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Show UTAH DA1I.Y STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1904 5 ,,v Je civilized Cunnot IK OGDEN AGAINST INJUNCTION CO. CLAY A SEWER PIPE NEW MADE CHARGE THE MAYOR. AGAINST AN IMPEACHMENT OF THE COM- PETITIVE SYSTEM. of Proprietors and Places Largs Audienes Listened to PromiStockholders Allege They Are Being Names nent Socialist at County Court Where Gambling Is Conducted Frozen Out snd Will Not house Last Night. Are Specified. Stand for It. injunction was ltwued by Judife Hall of tilt- - district court In Salt Lake An Sewer today rextniliiiht? the Ogden officers and company and Olay Pipe and directors from wiling or In any way disposing of Us assets. The plaintiffs in the case are R. Thomas Maloney and the Kc-cLumber company. They allege In th.-icomplaint that they are stockholders In the company und that the sale was to be made without their consent and against their protest. They further allege that the attempted sale was to be made for the purpose of le r freezing out the plaintiffs and for the purpose of forming a new corpora- tion. Lea-scug- Social Evening. e ill-fa- get ability are unequal they should be given an equal chance to make a living. A privilege they do not enjoy unifer the competitive system. Under' the wage system In America today everything by which the masses make their living la open to private ownership to the man or men who have the ability to get out and get It I mean by abllty, flnancering, an ability that la only possessed by a few, and as a result the great wealth of our country la owned and controlled by less than a dozen men. Mr. Wilson will conclude his treatment of the subject this evening at 8 oclock at the courthouse. j t fice. CO, Jewelers and Opticians 4444444444444 44444444444 Early seed potatoes. Skeen 353 Twenty-fourt- h street A DE- Mother of Defendant Gives Testimony Tending to Provo An Alibi. JHU; man without cook, GOOD COOKS USE er 4440444440044 4440440044H I IT IS A NATTER OF TASTE S. Several Hundred People Were Present and Thoroughly Enjoyed the Rev. J. Stitt Wilson of Berkeley, Cal., The veteran firemen and many The amended accusation for the e who Is on his way to attend the na- gueRts made merry at the city hall last moval of the mayor from his oflb-convention of the Socialist party night This annual event is one which tional D. was prepared by Attorney M. delivered an interesting address last is always looked forward to with the and served upon City Attorney evening at the county courthouse to accusation R.u-leThe greatest delight, because those who are last evening. a large audience. The speaker took is sworn to and signed by J. J. Shep- for his subject "The Competitive Sys- fortunate enough to receive an invi' tation to enjoy the hospitality of the herd. The document sets out the names tem Impeached. Socialism, said Mr. Wilson, stands fire laddies participate in an evenng of the proprietors and the places for a solution of the labor problem of unalloyed enjoyment Last night's whei-gambling games are conducted and offers an honest remedy for the function was a brilliant success. The It also enumerates the houses of trouble. The Socialists have fodnd the hall was prettily decorated for the ocin the ii:y and designates their exact spot and they can apply the ex- casion and the council chamber was locality. act remedy. Whatever Is finally set- used as a reception room. There were A new charge is alleged which intled in the labor problem in America old dances and new dances and during cludes, besides the mayor, Councllmen must be settled by eighty millions of the evening vocal and Instrumental Randall and Carr. It Is that while ail people. I believe the only peaceable solos were rendered by Mrs. L. Farley are officers of the city they have made solution of this problem Is offered by and Messrs. Will Kent Jack Green well contracts with the city to supply and and George Pyper of Salt Lake and a the Socialist movement have supplied goods to the corporamandolin club. Lafe Farley gave a of the two are attributes There tion. The charge against the mayor cake walk and numerous toasts were in exist will that competitive system for permitting gambling is as follows: Socialism. and addresses made. must