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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER; THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 19S6 BEAR RIVER CITY I By Mrs. C. W. Brtflrford GARLAND Mrs. at 2 p. m. Norman Johnson of Salt Lake City spent Wednesday and Thursday in this city on business. He also visited his mother Mrs. Johanna Johnson. Kiss Wilma Zinck returned to Salt Lake City on Tuesday after visiting over the weekend with her- - father, Christ Zinck. She is atending a beauty school. Mrs. Sina Thorsen and daughter, Evelyn, spent Saturday in Ogden, where they visited with Mrs. Thor-sen- 's brother, Christ Chrktensen and family. 6-- enter-taine- y, w iinli.H"M-W'M"M- m Mr. and Mrs. Leland Thompson were Salt Lake City visitors Tues. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wise and daughters, Clara and Mrs. Ellen Wise, and Miss Phylis Gleason spent' Sunday in Downey, Idaho. J. J. Wise gave an interesting talk over radio station KSL Thursday afternoon under the auspices of the Logan Chamber of Commerce, on the Achievements of the C. C. C. workers. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Thompson at tended funeral services held for a friend at Evan.ton, Wyoming Friday. Mrs. Oluf Johnson and daughter, Ruth, visited with relatives in Ogden Saturday. George A. Beat was a business visitor in Ogden Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Innes and fam ily visited a few days of this week with relatives in Salt Lake City. Presidents C. E. Smith, J. J. Shunv way, Bishop Mark Nichols, D. Henry Manning and Leonard Bishop were business visitors' in Ogden Tuesday Fri-LeR- oy " Mrs. Mary Keller and Mrs. Minnie Sandall and son of Ogden, visited at the home of B. P, Gardner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorig and Mrs. Emma Lorig of Englewood, Calif., were the guests at the; home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser. Mrs. Lorig was fore. merly Miss Louise Heusser of Orpheum Theatre Tremonton, Utah FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - APRIL 24th and 25th Lew Ayres and Isabel Jewell in "Leathernecks Have Landed9 Gene Autry The Singing Cowboy in "RED RIVER VALLEY CONTINUOUS SATURDAY SUNDAY - MONDAY 2 to 12 p. m. TUESDAY APRIL 26 - 27 - 28 - Fredric March and Merle Oberon in "THE DARK ANGEL' ' " . ..... ? Clavtr Hosttst Now Uses Cottage Cheat for Sandwich Spread in Addition to Serving It in Many Type of Salad folks consider summer which combines prepared mustard . I MOST when picnics and out and cottage cheese. Try it and see ings are in full swing, as the sand if you don't enjoy this new taste wich season supreme, jcet wnn me thrill. . amount of entertaining- - bonsewlresf COTTAGE CHKESB SANDWICH: do today, it might be safer to sayi Use either white, whole wheat or cracked wheat bread. Spread the that the sandwich enjoys year. bread Ant with mustard and then 'round popularity; ; a generous serving of ' v cover withcheese. cottage Chopped nuts, Whether your favorite sandwich olives, pimftntos, dates or raisins Is the good hearty peanut butter be added U desired. stay type usually found in every school If you prefer the open faced child's luncheon box, or a caviar or sandwich or canapes when enteranchovy spread of a deluxe tidbit, follow this recipe : yon will find a variety of spreads, taining, COTTAGB CHBBSB CANAPES: fillings and ways of serving them, cut the bread into attractive to suit almost any meal or social First shapes with cookie cutters. Spread ' Clever housewives have recently given more attention to the use of cottage cheese as a sandwich spread. Formerly its popularity was confined principally to salads, but now it is fast becoming a leader in the sandwich world, as well. The hostess who enjoys serving delicious sandwiches, the kind which are bound to bring forth exclamations of delight from her guests, will do well to remember the possibilities of cottage cheese as a sandwich spread, the next, time she entertains. Friends and relatives attended the funeral services of Mrs. Esther Marble Mathlas in Brigham City at the L. D. S. ward chapel Wednesday at z o'ciock. Mrs. Matnias was born in Deweyville, January 5, 1881 and was married to John B. Mathias, June 21, -- with mustard 'and cottage cheese. Top with any of the following : nut meats, pickles, cherries, caviar, or stuffed olives. If you de-sire a fine, smooth texture in your cheese spread, force the cottage cheese through a potato ricer or 1905. Mrs. Butler of the Primary stake board, was a