitu siucll has always been transacted as were Involved in these senhave esteemed as treasures the law are ..V rbitter .... . .'the of Gospel, lor. equally as those that surround us. It was a at of is soch times that impor price. Under an infatuated, mist tken against the truth, seeking to teJT tences. No man who could by any and matter of retrret, however, that the tance to the people of the great Am world. suicidal policy they seek to binst be accused, any louver SKCONJ? DAY. wen possibility down what they formerly of the Church were unable bassadors lor Christ are commissioned Presidency Not dared I to submit his ea.se to such those hopes which are a solace lo it,,, lu building up. engaged to be presect, and others of our to go forth bearing the massage of the of life of the believer in the re, xoftxiKu withstanding, tbu evil that is 'falsely tieu'.meiit, Many of lUein,In therefore, brethren were necessarily absent from Gospel, which la tidings of great Joy to a foreign (od, and to sever those connubial t s If any additional the honest In heart. It was a happy spoken of the pwitiiiueiit lldevs In this left their homes., to this Conference. Hunday, April th. Church, if any one of them were to land that freedom fromIn persecution which bud in time and will evidence were wanted to show that tis'e when you listened to the preachtheir own. and bear fruit in the Celestial Kingdom which was denied them give Ins word of honor to any of the this Ctuirch Is no. of the world, it ex- ing of what God had revealed for the Conference convened at in a. in. that of our (iod in the eternities to com- -. was cite It instances under them Marshals thee that the avebuntiug received ists You The depnty choir His of Notwithstanding children. benefit sang of cannot The Christianity of and the a a he President Mated time company at would the that of appear Taylor, In Saints, It. and message gladly obeyed peculiar surroundings idiarac-tc-- r thon ploiioui d;iy of promise. Arizona. Come, offerus visited referred Klders had no he aud doubt it anythlmr of an eterii.ii for the the to, that place, so laid orinhter day never appearedthat prosworldly doiiM( your you !i cheerful foi I'l.iu to us and at ate while San Come and his r;ly. would be taken by the officer. The ITpon are pects on the altar of sacrifice. You re spread thy return, coinpeiif t'huicn than this. Trees ot the truth which - deui uidcd Ix'st aud most honorable men of the Francisco, he received telegrams inF. M. Lyman. jiak. ii by the winds seem as if they ceived the ministrations ot the Holy by Apostle Prayer him was for The fact is, mankind, hi tiu-iunsafe of ns. m it him n a. that co would be torn up. The soil of the Ghost, and, through thai medium-- , a unity jta tuie. hiul entered iuto forming Disre Hark! yc mortals, lli.it' benOli, endeavor to correct (i id's sisteniof plural marriage and were the objects to come back to Salt LakeheCltv. cartii is loosened around the roots. witness of the truth, iiecause ui tnat did return marriage, have adopted a of the cruel pro-se-c ulio us, that were gardiag these, however, Ytjjcps froia Cnmorah's lull, The trees are thus tested. At such testimony you gathered to this land his to business which is entirely iu'adc(Uute to save con and. now attended beiii!' The soeaker enforced. pablicly knowla iu linn s the tallest of them are most increase that might was sung by the choir, man from the dreadful eyiis by which cluded by expressing confidence that for tmiue time; in the meanwhile (t to the hurricaue. It ii not edge you of the truth and iu consequent a discourse to the Saints in the he Is surrounded 'vbile tlu Al'OSTLfe'jOllX W. TAYLOR therefore- a matter of surprise that obetiienceto.it. tQecuusp ot truth aud righteousness who possess Those and millions of honotable, Tabernacle. - Seeing, however, how would be ynqicated some of our leading brethren are not IUC null! an t, ii.i, i w ii iii . i ' ' ' addressed the Conference. ' otflolals upright men in ;:ie world, who have certain' determined' There are times of such a foundation promotes iiVd,jrl with us the blgueift as a people, we are subject Although, to niimy lieise ware to c iuharr.aas, arrest and tjevnted- their entire liva s to t'.ie j KLqse iiarviiiv if. clulk, winter when the frosts cause the trees pnase of valor. Ibe has, in this frailties, we also of morality and virtue, ami the under bonds cverv. prominent inany j'jalities ehjbjt to show scarcely any iollajze or appearor ail revealed In ordr sys the Presidency of tin place and are noble. The speaker Ud not, Counselut of iiifornied of every sinful practice, threats being extirpation ance of life. Hut while the adverse dispensation, uian, tem of government that fully Bluet the that Utah Kfttke. was the next soeakei'. lie made his r ow'lt liberty,, Ue the.eviis against which tier battled, in the rhinirenient ot th iiuniau race, lja- - since his arrival in Logan, heard the had N HSlMl IS Oil. the sau is down against the Deity blasphemed; neither it wie trndftv thf I'lremrf, havu aifeadily iuereased around liiem. cause of this revelation the work) is nameheofobserved toots, and if the winds have loosened tutr years. n all h la travt js deemed any intemperance or nearly stmccs. to withdraw for awhile to at- - The system which they taught was uot. the earth, they are exteudins? them- - arrayed against those who acknowledge had iu never he bad world encountered th The disturbance the of houics teud to his business lu a more private Uod' system; it did not-,- therefore, peucu. vis. and when the season chanu;tJf, It. It is but a repetition of what lias- of tne people are neat which be was willing to ac- luauuer aud uonifort-ald- anj thing he had been IU tae liablt uiet.it man's wants. Those ehaiiMels tli result will be lancer and belter occurred In the history of the worhl i ba.l He his fajtu. himself. of doina than exahange far The people of the community cept in his public olUee. This" he which (iod has provided f..;- the lawful fruit. Some ol our brethren aud sisters tnere in is uotlun We know tliat a tho of for truth of different nationalities, and their Heteittimouy up to the present exercise of the appetite Willi which feel timid at the threatening cou the religion that we have espoused are had witnessed and passed through has continued to duand together ought ifto be awould geat d u 'ion that exists, but there is no cause that has answering let- He has endowe man, under the sysreceiving writing, other effect than gathering In and any thorn. he pefolced persettuttuuH to the world, they couusel and instruction, tem Ww in vog.ie have been dammed ters, giving lor mil alarm. It is a time when the to exalt aud improve those w!kj testimony maudinonts we If of God the io,m it. it was one of the most sigkeep assiduonsly to all up, aud the history ol Christendom inSaints can ko before the Ioni in so put it into practice. The ppeaker had, receive we will behold Ills salvation, lie bad anddavotinu' his forms us with what terrible results-t- he signs of the latter times. The alwavs of too duties except in calling, n et, t obtaining; betheleaders spirit of revelation he said, been