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Show March 15, 1937 THE BERYL COLONIZER > TORRANGE STEEL FMPLOYEES SEEK BERYL LANDS Crops Are Prolific in Beryl’s Rich Soil LOS ANGELENOS AT BERYL WELL Employees of the Columbia Steel Corporation at Torrance, California, are manifesting a keen interest in the Beryl district. The Columbia: Steel, a subsidiary of the U. S. Steel. corporation, holds large interests in the Iron Mountain re- gion lying immediately to south of the Beryl district. OATS YIELD AS HIGH AS 60 BUSHEL PER the Most of the steel employed in the construction of the gigantic San Francisco-Oakland and Bay region bridges was fabricated from ACRE From left to nk the members of this interested group are George Norton and son, John McGarry, Gene Zappey and mother, {all of Los Angeles), Helmer T. Johnson, geologist of Visalia and. Dick Middieton of Cedar City. ore mined in the Iron Mountain re- BERYL ALFALFA YIELDS FOUR ABUNDANT CROPS gion by the Columbia Steel corporation. The privilege of developing a farm in Beryl while employed in the steel operations nearby is regarded by the boys at Torrance as a premier opportunity. The interest of these boys is heightened by the fact that William H. Day, secretary to the manager of the Torrance steel plant, is vice president and a director in the Escalante Investment Company, Ltd., as well as a substantial owner in Beryl lands. Government Offers Liberal Loans For Seed Purchases Saturday Evening Post Praises Security Plans Of Mormon Church Word was received this week from Utah State Manager Geo. S. Glenn of the Federal Seed Loan Office to the effect that seed loans up to $400 would be made this spring beginning immediately. All farmers who contemplate the borrowing of money for production ‘purposes this spring may make application through the office of Angus R. Hovey, field supervisor The March 6 issue of the Saturday Evening Post devoted Mormon plan of taking members of its church off the relief rolls. The Post praised the campaign to make the Mormon people independent and self-supporting. The editorial is well worth reading and careful aay, and is given here in full, as follows: an editorial to the THE GOOD OF SELF-SUPPORT “The Mormons took stock of their church household in October, 1935. They found that 17.9 per cent. of the entire church membership was receiving relief, 16.3 per cent from governmental units and 1.6 per cent from the church itself. The church authorities declared that from 11,500 to 16,500 of the $4,460 members on relief ‘either did not need it or had farms that might, if farmed, have kept them off relief. . “The church announced, in April, 1936, that it was setting up a re- lief program, or rather a security program, of its own. The Latterday Saints did not attempt the impossible. It was not their under Mr. Glen, or at the local Extension loaned bers were paid for their work in. supplies which they needed. The ovrhead was exceedingly small, because most of the administration was of a volunteer nature. Larger contributions from members able to make them financed but done not only themselves purchases their a great country service.” The money to be an interest rate of 4 per cent which is one per cent less than has been changed during. past years. Mr. Hovey states that all red tape will be cut as far as possible in order to expedite the time nec- FANCY ICE CREAM COCKTAILS MALTS essary for getting money to farm- of supplies, equipment and land. “The Mormons . feel that they pioneered a new land, conquered the desert, and that, with such a heritage, it is a disgrace for any substantial portion of their membership to be on a public dole. They have office. will carry ers who need it for the purchase of seed early this spring. Ten days or two weeks will be ample time in which to negotiate a loan. As in the past, the security for these loans will consist of a first lien on the crop financed NOVELTIES Low Prices for Entertainments and Parties 4311 East Gage Avenue if the BELL, loan is for the production of crops, and if for the purchase of feed or livestock, then a first lien on the. livestock to be fed. CALIF. — LA. 3544 NOBLE WAITE, Proprietor pur- pose to take members off WPA projects, although members were urged to be “scrupulously careful to do an honest day’s work for a day’s pay.’ But the Church did propose to take its members off direct relief, dnd announced, in October of last year, that it had done so. “Brigham Young, the famous leader of the sect, once said that experience had taught him that it AMERICAN WATER WELL CASING RIVETED is ‘never any benefit to give money, food, clothing or anything else, out and out, to man or woman, if they are able-bodied and can work and earn what they need, when there is anything on earth for them to do. To pursue a contrary course would ruin any community and make them idlers.’ “In the early days of the church, many works, including walls which still surround important buildings in Salt Lake City, were erected to make employment. By last August, the Mormons had organized many work projects of their own, and had many more planned. Their program included new temple construction, new colonies and new irrigation district. “Large gardening, canning, preserving and sewing projects were set up. Central storehouses for supplies were arranged for, and memPhone JEfferson ~ AMERICAN PRODUCTS TANKS CASING Single and Double — Riveted or Welded PIPE PIPE & STE 3743 Ss. E. BRIMHALL D.C., Pp h-C, Cause of Disease. Not Symptoms. Olive St., Huntington Park TRE SSegenerer = mene a a Speke A a oe a eee a AMRICAN EL CORPOR MANUFACTURERS 230 CHIROPRACTOR Treat 2651 Sieel Tanks Welded Steel Pipe Portable Galvanized Pipe Los b Anacles DATE Phone chalet lal 81 oe A tried and perfected casing for water wells. Successfully installed in thousands of wells. Straight ond uniform, and with countersunk rivets it is easily and quickly installed. Galvanized Corrugated, Bolted and Welded OR OF AVENUE, PLATE AND STEEL PRODUCTS ALHAMBRA, CALIF. Alhambra Phone 2371 pier ns |