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Show J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY .MORNING, MARCH 21, 1921. 1G Nazarenes. Perform Mission of Mercy oo otf Needy Grateful 00 0K 00 for Meals Dispensed 00 OFFICIIII! 00 040 , Opening Up the Yellowstone F oo 00 Business Men Aid Worthy Charity Sister of Late Lord Mayor of Cork Greets Visitors at Hotel Utah Function. ROBABLY few people In Balt Lake know of a humble little place In the downtown district called the Nazarene Mission, or realise the splendid bit of charity work which It Is accomplishing. Nor does the aver citizen d age Imagine for a minute that there are numbers of residents of the city who are without work and In dire distress for the wherewithal necessary lor mere existence. A visit to the Nazarene Mission. (4 Richards street, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday nights between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock would doubtless prove a revelation to the class of the city. There they .would see the results of the work of a man and his followers who are firm believers In Christ antl Hla teachings. P well-meani- Details of Controversy Be--' tween British and Irish presented 7 Address. , public-spirite- Ireland's Is government republican functioning In a!) Its various branches. the Irish parliament Is meeting at Its ' stipulated places and times and passing law. which 90 per cent of the population ZT?s of the Emerald Isle observe, according from loards, whose walls are dingy and to Miss Mary MacSwlney, sister of the discolored, and which Is heated by a small the center, the unfortunates of late Terrence MacSwlney, former lord stove In who are down and o.it because city jhe hard mayor of Cork. 'of luck, or divergence from the Miss MacSwlney gave a public recep- - straight and narrow, but more often tlon yesterday afternoon at the Hotel biau8e of, unemployment, are given a warm a meal four week, nights ttah under the auspices of the entertain- - j. H. Hunter, superintendent: of the ment oommlttee of the Irish Relief club mission, came here from Colorado last of Utah, of which Miss Claire Driscoll f11- - It did not take him long to dials chairman. Miss MacSwlney greeted all covr that ther was a rla88 ot need' callers with charming and l'ern8 not reached by anv charity cordiality Through the being urged to explain the cause ganizatlon In the city. and of Ireland, consented to present a few. bearty cooperation of merchants he was n- of the most salient features of the pres- - a t De8 mfn lAke, ,BaIt to start the mission and provide ent controversy on the island over the four meals a week, enough to tide over, men who were unable to procure work and who In some cases were too weak I to work until supplied with food. Mist MacSwlney introduced her sub- It Is not the aim of the mission to Ject to the crowd of auditors whh h filled hand out charity in an aimless and south reception room of the hotel responsible fashion. The men are y atatlng emphatically that the repub-- , qulred to work for what get, and licen government of Ireland la not a steady employment Is, if they possible, promyth and la not In the process of for-- 1 vlded for them. On a vacant lot in the matlon, but at the present time Is func- - rear of the building where the mission Is Honing In perfect harmony with the peo- - located the men chop up boxes Into pie In a'l Ite entirety. The parliament kindling. The boxes are donated by and the actions taken by that body ness firms, and often the kindling is - given to the men after the v have been paid. are recognized by the people of the counas to split It, as many or them are unable their governing force. Oy The speaker then presented answers to to obtain fuel to keep their families the questions whirh, she said, are raised warm. Men with families are paid for their by speakers touring America supposedly picturing the true conditions and factors work In vegetables, which are donated of the fight. to the mission. Two gunnysacks a week, In regard to the stand taken on home nearly full of vegetables. Is the allotment . rule. Miss MacSwlney stated that tne for these men, enough, a Mr. Hunter demand for separation from England and said, to kep them from starving until . - While Mr. Hunter-tbecoming a free country le not contrary t.iey can get the ideals and history of the Island, was talking three Mexicans who had At all times Irishmen have desired and been patiently waiting for their pay expressed their desire for separation, but trudged out with their racks swung over have grasped at the hope of home rulo as a means to the end and better than .1 nothing. i the ideal of world peace was scouted as impossible as long as one email