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Show (Mil) Citizen, Press. Rev iew - Wed., Sept. 16. 1987 - Deadline Mon., 2:00 p.m. PERSONALS HELP WANTED Don't lose your check & clean free. diamonds. We Read's Jewelry 1 WANTED: Sitter-bef- near school, and after Greenwood. Gift-- a complete work done on jewelry store. premises. 36 years in business. All POSITION BOOK ALPINE AT con- DRIVERS, struction, plumbers, pipefitters, welders, engineers. Up to $6000-mo- . Tra- rseas. fee. nscontinental in MONEY EXTRA COOK. FOOD p.m. Wage depends on experience. Send resume to P.O. Box 624, American Fork. 0 FOR trip for two to and rewarding plus a CHRISTMAS, Hawaii! It's fulfilling Kittie, with MUSIC. BRITE at wanted Southtowne Muffins, Magleby's Mall. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday. For interview, or call rchandise vestment. More WISHING please SELL AVON TO call LaRee, us NO. firm is to willing includes: payroll, typing, shipping-receivin- packaging product. Send typeresume' including work inspecting- work on educational along with a handletter detailing Starting salary: $4.50-hhrs. per week. No smokers. 5 LAYOUT ARTIST needed to work designated hours one or two days per week. Hourly wage based on experience in doing ad layout and page makeup. Graphic artsadvertising education and Fork, BICYCLE REPAIR 15" TEND Mnndav of fun, Lots weeks: 4 ROTOTILUNG hot TLC. thru Friday. meals. Call I LANDSCAPE FARMING CUSTOM 750 and 1530 John Deere with Rock Rake landscape roller, with single or double plow, tiller, Call Roy or Call Carl, South, American Fork. HANGING Don't let a dirly on ioui CAKE- OWN. YOUR Calorad, the complete family of weight-los- s products. I lose pounds and inches while I sleep without missing a single meal. Safe and 785-262- 2 to: Addwater Enterprises, Dept. Box 196, Spanish Fork, Utah, 84660. CLEAN, BEAUTIFY, PROTECT for figure growing passive TABLES, AND IL At for most FARM WORK 1 to appointment anything-scisso- tools, etc. Mention this ad discount on our very affordable rates. Plowing 'Marking Off Leveling Post hole digging Large lot industrial mowing with a territory. For information, call: Ext. 686. Monday NITURE AND CARPET CLEANERS. INSTRUCTION TRAINING Call SALE D I Lots of SALE THE BLUE DANCE AND CRYSTALS Saturday, a YARD DESIGN BABYSITTING, lnfants-- Open either a shoe or fashion store with the Fashions ' advantage liberty Overl..-3flbrand names: One time fee. Inventory, fixtures, AF YARD My years. home. have LESSONS. VOICE Call Mon.-Fr- i. Call openings for .develop your tajint. fall. WILL BABYSITTING DO IN six to now LOVING any MOTHER tend your children HEALEY TV service. Reasonable rates. Free pickup fc delivery on service. MY OR IN SHINE. LANDSCAPING would like to in her home. TO CARE. Good Call Carl. atmosphere, loving mother, near Barratt Elementary. Call Dixie LICENSED L CHILD CARE. or Kent, Forbes MONEY PROBLEMS: debts for FOR CHILD CARE, your rates. Want set of harnesses. 35 HP EVINRUDE BOAT MOTOR 5 bike. Cement mixer. USED KING CLARINET B FLAT condition; DP excellent mitment. We sportation, can provide references. own tran- Call bankruptcy. call Embry at For & YOUNGS ANNUAL YARD Girls Saturday, Sept. 19, clothes, boys, hunting items and much much more. 485 North 600 East, Pleasant Grove. Don't miss it. Call TV REPAIR Lehi. 9 a.m. Prompt service in your home or our shop. goods, good Furniture, Atari, baked clothes. set; AMF Jaguar 4000 Exercycle. Call Pay back your JACK FLASH Beds. Tanning SlenderQuest Passive Exercisers. Call for FREE Color Catalogue. Save to 50 , -- EARTH condition. Call HOSPITAL Usable evenings. WHEELCHAIRS, BEDS, Call supplies. etc. Twenty perience. 