Show J f Now LaGuardia Comes Up Wi With h Own Recipe for tor Coffee Making Cottee-Making Making 1 NEW YORK Nov 2 p- p Busy Mayor LaGuardia has barged into the kitchen again again- now with his own recipe for brewing coffee In his weekly broadcast Sunday Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day the mayor whose latest utterances utterances utterances ut ut- ut- ut In matters culinary pertained pertained pertained per per- to meat rationing advised the little woman to a stow stowaway stowaway away her modern percolator for forthe forthe forthe I the duration b dust off the old-fashioned old coffee pot and c proceed as follows Just take a spoonful of coffee coffee coffee cof cof- fee to a cup cup that's that's pretty strong strong and and then brew it Let it come to a boil for a avery avery avery very short time then set it aside and let it settle and also strain the coffee in serving It l JI I wouldn't throw the grounds away away if anyone in the family is accustomed to having coffee for their midday or evening meal just adding a sprinkle on the top of the old grounds will make a avery avery avery very good cup of coffee for the evening LaGuardia recalled an old saw of the frontier housewives Never wash your coffee pot pot but advised against it He said his mother back in Arizona had rejected it despite the theory that flavor accumulated and grew richer with successive He urged that the new coffee regulations be accepted with order order order or or- der and intelligence asserting Please dont don't be silly about this and start chiseling and buying more coffee than you need A great many people have done that and that just isn't nice it isn't patriotic and it shouldn't be done |