Show Bachelors Degree Offered Basin Center Hosts Degree The Uintah Basin Center for fOL Continuing Education will initio initiate ate a study program this fall aimed at producing the bachelor of science degree in agricultural economics ac ac- ac according cording to Delbert Purnell dir dir- director ector The courses will be offered by bythe bythe the Department of Agricultural tural Economics at utah State University and will continue through the winter and spring quarters This field of Training and study Mr Purnell said pre pares a person primarily for forthe forthe the business side of farming and ranching including records and accounts all forms of taxes marketing legal pro pro- problems credit agricultural pol pol- l I poll policy icy and other areas Men and women trained in inthis inthis this field however also re re- re receive instruction in basic ani ani- ani soils sociology irrigation English mathematics and the arts The education and training is deliberately broad to give the student maximum flexibility for employment opportunities and still provide depth in-depth develop ment in economics as it applies to agricultural economics that best fits their particular inter ests Graduates in agricultural economics at are found in ina ina a wide range of careers lag ing farm and ranch owners and managers feedlot operators and managers radio and tell tele vision newsmen and program mers newspaper and magazine editors and writers account account- accountants ants tax consultants cattle and feed buyers chemical com com- company pany fertilizer company supervisors and managers teachers researchers educational admin and computer pro pro- programmers Those interested in ing a study program in this area should contact Mr Purnell at the Center as early as pos sible |