Show I 1 rr TI AS S FRIENDS nU The floe old order giving gl way xray to Lo new new new- Thus te we e poetically cally ac account or- or count for the various arious changes change be be- between tween t yesterday and today loday Time was vas when shen hen n a school marm was the most revered rc and respected genus cenus of society but It was a 0 and respect that tint was forced out of her charges by severe and harsh meth meth- methods methods on her part And a II school mas mao master ten ter Oh dear they were the Ute holiest of holy terrors s terrors strict unrelenting unforgiving ad nd of the ruler They The and nd tedious dreary copy brought unruly charges to order with witha a IL sharp crack on the tho knuckles and severe ere admonitions But the teachers of today have hate far better methods of getting results from their pupils A sharp challenge to the Intellect proves pro more disastrous to the offenders offender's wilfulness than a ablow ablow ablow blow to his pride gri gl room for embarrassment embarrassment- Teachers of today- today teachers of the Ogden High school recognize this fact and consequent consequent- consequently ly y are rated as the most moat m t efficient and and atod well the most human of ot any They believe In the policy which w eh they have tried and found to be of value value being being friends with the Ule pupils The teachers lend many an Intelli Intelli- Intelligent Intelligent gent car to the Ute tender secrets of little green creen Juniors and even the thes swanky s anky lordly seniors unbend b fore he Ule teachers teacher's charming and friendly attitude altitude and whisper their confiding words And their confidence Is 15 re respected re- re respected and never betrayed We believe firmly in being friends and pals with wills teachers It does not lessen Jessen essen their power or decrease our respect for them No It adds a B. deep deep- deeper er er meaning to the words of wisdom they hey try to plant In our supposed- supposed be to-be fertile ferUle brains because we feel feci we ve are on equal planes as far as understanding and mutual liking are arc concerned and that their lessons are given gl as personal helpful hints be because be- be because because cause they are Interested In us In Individually In- In Individually I as well as It L K GIRLS GIRLS' ASSEMBLY The rIse Girls' Girls association held their monthly assembly this morning at 3 30 o clock and a very Interesting program pre gram was rendered under the dl- dl of ot Carmen Garner Gamer president Mrs Newcomb gave gae a aCry very Cry interest- interest InterestIng School trig Ing ng and enlightening talk on Friendships The Girls Girls' quartet pleased leased us very ery much with wills their mu mu- mule music sic le and a song was ghen gl by Margaret Mar Mar- Margaret garet Stewart Maren Macen Stephens gave a i very humorous and clever reading The Wonderful Radio The Thc as- as assembly was then adjourned TO ENCOURAGE DEBATING DE The high highs school has two debating societies The Forum for boys Con- Con Congress gross gress for girls The former fonner has had hada h d da a successful career of five fl 11 ve years ears the latter biter being organized last Jast lear jear ear Both Bolh organizations are ate doing splendid work ork orkIn In n order to encourage this activity In n junior schools the following let let- Jeter letter ter er was mailed Tuesday to each Jun- Jun Junor junIor br or high principal Dear Principal The Forum the boys' boys debating club lub of Ogden Oden High school was as or or- or organized organized five years ago The sole cuie for this cluba clubs existence has been seen and Is today to encourage and remote promote better betler debating in Ogden High How well orell we wc have dons done this can best beak be judged by the record of or our activities acU during these years V c are now suggesting that you show allow us to help organize and pro- pro promote note mote a. a a debating series to be held between bays bays' debating teams the four junior high schools each school to provide pro a negative and an affirmative team of ot two t men each The Forum wIll v l I 1 Provide an award a to the win wIn- winning winning ning school 2 2 Arrange the details relative to the he schedule such as dates and pair pair- pairIngs Ings 3 3 Select the question to be de tie tie- bated The Individual Indi school should pro- pro Ide for organization to carry on tills this work It could be done through oral expression English or history classes or through n is club such as the Forum If IC If the general plan Jan as outlined above meets with wills your jour our approval please let us know and we e will pro pro- proceed proceed with our part of ot the plan Sincerely j ours TIlE THE FORUM TOM TO BROADBENT Pres Y L OrrEn PRIZE Tho The high school scholarship so so- so society clety Gamma Kappa I has has' hasIn In mind he the offering of a IL prize for tor tho the best literary production by any high school student That there thero is much latent literary talent In tho the school schools is s evidenced by the tue school maga maga- magazine magazine zine zinc tho the which Is pub- pub published quarterly during tho the school year car eor Gamma Kappa docs does well to I encourage this talent V A FINE FIND BOOK DOOK The 1927 1327 year jear ear book was entered last year jear ear In an Intel mountain con con- test with all alt year books In this contest Poor POOl Aeronauts Aeronaut's Alman Atman- Almanac ac ac published in its south Denver Colo Cob first place with a a. trade grade ade of nt 96 91 per cent East lEigh High ot of o Salt Lake Lako won third with wills East onla Quia with a IL grade grado ot or 6 per percent percent cent Ogden lUsh High won on seventh place with a 0 grade ot or Si 84 Siper S t per cent Iho Tue points on which wo we were ero judged and the ratings given are arc Out of ot Points possible Originality 13 13 ia 20 SO Completeness V Ii 15 20 Attractiveness 11 13 19 20 Literary value 15 IE lEi Artistic Artl lc 15 s IB 16 7 10 In other words wo were perfect In literary value and artistic alue and nearly perfect in attractiveness in which we aro arc very Cry hap hap- happy happy happy py to be b high Whets When wo consider that this is our initial l entrance In tho the contest and that wo we entered snore moro or less blindly not knowing exactly on what points or 01 how we were to be he judged Again aln we vo have hate never ne sent senta a a. representative to the annual con cern to learn of oC the plans and requirements of or Iso Iho organization organisation conducting cond tho the contest con lest Under these circumstances ces we feel that wo made mado a most credit J Jable able showing and we w are arc very proud of our rating r l SAV SU Tho The universality of ot education In intile tho tile United States today and under opportunities provided pro in In In second second- secondary secondary secondary ary and advanced institutions Institutions- should make us the cultured cen cen- center center ter of or tho the world world and and the tho light of the world J. J J. J E. E Beeson Character is caught rather than taught and the tho students of the school will reflect the tho personality p and character of their teachers moro than titan they will reflect this tha subjects that may bo be taught by the teachers Georgo George Bergstrom Id I'd rather be bo a IL friend than a teacher if I cant can't be both E. both E. E S. S Smith |