Show CHARLES F ERNST PROJECT DIRECTOR OON COUNCIL ON MONDAY AFT ADDRESSED MEMBERS OF THE HE SAID 1943 OCTOBER 4 to meet with you today is especially this opportunity marks for the city council the beginning precia ted because it preciated COM ap- of half of its term of office accomplishment complis ent s during the first As you look bock upon the ac you have a right to feel a substantial three months of your term however the real fruition of the seeds measure of satisfaction which you have planted will come in this next three months the second tine of the council was in the first three months the time measure in their regular council meetings as spent in large became acquainted with the to the various members of the council your which blocks elected you to represent tal responsibility for them irith committees the city council is well organized with he operation of the city appropriate for each major activity in the haa meetings end have become ac these committees have had of topaz respect ivo responsibilities quainter quain ted with their respective world of the council months in the next three mont is more of the work which will from time idill be done through its various committees will to time bring recommendations to the council which will require now your careful deliberation city council is the city of topaz that significant also for another reason of past a about fifteen few weeks transfer has witnessed in the hundred of its former residents to the tule lake center in exner residents of same number of former forner for change for approximately the sarae topaz that center to we may now think of the city of topaz as made up of people who have ave signified their desire to develop their future lives in we ile all have a right to exharmony with the american way of life topaz woman man tz will every and child in top pect therefore that vill and at the malke make the most of the privileges which america affords go with those privileges same time assume the responsibilities that pro prams to be we look ahead head in general as wo there are two main programs this opportunity to meet today with irith the now carried out one is an individual personal matter and has to do with relocation the other is a community matter and has to do with the operation af this city today to go into either of these ques is not my purpose it felons except to make one or two observations with respect to each with respect to relocation 1I should reof these two programs mont of the mind you that it is judgment that considered judg ia the wap av ra ancestry ostry who have cho war post one of japanese Anc the of parsons ppe future gen to stay in amerita sen america will be moro successful from every point of view by having as many of the present residents of tho the relocation am got american rican life as soon as poscenters into this main stream of A not be considered a dude ranch relocation center should sible a reservation an asylum or rather it should be looked upon as a temporary homo until each individual family has been able to work out its personal relocation problems with respect to the matter of day by day operation of the project we must continue to remind ourselves that the country in which we have chosen to live is involved in a tremendous task of self preservation including the preservation of those principles and ideals which have influenced us in our decision to remain in country Thero vio like all persons living in america this therefore fore wo rm must accept the responsibilitye to look after ourselves as much as we can and hold to a minimum those appeals for governmental aswhich might hinder si sistance dindor the national effort in both these major programs of relocation and project operation the city council can give substantial leadership it have is true of course that the project director ind his staff rc been selected by the government and sent to the project to be re cannot pass for its operation the administrative this responsibility to the residents either directly or through the city council keeping this fact in mind there is no reason |