Show news E review ot of current events the world over lindbergh baby brought near solution by arrest presidents board offers plan for settling the textile strike by EDWARD W PICKARD Q by western newspaper union ITH the arrest of bruno richard W WITH hauptmann in new york city the government agents and state police ap feared to be vi w ell on tt e way toward solving the lindbergh baby and murder mystery the prisoner a german alien thirty five years old w as nabbed after he had given ghen to a filling station man a 10 gold certificate that was as found to be part of the ransom paid the kidnapers by dr john P F con don jaksie over a cemetery wall in a vain rain attempt to get the baby returned in s garage in the bronx the police found 13 wh cb eh also was identified as part of the oa 00 jacsie had paid then circum stant lal evidence rapidly was nas gathered to prove hauptmann was one of the guilty men and he nas w as partially fled by doctor condon as well as by a taxi cab driver who said the prisoner was the man who gave him 1 eleven days aal the to carry a note to jaksie officials of the department of jus tice announced that hauptmann s hind hand writing tallied tattled with that of ransom notes sent by the kidnapers police commissioner john 1 I 0 ryan who made the official announcement of the developments jointly for new york and new jersey authorities as well as for the federal department of justice declared that ila ad fitted under severe questioning that he had been employed as a carpenter near the lindbergh home at hopewell orvan OR van also abetted cited that police pollee had established that Haupt hauptmann minn had had access to the lumber yard in which lumber was nias foin to ml hearing a peculiar mark similar to that found on the ladder left at the scene of the kidnap ing hauptmann he added Is in this country illegally he ile is married mimed and has a ten year old son colonel and mrs lindbergh who were in los angeles were salda said to have e known in advance advance that the arrest was expected they secluded themselves and would say nothing for publication JUDGE W C CALVIN aliv IN FEDERAL CHESNUT of baltimore handed down an opinion holding that the farm moratorium amendment to the federal bankruptcy act passed by congress last june Is unconstitutional this amendment known as the frazier lemke liw authorizes debt ridden farmers to go into federal courts and red ice their obi lations the judge held that it violates the rights of creditors as outlined in the fourteenth amendment to the conati aution and that it seel s to supersede the rights of state courts the court pointed out tt tl at each state has laws to protect both the creditor and the debtor the frazier lemi leml e act it was stated wiped away the safeguards guards for creditors and amounted to confiscation of property in the textile industry was PEACE almost in sight after the preb u dent dents s special med mediation lation board reported to him its plan for end ng the bloody e that has been go ng on for weeks the report was aimed c to mr fr Roose roosevelt Nelt at hide park by secie tarv of X abor perkins and gov john G wl WI nant chairman of the board it proposed the folio follo ving four p point 0 in t program 1 app antl tent by tl it e preb u dent of a t tex ex G Gov ov wl Winant A n ant j tile labor re actions reat lons board of three memi ers to so atle all questions of union tion at the several textile mills and to handle all other employer employee d in the industry 2 an investigation incesti aaion by the depart meat ment of labor and tl e fe lei al at trade commis ion of the textile industry s abil ty to n beet the t il er w age pay ments which tl it e union Is deman I 1 ng 3 A moratorium on the stretch out system R whereby ta tie e union claims employers are adding to ohp work load of the r employees duding tl e moratorium the text ie le labor reli rell eions board still sl ill appoint api a textile work assignment control bad be aid to plan a permanent control of tl e hout 4 an investigation ba b th depart ment of libor into the vai at ous classi fixations ficat lons ions of work in the dextle text ie indus tra tr and the alige w ige scale for each classi fl fi cation president poosevelt roo was nas highly pleased with the 10 vord report of the board and expressed his hope that it would show the way to end the str ke le F J german gorman leader of the strike submitted to tl e union q execl five coonc counci I 1 the question of hiving the workers worker return to tl it e in its pending final arran gemel nei ts immediately preceding these devel tl it e mills had been reopening anler military pr and in con sequence the tr kers had resumed their acts of violence there were nu berous bloody encounters between them and national guardipee Guar Guard dwen ipen tn in new england elgland new aorl pennsylvania georgia and the carolinas Caio linas in con the disorders abated and the state troops were being demobilized Larr carrying yIng out his plans for extending the strike to all branches of the tex t tie le industry german gorman sent out orders for 20 dyers to quite their jobs the union workers were still en raged at gen hugh S johnson administrator for his attack on the strike at a meeting of code authorities in new york he charged that the walkout was in absolute violation of an agreement made by the united tex tile workers with the government last june this the union leaders flatly denied defiled and they demanded the res gna tion of johnson german gorman said we ive will not join in submitting any issue to the as long as Gene genera johnson is administrator or occupies apposition of determining influence in the recovery administration we said he ought to resign and we meant it since that Is our view we could not jon jo n in any submission to the while he has tl e power to make male decisions if present plans are carried out a quarter of a million cotton garment workers will go on strike throughout the couney on october 1 this strike Is called according to the union lead ers because the manufacturers refused to con ply with N RA s order to reduce the weel ly working hours from 40 to 30 NE of the sharpest thorns in the 0 ONE side of the roosevelt admin stra tion will not be in the next congress to give ghe pain to the new dealers james M beck beek of pennsylvania leading authority on oil the con s u 11 p n his has an bounced he will not seek election reelection re because congress has become a rubber stamp he had been but pre fers not to ru run n how N ever the tra tion w 11 not be re J M beck from his at tacks tor for he intends to continue them in the courts I 1 am not retiring from public life mr mir beck explains this Is no time for any citizen to lessen his activities in defense of our form of government I 1 am retiring from cott congress gress because I 1 bel bet eve I 1 can help in th this as great cause more effectively in the federal courts where I 1 have hane practiced for more than fifty years than in congress where the minority Is gagged and reduced to im our form of government can only be saved by rm restoration oration of the party to power and I 1 hope with my pen and voice to serve that party as effectually in the ranks as