man given every First, That said William Glasmann as work for himself; second, men differ The following were the committees mayor as aforesaid encouraged, abet- In their ability to work, they differ In who had the affair in charge. ted, allowed, permitted and knowingly their J. Paine, chairman. to bread, and as they set out, to wit: ( ft Bailey, over the Grill aa? street, loon at No. 262 Twenty-fift- h Ogden, Utah; also J. F. Smith A Co., on the second floor above the Elephant saloon, known as the Elephant gambJudge Maglnnis went to the capital ling house, at 308 Twenty-fift- h street, A Hamner also today on legal business. Utah; Ogden City, R. E. Peters and family of Green Prye, over the White Elephant saloon, known as the White Elephant gambRiver, Wyo, are visiting In Ogden. street, Chief of Police Lynch und Cuptaln ling house, at 820 Twenty-fift- h A Burbldge of Salt Lake are In the city Ogden City, Utah; also Carlson 2425 at over Falstaff the cafe, Bowser, today. Tom Kerts, Mrs. W. V. Wlthee la In Salt Lake Washington avenue; also ration, mayor, or other officer of the 2515 over at Washingthe cafe, Elite, Mrs. Mr. with her and parents, vsltlng city. ton avenue. John Pike. That on the raid last mentioned That all of said gambling houses F. H. Snyder hus returned from date, to wit: the 16th day of March, aforesaid at the time aforesaid and at been 1904, the said Wfllliam Glasmann, then where has he Wadsworth, Nev, the places aforesaid operated, mainas an operator. being proprietor of and Interested in employed tained and run gambling, to wit; faro, and indirectly a certain lnstl; directly will The funeral of George Lavender roulette, dice and other games of tution known aa the Standard Publish1 from tomorrow at oclock take place chance. company of Ogden, Utah, filed bills the Marriott meeting house. Also John Ashby, in the rear of ci- ing the City of Ogden for printElevate your thoughts by attend- gar store at 830 Twenty-fift- h street against and publishing ordinances, notices, ing church next Sunday. The Metho- Ogden City, Utah; also Call, In the ing for etc., Ogden City, which bills were dist church, next to the county court rear of Munscys cigar store at No. allowed the raid William Glasmann, by house. Is a' pleasant place. 848 Twenty-fift- h street, Ogden City, and approved by him, contrary signed A benefit dance will be given In the Utah; also P. Kersie, rear of Meyers to and In violation of his duty Second ward amusement street as law of hall this cigar store, 266 Twenty-fift- h Ogden City, well knowmayor evening In honor of Alma Doxey, who Ogden, Utah; also P. Poulaen, rear of same to be In violation of law. the the Brown Palace saloon, at 2406 ing will leave shortly on a mission. on raid lost mentioned date That Mrs. Edward Max arrived late yes- Washington avenue; also A. Larson, said company as aforesaid presented terday afternoon from St. Louis for rear of the Little Queen saloon at No. its bill against Ogden City for the sum so extended visit with her parents in 2819 Washington avenue, Ogden, Utah. of 8118.15, which bill was allowed by All of said last mentioned persons at this city, Mr. and Mrs Abe Kuhn. raid council and approved by the times and places aforesaid gambled the Ground was broken yesterday for the William GQasmann aa mayor, said on gambling in the the foundation of the new hotel at at cards, carried the same to be In violation of knowing valthe Hermitage which CommlfAsoner said places for money and other reason that the work or the law for uables. William G. Wilson is going to erect. was city business and the business And all of the above gambling The preliminary hearing of William money was indirectly paid to and places were known to the said mayor the said Glasmann for his own and Joseph Connors has been conand was permitted, allowed and en- through benefit and use out of the city treastinued until Friday, April 22, so that the said mayor, William of Ogden City; also that on the the state can get an important witness couraged byas for the pur- ury Glasmann aforesaid, from Box Elder county. date aforesaid, to wit: the 16th day of pose of raising revenue by a regulated March, 1904, ft certain company known In the divorce suit of Marian Winsmonthly fine In lieu of and to operate