Show J r HABERDASHERY Ari r 7 V A MA S depends must rIght to mark a well 1 We Show the Men who come here fbi their get the i I latest md bed des on the tie tieI 1 i 7 signs that ciu not be In Ini I i 41 I other Stores I r j find our prices Take our and b 4 d Shirts or our Gloves for example and we j say with all confidence r i t h Match Them Elsewhere If You Can 1 t j This Store of Good Things to Wear leads in as well as in Clothes FRED M NYE 8 S CO Cot t THE OUTFITTERS r t Knit f Underwear Days for somo thing to tomake make mako you ou comfortable these comIng sharp days Ladles heavy fleeced Vests and Pants In white while at SOc per pert perI t I suit a garmont part I tt wool Vests and Pants In grey b I special values at per pcr suit Childrens fleeced fleece Swiss I ribbed Vests and Pants at c i per garment Childrens Wool YC Vests ts and Pants at per pcr suit sulL The lUnd kind that dont shrInk I filE M M fit M Co j 2335 Washington Ave AveI I I Ii i I I I Pleat of Pure Apple CIder at the Western Bottling Co It Is s not possible b any known method to make dirty milk Into clean butter M Mrs C J of Bountiful Da Davis 15 count county Is relatives In I Og Ogden en I rHE The very verr latest ideas In Fall Fur Shirts Neckwear Gloves GOcs and hats About our shirts wo we wax ou would too If you sa saw them Our Eagle white shirts are arc superb e of the fed In every dol detail all up Our Eagle fancy negligees are aro the most popular hei ou Ott saw our brand now new without ex cx It would be a case caso of shirt love at ro sufficient to do dolight light that west most critical Beau Brum Brummel mel UP Look m over Watson Tanner Clothing Oo Go PROBATE IND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES County den CierI or the tivo Signers for Further L NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE Estate of Eliza ONell deceased The undersigned will sell at sale fale on or after the first day dor of De December December cember 1909 the tho following described real estate situated In Weber county Utah Beginning at al a point 71 feet west of the southeast corner of the north northwest west quarter of section 20 6 township fi 5 north of range one west of S L b M 11 MU U S Survey thence running north sob feet to a ditch thence southeast southeasterly erly along said ditch 9 feet thence N 2 degrees 30 minutes E county road along the tho U P R H R It thence northwesterly along said co coutt n ty Iy road ns feet thence S 5 l 17 minutes W V feet thence N 85 jj 10 minutes V 1 05 feet S 13 degrees 25 2 minutes E 59 I f t I thence S 30 E feet thence jS I degrees 25 W iv SO feci f t thence S I 1 degree desree 24 minutes W toot foot to the south line IIno of quarter s sc c tion thence east cast 65 feet to beginning Also from the northwest said section 26 township 5 north range one west of the SnIt Salt Lal Lake c l rl dma south 1601 feet along the tho line of said sahl section thence 1 at right angles angle to said section 1749 feet to the place of beginning thence south SI degrees minutes east easl feet thence N 5 de degrees rees 18 minutes E B feet thence N 77 7 de Jrees 02 mInutes W 1023 fet feet S 5 degrees IS minutes W V foot foel to the place of beginning con taming acres more or less Terms of sale cash Written bid bids I will be received hy by the th undersigned at the office of No N J T Harris attorney for said estate Rooms First National Bank Banle Building O Ogden den Utah Dated November 19 1909 ALMA ALIA KEYES ADALl E GRIEVE Executors N J HARRIS Attorney for e exec ec u to rs BANIC STATEMENTS Report of the Condition of The ODDEN SAVINGS BANK OF OGDEN UTAH At the close ot of business November 1909 RESOURCES Loans and discounts Si B Stocks and securities Real Estate Due from Na banks Due from State Stalo I banks and amI bunk bunkers I ers Current expenses and taxes I paid Total Capital stock paid In Surplus 2 Undivided profits Dividends unpaid 2400 Deposits i Total 4 State of Utah County of Weber I Gluts Chas H Barton b being first duh duly sworn to law deposes and sa says n that he Is the Ca Cashier of the above aboe named d bank that the above and foregoing contains a full true i and correct of the condition of the said bank at tIm tho close of hURl