756 7795. pads, years ex- estimates. Free Professional. WATER Associates, Valor CiN 225-755- 0 IN FIELD. & Graded leafy. CHOICE IS with BACK ALFALFA also alfalfa HAY, grass mix, call evenings, HEATER or FOR Call Ron plumber, New I SONS RESTORATION, reroofing. Call estimate. 785 0416. or for GROVE. Adults and and brass WINDOW message on phone recorder. MISCELLANEOUS PLEASANT IN LESSONS 0 PLEASANT A CARPENTER? For or NOOK IBM handmade items for a boutique in AF. Nov. 20 & 21. If interested, call Valerie, or Debbie, NEEDED; Diane. Norma intermediate all your Penrod. A GOT CAMPGROUND and 9 p.m., a.m,6 EST. handmade items to sell consignment basis. Jann, BATHTUB replace Bathtubs. CONCRETE refimshed ALL TYPES plastering OF CEMENT WORK of and foundations. Fifteen years experience Call 7684203 REFINISHING. Perma Glaze it? sinks, in ceramic your HONEST, CONSCIENTIOUS, REASONABLE, Licensed, repairs, new. Steve recover. Wood Why yourselfer. FREE consultation and FREE estimates. and pickup delivery Also see us for car. truck, it1 tile home. colors Professional, guaranteed, available. Call Perma Glaze at PRESCHOOL NEW UPHOLSTERY can make your favorite furniture look like new! Wei 4 Thursday. Experienced specialize in custom reupholstery enrollment Sharon Haskell. or provide materials for the do it ROOFING AND REPAIR. LEHI PRESCHOOL or afternoon Tuesday Limited pJ fQ FOR RENT PUPPY needs good DARLING ONE MALE BEDROOM COTTAGE HOME American Fork. $225. Call after 7 p.m. c mercial and residential Build up Lawrence Butterfield. 768 8243 4225 Pierpont. 768 9187. East, PUPPIES. 590 North American Fork. home in BEDROOM, AF. Top prices needed. one bath room, two Family double carport. plus deposit or utilities. Drive by 621 North 100 West, then call after 6. fireplaces, SILK PLANTS paid. Large Free ap- three Quality bedroom, 1 bath, double fenced yard. $475-mgarage, Available end NE October. WANT LUSCIOUS GREEN PLANTS American Fork. WITHOUT TLC, I can help! Silk plants, trees....gorgeous-loo- k AMERICAN FORK, clean prices. Silk Impressions. fenced yard, ideal for retired couple, excellent Available neighborhood. $325-m- PLEASANT 1 ENGLISH LONG BOW, 70 STYLE MARTIN pull with pound POOL family bedroom, room, fenced No smoking pets. includes water. Deposit and references required. After 5 p.m., string. mount GROVE. Four bath, yard. OLD October. or TABL- E- 4 for raoie rop, 3337. cues, balls, wall K 0NE BEDROOM, drinking everything. tin. or bo- - ,JU or No animals. smoking, $190-m- ,'" LEHI. Antiques'Finance GunsGoldDiamonds Three bedroom. Fireplace. Basement. No smoking. Pets OK $350. 768 3979. TOPSOIL-GRAVE- L VCR'sSilverToolsTV's L COMMERCIAL STEER Antiques ANTIQUE SIX RANGE. BURNER KITCHEN Charter Oak. Imperial burn wood or coal Excellent condition. 768 3213. Grate will MANURE, SLAG, FILL Call RENTALS Ron Clark, 768 4753. ANTIQUES MTW morning Quality Call 200 LAB are buying U.S. Collector's coins, U.S. coins, gold or silver in any form, used or scrap session. program including basic computer skills. teacher. Experienced Excellent facilities. Call Carilyn NICE THREE FREE SPORTING GOODS NEED CASH??? We teacher. boat, camper and RV upholstery 138 N West: Alpine Upholstery. State Rd. American Fork, 756 Com No pets. Diana, praisals. COIN TRADE CENTER, Ut 1102 South Orem, State, 84058. 10 a.m.