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Show TllL SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 14 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR 8AUS SMAf.I, GROCERY BTORB. CAR' RYISO A GEVKRAl, LINK OF MERCHAN-DIRE- , A I THRIVING I.ITTI.B TOWN 1NQITKB Cl ORB TO BALT LAKE. BOX She, or 1411' Welker Bant build-in- . 8S4 Wli. 17M. for butcher' to EXCELLENT opportunity ftno meat Binrk.t In rocrry More, doin Bo. hniautB; corner of eery but.. center. Rita fnid Phono' Uy. 4203. Cali at ift Eitst. nod Bo. th .Eaot: Are desirous RjtVB proposition to promote. of meettnf the person who has had eipert-enraloof this Una. Writ Box 211, Murray. sale. stock, Complete -- furaishlnc tore safe. fijlures. for etc. -- L 38. Tribune. Address Iudg BUY ALT LAKE USED CAR MARKET. BUICK S1I724 light 3 lounu; 1 Btndebsker 4 touring. 2 new Mitchell tourings, 1 Cadillac 6 touring. ' CARS FOR CABH20 per rent discount 13000 dll real estate contract, paying a ami some on principal nionltile. a4dft8 n eL 4 do SOLD fessMJJIJubii warned aa partner In Ad $500 required. HONEST, reliable .man business. big paying Tribune. drew bouse A BMAJLL hoarding ' yearly; Income BU8INES8 with stock, fixtures. $l2,tri9; ground, Uiiprovfm'ta, will take good modern home up to $tkM)0 In Phone Murray 394. part payment. WILL trade good coinmenial siwk up to $'--.0 lullcs r auto. u iwl na part payment a P2t) of 1920 Bithy Grand Chevrolet 1920 Dodge Bhm. screeu trick 1918 DKlgo Hif.fi .touring, loo Point Six Ktxsd. HUM Ford touring. 1919 Ford loadnur. 1919 FonI Japrens truck. 1918 Ford panel truck. 1929 Nash we-to- u express truck, RENT VKllkP DESIRABLE SPACE FOR GROCERY OH liROl KTKHJA: VERY ATOPPORTUNITY FOR PROGRESTRACTIVE RETAIL MAN IN CONSIVE EXPERIENCED NECTION WITH OCR OLD ESTABLISHED DO TOC BELIEVE JN A MEAT MARKET. 1NQI IKE AT SUC-- t NAME? IT S 8UCUK88. alQl2 KSM MARKET. 29 W. 1ST SO. FOR SALK f ths moat complete and select InOns surance agencies in Idaho, located in a growing 118.000.00 Iowa that baa unlimited resources; worth of premiums on the hooks and growing state, and wish eeery day. I am leaving the nwb. Left go. to ell quick. Price $30UO.W HH jtoA7. Payette, Idaho. FOR iALE2 chair barter alwip Barber ?919 . For parttca a Mi Supply. lira apply Salt Lake parlor, caudy and cigara. la the buahat location ; clearing from $20 to $25 a 3834 per day. Addrres L43. Tribune, FOR HEAT MARKET FOR SALE CHEAP aftOSft CALL HY. 2205. QUICK SALE. for rent. 276 store and fixture GROCERY 5087 , No. 6th West. Was, 817. .. stand. Will pay reason WANTED 4151 able rent. Address M 60, Tribune. rooms; good location; ROOMING house, 12 $1800.09; terms. Inquire 06 So. 2nd nMOO store and SALE Grocery Was. 6790-W- . A snap for cash. FOR Utiug rooms, aM8l Carpet Cleaner, cleans, Utsinfecta, re stores all colore and makes ruga and carpets like new, without removing them from the floor. , Absolutely harmless to colors or fabric. Call our nearest representative. Balt Lake iruvQCax.nelJy A Phi plume. Mji ter moo, phone 862, American Fork, F. E. Chee-reWhite, Centerville, Clyde phone 93 4; Rrigbam City, D. W. Tanner, Booth betel; L A Robbins, phpne 69; Park City, gan. Alder lfCrSoa A Oblad, pimne ft W; Rock Bprlnga, Radio s yo., Mrs. J. B. Young. Carpet A 4732 Luse Cleaning Co. TUB hanitary Electric Carpet Cleaning Co ctvaas your rugs, enrpots, and restores their colors, at your home, on your floor, by saniapproved by health boards tary methods, throughout the country. RADIO look l v, , fcAM'lAUY . - CARPET ELECTRIC COMPANY. . phone Hj. CLEANING Vale st. S 1700 kd376 2300. BAVE your rugs; have them cleaned right. John U. Frits, Uy. 606 M. 761 Third East. r9M and ruga cleaned on floor; colors Radio Carpet Cleaning like near. . . CARPETS restored y 201 Co, Phone Hy. NOVO HUG CLEANING CO. the new and bet ler way to have your rugs cleaned. Repair also floor waxing. binding and remaking nft993 Uy. 4699 W. in, Second 1 East NASH 1920 Nelaoa touring, MOTOR CO. OPEN ALL DAY ABOVE cmimCjeDn vacuums, liodge eleetrle $125 down. Hug cleaned. 1c weekly, no Interest. Was. color restorer free. a41U4 f not ; ft. jXUNK. CLOTinNO, PAPER THE Pittsburg Junk to. wilt pay you ths highest prices for your old suit of clothes, shoes and furniture; also anything in the junk Call Ilf. 633 R, Hoe. yiOIA 1IIGHKRT price paid for iron, rags cupper, brass, beer hot flee, second hand elothca, shoes, sacks gtid furniture. H Guts. 66 (toa place Rfftte bet. Hth and 9th pn. Hy 3657. vtdlh RrONOMY JI NK CO., highest price paid for eld clutbre. buttles, junk and furniture. Hy. DO'IMJ. Idhth COLOR A IK) Jl NK CO. Highest prices paid fr etd cMties, buttles, Junk and furniture, fly a 25(i2 4465 W. fiJTOVENFTICBPAIRINO RANGES $2; L $2; water-jacketcleaned, $.1; stoves repaired. Ail work JO. E. Morriso. 2I7R; p212N Hyland guaranteed. all kinds water (AIJa Western Foundry fre f629 Jackets stove repairs. Wasatch 4474. connected, jacket. LAWK MOWERa BHARf ENXD Mil for ,oor I. mr. hn r.t ilk M K mol.0. flBlN4 II A Hporilkf too Ik Blat. Ool (M .A. 17 44,. 4fll. HA VB 111 Nor-rltj- r (.. BOILEEfl r.plrl lodl.il 11011 FBB 4IUi. UJ4 ) a kr. i. K. w W.lrbrr M77 BEcgyPHAyp STOEEa and' re- .4818 MAIN LARGE - DEPENDABLE USED GENUINE ' CARS. VALLES. 3 Bulck touring. 1 Ford roadster. X 1 Hup touring. Ford sedau, 1920. I.AR80N CLAYTON MOTOR Bo. Mam. 430-- (.. Wli. "1073. 4070 CAR ENTRANCE TO THE USED HEADQUARTERS. STOCK OF FORDS TO CHOOSE AT FROM $176.99 TO $350.09. FROM OLDHMOBILEH. TOT RING. Bt ICK LIGHT BIX. BUD K HPKKDSTEH. SPEEDSTER. I'HALMERH KLf'AH TOURING. STEARNS KNIGHT TOURING. KING 6 COUPE. WIRE WHEELS. CADILLAC TOURING. STI DEBAKEK ROADSTER, $500.00. FORD TUI RINGS. FORD ROADSTERS. FORD TRUCKS FORD LIGHT DELIVERIES DODGE TO( RINGS. SAXON TOURING. 