Show Cougar Loss Highlight Of Utah Game To many a Utah fan at th the Colorado State game Saturday th the outstanding event of the afternoon was the announcement of th the final score between Brigham Young and Utah State The Utah Uta student body let up ne big whoop when the final 9 6 score came over ove the public address system The P. P P A. A announcer came ii in for a special hand when with i a voice literally oozing sarcasm h he said B BYU Y U gars 6 The Utah band together w with ith the Spurs combined to put on the best halftime show of the year in the Utah stadium Bette May Barton Utah's cheerleader highlighted the show with a demonstration of her acrobatics and the small crowd was as pleased jed no end Coach Hans Wagner Vagner of the ColO Cob is going to take no more mort chances with the shaky transportation transportation transportation tation system His didn't arrive in Salt Lake City Saturday until noon then he had to take his directly to the field leavIng leavIng leav- leav Ing ng little chance for the Farmers Farm Farm- ers to shake off their train legs The he departed immediately after the game marking one of the he shortest stays a visiting team has made in Salt Lake City A huge flock of seagulls banded together to give ghe fans a demonstration that re reminded reminded reminded re- re minded one of an aerial circus The gulls swooped low over the field time after time but once the game got under way the birds sought a place where they could have a little more atten atten- tion Visiting scouts Frank Potts of Colorado and Clair Glair Sloan of Wyoming Wyoming Wyo- Wyo ming ning were disappointed because the ie Utes didn't show much more than han a wide end sweep with Frank Nelson doing the running a reverse reverse re- re verse erse with Wally ally Kelly packing I the he ball a couple of pass plays plays' and nd a few center smashes Sloan Sloans Is s hoping the Utes display a little littlemore littlemore more nore when they meet Colorado Saturday for Wyoming is shoot- shoot shooting shooting ing ng the works for a a. victory over Utah the week Potts and Sloan spent a few anxious moments waiting for the final nal score of the Wyoming Wyoming-Colo- rado ado game to come in They knew the ie 7 halftime score and paced the he floor of The Telegram sports department like a couple of expectant ex- ex fathers while waiting for fore the e teletype to bring in the final results |