nation continues to be oppressed by a large and The oppressed will powerful country. maintain the fight against the oppressor i to the end of time, whether It be Ireland p or some other country In the pursuit of freedom. And as for Ireland, Miss MacSwlney said, every drop of Irish blood will be spilled In the present fight. If necessary, as the true Irish have decided that If freedom le not given them now It Is the last stand against England. well-to-d- o rtwU'&l ' i ' j I Ir-t- re-b- busi-mee- , Jol-e- Right to Freedom Outlined. Federal Fund of - $200,000 Granted Expected Farmer Drought Area. -- Th IplaKtf'hiade an appeal lo lmer. lea to clamp flown on Britain In regard to the national debt of that country to Be to the United States The statement wa biade that I.ord Nurthcliffe recently said in that the best millions spent in the war were used In America for the purpose of teaching Americans to 4hink as Britishers by means of a thorough system ot propaganda. The millions thus used were Sports I te The Tribune. borrowed from America, said Miss MarBOISE, Idaho, March 20. Arrangei' winey. And if only the United States drought-stricke- n would demand the Interest on the debt ments by which ldsho farmers In It would necessitate the cessation of hosdistricts will retility on the island, as England spends ceive loans totaling probaby not less than 1150,000,000 annually for that for the purchase of seed wheat at present, or the approximate purpose amount 1200,000 will be announced following a conference of the Interest. Miss MscSwIneyl ended her address by with federal representatives In Bozeman. pointing out the natural right of Ireland MenL,,March 21 to 24. at whloh Idaho to freedom and appealing for American are Julius H. Jacobson ot aid. She said the Irish are a separate representative and distinct race from the British the Idaho crop reporting service end B. Ideals, geographical of the uniand ancestry. There is nothing similar F. Sheehan, field agronomist or In common between the two race versity extension division. And America will, fir the first time in Before their depaiture. these two agents history, fall to recognise a smaller coun- held conferences with Governor Davis, for eaidd Mms try fighting freedom, rwlm v. lf"the repubTic'oT irclandis 'rot ' Lieutenant Governor U. C. Moore, Speak- accorded the recognition requested now. er P. U. Johnson and Senator M. B. The Utah division of the American who united In urging the Imporcommittee for relief In Ireland will this tance of these loans to the wheat growlweek begin a ers of the different section needing such driee U raise the state's quota of f.10,000 id. for the humanitarian relief of the homeNearly 100,000 acre, according to an less and destitute who are said to num- estimate by Mr. Sheehan, were affected ber nearly 760,000 In the island. In by drought conditions last season Clark. twelve Idaho Relief Has Begun. Madison, Bonneville, Bingham. Bannock. The slate committee is now complet- Power, Oneida, Franklin, Cassia, Llqcuin and Gooding. work Us Imof all ing the Organizing of runda lent to wheat portant communities In the state where Distribution the appeal for funds will be carried. The growers under this arrangement will be and nature handled through the farm bureaus, the drive Is indicated bv the names corning to Mr. Sheehan, v ho slid he al-the following national vice chairmen ready had wired to the federal represen-o- f the committee: Herbert Hoover, Wil-- 1 talives in Bozeman to send direct to the ham U. McAdoo, Franklin K. lane. f8rm bureau offices the Morgenthau, Bernard Baruch. struct Ions ami applicationto forma. th wiltten county Magtl, Jiavld Starr Jordan and M"8 aleoswere Charles G. Dawes. agents, and It was announced that details would be made public foiThe national executive committee la of the. Boseman meeting. composed of Morgan J. OBrien, chair- lswing for the man; Cardinal Glbhcns, Nicholas F. ' A government loan of Brady, John 1). Ryan, Thomas J. Walsh, drought I area In the west la authorized, Edward L. Imheny, David I. expected that the major porWalsh, but It lacwrence God kin, John gmnn, James th tion will be required bv Montana and the drought Phelan, Martin J. Gillen, Thomas J Dakotas onIn account of the severe those slates, ldsho applied situation Maloney and J. W. McConaughv. Word was received at the state head- for a minimum of $200,000 and It Is conquarters yesterday that members of tbs sidered likely that this state will receive relief committee now In Ireland hsve at least . that amount. been given permits by General Strickland, commander of the Cork area, to go anyMEXICANS TO BE RELEA8ED. where. even In the martial law area, and Mexican eOspects he'd to Inltate