as the Randall Lumber and Coal comlow against J. H. Winslow Jr., default as a license for the said persons to has been entered on account of defend- carry on gambling for and an an ad- pany, presented its bills for coal and lumber fOr Ogden City, In vioant having failed to answer within the ministrative policy." lation of the aforesaid section, by time prescribed by the court. The new charge as specified In the reason that one of the members Mrs. J. M. Grlfre, wife of the popular amended accusation Is as follows: of coal said company at said time was And the said petitioner and accuser drug clerk at the Walluce Drug comand Indirectly interested in directly pany, returned yesterday from Dallas, further alleges: That the said William said bill and directly interested in Texas, where she has been visiting Glasmann has neglected to perform said company by being a member her parents for the past six months. his duty as mayor of Ogden Qity in ' thereof, which bills amounted in the State Superintendent of Schools Nel- this, that during the months of Janaggregate to the sum of 8319.90, which son of Salt Lake was in Ogden yes- uary, Febraury and March, and bills were allowed and paid by Ogden 16th the day terday and visited the state school for especolally on and City by the mayor of approved the said Wilthe deaf to moke arrangements fog of March, 1904, well Ogden the same to City, knowing the exhibit which the school Is to send liam Glasmann allowed, approved, aube unlawful and Illegal for the reason to the St Louis exposition. dited and permitted to be paid certain bills against Ogden City, knowing the that the said Randall was an officer of said city, to wit: councilman, and was WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. satpe to be Illegal, unlawful and conand Indirectly Interested In the Tou are earnestly requested to at- trary to law and In violation of Sec- directly allowance of raid bill and the furnishtend the funeral of our deceased tion 222, Revised Statutes of Utah, ing of coal and lumber included in said which section Is as follows: neighbor, Clarence J. Stone.' bills. Meet at K. of P. hall Thursday af"No officer shall be directly or inAlso that on the date aforesaid, to ternoon, April 21st, at 1:80 oclock directly Interested in any contract, on the 16th day of April, 1904. a wit: with badge and white gloves. work or business of the city, or In the certain party known as T. C. Carr, Usual arrangements have been made sale of any article, the expense, price druggist, presented hi bill for drugs or consderatlon of which is paid from for music and & large attendance. furnished Ogden Cty in violation of the the treasury or by any assessment levJ. C. GASRERG, C. C. aforesaid section, for the reason that E. AUTH, Clerk. ied by any act or ordinances, nor in said Cnrr is directly Interested in the the purchase of any real estate or any said bill, which bills amounted In the If you want steel or wood filing other property belonging to the corpocases, loose leaf ledgers or card index ration or which shnll be held for tax- Aggregate to the sum of 869.10, which systems drop a card to C. 8. Pulver, es, or assessments, or by virtue of le- bills were allowed and paid by Ogdqn City and approved by the mayor of Ogden or Salt Lake City. gal process, at the suit of said corpora- Ogden City, well knowing the same to be unlawful and Illegal for the reason that the raid Carr was an officer, to wit, a member of the city council of Ogden City. Utah, and was directly Interested In the allowance of said bill With a man whether he prefers a blonds or a brunette for his and the furnishing of. drugs Included wife as it is also a matter of test whether ho chooeos a In said bill. DIAMOND, a PEARL, a 8APPHIRE, an OPAL or a RUBY The accusation concludes with the to present to his fiance as an engagement ring. We have that the mayor be cited to apprayer all kinds of precious stones, sat in many beautiful designs In court and show cause why he pear and combinations to suit all tastes, all faneiss and all purshould not be removed from his ofses, that are gams of the jewelers and goldsmiths art. LEWIS & AT re- The sale was to have taken place this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the county courthouse and