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Show &u I). 1903. I 1 7 a. " Sfuator Whitmoralven a f j salaries of Judges'; No! w ri In witness, whereof, the President ! " - 23 creating a . bureau of sheep : ' by of the Senate, the Election cf ScastH Ko. 4,1 .resolution fwovUlscab inspection; No. 24, ceding Bad Wreck on tha' Rla Grande Ccritetloa presiding officer?, at or balloting for .Unt-- jurisdiction ou Federal building of the said joint assembly, and the ijnf Joint Session la Soloss . Senator; vent back: to sites. , secretary of the Senate, the 'clerk rf" . . Thistle, Junction.- ' Honser . .the flA therpnf No, 5. extending a . t r x H.J. R, House. welcome to the eleventh irrigation House, hate, hereunto set their Twenty Srcn Can Escape on a Summit Congress, passed." Qrffiate of Elation .Given the . Victor hands this 21st dav of January A al Joint repeal memorial Attorney and; 4No. 1," asking and Can Almost Complete o;- - Congress to Address Delivered D.1903, at Halt Lake to dee, tbajt lHs Smoot's Typewrite thji;pply the $75,00( appropriate City, . Senator Barnes introduced a bill for irrigation investigation, offered. , ly Dwaidiihei ;Coal Shot Fio.-- Can Other Business capital, in the presence of said joint Vith Trepidation to provide for the establishment of V Adjourned at 4 p, m. ' Like Bullet From Gun. assembly, ... Davs. Two the Transacted During metric system, of,Veights and EDWARD M. ALLISON, , . . ' u At The Opera House. President of the Senate, ;; measures,,1. Senator Lewis introduced ii bill t .Robert Downing ' THOMAS HULL jn The Gladi- ' Thistle Junction, Jan. .21, . for . the appropriatiou j of ator, was ;a refreshing provide1 Speaker of the House of Repre.change About I oclock today twenty-seve- n $19,40(1 for the maintrsaiicyof an from the vaudeville and ' sentatives. ' cars , got away from Uondnetor experiment jfurm iu 'Washingtmi attractions that visit us so A. W. JENSON, ; Scott at Red Narrows and run . o,., frequently, and the audience which Secretary of the Senate, .county'' fcenatoffShertnau introduced a assembled to greet the great trage- wild to Thistle Junction at therato H.,L. CUMMINGS, , Chief Clerk of the House of Repi bill to'llrohlbit the desecration ol dian on Wednesday evening seemed of speed that possibly reached - on j the- .United States 'jffag . by adver to thoroughly appreciate this fact. hundred miles an hour. Tbe re- - ' resentativesL ' tishcra.. . Downing .was superb in. the roaming train, Mr. Smoot, having been sent 2 till excepting two cars , oclock character of Nero the Gladiator, left Adjourned today. for,' delivered a'carefully typewrit the track f about one t mile, east but; is support, Was not up to the ten address, reading from the manilOUSE, ' THE of the . , r, . . station honie "and were , Is usual standard James Slevin as rj uscript. He began in faltering t : Flavian was particnlary weak, scattering to the four;;, winds f and. tones, . which, however, .became lleardthe reading of the journal both tn; yoicq ; and gesture, while kindling wood m&le qf them Two 5 more clear and firm as he proceed! iJ tnfA Atvit1 M.vamLvm W hii appdTiw ..was .positively ef of the cars loaded with fd- - He" endorsed the principals coal; kept1 femihate.;v,i:b-?if the Republican party , and th4 , the truck until tbeyreached the r Miss.Downing m$de a very j lets of the McKinley and Roose- T""-V Adjourned where they werederaUed and 2 m. p. today: pntl velt administrations, incidentally Braharn yard, NepdamiaqdIiss their contents thrown ;3verMtha4I .s afi.j iFai(3tiija m mossing a few bouquets to the Pre-:- ; TIK SENATE.. '; exceptionally gronnd as