Show NOTICE united states land office salt lake city utah july 6 lous to V bom tt alay concern state of utah having selected eted as I 1 artof ite its kraut grant forthe fur the of p water tor lot irrigating purposes under the twelfth section of the ace ut congress app approved rorea july A 19 1301 thu following det bribed tracts returned return od by the united baates bur beyor general aa as mineral land notice la is hereby that the buitt state will submit proof us to the character or t gald bald land and the kengeter Ken Ite leter glater and receiver at thia this of floe on alst day of plum 1 br ber mg at 10 0 cluck clock a it m via viz the avo bee 9 11 vy wy IS 13 bouth south range I 1 last alt lake merldine Merld InQ eyal embraced raced in lilt 1 no NM 18 for or abe be establishment of permanent wat calr r reservoirs tor for irrigating nl purposes A 1 rao A c lilt any portion or of said ties C rib mineral lani land or desiring to protest or to the selection thereof by the state ar ac hereby summoned um roond u to appear on that data and testimony in support or 1 legister aho first pub july I 1 10 a last I 1 10 a |