bust bustness ns ness on tho da day of 1909 H 11 BARTON Subscribed and sworn to before mo me methis thIs day or of November A D 1909 JoUlES JAMES F BURTO Seal Notary Public My I commission expires s March 23 1913 1013 I L III ir he fu j ii Wr Special S les mJ III 0 Or F For 0 Jr Tom Tomorrow 0 r row I Ii the I c D THERES ALWAYS A GOOD REASON FOR TRADING AT OUR I IA t tA D A LIST OF GOOD REASONS FOR T THANKSGIVING SALE op OF TABLE LINENS AND SILK IS STILL ON 1 L J I 1 t tr n HI r r Q 9 beets hoa one cout a Inch We 11 Go C Coats 08 t S muslin 63 ar r i l 1 I 0 cc Large blench ch Tho are gOOd styles il co cell celled 8 ed or unbleached each I IJ U anti nearly nil sizes regular r U J nc I 1 wi wide do table Ia e lin luke Saturday you 11 may a 1 Girls Coats worth 5 to cn C yd y havo hao your sire at one cent nt an 1 s 8 Saturday nt Table Tabla Linen GG 60 Inches Inch Thus if you ou wear size Izo 21 I Ages Age S to 16 years cars good nm ma for Ula price will be o 1 tennIs new s styles les It Is a lIno IIno Linen 6 Inches II J I U of samples which we bought wide ide for 12 Outing flannel l Th cheaply Choice sown gowns for J J f tieS det I Broncho Buster stockIngs for 1 I boys hoys and girls a any size This Cand Candy Sato Sale Fresh Jell jelly straw j pea 3 50 a Is the tho best wearing stocking berries ad ado adoU cu made 2 pair for Maple Sugar an Chocolate Drops at al c for Cor a OI 6 42 7 J Ii J D s G Garments armen t In all Ah 2 47 full pound 0 Illes wool part wool or un all cot 81 ton told A general reduction on the I r f an U fun full Izo hea heavy Beacon Bencon whole stock for Saturday 1 t ets blankets for iI 1 1 r I boJ Ie nit U Underwear n 1 Lar st I e lan t v or o In ing Vests or limit two pairs to I tome at price s hOLY warm I l 2 0 large heat heavy Deacon Beacon Vests or pants Fluffs Is n a now and amI blanket for warm lined Union conies In suits StIlts all sizes SOc n powder form to lC he dissolved I 12 Outings In solid col Childrens extra Ono fine warm in water l I ors extra hea heavy for yd lined vests or pants In our re rc it makes tho hair tight light and 1 3 32 Inches wide Percales In lIar SOc Mc Saturday only fluffy antI and the tho scalp n fl 1 nil all colors at yd three pieces Tomorrow we wilt will give away II fl i Bleached sheeting 84 94 91 or l adles warm lined Hose one ono thousand regular ten cent wide yd of our best wearing numbers I j 12 quality of unbleached tomorrow wo we sell two pairs for you must nuit ask for fOl them at atI Cross Bc yd our drug counter I 4 1 Ne t tI I son sonG U I II R WRIGHTS tUi I nl night ht II III III Ilp II L II Ir I Mr f DRAMATIC RECITAL Tickets for the Labadie recital of oC oCA ofA A Dolls HOUS arc now on sale salo at I Culle 8 Drug Go Co BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CO CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK At Ogden In the State or of Utah at the tho close of business November 16 1909 1901 RESOURCES Loans Lonus nn and discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured U S Bonds to secure circulation laUoe lation Bonds securities etc Banking house furniture and Other real estate owned 21 OOOO Duo from Nation ullon at al banks not reserve agents Duo from State S Sand and p private r I a to banks bankers trust companies and savings bault Duo Due from ap approved proved reServe agents Exchanges for r clearIng house Notes of other na national lIonal banks Fractional paper currency nick nickels nickels I els and cents jiGS Lawful money I reserve resene In bank viz I I Specie I I notes I SOi Redemption fund J I I with US trens treas treasurer I 5 per cent I I f of circulation Total j LIABILITiES Capital s stock lo c I paid in Surplus fund lJ Undivided profits less ex cx 1 and nd taxes laes paid p I notes out outstanding standing Duo Due to other Nn Na National banks 5 Due to S State tat e and p private r I a t 0 banks and hankers lankers IndivIdual Its subject to check chck D Demand mand cabs cates of deposit Time certificates or of deposit G H 37 Certified checks Cashiers chocks outstanding Total Sta State e of County or of Weber ss J 1 H 11 A MOYES Cashier of the bank do solemnly swear that the above stat statement ment is true truo to the best besl