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Show i TBETRI-WEEKL- T HE-JOtn- JOURNAL Y. WA"L 1 i . If Jll 7 by . . .. rt 'Si 3 ' . . A ' . . lessees. - LOGAN. UTAIJL t Xt ;2 4 ICO 3 , Y r.L VL The I A Conventions 1 s granted There will bc;.i f Wntmnof Stake and wird Placers cifi Y V CO, otgigantio E.JIL & ENGLAND PUBLISHING 1 , M. I. ' without . A. f ' held riyrr., in the west roniqof Hyrum central ni arrested tte. pro ami, school bnibfing, SunAy, .Janr :r7r:;the fool who moteyS ; a ftan of 220,000, 000 increasing onlhemy .A.ipns-ai,m jjleKeever 1903, at 2j CO p ci A, fall attend! mdks such cow and yet lots pf 'and tho three Jfeussei ,city's borrowing capacity 122,000, brothers. ance ia earnestly .desired, 4 ' ' . . . . Tweedy t . nonnl i ifiArwlim nnf Iriimr mi cocK-ng- ' ' j ' -- Catered At the Poit-ofilevery ThuerliV ini Saturday, At Lcgaa, Utah, jJqP 000 u Ucaad-th- tt nutter. ,J ce , .it-- a 7 proposed taxable Editor. Augusta Gordon xt . ixu a ; ' Hnteudent. J '. , . r frqm that poW every year; at 20iw,u. cents per pound, $00 and wo have tvaJ JU8t recovering from the of fects of n mine accideut-b- y whicji 1903 "th?C3lf and the milk1 iirJhe- bar. he Thandev 22, January v r. ' 7 and of the; street railways ia not ;had three ribs brokety He was a Sale on Easy Tiprms,j i f SL. Marks hofepital, where Fpr an expense item even inMonfc.Sho . some choice 18 ' feaced tho he' Building will die; passage wmeaUhre9 tons )f,; clover ' hay Lotsj , And. now we hear the nmttfcr corporation is fighting within . two blocks located the' and. law tooth of toenail, It has developed thkfh number ' $5 per ton, , $15? .1000; pounds 5ngs of the rising storm which, it of Tabernacle square. . of and its seems reasonable and contention firms $10; $1 at of, those Ogden JflO, gram per umer.i;nan Also good Farms,' Pastures t f is Said. is to blow Smoot from' the five. motjth(8,at $1 per j who have been named have been since a State franchise wonld be ii .and Meadow Landa.,.. 'doors of the Senate chamber ajid 1 30 0,lt r. ,be: virtimizod by. the raised.', inon or '. the valueless withont the of Brant J'er1L ' write Call or once to af waft him clear across the continent . and I I der cooks. .neve these prices are r'streets-b.i use tho the .of ty. 4t bis Western cents 20 home. His lnow the feed is, yet ,to May, the tlireyear old, daughter These streets have been made, im- L,R. MARTINEAUri onrohT, Williams, home' whose, Real is Estate Agent, yLogan.Ul exare $2 fqr otjeWn the cost of the near the . bend, hut does not break be proved aud maintained at city woolen Ogden, mills, got aud the costf of governing feed.' A manias, 100, 200. 300 hold of a bottle fore the blast, and wben the stohn pehse, carcontaining, 1 feeds ' the crops bolic opfiia of land,-- He and the traffic falls ) , I fl controlling and swallowed so acid, ranch has passed is found as flrralv cow and gets fti'.k to. the grown dairy; city has to fi0 nd Tooted and upright as ever. Like upoajhe city. As He:sells the crops that it is feared she will die.' swiry his humble prototype,. Reed, may Py aJ the attendant expense and ail Relief Society Conference, . Yes, You $30.13 tlic game ' worth Right all suffer vits the inconvenience, the rabdle(f bend, bat will not break before thd . ; ..The quarterly conference of the s be el to a TlnVretnf'cnnuot benefits whatever We accrue had,, tin do horse keep shoes, storm. Society of Hyrum Stake of ev. iMheply shelter' provided Relief to be' the oetter one. calked, both sharp and blunt., Zion will convene in Wellsville, for tbe.cow ill .wiuter is the. lee An invtor bought six thousJan, 31st 19Q3, at 10 a! j WeAlso keep a large stock of American flour is famous the side of p barb wire fence, or if Saturday, 1 p. m. A good attendance and dollars worth of the stock of and m, carriage bolts, machine bolts, ! bedjs nipmvbaiik. Nor is it is desired. world over' for its and pnrity a certain corporation. After havscrewy p hinges, nails,' and atone time bid. fair Mart K. Howell.' 'Jog ring received three thousand dol- strength, wire; chains, rope Nellie Uarkinson, - 1 staples; lars in dividen ds nd premiums a to control the world 8 .markets, the small or big boy w agon0 Idt barj wood and fittings. Lizzie B; Owen. ' be1' her1 Then came tho; Dingler hilr. and .wilh the daily ' thereorganization of tool1 or every description,' corporation the Presidency; ' HdW ; trf ; et' fllei was nearlkilled;' . compahion trade export effected and the stock ivas placed I lampe, lanterns, galvanized . coWsf.i Walt.AUot too blhdr't --- -in retaliation, for-th- e Itor a new bails which " he was ' . r ' upon by tifn-- i ironaaindicHiameled ware. i j Ortce.iwJ will tfllkV5f'Uhal;' i I. t leyied.by-auta prohibitory Rtwtn4'l .rftain nine tim'd:'? thousand enblc3.,to Rpll . . liPOrdp or.te famous never : A ? t n',JIlCUl measure.upon famgiumauufugC y,. dollars in preferred, and sell his Irtrca Vpnnin lavitul o lawff f Imf. $$$ Will ppy 7c., for .veal,?. 