4990 LET Et South. a TON White used truck with express body, m-toWhits nsed truck with express body. I toa Whits need track with hand dump body $ ton White used truck with band dump body. rendition. All in first-clas- s WHITE MOTORS COMPANY, gg So. hwt Tempi, Salt Lake City. v7M$ all kinds. aU prices, people's y8974 into Market. 629 So. State. WILL take good team se part payment on good Studebaker truck. 127 So. State. BTas. 2188. $0 USED CARS, S44H3 S4646 If. L. GRAHAM EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. 1918 1919 1917 1917 1917 CADILLAC BTIPKBAKER , CO. LOWER PRICES. Chummy. 4' PULLMAN tearing. BUICK "6," touring. HI BMOBILB 'N." 191T SAXON '6,M racer. 1916 REO "4. touring. ONE Pierce-Arro- 3767 DOlHiK ROADSTER. NEW TOP WITH PLATE at the right price, with 490 l HE V HOt. FT. 121 West 2od South. GLASS, $.150 00 UA8U. a4t6H terras. Call Mathews, Waa. 129. s78ft A bargain. touring In A-- l rendition. LAIR model 1 ton Ford truck, ('all 413 W. DODgK 829 South To bo convinced call and ire. 17th South. iMl State. a 4090 MOPRL M Hup la A t rendition. This car la FOR a bargain on a Ford, rash or credit call a bargain. Take a ride In It and satisfy 3346 1418 Blair at. S4064 yourself, (all Mathews, Was 129 WILL sacrifice my 1816 Oldomeblle sport sood-ato- r; I BATE The beSTTTne of used care la ths etty. small pay meat sad oasy terma. Terms to suit. Salt Lake Used Car Market, Phono Hy. 2361csh 42.54 R. Wsa. 1500. anO Shift Ho. State. owner FOR SALE By My touring car. 1920 Rl ICK. 6 pass.; $ rent tiree; like new. In A I reodtUoa: must ba acid In 4 dava. tall Hy. 660 R, .W as. 2360. Mr. Scboftetd. Price 6350. Hy. 235b M. s4256 S4M2 diamond or vacant tot aa part WIIJ accept FROM man who knows, AUTO PARTsT NEW phone pavment os .my Oldomobils roadster, AND I HKDt all model care. . I'tsk 04257 2861 R. Wea. 2287. Auto Wreckage, 427 Main. allM Ily. to aril 6 forced Baton tha LEAVING my city, HITDEHAKER deluery. newly palntvd and ever a42t9 for $273 caah. Cali Was 2M. hauled. It haa four excellent cord Urea Thl mschius has been need, but not abumd. If you 1920 OAKLAND sedan, in first r la aa rendition; a ant a snap here's on for you, and I will been run only 2000 miles. 216 WT. lat Bo 4265 take a ford roadeter In trade. Writs or rail Bo. 442 os J. G. Evans, Main, Salt Lake CHy oord Urea; tbor $ pass, light ait; aMU Bt li'K oughly overhauled; new top and curtatna; FOR 9ALR One two tea Pckar4 truck,' with aewly palsied; looks and tuna Ilka hew; will sell nt a aacrlflce on eoay terma te reapenelhle pneumallr tires, equipped with haa been In par Gee. baa body; rest price, new, fall Mr. Rich 220 Richmond apta-ftaa 4 222 rervtr only 7 months, will sell at a big sarii-ftc- e 3 p. m. Wan 6IA A. Write J. for cqtb. Kopp, Cedar l lty, OR TRADE 400 rendition; ftevreiat; good Utah. S4062 . 1564-WS4166 foe plaaiertng and reah. Hy. A ONE TON sad a two-toDuck, cheap, tall NAHII. 1926. Moot bo oold. In fine rendition. aaM6 leaver, Was. 1460. Call week days WtU pay to laveatlgate. AVE $284 06 on new 4u0 Chevrolet touring only 04844 Waa. 227 rar; prarHraIy new, gaarentoed la perfect 1917 $.175, 4b Chevrolet touring, good rendition, afrttO 7uti 00, cash or terms. Wsa. 4oa R. condition, terms. tail llvlend 4192 (t $6g; tun truck used 8 months , fur Um truck or Might renatder Phone Waa. aS770 lHIlT 4te t lIRVHOLRT fourlngT ft new tires, mw 1 4 tor In A shape; terms. all Midvale 66 R 4 ONE new Ford sale cheap. ford tmirtng. 3 ptN., la floe ruantag order, OLD9MORILR $475. (Ml; Overland, $250 00, 6 peaa. ; Olds or riialmera bug and Franklin roadster; ton In 468 State. termountala track, all for trade. Waa. 2887. Two 35x3 tiree, two $4x4 Ores; 4866 all ataee chalra, have been need. car. flea conditio tearing newly painted; Jual over kan led; four new; tiree; $523 for quirk sale. Will demonstrate t 61 W. Ut North, Call Was. 8787 Q a4621 ilIDKBAktK LETTER A USED . wire wheels, fine OAKLAND rosdater, Mr. and appearance. running condition, 4671 . House. Was. 1073. MAXWELL TOURING. sedan. 1930 model, fine HUDSON Super-M- il MAXWELL ROADSTER. mechanical condition A rare bargain. Phone a48S CHEVROLET TOURING, Hr. 4 Of 2 W. A FIVE PA88KNUEK Mitchell, newly rebuilt TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS TERMS and overhauled; the body, upholatorlng and TERMS. flrst-clnosad tho engtno condition, are in top This la a well appesgtug car and is like new. TO LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES. MONET can be had for $690.00, with vry esay terms to right party. . Inquire 1960 So. Ilth East. PEOPLES AUTO MARKET. 6M7 620 SO. STATE Hy. 3216 or Was 43L WAS. 9664. 8T. 00 4845 IN8LRANCE company has Just paid $600 for repairing a stolen five past, automobile. first-clas- s condition, with This automobile is in sew paint, perfect top and uptwlsterj, and 0. H. NEEDHAM CO. carries three new (tree. It coat nt tbe fac-trr- y The first buyer with $1400.00 in 1919. w Open . Opes Evenings. I961-MSundays, 4740 $660 00 cash tokei it. Cali H.v. Us First. PARTY who made mo loan on my Dodge tour4 I have 1929 Hudsai touring, good 'as new. ing ear la about to foreclose same. 1917 Briscoe touring. , authorised him to accept for immediate sale 170 East 1913 Apperson touring. $576.00. JAk for Mr. Bothwell, at 739 1920 Ford, with star.er. 2nd So. at. 1906- - MhcbeMr A paaseogar. Bntd8 niEAirWrgarn4-ty1fhdrrpissefltef 1918 Paige, baker touring car. Used 9 months sad run 1920 Roauer. 6800 miles. Car is practically as good as new; 1929 Nash. over $1600.00, and may he bad for quick c.t 1 Kiaael coupe, $350. n nicer You looking can't buy ale for $900. 