- - 5:30 p.m. FOR GALE PRESCHOOL FUNSHINE plus MEM- We'll take it, America's most successful campground resale clearinghouse, call Resort Sales International's toll free hot BERSHIP? jewelry. PORCELAIN REPAIR AND REFINISHING PI. Center $300 $150 deposit. E. AMERICAN FORK two bedroom condo townhouse. 80 North 400 East. No smoking, pets. $280-mo- . QUALITY Monday-Frida- UPHOLSTERY BEDROOM 255 TRUMPET WITH CASE, like new. $275. p.m. word inCertified structor in Robert Pace Method the best. Five years and up. Call LESSONS! concrete ROOFING THREE Grove. and children. WANTED on processing. Resumes, term papers, reports, letters, proofreading and of editing manuscripts. Reasonable rates. Call beginning Linda Peck. Victoria Lehi apartments. Utilities paid. Studio, 1 and 2 bedroom. Cable and laundry. 7684632. smokers, FREE looking for children. LESSONS, after 6 p.m. NEWLY REMODELED SALE home soon. Call line, WORD PROCESSING GRANNY'S PIANO Call t. HOMES WASHING business and residential windows; Phone Brian Mellor at before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m., or leave free PIANO No OK. 6 WINDOW WASHING BRIAN'S ROOFING unfurnished SUPPLIES SERVICES IN nice clean child One or days PIANO THREE FORK, or smoking ad- MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS AMERICAN and pets. You pay lights only. Starting $200 to $250-m- o MUSICAL Approximately 7 years old. Free to a good home. repairing refinishmg Antique polished 785 1185. a WASHBURN attractive, bedroom, one study. Furnished or not. No drinking, smoking or pets. $200-m- o (less for a year's lease) or plus utilities. J.eat, in stripping, Well location. One clean. Convenient insulated. apartments. SHITZU, 756-766- 9 COUPLE. WORKING A FOR furnished CONN Green inventories NEED $275-m- ROOM, ONE BEDROOM, $60 a ton. Morrey. CARPENTRY building, remodeling needs, call pets. smoking, or utilities. HAY EXCELLENT TYPEWRITER ROOFING Licensed Curtis. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed work. Call fenced FORK DUPLEX, hookups. Great location. W-- IN at Grady Attorneys MUSIC LESSONS DISPOSAL? GARBAGE Call 756- - or GROVE. Adults NEW AMERICAN FORK BUSINESS Need a HOT WITH location. Lehi commodes, oxygen, other hospital PIANO Citizen discounts Sr. vanced magic. $10 for 30 magic TYPEWRITER AND ADDING minutes. Call to book a MACHINE RENTAL and repair party for 8 years and under, Steven service. Sherwood's Office Supply. PIANO INTERIOR. DUPLEX good AMERICAN 1000 SUNBEDS, TONING TABLES. price of new piano. Call after 6 p.m. Certified technicians 12 Chapter free information FURNITURE PLUMBING & CARPORT, yard, console. Good condition. Excellent workmanship Reasonable rates REPAIR, TYPING BRICK, MASONRY, OUTSIDE disposal. BEDROOM TWO or pets hookups, in INSTRUMENTS ALFALFA Service Directory for Building, Remodeling and Home Improvements PAINTING, No r SALE. 19. 780 West Main, 13 Chapter FARMERS: Save your MAGIC SHOWS stove Washer-drye- Exercise premium. Will deliver. Fireplaces, BEDROOM dishwasher, after 5 p.m. 4021. SEPTEMBER through bankruptcy farm through com- long-ter- all Have Lehi, Rower chairs, apartment dryer, waterbed, dresser, headboard, clothes and more. Friday and Saturday. 281 North Center Street, Lehi. GOODWILL LEGAL SERVICES BALLOONS home. WORK 2 AF smokers. 785-262- 2 School area. Meals. Activities and Will consider any ages. AVAILABLE Zenith. mowing 785-464- 9 games. P.O. Box 7, American Fork, Utah 84003 & TV, disc. No. 4 video Leveling Large lot industrial CHILD Color Landscaping OK. Final grading LICENSED RCA West Main, Wendy. T service. recorder, Authorized WARNICK fast ELECTRONICS, professional TEND WEEKDAYS mornings expert SALE PIONEER video LIKE fast, SERVICE, Hot tub, Saturday. air hockey table, carpet, furniture, clothes, lots of miscellaneous. 