the Injunction order restrains the defendant from selling any of the projierty of the corporation. At the time of gong to press the papers were In the hands of the sheriff without let or hindrance the to serve on the officers of the defend- permitted named persons to operate, ant company. A. G. Horn Is the attor- following and maintain carry on gambling at the ney for the plaintiffs. mentioned and at hereinafter places the dates hereinbefore mentioned and LOCAL BRIEFS THE HEARING EVIDENCE FOR THE CITY HALL LAST NIGHT. FENSE. BRILLIANT FUNCTION without m.y ,,vew it Jack Ford, Joseph Paine, James Allen and Frank Gale. Buffet Will H. Wright chairman; George Greenwell and Chub Browning. Joe K. Wright looked after the lunch assisted by Lee Reeder and Hyrum Goods le. Upon the Hyrum reception committee were Goodale, chairman, Lyman Wright and John Ballinger. The floor committee was Joe Harris, assisted by Chauncey Gale and T. J. Paine. F. A. Gale, James Allen and Ed West did the decorating. J. R. Paine, John Ford and R. B. Paine were the committee on music. The following firms donated various articles to the firemen: Becker Brewing company, Z. C. M. I, A. E. Greenwell ft Bros, Fred Anderson, P. M. Poulson, Erick Larson, Beaumelster Bros, Watts ft Best Frazzlnnl Bros, John Scowcroft ft Sons comapny, .Fred J. Klesel ft Co, EL A. Munsey, D. A. Smyth, Henry Wessler, Max Davidson, Julius Klesel, A. M. Vander Vlies, Boyle Furniture company and Boyle Hardware company. George W. Greenwell furnished the punch and served It. Wea-therb- y, TWO WITNESSES REFUSE. John W. Taylor and Mathiaa F. Cowley Will Not Testify in Smoot Investigation. A Washington special to the Salt Lake Herald rays: Six of the witnesses summoned to appear at the hearing in the Smoot Investigation are here or on their way. These are Angus M. Cannon, Brigham H. Roberts, L. E. Abbott, O. W. Powers, Utah; Calvin Cobb of Idaho and EL Barthall, Tennessee. It Is expected the Utah and Idaho witnesses will be called upon to give testimony conceding the Interference of the Mormon church in political matters and that the Tennessee man will tell of the proselyting methods of the Mormons in his state.' Chairman Burrows, Attorney Robert W. Tayler and Charles Mostyn Owen held a conference this evening and talked over the situation, especially aa relating to the attendance of witnesses. Chairman Burrows said he had received a letter from President Joseph F. Smith stating that, in accordance with his promise, he had endeavored to have several witnesses who had failed to respond to subpoenas on the occasion of the former hearing come to the one about to be held. Of these John W. Taylor and Mathias F. Cowley decline to come. They have written to President Smith that as the investigation Is political and not a religious matter they will not comply with his request that they attend, at least not voluntarily. Of other witnesses, President Smith writes that he understands John Henry Smith, Geo. Teasdale and M. A. Merrill are too 111 to leave their homes and for this reason cannot attend the hearings. Chnlrman Burrows also has a letter from George Smith, son of John Henry, stating that his father Is confined to his home with Inflammatory rheumatism and Is too sick to take the Journey to Washington. He enclosed a written statement from Dr. Perkins to the effect that it would be dangerous for Smith to leave his home. for Burns. Dr. Bergln. Fana, Ills., writes: I have used Ballards Snow Liniment; alwsys recommended It to my friends, as I am confident there Is no better made. It Is a dandy for burns. Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is applied. It should be kept In the house for cases Co, always of emergency. 