1919 WUlya six, touring. car for thta price, and tbe motor is la AT 1914 Cadillac, $459. st. 76 Booth West condition. Temple Inquire I mode! IS Packard roadster, $350, Was. 4631. 1913 Ford and dellvary panel body, $260. 1920 BClCK touring; excellent condition. Mc4674 : ELECT. USED CARS OF MERIT. Donald. Was. 1073. CADILLAC chassis with closed delivery body. Used cars .bought, sold and exchanged. Was. 2481. comer. to first A snap at $160.00 a 4330 0. H. NEEDHAM CO. 4th 274 East 2nd South. 826 CHALMERS touring, $390 cash. Was. 1313. 1929 04391 WE want bmaeboid goeds. We will pay you Ha e annoy-nee- . ONE TON truck, 19 JO model; uoed very little, what yoer good are worth, A ftalt lake Furnttttra Cs., I33 36-3- T food buy for somebody. Rat Brews, Was Hftftft 1071 94678 Drosdwsy. Was 6637. i CARR. PEOPLE'S AUTO MARKET, 629 SO. STATE STREET. These cars have all been rebuilt painted. Run and look l)kenew. FIND THB YOU CAR WANT. Botterill'a used car service haa extended so far in the Intermountatn territory that a mail service ,is maintained for prospective buyers who are looking for dependable used cars, 'The moment a car i taken in exchange (and many cart are turned in on new Hudson nd Essex cars) It la carefully gone over and n price put on It according to the mileage it ahould give. It is easy for anyone to take advantage of this special service. Writs ua what kind of a car youre looking for (we handle only standard makes) and how much you care to pay and well find the car you want. Address or phone our Used Car Division. THB BOTTERILL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 36 Ho. State Street W a Batch 636, Salt Lake City, Utah. i 5156 1020 CHEVROLET, touring, first-clas- s condition. 1347 Green 8t. Hy. 2704-M- . ONE 1920 Maxwell, new paint; cheap. 4978 shape, good tirea and One Bulck roadster, a rrackerjsck for the first boy; one Chandler tonrlng car. In Acondition throughout. Waa. 4639. Joseph Murphy, Inc., 763 So. State street. a4H91 A 1 FORDS, JMltghella makes of 2nd Weat. N. JXqrtei. pH QftklaqdaPodgea trucks. Koaa Wrecking Co. 85 Was. 6847. a4995 STUDEBAKER, late model, touring car; Joat painted and now top; mechonicoi condition can't be beet. Term. Call Hv. 979-W- . 6010 BUICK model touring, all cord tlreo. This cor la a sure snap. Call Mr. Nya, Waa. 129. 5000 CHEVROLET condition perfect. Waa. 129. HUDSON 456 So. 490 touring, Terms. 1919 model; Call Mr, mech. Nye, S5911 for aala for $800. touring Super-si- a 5092 3rd Eaat. FORD touring, in firt ciasa condition A Terms to snap at $50.09 throughout. a5062 right party. Call Hyland 4392. In perfect STUDEBAKER Six, mechanical condition; new top, new tires and new paint; apholnfering very good. Price $576. Must be seen to appreVery liberal terms. ciate this value. Call Waaateb 2257-J- . aftOftl To tell or trade, good Ford touring WANTED 8837-M- . Was. o5079 body for coupe body. NEW aide enrtaina for Ford touring car, $8.90. a4954 Wa. 6060. 245 So. Slate at. ONE-TOFord track, 1919 model 211 l!scl a4847 street. 1920 FORD sedan; run less than 4000 mile. a4972 Clayton. Waa. 1073. Four touring. 1920 OVERLAND Better than new. Guaranted. Pries right. Waa 2483 1919 or 3399. a 4829 bear for speed. A 8 touring. Was. 24HH OLDHMOBIIE 4811 Dirt cheap. aril Ford truck at once; give me an offer. Wall. 1301 Ht. State. al418 FOR SALE Ford aedan. now; $750 caah. Party a 3028 leaving town. 71 73 P. O. place. now paint and top. 1918 DODGE, motor Juat overhauled, at a bargain. Call Waa. 8493 R. aftl73 1918 OLDHMOBILR chummy roadster, good rendtttfwi, very cheap, $700. 601 So. State. MUHT Waa. 1509. S&1H4 AntJKpalrliig FOR guaranteed auto repairing in your garage or mioe caU Was. 3641 A; 75c an hoar. 575 a476 Pngatey at. EXPERT rar repairing at your garage or mine Win. Pawaey, 337 E. 7th South. Waa. 3458 or 8888, 470 AUTOMOBILE radiators repaired. Also bicycle Address repairing. , Work guaranteed. ?t Hubbard ave. a1M3 auto repairing and overhauling, call Waa. 1095, Byron Rector, 118 Weat 6th FOR Arat-clsa- a 894 5 South. AUTOS repaired and overhauled la your garage or at my place. Work gasranteed. 1526 Ho. State. Hy. 4183-R- . aftl70 Auto Paintlnf, Topi, Trliumiiif SHOPS. rOOMRB-HAGE- M. K. Callahan, Manager. Waa. 5077. Boat 4th South. Get our price on your Ford truck body cab before buying Any stylo or aiaa body built on First-cla- n spring and wheel reany truck. pairing. General blackamtthing and woodwork138 S1641 ing. USE YOUR TOURING CAR Ftltt BLEEFlNOr WT wherever you the comfort car converted at amall camp. ' Any touring No. 80 3rd Weat. Phone For coat. Information, ofr AU Waa. a 8646 1176. For 8a1s or Trado Automobiles re Food roadster or touring ear; 1176 So. 9th East. aS765 HIGH-CLASroadster, wire wheels, cord tires. on or trade Wilt take wU touring trade, Address M 28. for Improved city property. 3365 Tribune. Fojr fiftlv-rBtcy- cie. SECOND-HANbicycle for aaie at a bargain. Tire Supply Co., 662 Sow State. Wsa. 4Ji7. LIGHT-teu- ek say Shape. 540 For Sale Honsj flnn Uintah Basin honey, direct, from producer to consumer, $8.26 per 60 lb. can a4639 delivered. Hyland U U. EXTRA For at )9c per lb. HEED, free from dodder, Caah f.e.b. Oeala, In about) 170 1b. begs. with order. Sample on request, Jamee M. e2054 Rigby. Hinckley, t'tab. ASSATERS. R. R. OFFtCER ft CO.. Aeaayera and Shippers' Agreta 166 Bo. Wvet Temple Street, Balt Ukb Send fog aeutple onvelopve. M646 160 Se. C. COWAN, a Mayer end 4114. bt5d Weet Temple. Plume Waeatch Vl.Ai'K ft DRABON, naneyera and ehemlata. Ktft Wee, 1214. n25l ttoeth Weet Temple rhnit. CKIAMON ft NICHOTJft, seesyere and ehemlata. wl 229 Beoth Weet TetnpW. UNION" neoef efflre. luc., i62 fSd South Wehl Temple, F. 0. bei 144ft IN A USED BARGAIN COOLER. MEAT Also (Replay refrigerator counter, grocery display counter, computing scale, slicing machine, electric coffee mill, steel filing care, electric caka mixer, showcases. MACHINERY. BAKERY Complete outfits on easy terms, including stationary or revolving oreaa. Write for catalog. Lot us start yoa in boalneaa. THOMPSON 8 tore SCALE A FIXTURE CO., 5347. 