at once such measures for re- In Two of the alx the Provo Jail probably will be re--lief and reconstruction as seem to them a as result of Zavedro Ez necessary. The program of the commit- leased today Juan TvelgaUo having been Identee has relief to starving and homeless quid and two of men who murdered as the tified as the first step with reconstruction to follow as quit kly a possible so that the John Mesterdahl and L. P. Peterson at store D.vldend March 9. at the general need for outside aid mav be eliminated. The committee has already extended relief from the first contributions to the 10.240.000 fund that Is being raised In the drlvs In the east. It was reported this country. yesterday that Washington, D. C., has already doubled Its quota, and th New York plavhouaes and motion picture theCommittees Named. aters have agreed to give at least on former chairman Welsh, Henry of the for th drive. state Republican committee, has been benefit performance chairman of the I tab committee. On the state executive committee are Janies J. Burke. J. C. l.ymh, Thomas 1 F. Kearns, John F. Fitzpatrick, J Dailey, W. J llalloran, Thomas O'Brien, Mrs. John g. an, Charles A. Quigley, nos, Mrs. Elisabeth Genghegan, Henry N. Bvrne, Geoige Jay Gibson, lr. J. J Galligan, W: W. Armstrong and E. A. Culbertson. The state general committee Includes Senator Reed Hmoot, Governor Charles R Mabev, Mayor i Clarence Nealen, John K Toliln, Bishop Joseph 8. Glass, Special te Tie Tribune. E. O. Howard, W. 8. McCornh k, Henry C. Bigelow, Frank J. Stephana, Richard POCATELLO, Idahe, March 20. W. Burton, Frank A. Franrla, Dan B. Llnerd, deported Hhlelds, W. Mont Ferry, llarrv 8 Joduring th war te an undeslrabls perseph, Hamnel A. Sonpvaiff, Clarence Ham- Dr !so F. David son, who returned te Pocstell yesHummer, Keith, P. J. Moran, William Griffith, terday, was arretted In th afternoon Frank J. McGanny, Rcott N. Anderson. .Commlv Vers L, McCarthy, William H. Leary,. end brought before U. Eh Turner. wee Thomas O'Brien, Frank J. Hagenbartb, loner Theodor John C. Oeoghegan, James G. Imollttle1 placed under a 13000 bond and hold and J. 1.. Itlchev. The publicity corn. mlttee Includes James p. Casey, 8ott N. to snewer to two counts, on for re. Anderson, K. P. Gallagher, 8. H. Moloney! entering this country after deportaand Frank P. Green tion and for redeportation. Ths hear. J. K. Coegrlff ha been appointed ststa Ing was conductsd bsfora Immlgra. and Joseph II treasurer for den Commissioner Leslie Height MrKav will sens as secretary, James Ivars Is chairman of the Fait1 Mrs. Llnard was to Ireland lake lily drive empmlttee. Other city1 and her huebsnd tdeported Scot and, Mrs. chairmen named thus far are Iianlel F. Llnard sntsrsd through ths Ostrolt Heery. Ogden; J P. Tallnn, Park City, John Donnelly, Eureka; J. F. Jennings,, pert. In poilcs circles Mrs. Llnard Garfield and Magna, and Joseph MlyIs known at Mother Oooee. land, Bingham. Among llreesults obtained thus far In Yea-ma- countlce--j.remont- , nece-sar- I y the-Tl- - Voman Deportee -' Returns to Idaho; Arrest Follows ' the-dllv- e i i - hLd Ivar roVnV SS- -d ga ltonVltlma his !"!, There la probably no official position In Washington which lias more to do di- A Due 'only to coincidence, Mrs. W. D. Ray, 722 Richards street, was saved from death by strangulation yesterday afternoon when an automobile driven by her husband turned turtle in pig Cottonwood m hJif get the Impression that they are all men; a number of women and children come here fir food. We never turn any one auay and make no religious distinctions. All creeds and all kinds are welcome here." After receiving, a meal thd recipient makes out a card stating his name, address, trade and the cause of impecunlos-Ity- . "Out cf work" is the phrase wbleh meets the eye on nearly all the cards. What we need most at the present time," Mr. Hunter said, Is vegetables, l but hV will help In this cause. anhr!l,thh"t Vlolb,r8 ise have idedge U now rda whlch for the payment of $1 a month. Almost : VKi. Mr. and Mr. Ray had beyn enjoying a rldo in the canyon and were returning to the city. Their car had reached a point near the first powerhouse when the front wheels caught In the rut of the canyon road and the machine overturned as a result of Mr. Raya attempts to turn the car clear of the ruts. Pinned Under Car. The car fell in such a manner aa to pin both passengers beneath it. Mr. Ray 'ii' running expenses, rent, heat, gas and ll.b' . Howev No, we do not proselyte. and we hold short religious services those who feel like becoming one of ue are privileged to do so. but we have no intention of forcing oui religious beliefs on these unlucky brethren who are temat our mercy." porarily. you