if it had ' irom 't o beep.shot . :.hv good, s j y., as a sidept, probably peace offer I Salt &ke, Jan. 2.Met at,2rr j Fdmnhd Qhllibpn ns the priest a grni. 1 wo trucks struck.fhe ingi! declared his adhesion td the oS, ; !; ill ;on a side.Urack; . gitisn did. standing y j payeBaifles, pseut smhe.elyer acting. brained from cotriplmjtiqg? the pfhfritiori, his country and its the pilot and cylindefr ' - ' Received a etition f rofa' Arizona ..The piece ryas and staged in splendid criisbmg his laws, Sectored intention ft of Legislature on its choacey a M veft peud. Luckily tbe engine erepr-'to; help inthd passage- ofthe- Staler there demptiort of the Mia that be had no Wmment 'to,!wf?i"S were i. away eating n raealcv ' bpod bill povf1 lnOougreis. Tpo opera house orchestra niale male. SemUbf MfeKayiiitrodoced a bill nlp0 jmndnetor of the- - runaway, decidpd hitf during the evepieg The doenment presented to Mr J FpIIoiyiijg is Ibe business trans- to, enable, the Schoblfor Ko, 31, wqs making mj effort thep.lleajf, withfita Rendition of the New York tw; in aepjrt session; moot by' President Am- on to had hesidini at Red Narrow 1 IJnmb . Blipd,:td.n.so tha money o)W, the house insisting upon ap reads as folio ro .. let ' No, ; SENATE- appropriated. py the Hast Legisla- encore. . train nasenger V goC t '?. ture, iv. .. . ing faet, by. On account of run-SMOOTS CREDENTIALS. . 'T - Met at went to Roriahton a, packfd 11:33, alf members pre' the Senator ffjng past he CP..Larseu introduced was comswitch, I hpnse last night. , and , the jndftn. ' Re it known, and this is to cer sent4 to bflt fotAn provide pell9dtotnke.somc:of., the head tions to. experiment hfrVm w point ; Iecel ofseaN of scarcity tify that atT2 uw.k uieriuiitn vp( e fop cars back And ir San 'Tho farmrin onto his . pete county: nnddroptbepi tonights perforniance.f the21atdayof January AH.1903, transmitted to tbeCoyeruor Sen-- it same Senator introdneed a tram. , Wlik doing this ; ' ' i to V bill ? v work, t V J, being tbe day followinthaU oni ate concurrent resolution No. 1. . ns ; which protTedings took place by 'Adopted, py avotc of H to ,7, prpyide for, the inspection' 6t V n ;j ;; headland akm gone. he.ehginl wfts .bbndlmg 'broke1 in .'twd , j , mines. and ' which Reed Smoot ofl'yovo .City; report of ' lie Contingent i Hxpene 3 Wenatchie, Wash,, Jan 21. k' '"Senator Lewis introduced a bill Further, details of the Great North- struck thfe balance : of his train', Utafpris pained ti),vach house for committed I Jpfoyidmgf dr? pocket to, increase the pay bf election re- - ern wreck of Tuesday show that starting them dowq the line.' Senator in the 'Lougtess of, the knives for the Senator?. The train, crew made turn messengersf from 10 cents to (the accident was the - result of an every effort I United States from the: State of Senator Barnes submitted, a reo them bntVrere stop u the wheu mdu cepts distance extra flight, with three boarding to Utah, as provided' by Jthg 'laws of solution, the Object of ' which is to pJ be task and without unequal .more thau twentv-fl- ve traveled . , ' allow-is ears filled avail, Sen.with an of the members the 'crew extra Congress, compel tho Southern 'Pacific Railrthe twcnty-seyeng cars to go to ate and the House of Representatnumbering twenty, six men running their oad company, to put in drawbridges miiess:!rVr maIU A Iftf deHtmction,Vwith 4.. lives and' ives at Salt Lake City, the capital iff the Lucin ent off to . permits of on property iiiiperijJeiJ of said State, a quorum of each the passage of vessels on every hand. ? fake. the; Had the runaway kept the track i va hotise being present and i