Show amli LOCAL add AND owe OTHER I 1 gatters MATTERS FROM krom TUESDAYS DAILY DAMY june it 11 information wanted william fora of abergavenny monmouth shire england wishes to know the tho whereabouts of ellen ford and his sisters who emigrated to utah from merthyr branch south wales about nive five seara yeara ago address as above care of C abbot abbott t ko no 11 tudor street broken leg A man named joseph holt of sessions had the misfortune to break his leg about eight this morning ho he was standing up in his wagon in the tithing yard while his brother was un hitching the horses one of them a 19 scarey young animal when a i covered buggy drove by very close to 10 the standing team and caused the joung horse to jump suddenly the being jerked violently threw mr holt out upon the ground with the unfortunate result above stated dr richards was at once summoned to the scene and the broken limb was set in place the injured man was feeling pretty comfortable at last accounts and was conveyed home by a friend from flom the same settlement tl in a light vehicle the mb brohen broken w gs the right and the facture took place near the ancle fire at farmington on monday morning about 4 the i of james hollingsworth of farmington a one story log house took lire from the bursting of a coal oil lamp and with the exception of one cue or two articles of furniture the guilding and everything inanimate within were consumed the flames spread so rapidly that scarcely anything could be rescued all the elo clo thing clothing of the family a stove and a new sewing machine were amon among 9 the chief articles destroyed th the e lamp had been kept kepf burning during the tho night on account of the sickness of one of mr Holling children and several times had flickered and showed alarming symptoms tut excited no apprehension of danger until the explosion occurred and the frightened household were obliged tolly to fly for safety the chester suicide the body of jens nielsen of chester san fete jete county whose supposed suicide in the San pitch river the NEWS chronicled a few weeks ago together with the fact that the tiie body had not leen recovered was found last wednesday in the river it will be remembered that the deceased was wits reported to have been financially embarrassed and that his hig hi 3 hopes of relieving himself were destroyed by the flooding of his fine crops he was out in the field attending C to his grain anti anil was observed to start for the river with a shovel upon his shoulder it was thought to attempt to divert the water from his property his shovel was afterwards found round upon the bank of the stream libut but iut nielson was missing this gave biseto etise to the supposition of suicide which upon the finding of the body tras iras as confirmed by the verdict of the or onena onera jury which sat upon the lse ve ase painful accident A correvon tent lent of the ogden herald writing i brn torn harrisville Hams ville on the dinst mes wes that thos guthrie section koreman foreman on the tiie IT N B R ar B at market lake idaho arrived at his home tome in harrisville on the mornings ings togs train having met with a severe though it was hoped not fatal occident on friday last as the men were returning from their days labor bor there were eleven men engaged the sideboard side board of the handcar upon udon which they were riding gave lave 99 ve way precipitating three of the i men from their positions theofell they fell fen under the handcar mr G guthra a tb rie was in in a dangerous and critical tion his watch case cam was dented being pressed upon his abdomen causing the most excruciating pain paia the car was thrown from the track tract with the remaining men on it on the tho injured mans arriving home homei dr alien allen of ogden was summoned and after a thorough examination fondd that til at no bones were broken and that although the patient adient was buffering suffering great p pain pain ain aln no serious injuries llad bad been een sustained he will be confined to his bed for some time to come the other two men who were thrown from the car were also badly bidpy hurt from scotland weba we had bad da a pleasant leas call this morning from rider alder elder eider win wm C mcgregor of parowan carowan Pa rowan iron county who returned on the loth dinst from a mission to europe u upon which lie he started in airl agri april 1880 pig PIT he la ored during his a absence sence senco in the glasgow conference scotland principally in greenock and ayrshire hemas he was kindly received and entertained by his relatives through whose influence he gained access to the circles in which they moved among these he distributed tracts and wa was invited to participate in some of their social gatherings they manifested a spirit to shun religious conversation however and plied most of their questions with respect to the advantages offered to capitalists in utah their minds seemed to run most upon invest mental 9 and money matters among the poorer classes in the streets and byways ho he did considerable preaching but a great deal of indifference was manifested often when he and his brethren bad had hired hulis hulls for preaching pur purposes posea no one would come out to hear ilear them he baptized seven persons nev converts and re