4996 BKBTUVAL polish, guaranteed to be free fronf gum and grease, for pianos and all kinds of furniture; try it. be convinced of . its merits. Retnvftl Chemical Co.. Waa. 5594-W4606 Ttaken sway. Phone Wat. 7859-W- . 5019 truck body, hardntod caALL KQtlPMENi necearv for a Bi 'it HER GOOD pacity. At sacrifice price. Was. 2933. . 8 HOP, for sale at a sacrifice, emulating of 4943 tbe foilowtng: i iuK POKHLilANN HATCUEBt. 1 Althoff ice ma nme and piping. 9 HOLE Stewart coal range. Apply 762 E. a."U46 I power meat giioder, IXLlt . 4th Hot! h. Phone Hy. 2913 It. i'UAUil.i, PKTALLMA 3 Lk.AOl.NG KLECTKIO t cooiing vat (50 gal. t; 1 lard press. ' , tful-aONE set of ptilesa platform S 1 amoae alU90 houae. and Ui'Ullftul. stove. grimier 4'.28-W- . paetty, complete, $65. Phuuv I Wagner No, I sausage atuffqr. BARY CHlCkb; book order now for your aoodi 1 Watkins beam scale, 1 Toledo scale, March, April, May and June. WuUe, Brows 1 hauging scale, 3 meat block. nd Bulf Lfcghorua, Aocoua, K. i. Redo, W. tur To 1 Berkel aUring machine. 1 refrg. counter. ad B. p. Rocks, Black and White Mtsorcaa. 1 BEE Michigan Furniture Co., No. 2, at Sugar-houaplatform scale, 1 safe. J caah register. You pay for no dead or cnppk-chicks. WiU for all kind of new and second hand Apply at ths office of Booth. Lee. Badger A ship te ail points of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming. r&e rev Nevada or Montana that can be reached in 43 Rich, 603 Boston building, Balt Lake City, I tab. goods bought, aold and exchanged. 2917 you money. M. D. Settle. Mgr Hy. 1731. hours from kali iak City, Utah- - W. H. W. y2076 biAitu. loki no. huiia au 3013. O. P. My. box 973. xlMa GOOD 8EWING MACHINES PRICED BELOW ECONOMY FURNITURE STORE. 66 W. Third MAKES FAB RELIABLE South Buys, sella and exchanges all kinds of DAY old chicks. Patron Is Utah hatchery. Oar furniture. 66 W. 3rd South. Waa. 3023. y714 last season customers' getting big egg rew$21.00 Singer .... ords sou you can got tbe same. Several varieto our upholatery BEND 45.00 White Rutary your old furniture Now ktOKiug order. ties Logs a Hatchery 37.59 department and bare it made over like new. and Poultry noctUoa, Tboa. J. Rowley, tea-ec- . Davis 17.50 Expert workmen; prioeo moderate. Hn't Lake asd Wilsun , and Sugar, Grain anu. Heed. Wheeler automatic l.ogau, 27.69 Mattress ft Mfg. C, 635 West Drusduuy. H. 3.23. tiah, c.VkJ giant Singer Id. 00 pbtne Waretch 3299. Ires I'UiUhV htippiHa, Y(iuia, oreua, hoy, flour. U IB all kinds ua! furniture, or exrhaugea old Hy. 47. Granite Gram Co. Conveukut Terma. on near. Grand Rapids kur. W. 2163. 4 Bo Si. 33(1 . 8. C. U. I. Reds, UAiim.No vga. laying WHITE $KW1XG MACHINE CO. noov13 60 for until 72 SO. MAIN. qualiiire; better; $1 modern WAS. 5234 HOI 8KHOi.Il fumuiture of j April 1. 3371 8i. Hnl East. Murray 469. x2413 a. r a 792 bnogatow for sale cheap; icily caah. 1995 3. C. a 1395 South 9th Eaat. Hl'J'k Legiiora eggs, Lying strain; GRANITE concrete headstones and markers; Incubator and electric brooder. Phone Was. dediuing-rooset. range, aew-- bed brusa wifi BUGS, ; lsat indefinite!) beautiful they ' a371ft 136 Paxton arc. u66U ing machine; dirt cheap. signs. Samples at 252 N. lat Weat. KINtrLE comb White Leghorn eggs for hatch-ing- ; 1849 THOMAS ELECTRIC REP. CO.. 344 State any quantity, phone Douglas 61, a3358 Naw sad used motor armature winding, motor GENUINE porcelain Universal steel range, almost new; coat $i0; at half price. Brouwag BABY chicks today. 15883 W. H, W. Bmith, 1594 and generator repairs, Waa. 1246. Bo. State. furniture store, 349 So. W. Temple. 1902 s3869 VICTOR Hy. 8016. and Columbia records, slightly used, BABY chicks at People's Forwarding to., 62 35c to 60e Flahari Music Store, 141 Eaat FURNITURE and blcycla for sale. Inquire at 105 W. lat South; 1 chick to 5000. . 41b0 Belvedere a6641 Broadway. x878 apt. EGGS for hatching, from Days beauties. Barred A FEW uncalled for suite end overcoats at 9 QUARTER-SAWE, table oak dining-rooand 1196 six a 438 4 W. chairs. South 3th Eaat. Olren. Chao. W. 44 Plymouth Rocks. S. 0. Day, 726 7th arenas. reduction. Bdwy. big X6769 a 221 din6 ROOMS of furnitureo-kitchebedroom, CAH paid for chickens, ducke, geeae, turkeys. ADDING and second-hand- . ing room at your own price. Waa. 4210. machines, now B. H. Was. 6941. 333 S. State. a618 4654 Bundatraad Hales Agree y, 307 Boyd Park Was. 10U6. y6693 FOR TWO Incubators for onis, one 200-ag- g SALE at a bargain One golden oak and end Bldg. round-dinin60 egg 1563 Indiana Ave. x6616 ARMY breeches and 6. D. shirts, all aloes. china table, closet, gaa rauger DOT 03722 laws mower, i two leather chalra. Third Nobby Sultorium. 10 East 2nd South. ANCONA eggs for hatching, extra fin laying ave. a4.rMJ7 Phone Wraa. 42g-W- . train, $1.60 a netting. Hy. 3022. 959 E. LEGGINGS (.anvas, leather sad wool. Nobby sS723 OAK china closet and sideboard by owner. Broedway. all39 Sultorium, 19 East Sbd South. Can be seen at McPbee Transfer Co., rear A FEW choice R. I. Red puileta and cockerel shoe atitebar for esle; in first-claCHAMPION 43 Eaat lot So. a4329 for sale. Call Hy. 4163-W- . 