hereupon " , r Senator pove introduced a bill t,ie station' the journal of each of said houses to codify, enlargp and Tender more StateMhe purchaser passed the Only twd of the crew escaped at Thisfle.and the hotel might have benatesdidalso his bill to' de- - unbanned was produced and was read, and it specific the killed were man- pure food laws' of the beeu to pieces. There was a f ' 8ecrery ' of I Igedin a horrible manner, Oue e train tojn of State. appearing from the inspei-ijofetatfc Land Board., at'Thistle at the time rnn by tim with his head and arm missing, said jourpals Uhat 'tbd'wud' Reed A communication was received A who was about to communication was lonductor.Uary received 5 was fotuid; standing upright in the Smoot had, on the 20tli day t from the Governor annonneing the get meet from orumfi Gov.Wells the runaway at . announcing that wreck of a box car;h another was 1903, received majority .of appointments made by., him during Rio. the he next had appointed Raphael Cottrell jammed clear through into the siding east of Thistle all the votes in eaeb'honse for Sen- the recess of the Legislature. get tinder the authorization I gine and lay upon the boiler head but he eoimmcied to eat his dinner ator as aforesaid, he was then and The bill of Senator C. P. Larbefore leaving, which circumstance conferred by the Legislature. there declared duly elected Senator sen amending the animal bounty The Judiciary committee sub- Frank L. Goddard, a Southern perhaps saved the lives of his en- - ; . I mittea ft Purnro hi a report on Sena- - Pacific conductor had his hand gme crew a,1dlhis own, f ' t6r Whitmores bill to prohibit the eanght and badly crushed between payment of mileage to State offlei- - two.car couplings, at Ogden. als and members of the Legisla A BOY IN WINTER TIME. tare who travel on passes. Senator Bamberger introduced a bill to increase the Balary of the Supreme conr(; stenographer from $900 $1800. The same Senator Introduced a bill to increase the salaries of ,he Jndges of the Dis Jrict courts. I Senafor Laurence introduced a jbillto transfer articles of railroad companies from the office of the State Auditor' to tbo ..office of the - , Secretary, qf Statel 4, - . m LA, . , . , j 4 V . f -- l. , I' . - - . r,- - Rutt-Wi- . T 1 i i -- 4 ' 4 , 3 4 -- v ! V, '7 melo-dra-mat- . ic r - ' - f. , 4 f ' " i- - rf ft a j ,v- , t . ) i 4 . , - r-- . v ; v - , " ' f lov-abj- p j i-'- enI . . , rFes- -- ff - - M r ; . V J p - i-h- , : ...... V-V- v ; .- . ; a the.-Hous- , - -- v , 4 meta-lifero- r: V t r . -- J - . -- ...... n J -- S mm -- -- -- T -- . v- n - vie-th- -- I Jan-uar- y, en-mess- en -- . .T . . , , -- to 2 oclock. .1 i .' THE HOUSE, i Metat?pm. Ordewd yiat all bills be printed when.-nbtnitte- j d. the! r Committees recommended of House 4 bills and Nos, passage (j,H. RNp. 3, to regulate thej storage of explosives, passed on! , The trial trip of the Maud ' - S. --Chicle Record. Her, Id. - third reading; II,. BNq. 4.relat-ip- g to the payment of witness fees ;o certain officers passed., Kevv bills; :No. 16, Jo appro-)riat- e j $p000 for the benefits of the irrication congress; No. 17,' to, extend the.time for thense of Deaf, Dumb And Blind" school appropriation; No.fl8, making nine hours a day's work for street car employees; No,, 19, extending contract' I MRS. BOWES. ; PRESIDZIIT caetro. PRESIDENT CASTRO, MINISTER BOWEN AND THIR WIVES. in eontnwU, u it ahowi th rrtat t,ly disparity ia Wieht Einwier Bowen and his wife on ilia one hand and President Castro f!" of Venezuelm Bowen wUl officiate during the arbitration of the diepnted claims of Great Britaina,and Germany. 4 I . |