or of my knowledge nod and belief beller R A MOYES Cashier I Subscribed and sworn to before eforo no me methis this day duy of November 1900 1109 T I R it Seal Sen Notary Public A R B HEYWOOD A G F FELls I J S HOUTZ Directors BANK STATEMENT REPORT OF THE OP OF THE UTAH NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN At Ogden In the State of Utah at tho close ot of business November r 1909 I I I I f j RESOURCES Loans and Discounts S Overdrafts secured and un unsecured securer secured U S Bonds to secure circulation lation Other Bonds to secure US USI I Deposits t Bonds Donds etc 1 O Banking House Furniture I and Fixtures 3 Ue from rom Nation National I al Banks not reserve resene agents S Duo from State I and Private II Banks a n It s n anti n 11 I Bankers Trust II Companies and andI I Savings Banks Due from ap approved proved Reserve I Agents I Checks and other 2 Cash Items Hems Exchanges for Clearing House Notes Noles or of other I National Banks 1 I Fractional j S Curran Currency cr Nick Nickels els and Cents L Lawful Money lone Res Reserve e r 0 In Bank viz Specie G 9 notes Redemption fund a wIth U S 5 per pcr cent of circulation I Total LIABILITIES Capital Elock In Surplus fund Undivided Profits less Jess Ex Expenses and faxes paid 3 43 S National Bank Banle noteS out outstandIng I standing Due to other Na lIonal Banks Due to State and II private r I a to Ban Banks Ic san and d Bankers G I p I indIvidual Depos DeposIts Its subject ct to check Demand cates of Time Certificates of Deposit Certified Checks Cashiers Checks outstanding United States Deposits I Deposits of U S Disbursing I Reserved for Taxes Liabilities other oilier than those above stated staled 5 50 Total State Slate or of Utah Count County of oC Weber s ss T I Ralph E B Hong Cash Cashier lor of the above named bank ban Ie do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho be best t of oC my and bollet E HOAG Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of November J C NYE YE Notary Public Notarial Sei J E B DOOlY HORACE E PERRY PEERY H HAROLD OLD J 1 I A i Directors I BANK STATEMENTS 1 Oll REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF m i l L Oran I 2 THE FIRST HA BANK j b phone OF OGDEN Ilay 11 At Ogden In the State of Utah a athe at atthe the the close or of business November r 1909 1 der er w v RESOURCES I were r Loans and the h Overdrafts Mccure secured and I DS r rU U S bonds to secure ell clr I i I U S bonds boods to secure U J I Izeu 1 S SS S deposits J hour and 0 nj Bonds securities etc ote Banking house furniture j I Tb The C Cand and fixtures Tin Tho Other Othor real estate owne owned SOU Due fr from m Na fal wP wi ban banks Its lute not reserve n agents 4 t Duo from fro m state and Dord Borde vate n t e hanks banks eIght I ht I 1 an a a tl tI bankers ling ung I II II trust com compan pan St TIles TI Ft los les and ancl sa saY I 1 wh I Ings banks anks S O 9 02 your Four Duo from up ap proved provell re a ac rr serve agents Bell at 11 Checks and ancl I r j 1 other cash I un In items Hems raring Exchanges for donna g I Notes of other National Banks 2 Fractional pa paper per pcr currency nickels and cents Lawful money In ha S B Bank J n l viz Specie 1730 notes t Ion I 0 II fund with U i iper I Iper per cent or of I cIrculation Total LIABILITIES CapItal stock paid In Surplus fund t UndivIded less ex cx pensos and taxes paid batik bank notes out ont outstanding standing Due pue to othi r rS r ra S a tro n 1 5 to State and private ban banks It s anti hunkers bunkers i Duo to trust compa n I e s an sa banks 5 Dividends unpaid 5 OO Individual de I sub subJect to check 2 Demand of do de deposit II I posit Time Tim e cates cales or of do de S I posit O Certified checks G I Cas C a a h 1 r s checks out outstanding standing U S depo deposits Deposits of U US US S S disbursing officers I t 1 II I 43 f ft Total l State Slate of Utah of 53 Cashier of the I r I JOHN PINGREE r uRn bank do solemnly that the above Is tr C loIbl tO best of m my and S JOH PINGREE CashIer hr and to before ln this da day of November 1909 S SEAL AL CHAS H NotarY public 1 2 1 July My ry commission expires Corr DAVID ECCLES lf l JOHN WATSO S SS S F JOHN JOliN SpIER EL t J t r t tI I |