1745 condition; cheap. Robert Hechel, Mur94346 100 1, B. icebox, ftimonds brass bed, ufck rorkcr; iHltKEN wire and screen wire, all kiada ray, Utah, Murray 329-J- . firt-clas- a In aU Bo. 1st West. condition. 829 cooking u tonsils. Variety store, 74 W. 1st Bo, ICELESS sods fpootnlna; big bargains; easy 4788 a 21 06 5732 terms. 66 Poatoffiea place. firat-clar- e ONE conoak extenakm table, CANARIES for sales. Beat mating stack for SECOND-HANpool sad billiard teblw; may . 4724 dition, $10.00. Hy. 2029-Jale. Waa. 6196. 64 Canyon Road. a 2357 n5763 terms. 66 Poatoffiea place. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITIRE CO. THOROUGHBRED Rhode loiand Red retting A FEW rets ef second-han- d harness for sal. Genuine, leather davenetta $ 79.50 eggs, $1.60 per retting of 13; aloe one Rbode Robert Beckel Harness Shop, Murray. Cabinet 35.00 Island cockoret Call and seo my stock. 363 style gas range 06747 Drop-hea- d 17.50 So. 10th East, or phono Hy. 8067-J- . sewing machine a953 SODA FOUNTAINS. Combination coal and gar rang . 115.00 BABY ehieko for aalo. White Leghorn. Brown F. O. buff., table, 4 leather-nea- t Let ns figure with you. chair, Leghorns and Black Minorca retting aggs for ret PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. 77.50 ale. 2415 Bo. 6th East. Hy. 2312-W- . a2611 Bank, efflce and store fixture manufactured Corner 4th So, and State Bt. Wsa 2168. , the a 4706 by SETTINGS, 32, fins White Wyandotte. Ward, SALT LAKE CABINET ft FIXTURE CO., 72 Bo. Main. 2792 H1UH-CLA8library table, genuine leather 82 Richards St. a6930 BABY chicks today, farm raised, sturdy, rocker, fine dresser, new Victor Vlctrola; hrdy will aacrlflce. 1204 8. W. Temple. 4689 forge; ooe stock, which means winter Uysra, Vogeler'a ONI portable electric t Bred 8 tore. heavy sir tank. 100 W. 2nd South. Was. 9x12 HILTON velvet 3252 rug, Bxt2 Axmtnater rug 4930. nS149 eome am a Her and Soild FOR delivery today Baby chick. Whites and rugs. mahogany pe- CARROTS riod dinner suite, dreeaer, chiffonier, dressing Red: also retting hen. Farm Product Co.. Extra choice. 91 hundred. Dougina 114-45 W, 7th South. Phono Was. 5471. table, leather rocker, davenport, coal range, S87B3 Call evenings. 8. A. Rice. s658ft gaa range, wardrobe, beds, springs, matticsa, BABY chicks; White Leghorns. Rhode lalaad 14 ft. front counter outfit mirror. Singer newlng machine, library table Heda. LeRoy Turpin, Murray 834-3- . 8730 SODA FOUNTAIN. Will sell goods. In good condition. Inquire bos 87, Coalville, and Iota ef other household 217 80. Weat Temple. b461m) BABY chicks, 12c, Fresh Utah. April sad May. 261 cheap. farm egga. 33c don., p. post. Alvin Allen, I ECE M188I0N OAK DINING ROOM ONE s63 NATIONAL cash milter:, la tret mode), .Great Hyxuza,. 8BTt ONE WALN1 V'PKEeeifit'AfttA9f Must Mil. P. 0. bos 77, Provo, BEDROOM bargain. iBARGAIN AT 8ET. PRICES. Flemish Giant bucks nd Utah. a 664 CALL MORNINGS, 1280 EAST 80. TEMPLE, does. Price reaaunabl. Call any time exoca Ire, meat APT. B. KNICKERBOCKER A PTH. la wed ooaapntlng aftool cept Sunday. Waa. 4702. Addreea 344 B. let BARGAINS ahovr slice rt, refrigerators, counters sad South at. a 4229 fnraitura; must sell. Any reaaonable ofeases. Toledo Scales Co., 247 So. State. a 829 FINE fer accepted. Include oak parlor set 1 THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cock or paint, 1.69 per gal. L. If. Brelnholt, Na 1 La Favor apt.. 1st Ave. and D 8t. cockerel; R. I. thoroughbred eggs, $1.26 pec GOOD 1007 So. 7th Eaat. Call Hy. 2666-R-. 1003 S4H13 488 Eaat 2nd retting; 6 pairs mated pigeon. South. 424S 10 HOTEL ranges, atoel ref and cabinet, elecBUFFETS, tables, chairs, rockers, etc., real tric orchestra piano, T showcases. 16 National bargains; easy term a THRIFT 8T0HK, 5b 8 8. C. R. I. Red cockerels, beauties, Maxcash registers, complete soft drink asd loach State at., Waa. 1745. 4001 wells strain; netting egga. 656 B. 1st Bo. counter outfit. State Western and Furniture, - 4766 For Sale Bones sod VeblclM a477 Broadway. Wag. 6162. CHICKEN 1176 Eaat Sixth GOOD coop for aale. afore, shelves sad bins for sale cheap. CASH paid for nrelere boraer and cows, Call South. a 4604 Phone Morray 403. a473 Murray 149 at noon and after 5. y8760 B P ROCK egga, 6L50 retting, 749 Roosevelt blue-wh- it NOTICE HORS S BUYERS: diamond, cheap. Call ave. 2696 BEAUTIFUL Waa. 7702. Just received carload of firet-cUrhorse 1909 HEIR THOMAS strain Rhode lalaad Red ret- TWO sad mares, weights 1300 te 1600 lb., sgeg 4 te floor showcases, 4 ft. tong, first class, 3. nil well broken and tbe best that money can Fine ting egga for aala, $1 60 per retting. 1 new Conway player piano buy; all guaranteed an represented or mosey train White Leghorn retting a, $1.00 per retting. at ata half price;1583 2276 refnndrft ('heap team a also. bargain. Major at. Dan Williamson, Extra fine stock R. I.. R. hens,, weighing from band-mad- a five to seven Iba. each. Call and see A. B. FOR' SALE Beautiful sftl$ Hawaiian rear 422 So, W. Temple. Nlhlrore Poultry Farm, 4343 South Highland steel guitar; originally coat $100; will take WILL take good team as first payment ea drive. Phooe Douglas $25 caah. Address 2260 Tribune. Flagpole ea lawn. locacomfortable bal. Nice like vent, borne, 108-between T and 6 p. m. a 4529 FOR 8AL& One Tribune. 4962 reah register, rang 6c to 19; tion. Addreea 4 BREEDING poor White Plymouth Rocks, Leyaon-Pearea$126; regular price $250. AMERICAN Express horses for tale at Ameria sad selected Co., 236 So. Main. all my 2234 cas Express bam. 186 W. lat Booth. a 823 breeders. Priced low HOME Comfort hotel reserved. Nothing ranges. Will save you FOR BALE Spring wagon, harness, plow, harfor quality. If you want something good, our Can once. Get at money. deliver row prices. 