244 South 200 East, American Fork. portables. LEHI HOME. SERVICES BRICK and 8 p.m. Sunal-Wol- Early PAINTING 4 No REPAIR Friday and WOULD FIREPLACES $195-m- Large SALE 5432 Saturday, Sept. 18. West 10130 North, Highland. Wall coverings, fabrics, and furnishings. Nancy Blackburn Interiors. Ant. Fork Western States Champs. Join USTA instructor. storage closet. $100 dep. Call between APARTMENT. plus utilities. INTERIOR baton, jazz teens, and Regional team. winning BED, with mirror and with Also good items for house, yard and auto. Come see at 735 East 50 North, American Fork. September 19. Ballet, Tots, tap. dresser PLEASANT GROVE ONE BEDROOM 400 East, American Fork. CALIFORNIA FUN THINGS FOR 12 E -- Shop new. Wedding like NEVER WORN boy's dark grey ski bib, size 14; $20. Bought on sale before birthday, recipient grew. Call or see at 541 North Western Boot FUR- CHILD CARE Special per bushel. redecorated, three room, furnished, utilities included. No smoking or pets. 60 West Center, PG. COUPLE ONLY. Newly SLEEP SOFA, gown, size & REPAIR Expert Boot and Shoe Repai We sell quality boots! Kids 19.95 Men's & Ladies $35 Call Carl, BATON CORPS. occasions. deliver. are extra large extra sweet from mature vines for more Grapes GARAGE-YAR- two bedroom townhouse. 0 bath, W-- hookups. Call after 5 p.m. SOUND DANCE MOBILE EQUIPMENT. Order now! SHOE immediately. LEHI, 1.5 Pleasant Grove. Highland, Utah knives, rs, Available 8 6130 W. 9600 N. sharpen 10 for YOUR FURNITURE carpet. No shrinkage. Emergency water removal, insurance claims. Horsemen-saddle pads cleaned. BOUQUETS 756-481- Utilities Lehi. BEDROOM, included. IN one or all. FIVE CEMETERY LOTS, VINEYARDS or after 4 home ONE brochure Free available. garden ustom Farming control. Rapidly exercise salons for workout. Excellent cash flow and return. Guaranteed investment BALLOON SAVE off these prices: 24' x24' x x 48' x 10'$2733; 36' x 48' xlO' $3659; 40' x 60' xl2'$5142. Financing, other sizes your business. Call p.m. good cleaning job by the 'Steam Genie' professionals. Fast drying (3-- 5 hours), safe on all types of RAINBOW - 10 SHARPENING KEEN SERVICE. APARTMENTS FOR RENT COVERED THOMSON Sheila L ac- evenings SPECIALS juice CARPETS all 3 STEEL WARNICK CARPET CARE Exciting Highland. SHARPENING 75(4345 designed S- especially for you. Also birthday, anniversary, etc. Sheet cakes, party refreshments, candies. Annette's Cakes & Catering. ground floor distributor opportunities. Unlimited earning potential. Rush name, address and phone number natural. MAJESTIC CLEARANCE 10585 Day, 785-464- 9 fireplace efficiency lor appointment lod3y. WEDDING 36 FREESTANDING-ZER- cessories. Days Kent North 6400 West, RENTALS after 5. Includes SOILS TOP MOUNTAIN Jones. L size 9. Brand SKI BOOTS, FIREPLACE Rockv down Of loaded. LAMP, 8'$1536; 24' Mountain Sweeps call 4650 deliver slag or fill. Daytime after 6 p.m. 785 Pickup trucks topsoil good We SPECIALTIES. TOPSOIL ALPINE $25; new ladies golf shoes, white leather, size 8, $15; men's & lady's bikes, like new, $45 each; TV, $25. USED sale. 756 7802. PICK) for and florals sleeps six, CAMPER, R 11 k.p. great condition. $850. Also 42' cutting riding lawnmower, width. $850. 