might say, Women members of the Nazarene organization contribute their services In serving the hungry who gather at the for a free meal. Nazarene grilntng a extricated himself by kicking through tho windshield, but his wife was pinned down by the heavy frame of the windshield Ray could not resting on her throat. Mr. Mrs. lift the car unaided, and Ray was unconscious from strangulation when Dr. C. A. Nyval, who was coming up tho canyon in his car, appeared. & ft ktv 'flu' I :A ; -- m'erotsti,ornUth & , First Aid Rendered. The efforts of the two men resulted In lifting tlw car and freeing Mrs. Ray. Dr. Nyval, who had Just been attending a case, had his first aid kit and gave Mrs. He then Hay the necessary attention. took both Mr. and Mrs. Ray in his car to the emergency hospital. Later Mr. and Mrs. Ray returned home. Mr. Ray Is connected with the offices of the Continental Oil company in Balt Lake. ;y vs- r 4.- V Police and Firemen Want Civil Service Bill Signed -- CLUB TO PRESENT IIITLEI1N U o : tke ! Artists fnhVt?. The charm cf Little Women,' urainess and. sympathy with the leellngs.1 or boys and gn.z, also In the fact that this charming nuy Is woven around the family life of the author. ljit.e Women' Is full of touches of humor and went ahe on, and pathos," preaches the gospel of work, and simple, wholesome living in that masterly, almost wav for which we all love.Louise careless, Alcott" The cast: Mr. March, Elva Taylor: Aunt March, Ixmlse Hyatt; Meg, Beatrice Hurst; Jo, Esther Hill; Beth, Maurlng Bennlon; Amy, Grace Stone; Hannah. Badye Eccles; Mr. March, Charlda Crawford; Mr lAuience, Marlon B. Karl, Harry Nelson; John Brooks, Kills Barker; Professor Baer, Harold Davfa. I Six Seek G. O. P. National Committee Chairmanship . -- - . W ASHINGTON, March 20. There are six prominent candidates for the chairmanship of the Republican national committee, It was disclosed here yesterday. At th same time the opinion wee .expressed that a successor to Postmaster General Will Hay as chairman of the committee would be selected at th next meeting of the committee, which is not definite, but which, accord. ng to members, w II be held before June 12. d. The six prominently nicnt.oned as Hav successor are Senator Harry 8 New of Ind ana. A. T. Hert of Kentucky. Elnn r Hover, former secretary to the late Senator Mark Hanna: U. D Hillls, funner chairman of the committee during the Taft campaign; John T. Adams of Iowa, at present vice chairman, and Clarence B. Miller, former member of th house of representative from Minnesota. There Is a division of op nlon aa to who may be selected to fill the chairmanship, and some members of the committee here In Washington intimate that none of tha etx being mentioned may secure position and that a heretofore unment toned "dark "horse'" may succeed Hava. Not withstand ng this Intimation, there le a strong opinion that John T. Adams, now vice chairman, will be the new chairman. Th Hepub lean national convention may be held In San Francisco. It la ta 1, for Henrv J. Crocker, at the recent meeting of th committee, extended an invitation In behalf of th Golden Gate cltv, and promlael that San Francisco would extend herself If th convention was g ven to the west. Mr. Crocker I national committeeman from California. tf Secretary of State Issues 32,000 Automobile Licenses Up to the close of business In th office of th secretary of etate Katurday more than, 27.000 licenses had been Issued bv th secretary of slate to passenger motor vehicles, and more than 4000 to trucks. Including dealers' licensee, th's mean about 1 000 automobiles In the state now carrying the 1921 co'ors. There are somewhere between 40.000 and 45.000 automobiles In the state. It Is estimated, but owners In the outlv-In- g counties, where the roads are not yet open to automobile traffic, eapec allv, are rather alow to take out the required license plates There has been eomewhat more than usual haste th e year because th law will anon go Into effect which will make It coat ronstderab'y more, as well a require somewhat more delay to obtain license, I Causes Japanese to Brew Liquor An smb'tlon to become an 'artist led Seo Tto, a Salt Luke Japanese to oper- ate a still B.r the manufacture and sale of wh sky, according to his statements to Judge Tit man I). Johnson tn the United States district court Saturday following his plea of guilty to violation of the Volstea J act Ito asserted that he had some talent In painting and that It was his des re to go to New York and pursue a course In a unlverBltv. Selling "moonshine," he said, was the quickest means of obtaining the necessary fund. Ito spoke In J:i;nnes and. Mrs. J. Matsuo served as Interpreter. Ito mas sentenced to three