Show TRIED REME DY FOR THE GRIP e W fo 0 W apal ai cw AV L A nation of bridge builders the united states Is in notably in ad vance of all other nations in n the science and practice of at bridge build ins the increasing demands ot of commerce justified justl fled longer and longer spans the weight ot at locomotives and trains doubled and trebled the single bridge members increased to one hun dred feet in hf length and one hundred tons weight wonderful steam hydraulic dr aulle pneumatic and electric machine tools were made to fashion fas lilon them with and costly special shops were built in this country and operated by thousands of rop the methods and facilities of erection have kept paco pace with these developments enormous derricks raveling towers and steel rope tackles operated eight at a time by a single steam or electric hoisting engine with ninny many other costly special appliances have been provided for assembling tho the great members quickly cli cheaply eaily and safely into the finished span america stands today to day far in advance of all the world in the daring designs high quality anil and economical and rapid construction of 0 many great bridges F W skinner in harpers weekly |