baptized several others he enjoyed good health while is very happy to bo be home once more among heyn hehn heya he leaves on thursday for the south FROM wednesdays DAILY DAMY JUNE 15 old folks excursion those who design to show their appreciation of tile the old folks excursion on enterprise will confer a special favor by forwarding their contributions to george goddard at the tithing office immediately to enable the committee to mature their arrangements in seasonable time body found d brother milo andrus writing from blake city on the instant informs us of the recovery of the body of of his little daughter minna who vho as recorded in NEWS at the time was accidentally drowned in green river on the of may the body was recovered on the ath dinst after being in the water 21 24 2 1 days and was not marred but in a perfect state excepting the loss of her hair she was buried burled on the ath dinst the numerous friends of bro andrus will join with him bim in gratitude to Provid providence enco for the recovery Ir owned drowned A three and a half balf year old son of joseph J william jr joseph alexander by nam ewas drowned in the south jordan canal yesterday afternoon his body wag recovered drifting down the stream half a mile from fron where tho the little fellow fell in his mother was wag busy washing at the time the sad event occurred the child had only left the house a moment or two before he was missed this melancholy accident coupled with tha fact that the family lost their infant boy a few weeks since makes their sorrow grievous and heavy to be borne borde we deeply sympathize with them returned missionary elder thomas weeks of Kew kewanee nee henry county illinois arrived in the city last evening with a portion of his family intending to locate permanently in utah he joined the church in 1850 1830 in the birmingham conference england and emigrated to america in 1861 and settled in kewanee where he be resided for a number of years he cameto came to utah in 1877 and returned to illinois for the purpose of selling out his property there and bringing his family y to utah he was set apart while here as a missionary and instructed to labor in illinois A until the way opened up for him to remove west tho the opportunity came last may when he be disposed of ills his pr property opery and pre prepared pared to emigrate I 1 he i a designs c settling ettling at fountain green sanpete county A devilish scheme A special telegram from silver reef beef received last fast evening states that the town was thrown into a state of great excitement cit ement yesterday afternoon by tile divulgence of a plot to burn his hia store for the sake of insurance 1 by y 8 greenbaum a merchant there he made a bargain with a party to set fire to his store for a honus bonus the party revealed it to the officers and the premises were closed and watched in a narrow enclosure between woolf jordans building and greenbauml green baumb baums large quantity of inflammable material was prepared saturated with coal oil and a candle tet t set et in a box of furniture packing shavings ready nor for tile the event which was wag to come oft at night the officers made a raid on the premises last ovenin evenin gand found everything ready to fire lire greenbaum and his partner were arrested and lodged in jail had the fire occurred it would have burned the g greater re A ter par part t of town FROM THURS daks DArs DAILY darly JUNE is 16 the electric light we have hare learned that the cause of the sudden extinction of the electric light the other evening was due to an in accident at the works the tiie burstin bursting t of one of the boilers it is stated wb which fell will cause the suspension of operations for about three week yc yesterday 4 discarded gas chandelier were being hunted up and put in place we have not learned whether it was followed by ky a correal corresponding rise in gas stock its a good t thing I 1 in we have the gas to rely on fillmore items correspond correspondence en ce from fm F fillmore imor C furnishes tho the following notes general health good fruit prospects would be excellent were it not for the codling moth farmers are confident of fine crops most of the men folks are awny away on the railroad they are getting gettin fo to be as precious as fine gold the school year has closed the tiie trustee election resulted in tile choice of H J mccullough N opposition A tax of I 1 of I 1 per cent was voted the regular district school consists of three grades with four teachers it was attended last winter by pupils besides this school is the presbyterian attended by the children of the tho non element the hand of leath death patriarch Patria reh reb john robn stoker of bountiful a man well known and highly respected died on saturday evening shortly before 7 and was burled buried S saturday at morning for some time he be had been suffering from paralysis which among other things affected his speech and from the obituary notice which will be found elsewhere it appears that his death was the result of this affliction he was a fine man in every respect and greatly esteemed by all especially beloved by the latter day saints among whom he was an example of high integrity and mom monal moral worth his loss will be deeply felt Althou although gli for