months in the counfv jail He was arrested March 10 by federal proh b tlon sgents following a raid at 5.18 West Cap tol street, where a stld and several gallons of whisky were cor.f seated. Blackleg Reported Amort ? Cattle at Plain City Dr. F A, Bundv, veterinarian, and deputy state livestock Inspector at Ogden, yesterday repor'ed to the state livestock board that fnnr head of cattle had died near Plain City from hlaikleg. He vaccinated other young cattle In the neigh-- 1 orhood t'r R W Hogean, state livestock sold vaster tav that hl.ck.e, oo on'y prevails at this season of the year, and that vacc'nntlon against the disease la In order, and la being don In several rarta of the state. In Dsvl (ounty the vaccination I being rarr'ed the direction of th countv agent Burglars Loot Three Resi- Friends Fill Ward Meeting dences; Gang lit Work, House in Tribute to the Is Belief of the Police. Memory of G F, Hansen. "Soutliesatern Salt Lake chosen, as a fertile field by a gang of burglars last night, who carried out their Intentions to the extent of robbing three homes In that section of the city and attempting to rob fourth. Each robbery was committed by the same means, the use of a passkey, with the exception of the last. When tte key refused to operate, the burglars gained admittance to a near-b- y house by hurling a rock through a window. letectlve B. H. Seager investigated the robberies and expressed his belief that all were committed by members of a gang. George F.. Baker and family left their home, 1522 Second East street, about 8 and upon o'clock yesterday afternoon, their return about o'clock at night found Burransacked the place thoroughly glars had used a passkey t open the front door. A hand grip and some Jewelry wrre the most va'uabl artic c taken, according to Detective K. L. Aldington and Detective Chauffeur F. V. White, who investigated the case last night, just fit DetecAbout tive Eddington and White returned fro n a cell, headquarters received two call, one to the home of Itay Mirsh, 33u Kenfrom the sington avenue, and the other home of John McGarrv, 271 East Thirteenth South street. Reinforced bv Special (Jfflcers George E. Cleveland and George Neve, Eddington and White and found that the burglars' had stuck In the front door of d the Marth home, which had been by the Intruders, who went to w to broke and window McOarry'e home gain entrance. A suit of clothes, a tiby'a hank cintalnlng some email change, a hand grip and two revolvers were taken. d A soprano govern nm it from the qu saxophone department at Fort lougaa ac cording to report sent to th dete tlv bureau yesterday. The funeral of George Freeman Hansen, foreman of the filter plant of the Utah Copper company at Garfield, who was killed Tuesday in a railroad accident at Thirty-thir- d South and Denver & Rio Grande traika when an automobllo driven by C. L English was struck by a freight train, was held yesterday afternoon commencing at o'clock. Hundreds of visitors thronged the Sugarhouse ward meeting house to pay their last respects to the former service man. The Woodmen of the World had charge of the funeral services, and tne American legion had charge at the grave. The heads of the various departments of the Utah Copper company mere In attendance, as were scores of hta fellow workers Bishop Le Grand Richards of Sugar-hous- e ward had charge of the services and mas one of the speakers. The others who addressed the gathering were A. William Lund, R. B. lie land of Magna camp. Woodmen of the World, and K. W. Jones, camp No. 406, Woodmen of tn World. Salt Lake. men, members of the same cng.neer corps to which Mr. Hars.m belonged In the world war, mere among th honorary pallbearers, as were members of the Woodme of the World. The firing squad and bugler were furnished by men of Mr. Htnsen'e enthe gineering corps. The legionnaires at th servhex In the chapel arose and saluted the casket draped In the Amerlran flag, following the last address. Music was furnished by the Sugarhouse ward choir. The grave In Cltv cemetery was dedicated by Bishop Richards A volley wa fired over the grave of the man mho had four gone through major engagements ot the war. by th men, and taps" wa sounded by a bugler. The active psllhearera were Fav L. Curt .'