Show COLUMBIA WINS RACE Gives Constitution a Great Beating Beat-ing Latter Yacht Strikes Reef Newport Rl July 25The Columbia today In a rattling thrash to windward from New London to Newport gave tho Constitution a great beating the latter finishing a good third oC a mile astern of her antagonist and being defeated two minutes and llvo seconds The victory was surprising for the race was sailed In weather that as a rule has just suited tho Constitution the wind never exceeding ex-ceeding twelve knots and the sea com paratively smooth It was not until Newport was reached that un explanation of nor real good drubbing could bo giVen The Constitu lion following right In tins wake of tho Columbia the leading yacht In tho biG sloop class struck twice on a hdjro near the Race Hock lighthouse There was a substantial bump on each occasion and after the accident the Constitution be havqiHUo a lame duck All her oldtlmo smartness wns Inciting Jlur upeed was diminished ard sho sugcca oft to leeward S Mr Duncan who Js In command said tills evening that be believed some oC tho pUltcs on the lead < ui keel were wrenched oft by thoforce of the Impact on thehard rock and that these places from tho lluish acted ns a draV on 111fCS r yacht and made her incapabLe of showing her usual racing form A diver went I down shortly after tho Constitution was moored tonight but ho was unable to make a satlefacotry examination and I Mr Duncan decided not to race the boat I further until who baa been hauled out and opportunity given for a thorough Investigation In-vestigation I |