6$c.. fdr R ' proportion gpmmon stock . frt lJrf(iihlifto.,l Center St., Lojan. jj.dreBSfd hogs, 7c. for- chickens. r. biRfi 8$cp'thoagaUdifive hundred dob iimincu ouiby uruiwiut Jiffhest cash price foe hides aud fNjBJ 1 Jhave jnst received I He naturally c&nclnded his . b . fif ijijpelts; a carload of shovels. part W Mta&iit was the dt bsasT- MSWill call for veal or iiidefk ;adV, b of his! life, and that sugar iVI M v ' ,l svplace In the vaUev. st t is a good thing; for it was I bit u Ji'lU.- - ' '! ; . . , V t bLjJe ihoue of the Utah factories. Call 'OtHfl or drop postal to1' him 1st Witli Canada, buying wlat Kli! Inn r oq uF door i, t north of Court Hoiiltei'Logun. ii the Canadians and selling fiifte ' . (Mderifirm' sUtah-lltiw . if full vt brll !; ntil the same, foolish I ?w many New Year resofqj flour 1, VitdinflzmVbi WIMI1' t, Mfr d'fit 4t good clock t;iDo kifleoit by imposimg a still bold good! Let us hopie ti - Summotu. ' m bligiimf We are t' J'! gijpak nomber.NewYear resolutions, twenty five cents a bushel ' 'usflPiAlj: 'i clocks rtnv(. at 25 In atera standiog New Year joke-- . Theffnnadian North-we- st is rapid- . -- m&tfe'pajable'tft1 Ogdetf'ti. ) the District Court of Ceche Conniy. $ut ctUtflonnt. Every B. Price, as so many of them are broken. ly developing ihto the ',greai"1 name bNTfibma Morgan. Thee OracleZfiz vigbtr-daclock in ' our j vPlalntlff, 'r Simmoni Still1, t store goesnt 25 if alio i that are kept .rtMTOibg-wbritrJohn E. Price Defendant. and Uisbonnt.:Oome :v. and there the adoption get ' ' would doubtless wwhlv f !Jhat wknown Tho inrt 8t of received saiil and UUh.tothe gopijls, cashi teiqn tfant; You are hereby somnioncil to i a bargain-,- ;. be. cause for gratitude for the cus-- t high tariff has done' more toward after which, 1 npoi.. a ithtn v disappeared. the twenty after rerrlceCf day thin . tifxnmnng i noon yni, y served Wtblo the torn' which sets apart New Years oounjy in which 'hole! and ' West s(df4 this action is brought, otberwtNwithix The,' Albany thirty service, and defend fhe above en- day- as an epoch marking season & drug stoirer,iu'Salt Lhke.1jbcated;(n (iTimter ri'ledai tloiitaurtinca eof your allure so to Ovynby do. in the lives of some meu.Ifeforma-tioniJudsment will he rendered ngInt you ao the same buiidfngand bwnedhy cording to the demand of the comolatnt, of A copy fa herewith of bourse, in order at all whihh enrd upon you. . . Thbir sign the eye5 on the' door. .W,W Menghan , I i. ' timek. and few indeed are they the nature of their own tLif ' Plaintiff's attorney. si,Post Office Address: Locan. Cache Co., Utah, next "Jewelers and Opticians, wbei have no need to refoi m, fur I a Hiwnre not bapietLrom i'l there ure none, perfect, no, not markets that were on?e . door to U. O. Hr Main Street, ..Logan. one; but if the commencement ant'idjtlie case-p- f the btaifi;Ye-iDi-v of the new year turn mens hekrts : for. Notice of Sa.k of Real Estate. in that direction and eveu a tithe tions oQlie - UpitcdStalexjour. E.'.S.Pnyne rt D. Hill Apna I was.qotpfficiientjto In ., the matter of the etat . V. of those who resolve remain sttad-fas- own great wheat belt lying along clear him, hence hp,.hf Id Psyfefljto , ?v is . always supplied of Joahaa B. Brown, bankrupt. with'...;.. the northern border states.,. Num- answer ,to the District gttUrt.fcuK f then blessed Ik the day, Notice la hereby irlren that on Saturday, the 81st day of February, A. D. 1803, at the County ber twohnrd' CahjadikJ wheat $7,000 bohdsrin default of fwhidi the Attorneys office, Salt Lake County, u Utah, sell to trustee of said- eatate be committed ai undersigned toJaiR'. to weighs tj bnsheL sixty ponn fhe highest bidder the following detatlbed real 'Prqm a story t elated to the : the ' market affdrds property situated In Cache County, Utah,: Lake if At is and unexcelled 'Utah' yj a shore, fop milling Austrian Ambassador at Wash'eounty, The East H of lot one. In sonth,f of the one but .handle .We store was of Section seven (7) Township and burglarized The surplus