subjected toruauy allure nificant have believed the Saints would have come to ion to feast upon from the addresses and instruc public degradation and prostitution of meets to lead him f rtin the faith of his Saints tint hey may to pass throustr diCMenlty. and that stand. Neither he. President Georue woman aud the spread of th.e most 'jrjstructiourf jsiven them by the 1 tors to their families, themen preens Ho had asked of those who th father. every species ot subterfuge wouldde--le O. liuifliin. nor President Joseph F. terrible scourge known, of (jod. They belive ie inand had ottered such linducemeuts to show f'i huiuanitv, r;tits liour llnds the standing of 1 to to their bring "about aad propnecy. , They: Hud resorted Smith have hail any ollicial notifica the social evil, wHu tti: attendant train women. Those who are not grounded him any truth of a progressive aud de splration The ungodly will continue tion Ktfti4?n. iu liredtctuna faith the? or fram With our information are reliable luathaome horrors. ilnsplrsa. ot 4 show it love the in the truth by sirable character that was not incor in ancient ;- tfaaes. b$nm In th(s Mne, t fs not tlje pract!g,3-othat know ledge oi Uod's laws vve never can auv q Ulcer ui tho iHiurt in.' themselves, and thus the ctiureli is porated in his reliiitoq. It was stated delivered' some of doctrines the the that some are brings been fulfilled, had such a systcfiian.lc.il! it civilizanrotiess of auv kind had boon issoed made uurer and better. Such situations iu reply that the Saints had no stand and animus airuded to. It Is the principle uL'ainst them; at, the same time their adopt fulfilment of And wc' again take this opporill tion. process t trial are periodically necessary to ing in society at large; that they wart cihers is er that Saiuts the opwould surely be verified in due cf pow among of llrotlicr tunity of Warniuv: the Latter-da- y that from the pure degraded. The speaker said that the especially residences, men separate the corrupt are who ol the very posed. Many F. Smith, have been invaded Saiuts against lh,:,se mui'deious anil prapljets of olden times, Thev are needful to bring us to repent hatred of the world was no evidence time. TheIsaiah, had prophesied in opposed to the 'Cnurcli are the pnes Joseph and the Marshal, his daininii'.' practice-- : of .ftetieidc an. and searched, ance of all our shortcoininus. ine against the K&lnta, and trwy were far notably to Imwould bring, the establishment, iu its who are corrupt, and aud spies infanticide, to introduce wir.cli their and oiir HDeaker honed that those who should jfrotn being degraded. A good deal had relation dcpntles moral community,i.o have displayed a aealspotters practices into this tne to ascertain the midst attempts have been m.aile i'ne.se location, of Zion. The ile concluded fnllnw him in addressiuu the peopK: been sab:' about the .status ot tile young present exalted bainis by it admitted heard peoexhorting had Hie. of f Uoiiiiile by First Hock are H'so Presidency frnits the the feed to speaker enabled would be practices uhereaijoids people of the conimiinii y. Some had ple who do not believe in the divinity increased faithfulness. .system of marnage.und that has' led Ui ilits conUusuin tUat they of u, Christ. The Saints of Cache Stake art proved recreant, but there were excep The choir sang an Antljeni. so terrible have they become phethem iuto their tu that mjiiv Wished power lieculiarlv blessed, being under the tioijs, ami the majority were strong ol this work that It is a wonderful get t)V O. ue.J ictton Hi? lie Kre'splent'tiharlcs for according to hUtury Uttdef arrest. Anl uot 01 the loading thinkets of the Ka-ulaue Ihebl in very shades of a Temple of God. He in thii'r integrity. Brother Wells nomenon, more its adherents were abused, Card. onivtliLi anaiotv was maulfestod In have told their people, and brought said it was far from a proper method to the prayed that trie Massing oi me ofixiro and the more determined the efforts their casus, but President Woodruff statistics to prove, that unless these the draw him away from the mig'hl attend the proceedings folthe religion of his made to suppress it, it had the more session During the afternoon and several of the Twelve Apostles, crimes are stopped, it will only be a t 'oiifercuce. father, to hold up his paveuttj as the success. The Church is a nursery, besides numbers ot other lealiuic meu. short lime until tue primitive, Puritanic lowing epistle from the First Presiextremest type of criminality. He o spread nndyieid good fruit in dency was BISHOP 1)AVII H. CANNON' have been threatened and sought for stock ja' 111 become extinct and foreignB. F. read Elder by knew that they had taught him to houor should preers tae their place, their lands, ti(, ir with assiduitv. nation. The young : if St. ieorge, was the next speaker. God aud walk uprightly, and if he did everythemselves Jr. w for the ork that will In Knxland. upon one occasion, the houses and their homes. Thee fiendpare He had oeen called upon to represent uot so conduct himself, it was no fault devolv e upon upon theui in the worid. eloimciit Lord Chatham said, ill speak ish practices !;rc becoming so common PliKSIDKXl's Okfick, ' which the St. (ieorge Stake of Zion, the of theirs. He concluded by stating This opposition has boon Lake City, tae rights of the sijlij net, that a that one of the most reliable historiSalt injtif masses of the people of which were that the Gospei developed ail that is mentioned iluriug this Uouae was his uastlej that ans positively asserts that "millions man's Hli, ins.".. prominently April (iod. The threatening good in man. illstih iugofto serve was Conference need not cause ay fearl it might be so poor tnat tne do them, because they think they canthough to them affairs the causing Members To and of the. Officers aspect ness. Thiscalled to mind the fact that PRESIDENT AltRAM HATCH, heaven could penetrate it and not afford to raise children" of rains b more united. The Stake was someLatter-day in the year and Vtinfch of Jtsu Chri-j- ot lu the Slate of Georgia As Ule male utfiultcrs oi our Church the winds beat tlirouuh Its crevices. what scattered, Panacea, oue of its set- of Wasatch Stake, was the next speakot ussassination Saiut.1 in Conference axseyilded: yet the King of Englaud himself could who practice plural marriage are estill'i miles from St. er. This is (iod's work. We are iu a half 'following the tlements, being were mote yjeapje hot cross its threshold without its mated as not exceeding but little, if Standing (ieorge, and tae roads were somewhat His hands to do as He desires. He, Joseph a ided to the Church than during the lKUVK BkKTHKKN AM SlSTKUS: owner's oerinlssiou. any, two per cent of th,e entire memdittk'ult to travel. At one time there his servants, will instruct us same length of time in any previous through perA recent illustration of t'io zeal of bership t't the Church, wc consider it It is eminently proper, under the these had been a good deal of speculation as as to what course we hould take under iod. The principle of plural marriage, oitiaials aud thol creutufus has an act of great