in con gress S state primary was We WISCONSIN especially specially interesting because of the fact that the democrats polled the largest vote by a wide mar agn the la follette progressives and the republicans trail ng the democrats re nominated gov albert G demin vigorous supporter of tl e new deal he will be op posed by phil la follette who received the progressive nomination without contest and howard T greene I 1 can who defeated former governor zimmerman and J N join jol n N callahan former national committeeman was named for the sen ate by the democrats and john B chappelle was the unopposed choice of the cans senator robert NI la follette jr ir was of course norm nom bated by h s new pirty party was duly admitted to mem R RUSSIA bersh p in the league of nations only three votes in opposition bedig ben g cast and then was given a permanent seat set in tie tl e council of the league max im I 1 litvinov N soviet commissar tor for for eign affairs pled pledged ed his nation to work through the league for world peace declaring flatly that russ a would give up no attribute of its locial system litvinov warned arned the assembly blat tl at peace and security cannot be or on the basis of shifting sands and verbal prom ses it should be established he said that any stale state Is entitled to demand reasonable security from its near and remote neigh bors this however should never be interpreted as distrust litvinov added next day after a debate on plans to end the war between paraguay and bolivia spokesmen for russia private ly asserted tl ti at tl e danger of war in the far east has lessened relations between japan and russia having im P proved roved N the once famous gold city of alasi a I 1 es in ruins having been swept by flames with damage estimated at 3 four hundred persons were rendered homeless and most of the food supplies were burned up pel ef vessels with food and med leal feat supplies were rushed to the place and there was no fear of shortage the government at washington granted 50 in d assistance and planned other rel ef measures the c eizens were hurriedly procuring lumber and other materials in the hope of at least partly rebuilding the city before it Is isolated by winter tee ice t tt t t at AMES A MOFFETT federal hous JAMES ing comm announced that on november I 1 he would begin releasing funds for tl e construction of at least a million new homes concerning the home modernization and repair phase of the program the administrator declared that more mor than ethan 1000 communities have set up or are setting up committees to direct the program locally he predicted that by thanksgiving more than 5 will rill have established such corn com financial cupl support ort he said has come from 7 banks and such loans have been made in all states but three from field reports we estimate that one million dollars a day of loans are being abeln made under our plan and from experience in past community modern campaigns we are sure that double that amount of cash business Is being done which is the thild largest cerop TOBACCO crop in the united states has al at ways rays been without an organized tu fu tures market but it has one now for the new york tobacco exchange inc on broad street has opened tor for business after two years of nary organization work in which the federal department of agriculture co operated the contract basis Is united states standard flue cured type 12 grade bof there are nine types and numerous grades deliverable under specified dit dif under the form of contract that has been adopted the unit ot of trad ng Is 10 pounds and quota eions are in cents and five fhe one hun of a cent per pound delivery points have been established to date at norfolk and newport news va 1 and lo 10 ausville ky ry NEW Nad EW YORKS YORK S city assembly has adopted opted a lottery scheme for the purpose of raising relief funds a way having haning been devised to circum circumvent Nent the law the business men and the clergy are protest li g violently MUSSOLINI repeatedly P asserts tl at italy wants no more war but he is taking no chances in an order des ened to make italy an armed nation his cabinet has d ed that all males maies above the age of eight and below thirty three shall receive military training kt t the same time it was revealed that italy s farming industry will be brought into strong national tion under the corporative state system to be inaugurated november 10 the working class will be welded to gether in one group and the owner manager class in another the two classes will rill be united in the central corporations two major national coordinating bodies have been created for the sep sepa a rate groups these are the fascist confederation of agriculturists for the owner managers and the fascist con federation of agricultural workers if italy does have a war in the near future it is likely to be with just now the two tuo nations are quarreling bitterly mussolini is especially vexed because is har bar boring 2 2500 austrian nazis close to the border and not curbing their plans for another putsch astrik Is thoroughly aroused by seemingly authentic reports from brussels Brue sels that former empress zita in tends to establish her residence in aus tria along alon with her eigl t children include in ing archduke otto it et e n d e r to the thrones of both that I 1 country and hungary it was mas asserted that this hapsburg family had been granted per mission to return as plain citizens if otto would promise not to seek in any way to archduke otto bring ing about restora tion of the monarchy quite unofficially it Is 13 said restora tion of the hapsburg monarchy would not be opposed by either france or italy but the british foreign offee scouted the idea the 1 atle entente nations would be strongly against it but might not dot hold the vienna gov erdmen t entirely responsible ble in vienna a spokesman for the tor for eign office said that the return to aus tria of the hapsburg family even as private individuals is still ble some member of the hapsburg tarn fam lly ily may be allowed to return to depre sent the family in the long pending lawsuit laNN sult over oner the Haps burgs proper ties he said but this is not likely to be archduke otto because of the dan ger that disturbances might result from his presence socialists and labor un ions tons would surely start trouble A COBB chief of the cotton pro C section of the farm ad ministration announced that the third cotton parity payment due in de cember would be combined with the second rental payment and that both would be distributed in october the total thus to be paid out will mate 2 mr cobb said that tenants and share croppers had an interest intel Inte est iest in the parity payment and that to put off payment until december the usual sea son for many tenants and renters to move to other farms would cause un U n necessary complications LAWSON LITTLE a husky san W francisco youth has accod the feat of capturing the brit lish and american national amateur golf cl in one season thia this has been done only twice before lit tie cas ly defeated de david goldman goldir tan of dallas texas in tl tie e brials of tl ti e na illonal tournament at brool drool I 1 ne mass |