264 Winchester Magnum with 9 power scope. Make offer. See at 710 West 200 or CoCo for Call Call John or buying trip, supplies, and more. Call Deadline Mon. 2:00 p.m. r new. Reasonable rates. to your party. Games, Let her magic, lots of fun! CAKES OF SALE. FOR TOMATOES come OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS Good for eating PICKED. APPLES, CUCUMBERS AND TOMATOES Introducing Super magic show for parties. Fun and laughs. training time. PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW LEHI FREE PRESS NO. UTAH CO. SHOPPER TOPSOIL-GRAVE-L FOR SALE Terry M. or or Kent, SHOE STORE! CITIZEN golden or cooking. Call SPUDS CLEANING Shirley Hunter M M two Within delicious, MISCELLANEOUS delicious, Romes. ONE PRICE TTllie red YOUR Shelley CHILDREN. LOVES CLOWN LULU BIRTHDAY CLOWN '9.99 Utah 84003. APPLE! JONATHAN AF HOME MY IN LIKE CHILDREN and ? Alpine Highway. Deadline Mon., 2:00 p.m. LADIES' through Friday. -- Reed 'Rototilling BUSINESS A POTATOES. Thompson, chimney cut Utah 84003. LEHI CORRESPONDENT needed to cover general news assignments andor sports in Lehi area.- - Writing skills and experience needed, photography experience with camera preferred, but optional. Send written applications only to Marc Haddock, P.O. Box 7, American N. or Flexible hours. Call Marcy at after 6:30 p.m. Fork). (American experience preferred plus familiarity with typography. Send written applications only to: Brett Bezzant, P.O. Box 7, American Fork, 2 RED AND 10889 Lehi Drug. balloon BODY TONER E - N APPLES Pruning, topping, & removing. also hedging & yard work. WARNICK and personal background and interests to P.O. Box 701, Am. Fork, Utah 84003. Job starts end of Sept. TREE SERVICE WESTERN 8:00- References. Experienced. 5:00 weekdays. BIRTHDAY CLOWN be good with Must (801) who with the grow Job company phone, filing, Call seeks PRODUCE CEDAR HILLS IN MY One to three children. CHIMNEY children. COUNTY UTAH SERVICE paying jobs available. Call fee paid now. Agency standards. SMALL FARM-GARDE- most cases. finding for you. We negotiate for top pay and time off. Good call information, HELP WANTED PART-TIM- a helpers needed in many exciting places. We do the Sheri, background written required. PRODUCTS, birthdays, any niversaries, I love you's. We deliver, too. Helium tank rental for parties. services all SCHWINN makes and models at the most reasonable price around. Free estimates. Same day service in Family and gifts. Mesells itself. No in- experience HOUSECLEANER. ANYONE HOME. PRUNING-TRE- E 7S6-766- 9 NEW NANNIES U.S.A. toys Lloyd written References CHILD CARE Avon Sell arris X House NEEDED TO SHOW mature HELP for an- WOULD High MANUFACTURING COUNTER FOR MONEY EXTRA 24 hrs. LADIES CASH tXlRA BOUQUETS your spare of EAKN BALLOON occasion, CARE MaryAnn Assembly work. Jewelry, Toys & Others. FT & PT avail. CALL TODAY! train. Call Will CHILD BABY SITTING sign maintenance and company. HELIUM Home EARN EXCELLENT MONEY in time in your town. Commission sales for established lighting wholesale 100 A DAY AND MORE Hand delivery of flyers No exPart or perience required. Call 24 hours ext 600. EARN VACATION? FAST EARN BALLOONS NEED WANTED CARPENTERS, HELP WANTED Minimum wage. No phone calls. HELP 16 Page 162 W. We I Loans Main, Lehi 761 4777 buy TOPSOIL DELIVERED American Fork, Alpine, lehi, Pleasant Grove, and Orem. sell or pawn computers, stereos. CD s Honrs: SCREENED Mon. Sat. 117 ALPINE TOPSOIL. 8 vards $50. Call Lawrence Bulterlield 768 8243. AMERICAN FORK main street retail shops. One at 750 sq ft. of space $275 mo and one at 2,000 sq ft of space $550 mo. Call Bank of American Fork at 756 7681 |