injustice to the niuety-elgnot being arle to be to what would form line of demarca- ali circumstances. While listening to against which the main force of the circumstances, per Cent, to be abused and out-agand the what was said by the with vt n t ,,.vnuk,i hi nur Aiintll f :m . come to light in the case of President tion between the righteous one this had been was aud have all their business rela- -' speakers who nas just re- being hurled, H time morning, the mind waudered anuoe, tluitl nddrena It appeared at We you shdId ference, back to opposition fWW! the hypocrites.united lasOtutiuu CllvliMfrom lefore The railroads tions disturbed, values of every kind un" Ocwt lines and express to you our order, which was so the scenes of Illinois, when tht Propn-- t afuandation, of the world, that the been swarmlxg settled, neighborhoods agitated and There; bJ atilth.. and "S""BJ? ',a?c feelings hopes and tljen came Ids been somp.Ulk aWmit Pfesjidtuit concerning much advocated bv President Younu'. Jos lived, 'ps ,l alarmed, and the property ot the people Deputy Marshals aud their, myrthe grt'at work of or God in which we with would produce that effect, anil also death by violent hands; subsequently issuing a revelation abolishingi'aylort that areaU midons to intercept and arrest him. generally jeopardized, because o( this of came oreat- - tnat anion that is necessary. Saints the lntereaiteq. from the revela-tlou Pjeveratany mutuallj' a driving of svstem When become to it has marriage. 'raid'- upon these alleged bioikersof time In otir fives have we had more oy Wetiaye yet learu that uot, however, been at-- t their homes. ilaJiy people locked upThis result hasmeans. kind is given it will be and ior- uonoraoiu wuu.ieieu iu the law. Neither has it on those times us Involving great when ofthethat satisfaction iu the Gospel and iii necessary liaetl bv that uo use for tbe.Llt Lord to ba themselves courts,: The statement of how small a to America report the aiuiier to repentance. The hardships, as the Saiuts had done hru"ht crusade will never the labors thereof than we nave at the y when they of the males is engaged iu thisportion otlleer civil at;d or ttjis Marshals Saints, any pracwas the to Saints betime. Profonndly gtatefnl against in nothing to deserve such treatment, present a for He has premised Ui gfve present leave home on business, or to ask for tice, exhibits in the clearest light how that direc- ing our God for Hiskimloess to its in peraud The transpire, peaceful having strong tendency to them. aud sustain the to vised. theni have or them are kingdom destitute of foundation the ctiarges tion Many who had been prev iously gathering to this place under President Hut those who oppose the Church do mitting lis to Ijave a name aha a place i;issroi-tThe questiou has lieen asked us, how made against us respecting ttiis insti.slack iu relation to their duties were Young was accomplished; the people not caru much aboui plural marriage; among His people, aud ta be the bearers course we tution threatening the inotioaanic torm iateua t pqrsue mis of His everlasting priesthood, 'e are long Have established themselves iu homes, it is the principle pf unity, and conse all eady returning to the Lool. PerseI n answ er we sav. that at uu Unui dur claimed to be tlie lcature of to for with Ills determined press help cution', in the shape of hunting anil ami have spread out on uvery lutud. If, quently ot the preseut civilization. power that in fegTcrV. The ward with increased diligence and zeal ing our existence have we evet shrank of ipairiu, the servants of liod, and vi are faithful vve are as sure to reharas-duLAtter-oa- y saints are trie moss the investigation of o ir conduct, vNeed we ask you, Latter-da- y Saiuts, main here as we live. .We fear uothlnit doing our part .toward he .carrying Jj'o,n Irivlii" tne innocent from their homes, of any people on in or of our hvew 'by any nere assembled ! Do the lives and conorganlzad our utterances to see W also but the of on Saint and. to we ProspurjiQses lib do should not that try to till is vjrkl only wrong. Is only admitted This would-boy e earth. lived persons the We reformour under of duct tribunal. hve mauin-gtepresent up the cup of la fair en ible the wicked has, in soiuo instance, caused vf Ikj have studied the associations of His hand marvelous! rare of the public and where 'every" ers afford you examples that you would which the Lord perity us to be proud, forgetting that what every part of the world. Thu otgcials behalf ol ins ueoDies j W a,Bovf mat act tueir iniiiuity, ofafter be to am! could choose scrutinized. epfeifcsiaii His hiding place and w.i have received has come from the vyho is with us, that His Augels adopt; of have your children His will come out y, as cverto fodowV 4.gaan. lire opposing, the Church ire in letviipower a ready need we ask you : Who sore Almighty. us, and that uo We areour concerning charge vex t'lis and other nations w ith bea such , and of Take a have power. lutroducers cases of to the beeu submit injiney organ pursuit properly will can on however milled one, fall a over Their sufferings Stake upon any extends ' The asatch vexation. the eno 'ria ttp prspK t to saloons, gambling dens and drinking ot'our and away brothels peers, ie.lcvurt jnry known it without being of isonw It i"" BttoUle, fully extent iucludes create as to Territory. their WrU of the otlver ad' decide upon. So eoulbloat arc we of into our towns aud cities? or who have ' that the work of large tnat uoa is our mis Wasatch and Uintah counties formerly eease. Knowieugo n jage4 'ia The sneaker testified g Tboie t'jtyioi. wrong-doinof been and Innocence and ttieir aiders alleged ,the patrons The gospel would one. The people are attentive to their crusade are to 9s, anu ncars auu auswers our (;,'would goin on. seeking to break the near we entertain ue fears Of the promoters of every form of licentiousthat in world to order of cause is an the and prayers,uateasirj H i,e preached duties, being diligent, prayerful We ness, which, when wc cuuie to these po we ot the. community. of n:h a truU. and praise. For a wise result L ave the wicked without excuse and sober. The little ripple of excitement political the Government would take less trouble thaukf uluess meet the issue at any mountains, we hoped to ttave left are to willihs Ho In His scarceperover has Utah lias either-thprovidence honest, aud thus prepare that afatfl and purpose passed to ntirqe M Latter,-da- y moment. We are fully coaseiQU? of behind rjs,' yvt' cull' upon you to iu the exercise of our wav for the second coming of ly reached Wasatch Stake. The peot more 'fcttuijilon ta roat'ug .oMt Jtlie mits the wicked,froiu of the all of violation pay iunocence aud protect yourselves and famvv Li' rr: guard to time OI ixiu their t are mivtriii, to time, n Minllle Sluns ple attending staying at home, tlestructive elements that were tiireat-etii- to arrlicta&cucy, of laws Constitutional or of laws ilies (rod rue corrupt aud iusiduous against Since His may the followers. saints re brethfeel farms. wue days enacted by man. But if there are laws influences. their apparent, foriheir