71S6-W. and 425 seeder. 6th No. or tea them by appoint-moo- t cultivator, phone Was. Wsa 1287. Was. 8818-W- . 3079 B. H Hoitiagworth, 1366 Weet 8th No. Tobin Furniture, S3 W. lat So. 2333 4964 TWO teams of bo rare for sale or trade for HIGH-CLASsideboard oak and golden dining chickens at 856 American ave. a3H88 GENUINE Roller female canaries fork breeding, table; Hughes electric range; large oil paint- AUCTION SALE of HORMES and $2 each. Cramer Floral Co., 39 Be. Main at. MULES, oa flipper, 4961 ing ef elk; reveral palm of shoes and 6307-JMARCH 24. We THURSDAY. will tell at . tea 8ft and 4B; moons head. Was. FEMALE canaries, cheap. Roller stock. Waa. 2519 the UNION stockyards, in Ogden, 200 'homes Most and borsea of there mules. be will good a 4979 Bg28 W. 8EGO OPTICAL CO., 202-21Hooper bldg.; broke homes, ready to go te work, and we will HATCHING lao have a consignment ef good aaddie horeea. egga, S. 0. Brown Leghorn, fair spectacles, guaranteed; quirk renud poultry show winners, $1 per 18 deHverad own ps ire; 4452 grinding; prices right. Wsa 1183. Ogden Horae end Mule Commission Co. in city. Shipped, $1.23 per 16. Special rate 18391 FOR SALE Three head of borsea, on 100 egga. Neil H. William. 1934 DougHoi-at- e high-grad- e 6 tractor and 1920 F0RD80N 1400 te 1600; two heavy harnesses. weight in ave. 5028 Phone Hy. 2114-W- . In cows for sale or trade. a 4859 Phone Wsa S493 So. 6th Weat R. I. REDS, B. Mlaorcae, White Leghorn egga, 6086, or Wia 7324-14- . 8216 8200-lb- . ONS wagon, team, harness; ona 2900-l- b 1 retting. 249 W. 7th South Waa. 3334-to foe ml. Jorgeneen Vtotla team and harness, 20 government lynch-pi4960 VIOLINS and cel 3824 wagons. 8 rets of government chain harness. Repair shop. 306 Cooetltntlon bldg. flrat-cUa- a ; ONE Petaluma incubator, Roe BOWERS will bouse any car. 5847. Wrecking Co., 86 N. 2nd Weat. aWaa. portable garages condition; cheap. 310 B. 39th South. Mur4997 Permanent Very attractive to surrounding. 6067 ray S46-J- . nd durable, but can be easily moved. TEAM Terma. 2200-Lteam mare. $126, 2700-lb- . 833 So. Srd Weat. IT ANCONA pujleta, 16 Barred Rock, 20 White Waa. 4969. a 853 1 team mare. $2d0; 2509-lb- . mares, $300; 2900-lb- . 10 Yilnorcs Rock. team mules, $800; 2 farm truck, 8(4 and puileta; Stiver Spangled FERTILIZER for lawna and by con gardes, 6 nets doable harness. Trade. Hamburg egga; 7 fine doe and 1 buck; young, tiree, . cheap; tract or by the toad. Call Waa. 4239-i8696 48M Rear 1376 So. Main. Hy. 2690. freah cow. a 4887 State. Was. 2787 6176 FOR SALE Almost new Remington, nt sacriLivestock 8675 fice price. P. O. box 192. JTotJBaIg For 819 PlsDot snd PRonofrsphs WISCONSIN HO LUTEIN 8 A NEW $259 Victor phonograph, with 49 recLarge producer Freah and springing. ords. at a reeriflee. Leaving tow a 281 80. V. C. Stiefti, Riverton. Utah. $423 6th Eaat. $790 Kimball player and lot rolls Phone Mid8069 423 750 Autoplano-player- , vale fit too. x492 600 Cable piano, superior tone 276 HAYS 6 cord of largo toga $ft length; will sell at very resaonabla price. Call after 6 AUCTION 8ALB On Thursday, March 10th, 450 firewater piano, dark mahogany. ..... 218 nell we horeea will 290 mule and H Union at. 387 a4076 at m. at 400 Kauffman piano, plain care. 216 p. Horae and Male Ogden teckyarda, Ogden. Good tone Upright plane 106 HOFFMAN press machine at 647 W. ted South. Commission Ce., Rey Griffin,, auctloner, $126 Victrela, mahogany care (records) ,, 96 4079 alllt 76 Columbia cabinet machines (records) leggiaga, mahoaany color. Altering BELL nod buy fresh milch cows, beef, veil. Small table machines ..,.$12 te $26 LEATHER and repairtug. J. W. Jenkins ft Sooa, 428 Victor and Columbia records. .... .86c te 60c Silver Spangled Hamburg' egga, 15 poultry. a4226 for $2. Gutters and mandolin ....... ,$5.00 to $10.00 So. State. Keep- - bulla, service, $8; take bull, $5. T. A. 8 1873 Be. Main at. Hyland rear for aroond Johnson Jt 8T the thing under, getting FINIIKR'S MUSIC STORE. 8594 motorwheel; good condition; cheap for cash. 2890. 141 Waa. 3190. East Broadway. So. 166 East. 4222 ted Easy Payment ONE freah Jersey cow gad calf for aala; four Four doora eaat et Auerbach's. high-ove4512 gal. milk n day. 852 80. lat Weat. gaa range. 1088 So. tb East. 4719 ONE S4787 FOR SALE One cow Hy. 250-J- . and calf. D. R, Nettle. 20N3 r Under-doona 80. 11th ONE Burroughs adding machine, a4525 East, city. BARGAINS IN USED PHONOGRAPHS. a 4 038 ft wood No. 8. Apply 822 McIntyre. OK MALE Freak Cow and calf. Phone Wire. 8529.J. 90.00 COMPLETE never $140 Columbia, aslant case b46m7 baby layette, renaonabte; $140 Columbia, mahogany caan 35.09 4284 ONE used.. Wat. WJAJ. young milch cow, freah 8 weeks, giving $125 Columbia, mahogany case. 76.00 4 gala, milk a day, for sale. 909 So. ted 100 00 SURGICAL cbalr. operating table, white metal $125 Victor, oak care a 504 7 table, two aretal tanks (gaa or compressed Weat. 125.00 $160 Vtcter, mahoaav care Waa. 4759. 4172 two ruga. very largo TWO fins Holstein heifer 90.00 air), $176 Pa the, Mahogany care calves for aale Phone 72 1. Midvale J s6194 and vegetabi FOR SALE Potato paring TTteoe 4193 EX. freah cow. 29 machine at a bargain. ITT Main at. phonographs have beea traded In so qta, day. If you want a ear Bnraawick. Soma of them are almost new. 188-eow-eell real a6183 FOR and SALE Ruga Slngar tewing machine, Murray Any reasonable terms, very reasonable, - 78 Beat 2nd South. Waa. For Etla 982. after Monday. a49S UTAH MUSIC CO. Was. 271. 