Show PIRATES GET EDGE IN BIG PLAYER DEAL McGraw Says Adams Is Dangerous Player Clymer Displeased NEW YORK YOnI Nov 30 Dy By By The Associated Press Tho The consensus of at baseball managers and critics In Inthe Inthe inthe the Metropolis Is that Joe McCar- McCar try tr manager of or the time Chicago Cubs outsmarted In trading Sparky Adams and Pete Scott to the Pittsburg Pirates in exchange for Kiki Culer I 1 think the Pirates sot got ot all the tho better of the time deal said John Sic Mo Grew Craw manager of the New York Giants Adams Is I. a IL dangerous ball 1011 player always al getting on base se and with a II hard hitting team like the Pirates behind him he will bother pitchers more than e ever er There Is a question whether hether 1 Cuyler Is as good as aa ho used use to be He failed In the pinches many mony times last season 1 Tho The Pirates seem scent to have hl re received te- te a lot for nothing Ed Hd Bar Barrow row general manager of or the New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Yankees said They have fortified themselves where they the needed help and where a I. I glaring weakness developed in the world series and they lost lest no strength because they would not use Cuy Cuy- Cuyler Cuyler ler ler George Stalling former mira miracle miracle cle cl's man of the Boston Doston Braves es in 1914 1014 and new hew manager ger of or Mon Montreal treal tre In the International league said I can see one reason why the Cubs mAde m de the time deal McCarthy may be looking for tor added battla strength with I Stephenson on CUler and coming up In Jn a row rots ro On the other hand Derby Bill Dill CI mel manager of at Buffalo in the International league thought Pitts- Pitts Pittsburg burg got ot all au tho the worst of ot the deal dell They gave cave him away he said I 1 could coul 1 have gotten a bill ball club for him and players pl besides |