iiiir They very society at targe, it would le of our lather Adam this has always Their vvavs are the ways of out me ju.su niu mc ren who are harassed by persecution, much more to hive to be tried, conducive the beour of to uiade because public entrap ns, death, and their paths lead down lo fUri it wjll coatlnue t Ii la th Tind stand the testing hour. It and do not know but it may come combinations that beensoth'si caso, in ami practice of the revelations destruction: 'Wexnort you, therefore, was their turn after a while. There was weal. The secret kmg as 'Satan lias any power lief de- - be, was through trial that Abraham mean destruction and are Hw forming CJhurcu Ul. tu preserve your bodies and spirits those who shall be very little business for the High Coun- vastatlou: They will Increase! and over the hearts of the children of men. vhieb GodJuu.tfiv.cn. t sted, and so withun We are all children of the same Great which a coqrt aud jury shall decide pure, to protect the virtue and houor of cil to do, disputes being but few and cause fea? to seize upon the people. iu""" in IInbrreil amoiin we have violated, yv deb Ire at. least, your wivps and daughters, to live your same prumm-- j ,'cn i... mui far between. There are three Indiau aud b. i j t.. the be marks Parent, and each one has thetoopportu , ...iii'iin wiit prominent uu,u would will tribes within the borders of the Stake. fin- their mm or that it shall be upon what all the religion, to deal honestly and houor-abl- y I, : and "' grautea privilege nity Men Ami ii ;ini.i"-oectrpyinir world call good evidence and substanantipathy. . ... w.. ...is he. in the due time of the The people are very kind to them, aud wjth all men, and to maintain invvoum ue lu her to exercise his or herageucy. W and consuicuous not prepositions tial tliose glorious principles which upon violate religions proof, of serve choHcn have God Israel. to the a tuem friendly feeling exists betweeu because of the state of iiilngs We have submitted to His Lord. to have been revealed unto you. Aud, have judice, and through a determination laws, and the settlers. God requires of us danger or no SU.AS S SMITH, evidence aud furthermore, do not porniltauy of these puuish, obedience to HU law, and to do tbe approaching. an anecdote about obeyed His Gosnel. and have chosen convict related Tn to have evidence. speaker Ve at we have to cope, to which QUirnt, least, abuses with Con-tUo Op nrua the path Wbteh He assures us will bring J.. t'l,ln m.umt .tllltliiH.lil Of Sau Ld'S Stake, addressed the to f labors of life in the spirit UUal burglays, thieves .tempt you to retaliate in kiud, or to same the riguU us His into of His Others presence. his fortune a be, pel. re'nee in tlie Eastitnvited by lady relative of It had been and murderers are accorded under the violate any Constitutional law uf th with the a late Utah 'etieral f ne'ap, fitAU a children prefer a different course law. In that case, should conviction land. Yoh will remember that Joseph riiv his Identification PRK8IDEJST V i. WOOLLKY, a to different of They his yield and, V Infjnence, W of the period life, hen fie visited her he unaer her -house. unli, most follow, we should ubmit to it as mar- Htpltb, has said that that! sacred Instrur. w Kauab UW its ;aey addressed the pqvyer, Confer oi Strike, wmroom syeijwho Qesfroy asketl lato there - resident of frontier tyrs have submitted in every age when ment was given by inspiration of Cod, conGod of aud are all work ence. He left home on te tote of March, Were a largo number of'when; thi ladies and nected with it. This thev can do in the God has had a peopU upon the earth, and It becomes our boundeu duty to .Xlo-- a to) was composed mostly of peo-.,!- ,; to attend the gathering of the Saints now sex. He was placed e. of the other as persecution inliicted upon us for sustain it In all its provisions. A great His residence is iu the extreme And tue States. of Father the exercise which southern of agency south the of trom in the middle the froup, and the has to Hi" laws. our In their blind zeal seek adherence while to mep may In been times Not unto had The Utah. Stake was compelled he of them, giveo only manv the him nv what lus less asked represented ' people in Our faith ami practfes ibr which we to. oppress us aud briny: us into bon homes on account of iua prosperous condition. out id 0141 own day, the wicked The numUtah thought of Judge M ."f'Oh! past, ive their former bail nave reached dage, we must qot be provoked to do as of are ber the la tormented and mostly but and sought to be condemned aud small, persecuted, people ileisecuiion, nnjr they are, We didn't pay any attention to such trracllce of Sailifcs Is an they do but to maintain the rights, the almost of peni-i..God. deredthe In and Latter-dawhile faith y j.ho Hut, generally speaking, good small potatoes as he," was the In us sl.fclmr tfrtntr L.lnr. im.w.M K...... heir new location was immunities, and seek for the happiness of dull If and huliust children. God's best and Saints. There are lew if any permacondition. Business This incensed the tjues selves g, as well as to matutaiu all the institutions nent residents who do not belong to reply. condemnation, their we are sinners lain this rospcut, thuu anq everlasting she said: and "I tioner. sup labor scarce, but that the freedom of all men of every name, rtlstingUished by the color existed ill other the church; cousjcijuenUy thoir iutor-es- ts pose you don't like tha Judge acts are overruteu ior ui giory anil AbrahaR who and organizations and creed. are common. They feel like sus- iMKiause ue wout allow you to nave as exaltation of His faithful people and Iord hlirtself as the f rieud of God, was f the Church were established we solemnly testily to urt, and conclusion, are prospering. The present taining and protecting one auotber. ur.any wives as you want." "VMell." the aacompllsbinent of ijis purposes in a sinner.. If we are singers, then Jacob theInLatter-dathere y and to the world. Saints Solomon conc and Moses and 01 and tue had the had some eartu. Church of Ijlkanah, trials the Tuey had two passed through Brother reoeiupiiou said a'tack upou Butterlleld, "I In the past. kasiWc dona have bo often seen we a few oast For 01 too imiii months hare outers that than had effected but the but iMvidi&adii late, little In I iind people they wives when be arrived Utah, trary effect upon mat lu a His were established God has tboso raerous an to ol aq vvre harm. inuution. exhibition, this sinners zioa, and Thv have Saint valleys ixo occasion to have got them vet." This so excited of discouragement. The Saints whom we 'Ills work will roll forth, aud that all Latter-da- y Kveu tear. lleiug tae Lave Tunes of works. more the been asaiast eood nnd Jeshimsel,the faith she ueadiy in nostinty past the that sprang lady's indignation increasing fight agalust it will perlslr. need, not enumerate to adore as our Jt 'ileemer and the Author those who seen character than tho.se of to her trying The clouds which had sathAred will in the feet ana exciaimea "LAiues.iet Saints. We acts have this fulfilled to tne letof oppression anl of our salvation, called