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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 23. IMS PACT SI by Lymtm Wkita l - l mlvokex 7W) 1. fltmtr -'5 - K. t. Ferry Seed Inttltmf norM Rust-Resista- Flowew nt asro of fish. "Where did you get those fisn and how? asked the bear. re1 go fishing with my tail," fox. the plied "Well, I would like to know how you do it", replied the bear. The fox replied : "I go to the lake and cut a hole in the ice. then put hole into the ray tail through-thYou go to to bite. fish water for thi lake and do likewise and you'll not jump at the first little bite you must wait till you find them biting good." sn the bear cut a hole in the ice inH nut hia tail in as he had been instructed. He then waited and waited.' Then there were several nihbies. then a bite. At once he gave a big jump and broke off his tail, which had become frozen in the ice: and that is why the bear has no tail to this day. certain flowers vUl SEEDS more readily If the seed coat is cut or nicked. Care must be taken to cut only the coat, for injury of the Interior portion of the seed may destroy it Canna lily, all types of morning glory, perennial and annual sweet peat, lupin and moon flower are some of the seeds- that may be thus treated.' Overnight soaking in warm water will also aid the germination ef these seeds. It your ground is infested with wilt or rust, you still may grow, aster and snapdragon. There are strains of snapdragon' and strains of aster: Some of the easiest flowers to grow, those advised for the, flower gardener without much experience, are the nasturtium alyssum and California poppy. Quick blooming flowers are the nasturtium, Virginia stock, iiinnia eunflower. bachelor's button and . alyssum. If you are interested hi getting brilliant color In your garden with a minimum of effort, try growing' petunia and sinnla. They i require' quite a bit of care early In the tee! son, but once established they grow; luxuriantly and nothing broridee more color. Portulaca is excellent for a 'colorful edging, and cosmos good tor backgrounds. For rock garden growth try some e following:' African daisy.4 alyssum, linaria,.- - lobelia; phlox.! statice, verbena and Virginia stock,' among the annuals, and hardy slyer sum, columbine, English daisy, foreJ and Iceland, poppy, pt the perennials. For a window box, petunia, '04 turtium, lobelia, ageratum, pansy,1 annual phlox and verbena are effeo tive. of - rust-resista- THE RAINBOW HOUSE In the long, long ago in the far distant southland the people erected a great house and it was and is the largest house in the world. It reaches the very sky in height and Is painted within and without . in all the known colors and blends of colors. Furthermore, within it lives the beautiful rainbow, the most beautiful thing in the world. It is the house of all houses1. Everyone is welcome to visit it and wilt-resista- nt " of-th- get-me-n- Watt were invited guests. ' Roy C. Anderson visited in Clinton Saturday. ( Relief Society meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Hazel Waldron on i '1 llllli NEW LOW PRICE It's All Whiskey! Golden Wedding Bourbon is three whiskies blended, not for lower price butforBetterTaste! The rich flavor is always that of the choicest whiskey it is possible PINT Tuesday. f Miss Vaudis Bergstrom of Ogden, Visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom over the week end. Mirs Effie Eldredge of Salt Lake City, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Eldredge. Leslie Wight and the Misses Lou Eldredge, Helen Wight and Ruth Jensen spent Saturday in Logan. Lynn Kidd, of Ogden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Jensen Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Eldredge and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eldredge of Woods Cross, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Eldredge, Sunday. I Miss Dorothy Hadley, teacher of the bee hive girls, took her class on an- - observation hike, and a wiener; .toast Monday. .Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Eldredge were ;n, Logan Wednesday, : Miss Mabel Christensen, Miss Dor-pth- y Hadley and Ross Kelly spent the weekend in Brigham City. Mrs. Lucille Eldredge was hostess pt the Tremonton Literary club Thurs day night. The evening was spent at the Liberty theatre, after which a delicious lunch was enjoyed at the bak, .. . ery. ,:; , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelsen were in Silt Lake City Saturday and Sunday. Bishop T. E. Adams and his counsellor. Josh. Nelsen and Melvin Chris- VTl ceived. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers and children attended the birthday parties held in honor of Mrs. Summers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wight of Thatcher. Leader Ads Get Results HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A GUARANTEED MODEL A j 1929 COUPE ... 1929 SEDAN FORDOR 1929 SEDAN. TUDOR .:. ..... 1929 SEDAN FORDOR . .. ... .. ... .. ; $165.00 ....... $175.00 $150.00 .. . ... ... $135.00 OTHERS tensen made a business trip to Ogden!,: Tuesday. Bishop Adams and A.E. Roche went t6 'Salt Lake City Monday on business concerning, the construction of the hew church building. "We go," they say, "to those who ' mope, on life dejected, Who look to hope, Who meekly say 'good-by- e' We go where we're expected." Francis J. Allison, in Forbes. Hin-man- ..... 