visitor at the Deweyville Primary Monday, sieve before using. Here are a few hints on the care of cottage cheese in the home. Be sure and keep the jar of cottage x cheese in a refrigerator or until consumed. Purchases of cottage cheese in the new type glass jars or genuine safedge tumblers are suggested as being the most sanitary and most likely to retain the full quality and flavor of the cheese during its use which is especially delectable is that I in the home. daughter, Estelle, spent Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City. Horace Welling of Farmington is spending a few days of this week at the home of his brother,' Arthur' WeK , ling. Mrs. George O. Nye spent the week end in Salt Lake City. . Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nye were Salt Lake City visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Rulon Manning, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning and Miss Alissa Manning motored to Logan Sunday evening. Miss Helen Manning Relief Society News ice-bo- Relief Society was held Tuesday, April 21. This being the birthday of Clarissa H. Williams of the Relief Society general board, it was honored by Hazel Ransom, one of our mothers, taking charge of the meeting in connection with the regular literary lesson on companionable books. The lesson being treated by Zina C. returned to school. Mrs. J. D. Gunderson was hostess Nelson and Florence Holdaway. Also lesson given by Olive Rhead. to the members of the Ladles Self scripture were 10 children in the kinder There Culture Club at the Relief Society garten department, with Mrs. Elwell room xuesaay axternoon. in charge. Mrs. Millan Peck was in charge. A dainty luncheon was served by the hostess to a large crowd of members DR. WILLIAM ELI HAWKINS and guests, after which Professor CHIROPRACTOR Chester Myers of the U. S. A. C. read Offices at the play "The Old Maid." The proROBERT SEMONSEN JEWELRY CO. gram was arranged under the direction of the Fine Arts department Office Hours: 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. with Mrs. A. D. Rich in charge. Office Phone, 75.0-- 1 ;Res., 7S5 vice-preside- nt in SATURDAY PRICES "SPLENDOR" riH?rC17 InmM i'Crf 1 17T Lte. 19' 2 15' 15' GREEN TEA ZS?i 15' FuU Cream Mid - Pound POWD SUGAR "BASKET BALL TECHNIQUE" 3 POTATO CHIPS 44"H"MWM"B"H"M"M PORK-BEAN- Spring Bedding Sale Featuring the Famous Iff A TsOTTlff i All TCI feluffi-- - inuiamYiiUjjUVVd est DEVILED MEAT Jc!K 0 A O A f Iff AT Pink Tall Can ..... The prices are so low you will feel compelled to take advantage of this golden opportunity. All merchandise is of new est style - newest design - all the latest improvements that insure comfort and durability. Yoiu may need dozens of things - but FIRST provide your family with the best of - see these sleeping .equipment! Come to the store early compare their quality and pricfamous Simmons products es - then replace all your old sleep equipment. Sleep Luxury at a Price growing. Saturday Bargains J HEINZ Lge. Bottle CATSUP 2 Lbs. ROCKWOOD COCOA 190 . RAISINS 5 PIERCES large Pork and Beans . .. 100 CRYSTAL WHITE 10 Ban SOAP . . 290 Large CORN FLAKES 10 LARGE CAN Cans PINEAPPLE Z. Can CORNED BEEF lit . 10 LH. SUGAR 55 SHORTENING 43 3 Cans . .... TAllff ATA1?0 Dinnerette 1V1HAIUEO No.22Can TAllff A TATX No. 2 Can lUlflilUEia 0VDITD 3 Cans ..... Sleepy Hollow Quart .. AMAIZO SYRUP CANDY BARS Lbs. . r. TAPAA Hershey's Pound CARROTS ORANGES ... 3 Bunches 42 . ...,.....:....:. PEAS BEANS CORN Tomatoes .. .... m 3 cai 3 !5c Llfc FOLGERS COFFEE ...... - SALMON 270 Tall Can 100 . .. . . 7Ban HAND SOAP 250 FRUITS and VEGETABLES Purity 2 Lbs. -- -- A-- l ...... 2 Tender String 3 Cans ... TAD AT Sweet lbs 15. GRAHAMSgL 29' SALTINE WAFERS 15 29' CTQ Thin Crisp Tasty 1 Qrf 10' TA lUisjIiJ Large Package 25 PILGRIM COOKIES pkg. 19 19' 25 c An C Lbs. A 3 Cans .. TC lb. $119 X D17 AC Victor Sifted BOUGHT BY US AT LOWEST PRICES! DIRECT FROM SIMMONS COMPANY! Some people are like the baobab tree which though skinned, keeps on AIRWAY COFFEE A DI.TAT170 Booth Oval DP A AT ID Harvest Blossom 48 Lbs. CRACKERS KGrade S 3 Cans . . QUALHTY BEDMNG $ We take this . opportunity of expressing to our many friends and neighbors our thanks and appreciation for the many kind acts and sympathy shown in the death of our beloved brother. Brothers and Families of Samuel Schrenh. JAM WHERE YOUR BUYS MORE - "STARLIT DAYS AT LIDO" at 18. 4 Lbs., 6 Oi. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - APRIL 29th and 30th Miriam Hopkins a son. born April CARD OF THANKS I Mrs. J. E. Dewey attended commencement exercises of the L. D. S. hospital nurses at Salt Lake City on Tuesday, where Thora Dewey has been in training at the institution for the past siy months. Mrs. Spencer Bodily of Ogden, spent Sunday here with her husband at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mathlas received many useful presents at the shower and everyone enjoyed the dance and refreshments Friday evening. Be mice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, was married to Har old Hansen of Elwood, April 20th. CARTOON AND HEARST NEWS x&Oi Honeyville, we nospiiai. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peterson of Penrose, a daughter, born April 19. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allen of Portage, a daughter, born, April 19 at the hospital. Dew-eyvile- occasion. ' RECENT BIRTH3 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Austin of A number of friends and relatives Salt Lake City, a born attended the funeral cervices of Hor- April 4. at the hospitaldaughter; ace Jerome Marble Thursday in the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skinner, City, a Li. D. S. third ward chapel in Brig-bason, born April 6. Mr. City. and Mrs. Francis Alix. City, Marion Harwood of Salt Lake City born April n. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Christenaen of visited relatives here for a few days, he was the guest of Lowell Burbank Thatcher, a daughter, born April 12. Mr. and Mrs. MeMn Bobbins, City, and his grandmother, Mrs. M. A. a son, born. April 13. Lisa. Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Hansen of ElMr. and Mrs. Robert Burchhard-son- s visited at Brigham City and wood, a daughter, born April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oyler of Farmington, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Harwood of East Tremonton, a daughter, .born Ogden visited at the home of Mr. April 15, at the hospital Mr. and Mrs. Arville Hunsaker of and Mrs. Peter Jensen. J. W. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Jensen and family of Sheridan, Wyoming, have moved to this city to make their home for the summer. Thursday the school girls baseball team played a very lively game of ball with the Corinne girls, the score in favor of Bear River City being This is one of the first league games for the school. d Mrs. Carrie A. Chris tensen a few of her friends in honor of her birthday anniversary Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning, Mrs, afternoon. A delicious lunch was served. ning motored to Salt Lake City son Manning and Mrs. Rulon Man-daJoyce Wankler, the of Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Wankier, who returning Saturday and were achad the misfortune to get thrown off companied home by the Misses Alissa a horse last Sunday morning, in which and LaVera Manning, who spent the he suffered a broken right arm, and weekend at home. Miss Helen Manning was over from deep cuts on his arm, is now improving. Logan and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jensen and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Man children of Salt Lake City, were call- ning. Mr. and Mrs. V. William Johns had ing on relatives and friends in this as their guests on Sunday, his mothcity Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRue Johnson and er, Mrs. Amy B. Johns, his brother-in-latwo children and Alvin Johnson of and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Salt Lake City, were calling on rela- Milton Yorgasen, all of Ogden. tives in this city Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Welling and 1 By Mrs. i Make Ideal Sandwich Spread r Don Chambers came over from The Daughter! of Pioneers of Bear River City, will hold their meeting at Logan and spent the weekend at the the home of Naomi Huggins, April home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. - 30, DEWEYVILLE Cottage Cheese and Mustard Geo, A. Real By FAGS FIVE 25' PD A II A MO 25 MACARONI fA .. Itr I l 2 Lbs. A-- 3 Lbs. I 4 I17T 25 AVVT.AI Large VAIIAJJUPa 35' 59' T II717I ... Assorted Flavors .21' ;4 .....8' ... GIANT SOAP 6 Bars 10' 12' 10' muiEinimi Package CREME OIL Bars 25' ONION SETS 3 25' 29' 14' ..7' LETTUCES 2 Lbs. BANANAS.... 25' ......50 FANCY, LARGE Dob. ORANGES 250 FRESH Lb. , 100 TOMATOES Lge. Head LETTUCE - 25' 19' Seal W Red Can L1L Lb. 90 .. FRESH MEAT SLICED Lb. BACON 1 POUND SAUSAGE. 1 POUND GR'DBEEF 4 290 'Jl Lb. POT ROASTS .... .... 160 Lb. FRANKS 150 CLRStmGGS ,. Surety Oj Purity . .. |