Show TOM HORN BREAKS JAIL BUT IS SOON RECAP CHEYENNE wyo aug 0 aa I 1 to this morning tom horn aid jim Sh 31 Cleod noted desperadoes from rom the laramie county jail after having overcome deputy sheria richard proctor in a terrific hand te to hand encounter lasting more than twenty minutes just before the men got out of jail deputy sheriff sheri ft lw 14 snow appeared on the scene and retreating spread the alarm in five minutes the blocks near the jail were patrolled by armed men and within va minutes of the time horn and mccleod left tho the jail they had boon been recaptured and returned to their cells A highly excited mob surrounded tho the aill 11 for some sometime time but no violence tas va attempted although I 1 kels els P cathar of thi th Wymar dered ly 17 horn harran gued tho the crowd and to incite their to the point of action both mccleod ani od horn were slightly wounded by bullet bullets and proctor was badly mauled and nd wrenched during the struggle glo |