1930 WHIPPET SEDAN 1928 ESSEX SEDAN $125.00 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN $125.00 : . ..: J $135.00 TRUCKS , .1 1933 FORD, 157 W. B 1931 CHEVROLET, 157 W. B ....... $350.00 ... $200.00 If you haven't been Terraplaning you have missed the biggest thrill in motoring j Callister Motor Co. j i We Can Do Any Job On Any Car MASTER SERVICE Subscribe for the Leader "Of course it feels different. Dad.. it is different!" common house size, where the refreshing power of color and the rainbow were especially revered. Bedspreads vary in length! The 90- inch length does not allow for cover h ing the pillows'. The 102 or length does, and provides a generous 108-inc- tuck-i- n. toob tain. No. 202 QUART No. 203 III I winter. In the fall of the year you will see the birds gathering in flocks, busily chattering. Then some mora ing you find them gone. If you had watched the face of the moon that night you would have seen them flying south across it. They were going south to the Rainbow Home where they always spend the winter. Throughout the coming and going years they have spent their winters in this house and still do. It is their winter home. There they sing and chatter the months away till spring comes to us again; and there in the eternal warmth of color they renew themselves to return refreshed and brilliant with the coming of spring. And in each of the Pueblo Indian villiages of the southwest, in the years and years ago (and in some even now) there was a Rainbow House of Chris-tensen- " sit at the feet of the rainbow, for it is a beautiful bird (the Indians kA crowd of troubles passed him by believe), but only the fowls of the As he with courage waited; air that can fly and travel at will He said, "Where do you troubles fly ever visit it and they visit only in When you are thus belated?" V 11 with her sisters, Lena and Mary Wells Mrs. Nels Anderson underwent a serious goiter operation Saturday rooming at the L. D. S. Hospital in Salt Lake City. Her many friends are glad to hear she is on the road to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Christensen spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake. While there they attended the 's birthday party in honor of Mr. sister, Mrs. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson and daughter, Wanda, and granddaughter Sherrell, were in Corinne visiting with Mrs. John Nelson and Mrs. Norma Whithead. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson entertained at a wedding dance Thursday evening in Bothwell hall. A large crowd was in attendance and many beautiful and useful gifts were re- home of A. N. Wight Sunday, the occasion being the birthday of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wight The entire family was present and Mr. and Mrs. Leland 4M3 jKf a black bear get lots of fish. However, you must because the fish met a fox, who had a long string feel on yourbe tail, riii then only nibbling: You v. Mrs. George Stark left Sunday for The beehive girls held a candy pull at the home of Elaine Chris tensen, Willard, where she will visit a week !;A birthday party was held at the Mrs. Fanny Payne and daughter, aSt-urdGladys, returned from Montana after being called there to the death of Mrs. Payne's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lewis of Preston, Idaho, were Easter visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summers were in Ogden on Tuuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Summers and daughters. Norma, Vera and Zelda, and Mrs. Melvin Homer were in Cache Valley Friday. While there they visited Mr. Summers' brother, Mr. Geo. Summers, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Davis of Salt Lake City, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. James Summers. Wednesday morning a free clinic was held at Bothwell hall for all preschool children. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholler and n, children, accompanied by Melvin were visitors in Burley, Idaho, Sunday. Orvil and Melvin Hinmann, brothers of Mrs. J. J. Newman, visited at her home Friday, after returning from California. ay By Phyllis Tuesday evening. HOW THE BEAR LOST HIS TAIL t . iV 33:5 ' W'aVi f. ExpmX BOTHWELL Summers THATCHER, By Phyllis Bocae Hints To Ctrdtntn m'i'iMI RECONDITIONED We have the following reconditioned and late model cars for sale: FORD DELUXE FORDOR. 1930 BUICK 6 Wheel DeLuxe Sedan 1930 DODGE DeLUXE SEDAN. 1930 CHEV. SEDAN. 1930 FORD COACH. 1929 HUPMOBILE SEDAN. 1929 DODGE SEDAN. 3 CHRYSLER SEDANS 1928 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. 1927 PONTIAC SEDAN. 1928 WYLLIS KNIGHT SEDAN. 1933 CHEV. l'2, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1931 FORD 1ft, 157 W. B. TRUCK. 1929 FORD PANEL. 1929 FORD PICKUP. 1935 CHEV. PICKUP. 1934 A real "Dixie" straight Bourbon that gives your whiskey drinks the famous south- ern flavor the same flavor that folks down there in Kentucky enjoy in theirs! PINT No. 61 QUART No. 60 ONE took more than just good performance to win over 2,500,000 Ford V--8 fans in less than four years. It's an entirely different kind of performance that did it! It's the V-- 8 engine, first and foremost. The smoother in traffic. Its effortless flow of its 85 horsepower. Its pick-u- p less pull in the open and on hills. For you can't expect any modern engine to feel like a Then there's riding comfort on a springbase of 123" There's the way a almost a foot longer than whcc!b-.son nni feet" its turnJ Ford "keeps roni roads thanks fouiM not anvwh'Ti; doe in the world. to a type of chassis ynrrself today? Why not try these aIvi;:.l r' V-- Before you decide on any r.e.v that put the Ford first i;i ...!. Scfatoler Ditcributoit, Inc., N. Y. Tremonton, Utah - u f .; BORROW A CAR FROM YD UK .vOK:. for Wagon 'fttf btr tbt Mark eMril 8. o. Good Truck Chassis UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. X) (D ALLEGTEQ L feel" last year. ts.rf "V-- 8 i U.EK ...i Performanee with Economy Term at low as $45 a month, after down month plant. payment, under UCC H $510 and up, FOB Detroit, including Safety Glass throughout in every body type. Standard accessory group extra. . GET THAT , -- MTEL CO. Tremonton. Utah |