the Kterual Yon so far as they ftaye proand the sunshine us put him out;" so as many of them you at! these present, lue time be dispelled, In ter the past. We have been informed that as could get near enouKh seized hold of wrong. Yon are familiar with; them. Father whom lief worsnippeil, "and gressed. of peace appear in renewed splendor. We are commanded to worship, But the beet men la the coramuorty, whom we prayIn God, the F.ternal Father, to be time would yet come when powerThe Elder looked at them: im- men bless you I'UKSIUKNT W. W. CLLKK, and Isaac men Abraham.: as of God who have the Ja your families, in your fields, of ful opposition would be needed for the him. lives, pure I "Now and said; ladles, ploringly and flocks and herds, aud iu your busGod of the 'heaven an that the set tq cob, of example work ) this showing The the 'people addressed wish not young, would the development as wait, of Summit Stake, you In all your righteous underwe are passiug in so inn instances, had almost begun tiirn nor place for such a ulaii'fegtition ever since tney came to uiew himitut attacneu no conaeru nation to iness andand y to preserve you from the men of takings,' their for these their all aad who to la patri practice that wouM those days, a lime Imagine of affection. It you will onlf1, be pa- njoutjtalns, predictions throuKU a peculiar experience; of hands all tustanin raatfV 1M but enemies, and to evenof have your archal works in fail of righteousness. marriage; are fulfilment, but they have Oeen antaking tient and come alonfto Utah' and if whoMve been ettiaena ot trial, litlt the Saints scenes. ces eoinuuuded it,, provider laws for tually save and exalt you in His Celesas they had been stated. The you continue in the bignest 1 place, mind same sUcU will These in the name of Jesui ticipating just ot cnaraeter, nave txen eis;teo its arrangement, and. calfed those who tial KiBgdoni, foretold ludif-lereby the speaker said that when he was a boy fullll the words ol Isaiah, who. said type eveuts have all been nave our Savior and Redeemer. as victim? of a vile ncTseeatlotf aad practised it His friends and mew after Christ, he heard President Yoang say that the tjrne come when seven wo- beenassailed servants ot hud who If lived Amen. more and denounced as crimi- His own hearx. Auu, wtiat is still Utah would be peopled from one end men would take hold of one man and dispensations. suchlUe circumYour Brethren to the other, and a person would yet ask him for the privilege of taking his nals of the lowest grade. Jurlea,have worthy of remark, that iulcftboslnga liur were not expecting I Jd un Taylor, which Jtliisi been the selected for !or cf HtBbflof express purpose one from travel to eageiroid rethe other not name extremity 1 do to show in ii that their .vould order take, away they stances GEOKfJK Q. CaXXOX. chose are who men should of descend, lie i aud habilineage lose of human prominent convicting scarcely sight and proach. Wajt till you go,tojyuh haw; faith in those inspired predicof the Church ol First in the auu ; tacit partisan bias ; in all Chnrch Presidency among the distinguiahed tations. qarth same at the He, time, I will marry ydu all. , world, however, look upon jesus-Uhrlitions, i Litter-da- y reof as The known has become la faints. most, polygamic. 0 nations, looked th thoroughly over asihe This anecdote caused theattdience to the community that the corarjtcfa x- - nowned ancestors Of th6 Savior of the such thlir as marvelous. Some visi- Valley,! canals that would HalMLake be coo- - smile more or lc8 audibly.? at the .Alter tors from abroad express wonder of the rereading to whom Ue . most foregoing re ion is. that an accusation In the world and' inuiwas in an eariv time. The speaker continue: vvnat pcourts, : .... vi v. li..l...l the aiiiinus that is exhibited by some sirucieu. as now constituted, is equiva ijnnniiv tuuuuuinciotjAiwiiii,, a u Epistle, Apostle lleber 3, Grant offered and the speaker bad seen In his Jour women who have cry-o- f is the of the people of ttiis nation toward tne toeUnf eu The a rule of iurls therefore a verification of been neglected and Injured by men? It lent to conviction. l,anUtvtacUce th following resolution: Saints. The speaker re- ney miner trom Home,Latter-dalatter-da- y has come down for Of this system of marriage be as wroug v this prediction. The Saints is that their reproach - may"JI taken prndence which lated expressions to this effect that bad "'In yievr of the statement In the as would have ft appear r our been the has that accused opponents established in these moun away. The hue aud cry abqiit poly- ages past been made in his ;hearlng. As had al- are hrmlv that we have heard liaU be deemed Innocent until proved When this noble array of God's favorepistle''' will and remain aftet-whtlontii tains, and It attacks they made cease they the will gamy ready been remarked, we are sorry to ite children are remembered, and read, that the Proportion of the in bur have deslarn courts., the of guilty In the accomplished a as to s be stimulus linked acted antae will LuuUe by members of onr Ohurch who are spp upon the Saints reversed. The bar-d- when, in addition we enll e mtiMt the to treaaoui It la the. fruit of the say this has been cause them to be more faithful. It Is Almighty In bringing them tjers. e' Hible Itself, which has living in pe ' practice or plural fact the that has acr rested the upon pi proof exnow has thai is ' 'ben assailed. cusexl in, almost every instance the glren not a new struggle. It alwayi la but little, if' any; more than goodly tree the' PRKSIDKKT WILLXRD nil Chrlsptaa' SMITH, .wprld lq In course of time the assault will be isted when God has tiad a people on the Knowledge It has ,of God ana two percent of the entire membership 1ude,tho Jury, equally With the and willing, to Of Morgan Stake of Zion. That divi- upon the treeiteelf. earth who were ready of the church, and tnij injustice done nUnneiraHti toiTiew avoearinx . Its serve Him. Aud it will continue until sion of the Church contains a verr as great majority or this coramu- it was to (9 thev tne .authors. furnish APOSTUHlKSKiri. all nnd tjis God, that potyganilstA duty is The of Satan destroyed. the power action of tue federal Officials, vo reiiipaio nun It is averred by sooki mi by good people. There are Dine Bishop'-. tat tue necessary prooi ot case who the cited rty Daniel, that a committee be apWards, fully organized. All the uuwv- was the next sneaker. Through .our from the .accusation of guilt. Among enemies thaVtbisU uot reiiirtoni This Hpeaker was cast into the lions' den. Those clations peculiar to the Saints extst irot the yk;w. however, of the wetu-ie- rs pointed by, this Conference to draft and taiiuf ulnesa we wll be auue peopie wno caused the decree to be issued to uwii uu mo pci lui Luiii$ vucir several diligence nas ueeo anqiq toe qf the Ut4h Commlaaloii, for they atoseries of resolotlons, and a protest looke to the Lord. entitled oi pasc the laws blessings jury . the President of the United titaiea, bring about that result, imagined they functions in the development and edu There is one $htng that is certain about