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Show One of The RAST. EMPIRE GREAT In The. MAKING Volume To Finance Developement Of Beryl Farm Lands The development of the Beryl District necks many interesting problems. This district is now one vast sagecovered plain, beneath which lie several stata of pure water, awaiting to be tapped and drawn to the surface of the land. Sage brush must be removed; wells must be driven, eased and equipped; lands must be leveled and planted to suitable crops; properties must be fenced; farms must be equipped with necessary machinery, livestock, barns and Sheds; and there must be built on each 40 or 80 acre. tract | a suitable home for the family residing upon it. — | Money and human labor are the two things required | in the accomplishment of this task. Ample man-power is already assured. Raising the necessary money is the real test. Escalante Investment Co., Ltd., has been created for this purpose. - The State of California, through its department of securities has is-. tued a permit to this company to - gell. a substantial amount of its securities in the State of California. The stock in this corporation is - all common having a puriase:| ' price of $10.00 per share. There is no promotion stock. Funds derived| from stock sales to the purchase will be Calif., is vice president. Bertram 'M. Jones, principal of the Gage School in Huntington Park, is treasurer. These three gentlemen are members’ of the board of direc- tors. Other members of the board are Urshel L. Curtis, Alexander -McOmie and Andrew S. Wilkinson. Mr. Curtis is a farmer of. wide. and successful experience, having - conducted farming enterprises in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Mr. was at one time agricul- turist for the department culture of the State of of agriUtah. He was also an agricultural expert for the University of Arizona. He is now secretary of the California Milk Producers’ Association, with headquarters at Los Angeles. Mr. Wilkinson is manager of the ExCel-Cis Products Company for the States of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, secretary of and the Louisiana. The corporation is George W. Olsen, an owner in Beryl properties. Mr. Olsen was one of the pioneers in the agricul- tural development of San Juan County, Utah. He has had. wide agricultural experience. All legal matters connected with the organization of this new com- pany have been cared for in the of' fice of David H. Cannon. ‘ The officers and directors of ‘the company are devoting their time and their means to the financing, development and colonization of 10,240 acres of .land which the (Continued on Page 4) ‘Sereen Story Tells 3 The first public showing of the motion picture of the Beryl district photographed We present herewith the verdict of a Jury of Twelve Intelligent Men whose examinations of the Beryl District President David O. O. McKay is tie cover a period fifteen years. owner of a choice 320-acre tract| | ‘This. verdict is the deliberate and sincere judgment of at the south end of the Beryl disunprejudiced minds. trict. Several years ago President - Five of. these gentlemen have held public offices in the McKay fenced his tract and has been: awaiting: opportunity: for its State of. Utah. Two of them represented the Federal governdevelopment.. ment in their investigations of the Beryl District. The remain-. Last. week George. Nottori an ing five are highly Pepe cid citizens in the communities in his. son Lemuel of Huntington | Park, --Calif.; journeyed to Salt) Lake City for an interview with] which they. reside. | ~ out, the Norton boys will undertake initial development on Mr. Mc- ‘We-submit their unanimous verdict as valid me oe that the Beryl District is a region of rare agricultural advantages. Furthermore we regard their verdict as an official. challenge -to us to develop and colonize this’ vast virgin oe s tract this hale empire: President McKay. If plans work HE FAR 'By a4 TG? last autumn made in the Maywood Chapel 4001 Gage avenue Note: The following brief statements are taken from more complete. reports submitted by these gentlemen upon the Beryl District. Complete reports will be mailed to anyone desiring them. I} FOR YOUR $ ; was at in late February. ‘A large group of people witnessed this picture and heard the lecture describing it. The picture will have its second presentation in Torrance, California, Tuesday evening, March 16. ms WALTER a # N. WHITE, Geologist of U. S. Dept. “There are about —= the district |-water of Interior: 70,000 acres in underlain at depths by ranging ground from 7 to 30 