.Ho Pa' ' and Clarence Christenson, a.I co. sic rf Mr. Hansen, and C. J. Sherry of his room mat. Mr. Hansen was engaged to Miss Edna Thomas, chief te ephone operator of the TO MEET. Utah eonjpanv at Garfield, and association of the former Corper The Parent-TeachSalt Lake newinaier woman. He Lowell school will meet at 1.43 o'cloi k survived hy hla parents, Mr. and Mr. Miss Charlotte Peter J. Hansen; tomorrow afternoon. flv brothers and two Dancy of the Utah Agricultural collgge later. s alan-dnne- silver-plate- PARENTS-TEACHER- sa''n r;er-maat- S er er Hardin? Pays V isit toHospital; Speaks to Wounded Soldiers rbliin, eer-vle- Sugarhouse is awaiting with anxiety the melting of snows with the first approach that the storm sewers along Eleventh East street, avenues, between Wood and Kensington are not large enough to carry off any large volume of water. According to residents In that district, In Sugarhouse along Elevstorekeeper enth Beet street are finding that in heavy ss happened last Friday, such rainstorms, patroma cannot come to trade with them becaueeof-Jh- e high water making It h women cuetomere and Impossible for children. The latter, run according to Sugarhouse residents, risks of being drowned going to school during such storms In that section, owing high water. Flooded cellars, tj the covered with debris, streets turned Into small streams and trolley and auto-- ' mobile traffic delayed accordingly, are features which will be brought to the attention of the city commission within the citizens near future by Sugarhouse through a- committee which I to be appointed. of warm weather, due to the fact well-nig- s.de-wal- Section of Catholic Woman's League to Meet . The literary and curfent event section Womans league will meet this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Knighle Many member, of Columbus clubrooms. for of the league have made reservation the luncheon to be given at the Hotel Utah at 1 o'clock, In honor of Miss after which they will have timo to attend the meeting of the section. Mis. W. H. Bint, chairman of the section will give the paper of the afternoon, having for her subject "Cardinal Newman and Ihe Oxford Movement.' of the Catholic Attorney and Paymaster Recover From Illness . pa-sk- REQUISITION PAPERS OBTAINED. Deputy Sheriff Ben Aldrich left Salt Lake yesterday armed with requisition papers for Carl Cortandrlo. wanted in fait I ake on an embeixle-nen- t charge. Corlandrlo It charged with having em- - mill jectiireonHome.Nurslog, Mein. 8aR Lake flam heseled from sc- - hers of a!l the parent-teachassoclacording to Sheriff Emery ton are Invited to attend. ASHINGTON. Marrh 20. President Harding combined an errand of mercy with a study of an administrative problem today more than two by spending hours among youndeij soldier at Walter Reed hospital. Aevompnnlbd by Mrs. Harding and' by the presDr. 0. E. Sawyer, Ms ident greeted stores of the patient and asked them what could be done to make them more comfortable In a abort talk he told patients and nursea that he wanted tn see a government rodrv that should fully recognize mint the eohliere gave to thetr country, end In another pe4i he praised of the Aomen In winning the war The queatkm of prorer hoepltal facilities and medical attention for mounded eoldlere la one whUh has hern much In Mr. Harding mind, and todnv he asked about many rietal.e of hoepltal administration. Among other things, he studied the vocational training system for tlvr wounded, and Mrs brought away Efforts will be brought to bear by the fire departments today, police and through a committee from each organization, aided by various business mens organizations who have pledged their support in the matter, to obtain Governor Mabey's signature to the civil service bill for polleemen and firemen. "This bill means much to ths fireman and the policeman, said Duty Sergeant N. P. PUrce, in discussing .the subject last night, "not only in the"' matter of wages, which is important in itself, but also In the greater feature of taking the departments out of politics. Policemen, for instance, will know that thetr work is on a purely efficiency basis after this measure becomes law. It will mean that the men who -are valuable to the service will feel sure- of being retained oil the" force. It Is sincerely hoped by all. of us on the force that Governor Mabey will sign the measure. Sugarhouse to Ask Relief From Flood Conditions -- - Dperltl to The Trlhuse. That are the first pictures of the spectacular three. day battle throuoh drifts from three to fifteen feet deep waged by Superintendent C. E. Brooks of the Montana division of the Oregon Short Line and hit crew of snow fighters in opening up tho lino to tho west entrance of Yellowstone park praparatory-'tsummer travel. Of these, on I probably tha most graphic picture yet taken of one of tho huge In action. Tho other shows Mias Pauline Shepherd and the entire rotary plows population of West Yellowstone greeting Superintendent Brooks and his men when their train, the first In nearly alx month, broke the winter's isolation. Utah Take Part Students Annual A Canyon. - -- propriating, entering, reconveylng. qr.pa.t- anting