Show coloring straw hats some persons persona take a lot of p pleasure and no little pride said be la in coloring a meerschaum pipe and I 1 was waa thinking the other oilier day what an awful blow it would be to the hat bat dealers it if it got to be a fad to color a straw hat you know in the course of a summer 06 average man will use at least tyro and some jalen oen three straws they change them aill only when they get isryl very bl ack arad arter after one cleaning has haa taken the vitality out of the hat bat I 1 alen aien dont like a dirty hat only tinly because it shows that they have bad it a long time however suppose it was the be fashion to color them men alen would admire tho the hal hi aw as it was changing from a delicate brown to a fair black and the older the hat bat tho the better |