11 East lat South HEMSTITCHING and pivoting attachment for LAMRINO GROI'ND AND RI'MMRR RANUR. S43B2 on work nil newlng Ijaabing gronnd ea dlvlda between Proimm-tor- y $1 mnehinre; tale; and Blue Creek foe rent or sale; sire Personal check a 19c extra. Lights' Mail Order riMHKK Ml Kit' STORE buys ored pianos, talk summer Write J. 8. Peery, 620 Ala. 4287 127, Houae. range. bog Birmingham. lag machines, record, musical Instruments. 5059 Bldg., Balt Ink City. r79 I HKD Wasatch 571 carings by the 4a., motorcycle. Fords Flour and Feed and other. Anderson Steam Vulcanising Co.. PLAYER PIANO with bench, stool sod music, 4 09 No. Call after noon only. I 649 80. ted Weat, Phone Hr. $360 cash. Wl r, M.. JOU moj.f on flour, ha.r. ,ml. a 2563 FAIURANKM-MOKHBrown apt.. 217 Third Eaat. overhead track scale, ea tc. Prompt drllviAtfs. Bailey ft Buna ( o Iba. gasoline pump, Was. 185 WANTED to buy, standard make phonograph 1800 parity 250926ftt4-lnrh- . belt drives. One Half with records; rood it Ion must he gred aed grindstone, For Sale Motorcycles meter, practically new, Waa, Give particulars, price reasonable. price and 11. p. single phase S4M4 Trtb 8188. Hyland 8056 H. addreea with your reply. Address HARI.KY lA V I l)KllNwnli ,l(i.c7r.: a 2811 M ARRIVE waxed rek one. ' library table, $83. Call electric drive; all modvrn equipthroL Was. R Of 2781 Bo, 9th Beat. 14500 mo R Hy. PIANO for Ml. Call at I$9 Weet 4th Sooth atari 3636 ONI filing la the Crrecent Dome strucINDIAN and tandem for aala, Motucycie ture, or will bay filing la San Rafael swells KIMBALL upright, as good at new In quality rood It ion. 1089 W. lat South good cheep; Reasonable price, t Was IP9- with drilling permit. Whet hove you to offer sod flat ah. 3739 l4Hft2 for rash I Three Chris Greenhagen, Wsa 6810, NSW Hnrley-acaids car; forced to re $460 SCHAFFER pteoo, good coedltieaT moot count of leaving Iowa. Call Hy. 3632 W. 4 VIOLIN, bicycle, incubator, tlreo. tubes, skid reertftee $160. Call Waa. 6009 ft. 5120 , ehalns foe Ford, gaa water beater; rbeap or Was. trade foe furnitwre. Was. 4210 FO R BA Lft--lagabury piano, $115,00. S4655 For Balo Mecbinery 2139 J. sMHft K I N OLI NO WOOD, t SA M FOR siTVlIONle OH. awl for ul. ,n lM. ilnr w.ll LAHUl new dll hogany $60 nbanograpb. toee S405: HV. $881. Drlin.c (Ntnrl, lak.n. R. T. Donnln, then . for reh No. t lwlw qpte. s49ll . ' ( all Monday, MI.1M Waa CT. DIAMOND ring Ask f'f Mr. ( kriateaoou 5157. 5072 SO TON PhoDOgriph Repairing pM'lahl. htn willi Krf.n 26 ten pnrtNbto bin slth and oereon, IllOMX UAPIIB REPAIRED right; 12 year1 YOI NG peach trees, to bo traueraaied. Thra MORGAN TANNER KQl Il'MKNT UO. 11 are still la the ground and will be dug ta mekre of itbono etperlenre ritelriag 3, 4669-W- . a5099 to.t Tmiil.loa Halt Phone Hill,. Hy. R 10AB ordered. Lak. flfr. Call Jack Lee, liy. graplia. MAH, 9th Booth, FOR BALE 259 pouoda Grimm alfalfa read te She lb. F. 0. Box 321, Boire, Idaho. frdte W FRK 378- Ho. UCAUAN-'ifc- Mala Ht. 4016 s2l SUNDAY. TERMS CAV BE ARRANGED ON ANY OF THB cord 11 sa.a and Nor they Patent" acetioual. shapes. Hold oa easy terms. Have '25 mw rent in ire. Write foe catalog and Hat of aatUfifd users In your own neighborhood. ......... I m $1 23 StudebakepAPlB model; good buy. 3 Oldamobiie trucks, cord tires. Finest Ford hug in town; new tires., Vets and others, Moon, Velle, Saxon "4. delivery truck; new 0 coed Resaonabla terms. tires; new body and aU overhauled, with fine $90.00 and up. Look it ever. Your own price. QUICK, economical, thorough. Job painting. M. L. GRAHAM CO., Make uo an after. HAMILTON BEACH CARPET WASHING, Bo. West Temple Street. Several other good tracks st bargain prices 3877 MFG. UO.. hometbiug different. Carpets made like new 3. p. FOWLER on our sen floor. s2399 FOR SALE 41 69 So. W. Temple St. , 8U touring. 1918 model; Liberty Andersua-BywaieElectric Shop, with firmt-cla- u Marmoa mechanical condition. Phone Was. 1641; evening, 1 AM In a position te offer the moat liberal 337 bo. state. 34." 7 pass., touring; newly painted and comterms on tuy five passenger Chalmers touring a4d!4 liy. 1196 J. new paint, top and fine tiree; best of pletely overhauled. Will demonstrate. Terms. car; LAUH 8 New Method guarantee grease spots mechanical condition. I must sell this car sad Call Sunday, Uy. 3208-3- ; other days, Wasatch Must reasonable. have ms do a removed, colore restored. in tbs price. Call 5523. a4690 J 16886 Wasatch 48G4-W- . big gscriflce s3496 Hy. IF TAKEN at once, will tell my 20 model LibCLEANED. CARPETS &PKITAL Latest model Paige, condition, for $900. erty Six. la flrst-clse- a Ws are the original llinlitoi Beach carpet 4660 practically new, at a sacrifice; owner leav- Call Hy. 4118 W. waabers of this city. Cleans and practically ing city. Was. 7974. or 66 W. 4th South. dries carpets on the floor. Absolntely no harm a 1953 BARGAINS. THIS WEEK'S to runs, carpets or flours. No time wasted NEW Nash truck, express body, canopy Call Was. 26H2 and ask us about It. driven 1090 miles. Mr. V. A. CUTLER. One Premier Chummy. top; cord tires; 4, P. CUTLEB. a4047 Schofield. Wes. 2360. Hy. 580- - R. 02U72 Ona Wlliya Knight touring. Felt Bldg. Ons Dodge sedan. 6 good tires; A 1 ehspe John RPIEKER a to. Wish and restore Colors 1919 490 TOURING; One Bakk light alx. mechanically. Must be ores to be appreciated. of your raipets and rug; work done right at One Scrlppa roadster. Midvale 66 4065 a Terms, fail Was. 8921. HjL your home; guaranteed; reasonable One t hevrolet 490. S252 A BARGAIN "tft" Studebaker big alx: wll One Maxwell touring. 3rd 6b W. first class condition. 'I n cleaners. We a cushion equipped, RAY X rem"v rug s 254)7 Phoe Was. MH. S4237 South. Cl LLRN AUTO CO., 37 W. 2nd South St. ink stains. W. hTrfibJ. 4651 BY OWNER HT ilA M liT0N It kXuII CARPET Paige chummy roadster, A-- l rea WA8HKK 3. ditton. 