of public lands, and to tne grant ing of rights of way amounting to easements. Mr. Spry will be the administrative oflit almost all ficer maTters teiatlngjurisdiction to the publlo domain. The Importance of this office to Utah le Illustrated by the fact that at the time of the retiring commissioners last annual report there were 33.5811,1.1 1 acres of surveyed public domain in Utah and 10.017.609 acres unsurveyed, or a total of 52,597,760 acres In the state subject to Mr. Sprys jurisdiction. As commissioner, Mr. Spry will have in hta charge the administration of the operation of the leasing of the thousands of acres of lands for which upward of 3000 applications have been made for oil Prospecting permits. This question of the administration of these possible oil lands a ,aak of vl,al lttnlfKar,ce addlt)0n the r0TnmMl6lM.r of the 88neral land office has jurisdiction In the tatets to mining; and other mineral lands. During the f.scal year 1920 the commissioner granted 65.734 patents to II. 850,401 34 acres of laud Among those engaged .in the industries of Utah who are much concerned with the administration of the land office sre the metalliferous miners, the coal producers, the oil seekers, the prospectors for other minerals, ihe grazers on the public forests, those Interested In Irrigation and reclamation projects, homesteaders, Indian land leasers, and many others. , In Utaly there are approximately 7,945 023 acres of national forests These lands are also part of the charge placed upon the commissioner of the land office. In his report for 1920, the retiring commissioner, Olay Tillman, reported th- -t the land office had 1061 empoyees These were engaged In the lolowing activities: Records cf patents, homesteads, final homesteads, commuted homesteads, timber and stone entries, public land sales, private sales, oil entries surveys, reclamation work, rights of wav, power sites, withdrawals and restoration of public land; desert land entries, easements and permits; land grants to sta'es and Eleven -- niverity-Qf- . and Indian nomesteads, opening and eale of Indian reservations; drafting, compilation, Will engraving and supervision of the publication of United Mtates maps; compilation and revision of state maps; minSchool Play. eral entries, oil. phosphate and ash withdrawals and restorations; pot soldiers additional timber homesteads, trespass, forest reeerves. etc Contests of all aorta concerning entries Little Women, the play given by the public lands go to the commlaslonex t nlveslty of ttah Dramatic club, will onf thageneral land office for be presented for the first time tcnlght at mlnatlun. All commimli atlon from the land office, for Instance, are Salt the Social Hall theater and will be played addressed to the commissioner. In land every night this week, i contea s appeal from the decision of the This Is the regular annual university commissioner ran only be taken to the secretary cf the Interior, and In some play that le given each spring by the stu- cases to the United States supreme court. dents of the state Institution. It Is beDealing, as he does, principally with ing directed by Miss Maud May Babcock, head of the public speaking de- the public lands, mostly located In the weern states Get error Snrv will be one partment of the university, and le being ' of the few major officials In Washing managed by Albert Kcelee. concerned with western have been made, on, primarily Special arrangemen matters. Mr. to to obtain the according Eccles, best costume possioie, and all the scen- the Ambition f Motorist Assists Husband to Rescue Wife From Death by Strangulation. rectly with, problems of paramount to Utah than that of commissioner of the general land office, to which former Governor William Spry has been nominated. The congressional directory sets forth the duties of this office as follows: "Ths commissioner ql the general land office Is charged with the survey, man- ;L'.l.Benint arid disposition of the public cl, lands, the adjudication of conflicting or.tTi-relntinc fhfrptit th mntinr of On our banner night we fed 140 people, Mr. Hunter said, and that was not in the middle of winter, as you might suppose, but only a few weeks ago. We average forty persona a night. Do not need money ulous Escape When Auto Turns Turtle on Road. Matters Important to Utah . mentB th wtmnc patents for lands, "A1" h an wlth furnishing certified copies of of orderWV?.a,U.,.at, Idundh land patents and of records, plats and nea'tlv enveneadiw hli ind nhiu papers on file in his office. In national ' to Tn' ' forests he executes ail laws relating aL. n?? id rniate th i!m rhalf. : and await their surveying, prospecting, locating. ap the turns. Mrs. W. D. Ray Has Mirac- Office