feet. This central area is’ subject. to the inflow of groundwater America lions of needs new farm lands.. Mil- _with you the honors, profits _and. other. acres disuse through have been drouth, thrown floods, into soil ero- sion and lack of refertilization. - The net result is that we face the pos: emoluments that may grow out of this undertaking. from an additional. ground- water basin surrounding it, com-prising more than 200,000 acres. The total: amount of stored water that could be removed by pumping’ without lowering. the water table. is. therefore great.” & Opportunity reaches out in three directions in this development of. Beryl. : HON: CHAS, Former * * R. MABEY, Governor of Utak: “The discovery of underground | _.| waters in the Beryl District of the , .Escalante Valley, available for ir-. -— and rigation at a lift of approximately | 20 feet, together with thousands of © sibility of a food shortage, and 125,000,- (1) This enterprise offers a safe may soon find themselves oe a neice € haa profitable investment to those who as- acres of rich, sandy loam soil and increased prices for what es ae sist in financing the development of the good climatic conditions, and ade- . quate railroad transportation over . tract through the purchase of stock in the main line of the Union Pacific railroad, opens up to the real dirt — Such a condition is a dependable sig- _ the Escalante Investment Co., Ltd. (2) It ‘farmer tremendous- opportunities | nal to prudent farmers to “get back to offers farm lands of premier quality to for agricultural development. “This valley -is one of the last the farm’’ and a tip to wise investors to people whe can finance their purchase great virgin empires open to set- tlement where conditions are unseek agricultural investments. and development from their own funds. paralleled as far as abundance of irrigation water and rich fertile We offer the BERYL DISTRICT as (3° It offers employment and the hope land is concerned. of owning a farm to those who have only “I invite the homeseeker who deone of the very best solutions to this sires good land and ample water, their labor to invest. good climate and good railroad nation-wide problem. Beryl offers the transportation to investigate this 000 people e eas aying vastly oe they eat. best in soil, water, climate, and shipping facilities. cropEsnee, Spring is upon us! Our tractors must | soon be on the soil! Make your cooperaWe have a firm faith in the future “iE | tion count most by tendering it NOW! Write us TODAY, 520 Ferguson Bldg., Beryl, and we are backing our FAITH with our time and our money. We are Los Angeles, or call: us by telephone, purchasing as our first colonization unit MUtual 3277, 10,240 acres in the heart of the Beryl District. We are on our way toward the -ESCALANTE INVESTMENT CO., LTD. founding of a vast agricultural empines | Ote and Directors: This Of Beryl Offering One Intelligent Men — CHURCH LEADER Twelve Commend Beryl District; — P LO “MAY DEVE | _ Urge Early Developement BERYL TRAGT devoted retary to the manager of the Co-. ‘lumbia Steel Company at Torrance, McOmie | Number of lands. and their development for ‘sale to . experienced farmers. - The officers of this new company are well-known members of the Los Angeles Intermountain colony. Leo J. Muir is president of the cor- poration and William H. Day, sec- -.. Avenue a BERYL, IRON COUNTY, UTAH, MARCH 15, 1937 One California Corporation The Frontiers “Official Organ of the Beryl District” enterprise needs money and it needs muscle. It challenges the service | and the cooperation of men who have faith and courage—men through whose veins still surges the blood of the pioneers. | If you count yourself such a man, we invite you to join us, and we will share | Leo J. Muir, President Wm. H. Day, Vice President valley south and east of oh € wake HON. GEORGE H. DERN, Former Governor of Utah U~. S. Secretary of War M and (N ow Deceased ) “The offers Beryl Pumping district magnificent opportunity to both dirt farmer and investor. I hope to see the development of this splendid district well under (Continued on Page 6) Judge Milne Plans to Cultivate His Beryl Acres George Olson, Secretary 7 J udge E. J. Milne, superintendent of the Whittier State Industrial School of California, is the Bertram owner of 3, choice 160 acres of land in the Beryl district. This property M. Jones, Treasurer Urshel L. Curtis Alexander McOmie ‘Andrew S. Wilkinson jis located 34 South, in Section Range 15 28, Township West. Judge Milne has been interviewing well drillers looking toward the development this spring. of peat of his tract . |