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Show Selleneit Bill Seeks Constitutional Meet L Utah State Representative Paul Lloyd SeHeneitti 1M .Republican, Bountiful, has pre-fiied a resolution to be considered in the Budget Session, Ses-sion, calling for a Constitutional Constitu-tional Convention for the specific purpose of repealing the 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. SELLENEIT STATED: The framers of the U.S. Constitution, Constitu-tion, in their wisdom, realized that to protect the states and local government's independence indepen-dence and prevent the accumulation ac-cumulation of too much power in the federal government, they needed direct representation represen-tation in the federal congress, hence, they provided that each state legislature would appoint their United States Senator. "Since passage of the 17th 'amendment the state and local governments have become puppets of the federal government. The states and local government are constantly cons-tantly being forced to adopt and meet federal regulations and are being stripped of their power to govern themselves them-selves according to local needs, " Rep. Selleneit said. 'THE REPEAL of the 17th amendment and return to the appointment of Senators by the Slate Legislatures would be an important step to return governmental control to a level most responsive to the people." Before passage of the 17th Amendment the constitution provided that United States Senators were to be appointed by their state legislatures.' '.,'""; ' The resolution also directs- " ' that the legislatures in the' . J other 49 states be contacted ; ; by the leadership in the Utah V' State Legislature and en-' couraged to pass a similar resolution. The U.S. Const it u-" " ',; tion provides Congress shall . , call a convention if 23rds'of ' . the states call for a conven-; tion. ". |