upon as the plladUjm of huinaa liberty. qave sawf , something that cation of the Saints. The officers are the present trouble the-- Latter-dabad accomplished and to the nation, in which the wrongs as neea an our oi is 01 tue anicie iuw ricnett Unas irun jnucn iajta of the active and efficient. There are disadwould effect the destruction of . this Territory have alnts will leotne - out uppermost9 at crrfUzaiion. Mo greater guarantee of- essential &nd substantial part of their the people are he was miraculously vantages in the Morgan Stake, owing still anareea as from the could be Prophet. Hut re xnmr, our in uaotum weiiei fairness &4 by Imagined end the .the, j controversy. rereserved. So in other Instances to the great altitude of the location, Na matter what restrlcXioii rann leal eond uct suffering, of Federal oltlciala ty man a 01 ecstors than tne that accused be ior of pentanee forgiveness sins, r,nted wnay The efforts frosts being intense and frequent. iu the Scriptures. And again t "Ail Ortho- shall be set, forth spectHcally and iu under 4 by men, our oejy con- crime should have his vase submitted andtheflke.". believe the Some of the productions, however, placed againstfondlthat are now beingandmade and asklug In respectiul lancoinmasd-meu- ts hi dox Mormons the of to his course to Judgment It sistent keen the peers polygamy to be detail, is which it are unsurpassed by any yielded In any Church of Christ, guage for the same treatment to which rlsrht. and: that It is ka of esseutiai viclnaire In the living and of in part neighbors W? should, destrucsits pdother portion of Utah, so that' the dis- th Is regard ther cltuens of the United States are y; hoped will accomplish acquainted with, his life their creed." placd H o f rsel ves in presumably finally be overturned. advantages were balanced bv advan the same been alleged la Congress. entitled, ujod report; the same to a mass tion, will also has also which the. atttlwith motives It have ''Of as that may ,the position from Its 'I'he history of this Church, tages. The speaker had been emoloved three Hebrews Who were cast Into ithe DroinDted him to commit the crime of by those who take pleasure In deaoanc. meeting, which lahali, be herealter wonderful In the building ct the Tegupje at KUui fiery furnace. . If weare llla in tho- rhJoh he was accused. The wisdom Ins our system of marriage, that the called.", i loclplency till now, is f uttof out by the wfeea a-- boy, .His father F.nsrlisri ifovernnieut In India' has nut ETXhe resolution was ' unanimousdeliverables,thewrought Ohio, man of has land, testito or of we devise have the fairer failed pel (ion ught Lord will never for- and brother were both allied In the mony of the and the , following aid1 we have but more J ust means than th is ot decid- down the Suttee and tliat, therefore, ly adopted, and trnth, it Hatin's Mill nfassacre. He related a one choice, that were nominated named against sake it. The present efforts Vk the law ing upon their fellow-man- 's to United States down the persona Is by the to abide .ought put guilt will be Just as unfruitful ot the results number of Incidents connected with ol Oodt no matter as , or Innocence when aoeased. But plural marriage, , "It those .venerable President of the Conference to com; Chert n which ot the the committee: John Un made rls! themselves history Holooshad anticipated by those who otarethemaking a eaeaces. It early his own this Judicial District, for. a long sometimes Jkeld that lltte pose the; TjCaine, same came under them as former attempts personal observa- the Saints are In error because so penoa pastr we do not know of a more acquainted with, the action of the W W.Jennings, Feramorz Little, James tion. He spoke of the trials of the are opposed sonem. rsntwaen many kind nave been. of John W. lleber J. Great Britain, Sharp, Grant, Taylor, peo wrythat hat been thus constltntd. Imperial Government present day. and concluded .with au ia Know tney arc ngniit is wrong tor jurors have been selected for their they wonld have found that, while thai Orson F." Whitney, John Q. Cannon, J. ELDER X. C. FLTGAM, exhortation for the Saints tobe true to fhem to forgo their ownnohest Convic- Jkmwn enmity to tho parties accused, government pat down widow burning, W. Ola. Wlflard G. Smith, Lewis tions by yielding thelrtadgmeirfto that or tofhe principle involved in the trial. It protects bv law. in ali their rbrht. Wm. Counselor In the Presidency of the their Integrity. r cuuiuw, n IsU.OOO.oou of own V no matter ...The A iiTer jt.: snow," x nomas result and a has LAtter been n of franchises, was that next privileges the KLDKR majority large. JOHX NICBOLSOX speaker. Weber Stake, When a man knows hinselfsanna be is oar saint would aimoet tie as safe tn polygntnieta and tpuvces 1 them on an. QJ. Webber, "Franklin ; K R1chsria have referred The preceding speaker -. Samuel &. Thurman. Joel Grover. Res leonal footing wltn others. In which we are was the next speaker. lie drew the athonest, he needs care- buV little as to seeking for Justlo In the Infernal to the peculiar times he people to tber flgoa-o- f at handa or or, the H; Roberts, nf tention of Alowpina FS The Lord has revealed to us by Hla R. Llewellyn,' B. think we .embraced timer may say Joseph the From ' . living. Kimball. as as ef the coo the ; fcrw ;f;; . character,'1 anq ; timet, that present pos speaking ln0o.nrta.9l thought understood wt pirates luwe people cieany special reveiaons, truth ., ... the i fi f t U .Jl , t .n X ' have td Itiffef tctfeetittditr-that it wosld be said by the wicked, "Let Zioil be defiled." We have for over thirty years enjoyed immunity iroiu perwecu-tlocomparative and during the lull the gathering of the elect and other departments Ol the work of the Lord have been It is God's work, and we are raerely instruments to be ued in buildlnz it up. Wis have to be tried that we niiv lav a foundation for eternal L'lorv, by prorin? oar worthiness uuU ditHculty. The present assault upon the liberties of the Saints will draw them nearer together, that they may be one, in accordance with the comraanu of our Heavenly Father. They will train a better understanding of the principles and institutions of the kini;-ifo-to of God, aud be better prepared out His will.) We have come out cairy of the nations to do the bidding of (iod through Mis servants, and it is to he hoped that we have not, because of the caies of the world, forgotten our Our condition sacred obligations. caunot be stationary. It must either be lorward or retrogressive. T be choir saug the anthem : v?b'il& EVENING NEWS. W have been aware n, o4. hrive-been-lono- d fair-mind- , tOT-ward- . refe-tencet- o m Had-bn- - th.-t-- f -- -- 1 Imp-.iirin- . !rp . : A - I lid-uiui- w-r- i prin-CHde- e t, i blo-.so- to-da- to-da- y I lon-iilei- lt ex-po.