4614) S6567 W ILL sell my Bulck touring. In food condition, (all W. Company's machine will do your mg nod car ml good tires, for 3250. Car may be aeen at pet c Us nlng quickly at your own home, without 1920 DODGE BROS commercial truek; screen a 4652 inconvenience to you; or, if you prefer, nt our Mr. Schofield, Was. 2360, Uy. 5m K. Cullen Garage, Monday. body. In a few hours. to returned and you 4046 LOOK! It's a Nash! plant, Good na new. Call Ma"They will look like new " RatUfsction or no 1916 BUICK and oae S4U67 w th a. Waa. 129. Hup touring, both newly pay. Newbrtght t arpet Works, rear 344 Fait Will dispose of el I her one. 430 REO truck, a4280 palmed. toa; oae Kiaael ton truck. Hy First ftotith. Phone Was. 4702. South Main. Wsa. 1073, Mr. McDonald. a 1592 8912 296 k " 2263 Windsor at. Bt GARHOl 8E Carpet Cleaning Co.. 1140 East 2Ut ftoutla We will clean your carpet, klMMKL touring ear, 00run Ift.OuO miles, had ONE Ford bug, cheap. 163 K. 3rd So. beat of care; $750 cash. Call at lode, 3879 either at your home or will re II for and deliver a739 them. Ask for price list. Pbone Hy. 8260 J pendent Garage, 430 Eaat Ho. Temple. I HAVE t dandy Dodge roadster; mighty good S4M7 6TUDKHAKEK. 7 passenger, floe condition; all or 3729j Call shape. This car will be told right. new tires. First $650 takes this bargain, Mathews 4053 Waa 129. made tOIXIRE and brlghtneoa restored: ruga afternoon, 31 W. 1st North, or new without removing: wshed and dried fall Hnturdav 3 a724 1919 BARY Grand Chevrolet; run 8000 mile; with electric Hamilton Remit carpet washer. Waatch 8787 Urea In first ciasa shape; sever off the city a49H6 PlMne Was. 6t37, I91T FORD Will sell touring: good tires. pavements. A bargain If taken at once. Was. vr ( R terms, esah all Midvale 66 4 cheap, Terms or cash. 3493 K ter demonstration. V NEW' fine shape. run 5000 miles. Packard 7 paw., 8 48, 1916 model. at Social Hall Ambus. COOLERS AND REFRIGERATORS. HKFRIgEKATOKH. Miscellaneous back mirrbuffet. BEAUTIFUL built-i- n or- and splendid fittings; easily installed f Waa. ave. Emerson 1519 room., ? any dining or Hy. 43J3J. aiims ! 9713, ELEVATED-OVEgae range, folding cheap. 362- Weat boys tiicycle, amall table, 4893 2nd No ih Hi. 40 THOUSAND clean brick; 60,000 ft. dimen eioa timber,- 60 perch foundation stone; 20 doors, 120 pairs of heavy gale hinges, 600 aq. ft. fe'fn. sheet iron, oae Fairbsnka-Morroae Novo, one 2Mthoroepower $ horsepower Witte gaa engine; 600 ft. 6 in. of all Roan material descriptions. building Wrecking Ce., 35 North 2nd Weat. Wasatch li, model, Chevrolet touring, 1919 modeL Overland 83; cheap. Phono Was. 129. BED CARS 1913 Scrlppa Booth roadeter; EX- - one-totruck. 1919 Uldsmoblle 1919 liodge Bros, roadster. 1913 Studebaker roadster. S4147 Bl TTUX sanitary electric beat sod color restored 9x12, $2.00. Quick service, Hyland ON 3920 model. touring, Roomer sport model, , tires. $ a4uir - TORS FIXTURHS. MEAT wfe imvil ut full cuoal. strung, Ur clncK. Frlcu hat ul Utart.Ung lurauir. J lui upon applH.uun. 2918 model. OUUmobilc SUNDAY. OPEN ER, INC., OFFERINGS FOR THIS WEEK IN LOAN A TK18T CO.. .Was. 2232, , ' GOOD USED TRUCKS SEVERAL CEPTION ALLY GOOD TERMS. PACIFIC Murray 394. LEADING restaurant in Jerome. Itltflm. s sunk Wili har air.cJiai capacity, 40 people. if at tun. Doing $100 a dav csi.i buauiesa. At & bargain if taken soon. $U0 tone 4667 Bo 337, Jerome. Idaho. dollars). GHOt KHV aiore and buihtlug, with a 4 room A on pated st. collage, la fine locatlou,, HOFFMAN BROS. 22 B. 1st South. TERMS. EASY . WEEKV v. CHICKS fcr rtttfc HA.NUB UUUA.MZKU STUCK. chummy roadster, 1918 model. Oldamobiie roadster, 1919 model. 0It 6 SLIGHTLY USED . VAll OldMDobile TOURING. TOURING. NASH SUNDAYS. RICHARDSON Phone bargain. VERY Haynes chummy roadster, GRAND BABY BARGAINS CAR FOB THB FOLIOWING TOURING. CHALMERS STKATFORO MOTOK CO. 176 East 2nd South. $.7000 ' BABY 490 TOURING. (TIEVROLKT all for sale, cheap. ELECTRIC HATCHED ROADSTER. A y7073 Wasatch 1509. USED 0UR1N'U. UHEYROLET ON OPEN cent Interest For Silo Poultry and Pet Stock Ancona. Barred sod White P).vmoab Rtcks. Black Minorca a. Brows, Rutf and White R. I., Kwi. and White VTyan-dotte- a. Legtioma. Oil and coal burnjng brooders in 10U, 250, 600 od ,' A. Pioneer Untehery, 465 Hollywood are. Telephone Hyland 286. p, O. Bos 994 TOURING. STUDHBA&BR Oldsmobile live per on good, South Bute. TOURING. E-- DODGE truck. I K Uel l ion truck. 1 Reo truck. Republic truck. 1 Indiana truck. In EsUblislird nilllloerjr Pusinen FOR BALE town of 4U00 pop ; best location; grow la new, modern store. Address K 3P, Tribune. '' 601 iBiudehahss 1 USED OAR OB A USED TRUCK YOU ;A WILL Aft WOUD TO OWN. TRUCKS 3472 Tor Sale . touring. sedan. Aatomobfles FOR 8ALR TOR 8ALR BABY CUD k8 BABY i HU Kb Boukiug orieit for March and April delivery of 2 I lodge roadsters. 2 Dodge tourings, 2 Ford sedans. 2 Ford roadsters. 2 Ford tourings. 1 Ford panel body; 2 Ford bugs. 1 Cadillac bug. 2241 Vtsh. I 1 t For SaIs AnTomobn FOB BAU5 WANTEDLive - poultry, all kind. F. 'M. Adams, 22 W. bregauit ave. Hy. 2727-W- . yll23 WANTED Cbickii), turkvs. ducks, gvva.- aau rabbit. Farm Froducta Lo. 46 W. 7th So. Phone Waa 6471. yU94 2 Alarm on tourings. I Premier chummy. 1 Oakland touring. 1 Buies light 6 roadster, 1 Ruick 4 roadster. 2 Hutck light 6 tourings. Willys-Knlgh- 81 Tor aAXE FOB MOTOR CO, Second booth. East 175 -- Automobiles 8a1 STRATFORD ' FOB 8ALB TOR SALE " " For Miscellaneous JEWELRY and tents' - , - 21, 1921. ' ......... ?8. 5 ii, rwf tar KAQTIMH playteg guarasteed In 12 or ear. Watermaa, 44 V$ Sm Main, I PIANO . note 4147 GOOD 701ft d cow naiitf log aalo. aftinB Waa ilRA YINQ W. BPRAYINO 1,4 ,nantnf trm. w. ft 4, lft V |