Now Held by Former Governor Spry Deal With their shoulders, and "the grin of happiness and satisfaction on their faces was a thing well worth seeing. Art inspection of the kitchen at the back of the main room of the mission revealed the source of the aroma of cooking food that pervaded the place. In lark receptacles, carrots, cabbage onions and potatoes were cooking, also a pot of stock. Later, at dinner time, the cook explained, he would form a mixtures of these foods and "mulligan" would be the result. Lou would be surprised," he said, "to see how soma of these poor fellows eat three and four dishes of this stew, besides crackers, cakes and coffee, which we give them. The crackers and cakes are donated by flmts making these products. They are somewhat broken, which unfits them for sale, but clean and fit enough for, conOnce a week the sumption.treated tr. mub and. milk. Mr, Hunter aa a souvenir a hammered allver jewel case mxde and presented to her by Private Joseph Yurkunskt. To wounded men with whom they talked the Harding extended th hospitality of the White house. In one of h'e talks Mr. Harding recalled the example of a civil war veteran he had known, who, dee; Ite the lose of both arms and on leg, always kept talking cheei fully of the futuie, ' I offer to vou men," he continued, "that earns com pensa tlon. I am aorry th burden has come so hard to you. but you may be aur the government- - never mill l unmindful of. vou. In III eeron epeA'VLhf president declared the work of wifmrn tanked as th greatest eervlte by the eex lo humanity, The greatest thing woman baa don we the fulfillment of her part In the m I for civilisation. inning of the know It le the tribute that has been In th hi arts of the mm In the armed force mho felt you mlnletered unto them aa only nnge Is ot God Almighty could minister, I Ite said I Spanish Fork Man Granted Reprieve by Governor James E. Lynch, former county attorreturned Saturday to hts home, 621 Ninth East street, from 8t. Mark s hospital where he had been a patient for several weeks. Freeman Sumner, 931 Third avenue, paymaster of the Denver A InRio Grande, the compea returned tojjl duties pany's offices after recovering from the an of ettec'.s operation. ney, BANKER TO SPEAK. E. R. Howard of Walker Brothers, Bankers, will address the L. D. 8. busl. class ness college salesmanship o'clock tonight at the college on manship In Banking." at 8 Sales- WILL HOLD DANCE. The Holliday Hop society will hold a dance Thursday evening in tha Holliday ward amusement hall. Special to The Trtbnne. Federal Hjetem of Bakeflekf Ilkeacl is Two large A reprieve grantFROVO. March 20 whoesome and nutritious. ed hy Ooverror Mahey resulted In th re(Advertisement.) loavee for 23o. lease from the county Jnl! here yestctxlny of Vernon Davie, mho was caught on February 4 trying to negotiate a drtpk from the evidence aaf of the Spanish Fork cltv had. A quantity of contraband mhleky had been locked In tha safe. This Devls undertook to reach, posting another young man a lookout while h tried to do a "Jimmy Valentina" on th lock II wa Ignomtnlously caught and landed In jail, his thirst unquenched, A petition for hla pardon, signed hy many prominent cltlsen of FpanHh Fork aaa sent to the governor, with th reeqi that th reprieve was granted until h'e case enn be considered by the board f pardons at the next regular meeting, Saturday, April 16. Life and Character Reading MARCH 21. Horn on this date, you ponses unusual ability and brain power, with the added assurance of carrying to a successful end our projec a, schemes and details. You always have eometlilng new on hand to accomplish. Leader of great Institution end reforms are born undor this algn, l'la-Arle- . which Women of this blrlhdate are very fond are exceedingly of men s soclely, but (Sill lone In rhooelng their life partners, do not mairy at all. They aa rule and Moved Dr. R. n ftoshellev. Dentist, It demand absolute loyal. y. now located at III Kearns bldg. (Adv.l become Mi n of this l lithdnie are apt-tdo but not become brutish, To moke sure of getting eeralee and dissipated, a a seno.nl rule they have a alibuiign d foixle, eat at the Fedcruj k, ahaip temper. tern of Hikrrtea' LumTt Counters. (Adv ) quTh governing planet for this data Is Mar, gud of war. Tha births on ta a Th Raster rat bit I on historic figure toi aa. from the hoard that Just can't he The Want Ada favored for th week Fatster morn. And Eiater Hot Croea Bun are those relating to large enterprises, are another. con act a for building should be signed Huy your buna from th and new hnmea Federal 8) item of Bakeries on Friday, may ba purchased ' ( ,. through tha Want Ad. 'dvrt!amnl.j tt S', well-oeke- ml-xl- ng 1 I |