25c, 50c. 81 a bottle. Bold by Geo. F. Cave. A Dandy The preliminary hearing of Fred Plant, charged with fornication, was taken up this morning. Electa Thompson, Edna Smith and Mrs. Smith were recalled and their testimony did not differ from the testimony given on April 13th. Mrs. J. F. Cambell, a friend and companion of Edna Smith, testified that she met Fred Plants and Edna Smith last June In front of the Tea store, and that Fred showed me a ring and said Mrs. Cambell, this is my engagement ring to Edna.' Later I saw Edna wear- ing the ring. . Mrs. Mary J. Plants was the first witness called for the defense, and tea. tiffed that I was at the electricians ball; was taken to the bail by my son, Fred. Mrs. Dwight and Mrs. Best also accompanied us. Fred did not leave the ballroom to my knowledge. I remember seeing him at several different times during the evening. After the ball Fred took us home. Fred dajiced the grand march with Mrs. Dwight between 9 and 10 oclock." Mrs. Plants told a very straightforward story, which was not changed upon Mrs. Lizzie Best, Miss Bertha cross-examinati- Craw-sho- w and Fred Baker all corroborated the testimony of Mrs. Mary J. Plants. Court adjourned until 2 p. m. At the afternoon session Forest GeiI attended ger testified as follows: the electricians' ball; saw Fred Plants between 9 and 10 o'clock and at different times up to 12 o'clock, when I left the hall and returned to the fire station. Between 10 and 11 o'clock I was with Plants In the anteroom smok- Crescent Flour THAT Preston Flour IS MIGHTY GOOD FLOUR," IS WHAT THEY ALL FOR SALE SAY. BY CARVER The Grocer - ing. Philip Plants, father of the defendant, testified that Fred attended the electricians ball with his mother and Mrs. Dwight, and that Fred came home with his mother after the balL In an interview which I had with Mrs. Smith she raid, I wish I had known sooner that Edna was In this condition; If I had I could probably have done something to get her out of It. I have made arrangements with a lady to take the child and adopt It.'" Fred Plants, the defendant, testified: "I gave Miss Edna Smith a ring as a birthday present on the first of June, 1903. I was not engaged to her at the time I gave her the zing or at any other time. I did not see Edna Smith on the night of the electricians' ball. Some time ago Mrs. Smith came down to the Tea store and asked me to go up and see Edna, aa she was sick. I went up with Mrs. Smith to see Edna. Mrs. Smith told me the trouble Edna was in and asked me to marry her. I refused, and told them I waa not the guilty party and had no money. Edna 'a said the piano player at Belle will give me some money. I said 1 dont care who will give you money I dont care to marry you.' " Plants was still on the stand when this report closed. Lun-den- Make Ice Cream at Home. And have any kind you want on short notice. The preparation of some takes longer than others but' the freezing never takes longer than I minutes. Fifty Receipt" gives many new recipes and It Is no trouble at all to freeze them In a Freezer One Motion. The can revolves around stathe tionary dashrfr. It is Buns made. freezer simplest easier than a AT THE GRAND. Arington and Swain's Company Holds ths Boards This Weak. Iceland Peerless many-motion- RICHARDSON The Lighthouse Robbery" was the drama presented by the Arington ft Swain company at the Grand last night The audience waa a comparatively small one. The company gave an Intelligent Interpretation of the drama, which abounds In sensational situations and strong dramatic climaxes. La Belie Marie will be the bill tonight and tomorrow night "Man Against Man has been selected for presentation. On Saturday night a 375 bed room suite will be given away. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness Into strength, listlessness Into energy, brain-fa- g into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Jesse J. Driver. ed freezer. Thousands who hd at stopped making Ice cream home because of the trouble, now use the Peerless Iceland. St CRAKT (Incorporated.) The Crockery People. (Sols Agents) 2419 Wash. Ava. Phons 201 It Doesnt Cost Anything oi LATH LUMBER, SHINGLES, MATEAND BUILDING AND KINDS, RIALS OF ALL THEREBY ToSave YourselfMone Utah 4 Oregon Lumber Phons SM Buy an Incubator and make the A Co, business Skeen poultry pay. 852 Twenty-fourt- h street ONESTY All kinds of garden seeds: fresh stock; western grown. Save money by buying In bulk of Skeen ft Co, SSI Twenty-fourt- street h Onion eete are going fast put off buying too long. Skeen 858 Twenty-fourt- h Dont ft Co, street Good solicitors for the Utah State Journal. Apply to Horace S. Foster, city circulator. 4Y POLICY ell you the exact con" rour eyes without nd If they don1 . rill tell you so. can need glasses at reasonable pn idlng on the premise T. RUSHMER - Co |