- -'t - 1 1 to-da- v. ' - e. - - i 1 lilin-iel- f dc-lUe- ria , f I 111 de htan-iint- 1 des-tiu- n) Cura-inlng- s, I l hi . ed - - - ter-da- law-abidin- g. s g tnor-oflah- ly to-da- -- NV ! t. fqr-ev- e er , -- I- i ' i- -i ii - . n-h- , I pun-uho- d, 1 ss ! weii-oein- - 1.11 io-the- ir . i , e. To-da- e ut i St ; i . - - f e re-ga- td en mar-Hak- , prose-entfO- rK j, dT4 , fcugnsn-Bpeaxi- ng y -- sui-fered- , . . . - Owbat LIS. TEtLti tAl'tl AMEKICAX. SiDiY T(1I f'i IIfHAT II E. II ore I'. H. Troops fer I'anainn. Washikutox, 5. The Secretary of the Navv, in view of later dispatches resrardih the troubles at Panama, and oue from Commander Kane, especially of "tiie Galena, lias decided to send a further force to the Isthmus by the Ac'tnith-ttThe following is Comiuuu-iU- r Kane's dispatch: "Colon, April 4th, 1SS.V .Veen turj vf t!i? Xacy, itsU.rj- ii NI BTbe JYofoc IVku of St. Petersburg openlv demands that Russia withdraw from the Paris declaration, regarding the fitting out of privateers. r Dual Uo for The IisprU"On. : 1 - f - i.v I inemix rs of his They asif I. en. (iiahaia will oiler sullicient reward, sheikhs are ready to deliver I maii Di ni a prisoner. V li,lf.MM le ArrchU. sal.-a- i est of An15i:i;i:, ... llvW hobmans a :i A u st rian ) ici archist tchu have bi'en made here and al Zurich, Winlci thiir, SI i. ill :fnd Si halthauseii. hoiiM-hoid- . f -- I ly file accil tedi.s ruIt y cv cinet mored that liiisson ami lie have foiineit a coalition .'. :7. ,, .Si. , or:aii of M. l'vuis, Hrisson, says: A ca'iiiKl his beeu 1 loiiuetl including M. -- "x d Itic nil re-wa- ni. i. ( s: m 1: N Ts. Till: AT UK, SALT TiAK I 3Ioiidu v, Tue , Wednesday Eve's., April the 7 G, 8. & snow ok n:;h kkaitkks. Something; to Please ICverjhody. BAIRD'S i. W. 31ninmoth illinstrols AMI cheerful. Spoctarulnr Military Display li Whl.-l- i s 1:0 x (. now r sumr: s rin: ; 1: f a j lsoluttlj t!c snow v . i n 1 1:1: f r.einre the people of Amerien AkIXtl TWO SHOWS 1111 hlena-o- . sin nr? 0E. I of for tlie t.'rand Hon. John F. Finerty, Chicago, nrui'i nu,l, M;ui Kl ti'i, of Cougress, and several liulil an.l l:ul :ili n.i.ni. ! Kree :ill. Larlpr. other persons attempted to speak at a political meeting in the rough portion Ht 111, Mai." Ill iln' nil Ollice, ot the lVth Ward, known as "Little SatIteseiltrHl Urdu nil lili, al liia.m. Hell," but were howled down. Finally the crowd began to throw rotten eges. The speakers retired from the buildinir, but were pursued aud egged for a conSALT LAKE THEATRE. siderable distance along the street. Several persona were bit, among them a lady, t'nltea Malm Freee for Pmmim. TWO PERFORMANCES ONLY ! Washington, C The Secretary ot t he Navy has ordered 2.V) marines and Fridny Evening, April . lOlli, KH) blue on the SHiiirilny Matlner-- April lllli. jackets to sail Acapulco from New York to Asplnwall. When these men arrive at their destiKMONT ! nation the United States will have a A force of about l.'JoO men and 100 officers on the Isthmus. The marines are ! armed with Springfield ritles aud the sailors with Hotchkiss rifles. Four o Our limes, will Hv and two three-inc- h Tlie on tbi.i AelreBH of guns gatling lier tare well iihiI to rifles with 100,000 rounds )eHi tlie tune iu Enxlinh, llril of ammunition will be sent Tlth the Aiiiericaliy(ital'owerful Drutuatic Company, men leaving New York. The entire unili'F tlie uillnHKeiiient of C. A. I'liizzol.i. force will be under the command of Admiral Jouett, who is expected to Friday Kvruintf, Tennessee arrive at Asplnwall with the ou Wcdnesdav. Capt. B. II. Calls and Lieut. T. H. M. Mason, who left Washington for New York on Fridav last, Queon of England. have been ordered to proceed to Saluritav Watiuce, Aspiuwall Captain will be in command of a lorce of marines, sub- suplementary ect to the order of Admiral Jouett. ieut. Mason will be iu command of ClT Srale of 11 iees Upsorvol sieit-- i in the artillery. With the arrival of the I'aniuette, .'.l0; lren t'in-leJ2.fH); Kirttt iiulli'i-y$1..mI; lieneral AilmisHiou in 1'ar Tennessee at Asplnwall, the fleet will ( 'iri'.li, $1.60 anil Kirnt iiielle tiallei y, l)re consist of five vessels, includiug the .l.mt; Sei outl , Tluril i.allei j , Gitlleiy, 75 Tennessee, the Hag shin of the North 5) CU. Atlantic station, wltn 22 gun; the Hie evening The i ui lHiii willii.-ea- t Yanlic, with 4 guns; the (falena, with pel forniam e al 8 ;l"i, auif tit the matinee at s. guus; the Hwatara, with 8 guns, and i ii.ni. fll coiniiienee at the Alliance, with 0 guns. jT" The Eiili; ol' HeatH the Theater 1U Dllice on YVi'ilni'stlay lnoi 'l ite War In tlie Nurlhwral-Ttl- M i t lo o'clock. Sioux on Ili War lntla. Winnii'kc, 6. Tidings from Hie north indicate the state of affairs there growing worse, as before telegraphed IINDSKV'.S OAUDENS. from Colonel In ine to the government, apnlv In F. AL'EKUAt ll Jt. I'KO.BJ there has come through by courier and UlUlLt carriers, bad news. Supplies are scare.e and uuless relief gets through very soon, the mounted police and all NKW YKST. WlTHUl T 111 TTONS, the Prince Albert people will be in Ihe wai lost 'stcrtl:iy, otue completely at the mercy of the rebels. Houtheast ijuavter of tlie cily. The llinlrr Irvine says reinforcements of 1,500 will he lewai ileil l.v lea inj; it at thin Dllice men are wanted at Prince Albert Immediately. He adds that the country NOTICK TO T1IK ITUUC. people, owing, to threats from the rebels, are leaving their places, and 11KRETOFOKE CAU Teton Sioux are swarming over the THE lU'SINEPS on oy tho Salt Luke Foundry A country and committing depredations, Machine Co., tu Salt lu'uli Lake now r Cily, is while supplies are becoming short. the ni.inagfufnl and eiintrol ot the uinter The Sioux referred to are led by Chief Bi;ne4, havinj. lianHfivretl White Cap, aad occupy a reserve near anil ilelivererf nmiinnv to me for cerunn its irgji-iiPrince. A Inert. They are refugees from pnrposes nained in I'.io iUp.l. I.eariiiy iit ot Aiiiit I, anil .linie'id. the United States. If, on. I ill in ely. 'I he ln;Mncs will be csrriert further noliee, in i.iy iwimo, uiul all ileht ) Troop for lrlnre Albert. due Ihe saiU ill In started from Winnipkq G. ii tint' autiion'ud tu coiloetpaid the Fort Quappelle atTroops dav break for Prince ami aiconnti; ol em. I ciinipaiiY liut inv:. li'hts li. A. ii. ilALi'fc, Tviitiee. Albert. They will probably be joined A at Touchwood Hills by battery, II battery reinaiuiiigat Ouappelle station. NOTICIC TO CUKIlITOItS. The Queen's Gwu rifles will join the main body on the march northward. Ks"ta!o of M. um WMt. li lln-.nf- e fliiii-i1'- i rM i to-d- ay GltlCA'l' l tXrIV0.1:I to-da- v. Mc-Cail- a. .MARY STUART! , , ; FOEHEiN'T. A lu-r- ! i David nsou . dtM'trafd. GIVEN BY TUB NOTICK H I1CEKUY of the last ilf and Wh taii:ent of Davirt M. ivnnennson. deeeflheil, to tliecioditum of, mill nil km;oi imviug i l.iiiiiH .'ipiiiii'-- t the ileeeaaed, lo exhilui lliein with the neo.ejiry' vou.'htrs w ilhin len monltin nit or Ihe r pulilieslion of this noliee, to Kliz.tlielli II. Iiani nnfcn, at lir.'