several years unable to take as active a part as formerly former Jy in the affairs of his ward over which he faithfully presided 23 23 years and therefore had llad been relieved from the labors and responsibilities cf of the bishopric his interest inte in the work of G god od ne never v er for a moment flagged and to the last his in flence was felt for good throughout the sett settlement lemen t we have also to state slate with much regret the untimely demise of sister lucy perkin perkins the wife of brother jasper perkins ol 01 the same place who was taken off in the tho elborn bloom of life lire at randolph bieh bich county on saturday june juno lith the funeral was held heid at bountiful at 2 p in on wednesday president joseph FSmith F smith preaching the tho discourse deceased was aged 27 and was a lady much esteemed and respected by all 0 who had her acquaintance attempted suicide A logan cor respondent of lof ing on the dinst details an attempt at suicide committed by a young man named andrew kee hee about 21 or 22 20 years of ageal age at crowthers camp logan canyon on the dinst he was married marri ed about a year since andaas and was expecting dg in a short period to become a fath father er for sometime some time timo past lie has been at work getting getling oat 01 railroad ties at crowthers camp ab about 0 at SO 30 miles from logan city for several days previous to his rash act his countenance had worn a melancholy appearance and anthe on the date given he seemed very much depressed in the nf afternoon ho he asked his brother inlaw in law a young boy named charles Jacob sonto procure him a gun as lie desired to go hunting therun was obtained and loaded but as had been drinking young jacobson took the gun outside the door and discharged it afterwards got two cartridges loaded the gun pointed the tho muzzle plumb to the heart placed ills his thumb on the trigger but before it was pulled th ci boy scein in tenton intention knocked the gun a little to one side sid ejust just as the weapon was discharged the ball entered tho tile the body about one and three fourth inches to the right odthe of the heart near the stomach and came out through the lower lobe lobo of the left I 1 lung uno ung inflicting ka a dangerous wound dr lamoreaux was sent for and dressed dress sed the wound the injured man was then conveyed in a teh web vehicle icle icie to h his Is h home ome in logan the result of the reckless deed asyet is set yet un cei lei certain tain the patient is reticent as to the caus cause c which impelled him to attempt self seif murder A frightful experience bro 0 anderson of fillmore millard co county I 1 writing on the recounts a thrilling and terrible acci acel ik if ii I 1 which brother christian ll linnsen ansen a member of the high council of millard stake on the evenin evening of zidy oth ho he had charge I 1 oad of D beam B camers erys saw mill in chalk creek canon and on the evening stated slated went out to kunt hunt his ills horses his eyesight being defective owing to an accident a short time previous which deprived him of the use of his left eye he lost his way in the dark and wandered to tho the brink of a high cliff looking down over it he imagined he could discern the bottom but a short distance below and taking hold of the edge of the cliff he let himself down at arms length to his surprise and terror he could touch bothi nothing 11 g with his feet excepting the steep face of the precipice over which he had unwittingly hung himself and not having the requisite strength to draw himself up again he was finally compel led from sheer exhaustion to loose liis ills hold he eli eil ell fell a distance of about 20 feet striking upon a projecting rock two feet wide the tha only thing which had prevented his descent descel it into the abyss a hundred feet below all night long he lay helpless upon the anz narrow irow frow rock shivering with cold COM and writhing in pain having been by his fall not only badly shaken and hurt internally but also had various bruises inflicted upon liis his outer person at daylight next morning he discovered bb hit only visible vl al companion to be a huge rattlesnake whose warning rattle soon gave the wretched man to underhand dand hand that if he be would escape with his life he must do it without delay delaye rallying all his remaining strength be he moved off and crawled and slid all that day down the tho rugged mountain side almost fainting with thirst and thinking he lie could perhaps reach the water tile tho sound of which he be could hc hear ar rising from the creek below in this proceeded a mile mlle and a half meanwhile he had been missed and people were out hunting for him but ho he was not found until the morning of june in an almost dying condition eie ele he fie suffered much while being handled and carried home and days elapsed before he could even laise his head I 1 from his hia pillow at the date of f our correspondents letter the injured man was much improved so far as external wounds were concerned concer ned nod but his inward injuries AM confined con him to his bed wo we sympathize deeply with bro hanson hansen in his affliction and hope that his terrible experience of 36 hours will be the last of the kind ho will ever have to tass rass through |