Show 1 YO 1 r caei eJ hare oJO f nEAD U f H t CAN I c f fO IOan rho r O b i J j l Vt Au Ii I 1 I I ed Cr charily s sen en t Start ling Demonstration lIef I 1 1 ol of a Discovery by II ld Woman In hot a tk t tU U haTe hare Ii Fl fl rw New York Youk Nov Nm 1 Louise G Gou Gou ou the tho young Russian lC IC Rel an who came here from re l Ir and startled men of ECI 1 city with her hel declaration Um that t r d slIt hall had discovered a way to bring the 2 IP to life demonstrated to scion 1 fact and critical officers of th the Ne Nets New Newts ts EdIson company thi that L she can here wonders with the electric lazIng c Z apparatus she has perfected In the thebe he be m or of those who saw the demon I nee ld d he hI l Dr electrocuted a rah mb ij IdI hil and brought It to Ufe agarn h by rh I electric excitations that Sf 5 C itil h heart and respiratory or er welt re I to resume their functions function She Sher Jr r he ber also the advantages of elec f as ac an anaesthetic The officials of oC the electric com coni was pai PY considered the tho im Itu taul because thor they suggested a IOn method of those em cn 4 f rI C who from time to time are arc fa omED tally shocked In I i |