Show 2 the residents of topaz throughh their elected reprevice service fora of government cannot render leadership and sor senta tivo form tive sentative same responsibrights ing the sane ats and assuring in exercising the same ri berc residents of any other american city ilities as if they rere operation oration of the pro matter of day by day op it is on this qc matters to your attention by some so eject that I1 would lia likeo to bring way of illustration of what I1 mean by leadership and participation the project in the administration of tho be kept adthrough your committee on education you will bo inaz pro gross progress made the tho school build being of aci in fbaci the of vised development of teachers the lipics the availability of to classes achors to learn the for vocational training the provision for classes use of the english language and other matters of like nature through the labor lobor committee you rill be kept advised of the re and outside monts ments quiro for man power both inside the project quire pro many when demands ore so time being made upon particularly at this us for harvest workers however why 0 C your through food informed of will Luction procurement distribution the proe production their efforts to insure tho ity and prop preparation of adequate menus for the residents of the cit your committees on community Coop matters and cooperation oration on legal loael your judicial commission will call your attention from time to lations by which time to the needs for ordinances or rules and regulations timo harmony can topaz live together in the residents of committee you bo be kept U r in a similar way your communities on health special events etc will keep the council advised of action re quiren in their respective fields in behalf of the residents those committees and the council itself constitute the machinery through which the residents can develop a maximum of community government which is one of the principle experiences in Dera the process of developing true democracy othor together vos chrt believes th people can live to this administration bolin they rind rc of Dom ahral and work together in an democracy bettor better can in a atmosphere of dictatorship Thoro fore the project ditherefore avor to tho rector has consistently tried to turn over the city council as many of the matters involving tho flip residents as the council is C prepared to accept as this city council enters upon the it Is my hopetermthat second half of its terra that it will undertake to use its existing new committees as they find required machinery and to sot up such now to carry out ito responsibilities I1 believe that and leadership its the residents of topaz havo gained a rop oct for th the city council an sure they are a and that thoy leadership ip I1 zm arc prep prod to follow it its antoo to the resiguarantee that they would like to have the council guar any intimidation dents complete freedom of speech and freedom from iny wo have a good internal security organizaor throat lonco violence threat of vio detion if lacks anything 1I would rould scy it was because the dopartment part ment isit not assured that it has tho ing of public opinion the backing as represented by the city council fortunately the very large majority of tho the residents of topaz are people of character they are arc law and desire abiding desiro to lav live in harmony with their neighbors in a very act instances that it has been called to the attention of the administration c into matters they could have individuals that take their felt certainown hands their and conduct themselves without thought as to the effect of choir actions on the welfare of the whole community spry 1I believe the city council should sot up the noces necessary mc so machinery persons when whon or such acts are arc called to such chinery that by th nt the dents or the city of the rosi attention th residents council either persons to set into can be quickly advised administration these stop st p ith the rest of the comro unity you on behalf of ohp th rilly 1I would like to con finally congratulate fin rat arvo yon admiel ration work h vc done in the past three tion for rp irant hs h vr in n 1 hinr th work 01 roil vf done I1 cannot but ahr t its fc 1 chrt fpP duo primp to primarily du rily causg to artus T TT firt |