wheat product recently ten (10) North, Ranee one (1) West of the Salt ington, it would appear that THE BEST. grade a of Lake Merldianconiainiue forty acres, subject quanity candy, chewing gnm is not yet been abolished. of the Canadian North-we- st to a morttrape of Are hundred dollars In favor and a linmber tf handkerchiefs McGnrrln A Company, and record! la the of 50,000,000, bnshela and with- stolen. Ten Slavs recently arrived in office of the Recorder of Salt Lake eounty afterward two bhorlly State of Utah. Washington from Tom Creek, in afew years will be doubled. It is twelve year old boys were etispected Bids will be received by letter, addressed to PROP.. CENTER ST. J.J.Whltaker, Trnstce.Connty Attorneys office Va., frorajwhence they escaped As already in demand amongst foreign as they were making presents of Suit Luke.county, Utah. young fugitive slaves. They told the millers for mixing with native similar, articles' to their The count)- - attorney Ambassador that they and thirty-tw- o wheats, and tho nnion is declared friends. sheriff And went out fmm- - Provo others of their countrymen, an ideal one for flour This de- on to Wednesday but were hired by a man named Koser mand is growing, if possible, even the boys must have investigate,someto go to Toms Creek to work in more rapidly than the snpply Tru- thing, as they were suspected missing, as was Union the coal mines there for $2.50 a ly, the farmers and millers of the hlso'a horse on which it is thought United States owe much to onr fan- they rode away. " day. On arrival they were some giantpowder and tastic tariff policy, hut tbe'balance Robert Lemmon,' th man found & Ry petroleum, for which $40 was is on the wrong side of the ledger. Tuesday in a dying condition in a charged, to be dediutd iu (n The miller, in addition, is blessed Commercial street opium den, in Btallmtnts from their pay. At the by thepriVelege of paying a high Salt Lake, died shortly before dayLine end of .the first day they were giy- - tariff on machinery and supplies, light Wednesday tnoniitig; aud as a result. Ray .Clifford,- the woman n fifty cents each in full payment .as bolting cloths etc. Great morphine fiend in whose room the ai d beneficent his tnau was found, has been taken in-- , for eleven hours work, instead of s to custody, together with Benjamin the $2.50 promised. This was The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee Paul Railways are now running s Farrer, who.., went ' yritb Lemmon A GOOD CO V. repeated for three weeks when the the into den. will be tourist, sleepers, 'and' 'sleepers free held .They . men concluded to reeliniirg Professor F. B. Linfield recent-l- y quit All startoutcome chair the tci .Chicago, cars an pending of For through tickets, inquest , ed at night; but were overtaken contributed an article to the which is to be held today by Judge car yeservttons and furt her iuforma-r- . sleeping and thirty one of 'them captured , Rocky. Mountain Husbandman in Clark it : tion apply to having been decided, that and compelled to return. The re- - relation to the value, of a good there is, enough of mystery about maining teu escaped and, proceed- - cow, the relative cost J of keeping Uhe.caSe t warrant urther inve$- trtioni- -ing to Wnsbipgtoh, related their and the : income derived. ; r- t CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS change story. Needless to say ing it will interest the farmer of .''State Snperintehdent Nelson "was MILLE& F. A; Commercial Agent their comrades have been released Cache county as much as the PoWfled Wedneadav that the pend-- 1 General Passenger Agt.' West Second South St. 406 book j nler? ?r tht ?eT. and proceedings instituted to pun- - Montana farmer; we reprodace the . Chicago . : , ' Salt Lake ak the r ish their enslavers if the facts are as following excerpt; lns '!ay would be promplly filled mid that i What is a good cowl A cow the reported . ' companies would establish de- r- -u Bite. - w - , - -- v . ,t , 1 . '' " v - jp. 1 1 ptmiid,fnr-Jmtfo-4hft-retnr- "'' ' . ng 1 f . ' t 4 . . Are . - 1 how-seem- w - T ok . - - s I, -- - 1 1 i f - ( ji-- ; - - I "ii o-- rt lol - h , t . "i i. - -- J , t .,,-e- u - . , - i ' - rlf I 1 y ij-r- y -- per-cen- . -- -- i F 1 1 Johnson s, " v - . , , -- t, I V iOnoicoot Lleato pnr-iwis- es. 111 . Nortb-eps- t sla-very.h- as , al-lea- dy William , Reading;, Pacific and Chicago .Mil - far-nishedw- 1 waukeie Through - .ney St. Paul . &-St- . first-clas- "' , , iev- ' -- .r -- V . ft |