. Sixth West Street, blt ljiku Uy, in tho County of Salt Lake. lirNCA-NSOKU7.AHF.TH H. COUEIfill. NlUIirft MMPATI'IIEM. Troop lor HandanB. SiiAKtM,.r). A detachment of troops is going to Ilaudaub to the SiUXIAY protect railway work and to form a xereba. The whole force will likely follow on Wednesday. Treops to Nnstata Rl ftahdl. Cairo, 5. El Mahdl has summoned the Emir of Berber to go with his army to Khartoum to assist in quelling the revolt. Troops to SopprtM El Moll 411. . The Governor of Yemen Aokx,-5lias asked the Turkish Government to seud 3,000 reinforcements to suppress the uprising in favor of EI Mibdl and preveut friendly chiefs from joining the insurgents. Toe rlar' VUlt. 5. All tho principal streets Dirnux, are of the citv profusely decorated lu honor ot the coming of the Prince and V riucess of wales. Moving- for 4 react) MSMureav, Lox don. 6. The Comte I)e Paris has arrived at Naples to meet the Due De CUartrea, w1M wnorq no will nave a conference iu regard the prospect ot the of a monarchy la Frauee. The Qquloit. oi Paris, predicts that the French elections will show that the country has no confidence in a republic nd desires to return to a monarchy. Frontier. The Raese-Ferat'The Russian and Persian governments have agreed upon a frontier between their respective territories near Merv, and nave appointed a commission to tlx the boundary atones. ; OJaeee rreaeeAUeaar- ' London, 5.Tbe Chinese legation here has forwarded to the Chinese peace proposagent at Paris renewed are that the als, the basis of which and Formosa blockade of Petchlll shall be raised t that Tonquln shall be ceded to China, and that no Indemnity shall be exacted by France. v! f f - M ANN W. HewlHMt Attack ta fireek CBtavea. Loxdox! 6. A dispatch' from Xarnl- -' en. Island ot Cypress, report a eertons I lU.CA;.ON, KxecnlrUot ihe, luxl Will find Testimen of imvid M. Dated at Ssll Lake fur, March 4. 1885. Diinc-aiiKon- In tho de'-eaoe- NOTICE. rrobt Cknrt in and for Salt Lake County, I'lau Territory. In the Maitir of the fcUtate of David O. Oultler, doeeai'i'd. TTPO READING TUK VKT1TIOX KJ'iKid (;. Calder. Ueorffinn aider,IinnilOrl Iwili Calder Riter, Sninucl If. Caltfer. c . ictUnx forth that James Shorn, on,) ot tlie Executors of tba Lat VV aud Tehtaniont ot David O. alder, deceased, haa rc&unud bis That acconlniK to ihe iroviutig vt the Lnift Will and TpflUunent of naid do ceased, the urrinn or eoatinutn? Executors, together with u luHjority of the heira ot tsid dereasrd. pliall till all YM"iKio caated In the executorship, and nskintf that B. H. Young (whoia limy haye uoininaiod) be conttriuod and appointed oie of llio W ill aad Kxacntor tll of iMivid O. Calder, doeasd, in Tegtami fhe placo of James Shn..whu tau resuued t tt ordered that Tuesday, the luh dy ot April, A. i). a. in, at the County Court House, in Salt Lake city, be and Is hereby appointed for iho hearing of said petition, and Ust the Clerk cause notice thereof to be riven.. by publication in the Dkseukt t. Ij.t of-th- lr,tli) Kntwrso M KWS, a newspaper printed and cirruhrted in Salt Lake County. At which time Sad plane all persona interested may aud show said petition appear tbould not b granted, why ;;: JOIAB A. v i SMITH, ITobate Jodve. v;Dated March , aU,18!. ca-is- e i 1 .Tehkitoht or Utah, of Salt Lake. County ,i3 v. uiier. vteric or the I'm bats j, tfwm Court la and for the County of Halt Lake m the of do hereby certify Utah, z that ttim Territory n fAMfninir iu of order appolnuar tiu to hear petition lor vi ihv nypMaiiuroHi ! J UDQZ tfU AleCB ilir In thatT rnittPr tkt ii (h lalul IJ "VV Wi nelTIU & -- k. Ia witness wheseof. T urmnoio eel. naad aad affixed the my eal cM said -- ; - and s ii WILL POSII'IYKLY AI'l'KAK Ji Little Hell incet and . n A Iln. SnitAbY, M. 1). (Signed) New York, . Chaffee left the house betweeu 11) and II o'clock. lie said ttiat the Geueral'w voice was clear at times.and husky at times, according to the amount of cons, and that he may live for two or three days yet. A cyi yesterdayv in reference to the Toiicjiiiii lnelliteil to be Cheerful. Nkw Yohk, 0, t!::i0 a.m. Gen. Grant had uudisturbed and relreshimj .sleep seven ami a half hours. His pulse is 3D and lull, temperature normal. Ile has had no paiu during the uii:ht aud couched very little, lie is incliued to lie I y (rant the TO-AV'- 1 tien. CatnpL'iioii. The new cabinet lueetto-daaffhe Kiysee to drill a V'rogramnie to snlunit to Parliament MM. Iti tsson and De Freycinet had a cmfereuce with Ferry Yoits, 0, 10:3) a.m. General has beeu very comfortable all morning; lie has taken his nourishment rcvailhrly ua.l well, lie appears cheerful', lie is now sitting iu his easy cnair, drawn iuto fhe sun near the window. He says he has no unusual pain. Ii. II. Doi iii.vs. M. 1). (Signed) Midniuht. General Grant lias beeu asleep since 10 11o'clock, waking for a few minutes at to take nourishment. Pulse as, temperature iki.S. U. 11. Dorcii.AS, M IL, (Signed) Geo. T. Siikauy, M.I). WINIMTCIIEM. Ni:w Frenrli 4'alliK'f Mew ill issoii ha l'vi;l- -, tak of foi miiig a inini-l- i -- rnnsaal . sert that : Ns lreiii;lli ( t.-ma- 1 I 1 IKninn Il(na. ii Arab ib serters, who Srii.ni, have come to lien McNeill's) zereba, u Diuna has only that repi'it I follow ers at I'.ksiat logelher with lltiinorcil sl-ii- cou-ti.iual- V Cut i i ia.ii. (tlers have been received bv the Indian govei'iitnent from Loudon to act iwly continue preparatin' tions for war, uotw it h t nidiiu; of Kiissia. Thisac-1101pa. itic has created a great; impression in liulia an.! su.staim the ,eut hiisiasm of the l!iit;sii and native troops I. on, Ion, 1. Th" moruins: papers answer declare the Kas.-iai- i g lceardiii the At :han frontier dispute evasiv e ami u u sal act o y The vessels ou the way to tintocether with the force 011 Aspinwall will be sullicient to open and I'.u.i, transit if supported two ships al Panama. Without such supuorl, an I'Xil.l force ol ,"mi men will be reijuirt'd Lverythiug is iuiet 111 Aspitivvall and all American property as well pro-- t I 'ct '.i as my force will have IU officers :im 111111 permit. allure. in M is coiiiinaiid safe midwetl. Only one foreigner has been killed so far us know n. There are about 100 Columbian t iovernnieiit troops here, here, holdim; a large number of prisoners and renuo assistance in dering order. The railroad companv preserving is affordall ing l possible relief to ref usees, and has ou out the hue of the many Transit remains closed. reached l'auaiua last nicht at mvat isk, having been stopped by the insurgents and one person forcibly re tinned. The wires to Panama are being cut. (Signed) Kaxk, commanding." has seut the Secietary Whitney to President Houston, dispatch of the Pacific Mall Steamship Com pan v "Later dispatches Indicate sueh a condition of iniugs, that have concluded to seu more men (au you take them?" Vniii.M Iteporleil on lfo Hur 1'iilb. Svs Fuancisoo, 4. The latest depredation of the Vaqiii Indians is the turning to the ground of a mining town. The Vatmls nearCnuia-rip- a are off all the stock. Two Indians were kfiled. On-relie- jai jik. YrpmyH." e Tho'-.Novo- . ro.-ui-. mm riot, growing nut of a tvantnrt Attack upon a religious profession of the Greek church. While the procession was passiug an Emrlish; club bouse, a loungers oeau 10 jeer at artyat01 tlie ioot priests. Finally they tacked the processionists with stones, to be caiilcd out before had aud troops the disturbance was quilted. . . Con-lerenc- 'VVkbTKltN UNION ni 11 : 1 BY TELEGRAI'II. ed larrtaW'teiiirs- li'Vi" ii nrnni - w d no iof : I" ."1!? . JOHN V.a 281,1 XCOUe iy C. CUTLER.' ITobats Clerk |