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Show UTAH DAILY STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, act from Its consequences, by portraying the pleasure of sin without instantly bringing Into view its uppali'ng retributions. Often it takes the form of exaggeration and perversion in norSometimes of a too mal exiteriences. luxurious and alluring picture of the sensuous life. Frequently the fascinating scenery and the skillful acting half excuse the crime, and make one forget that sin works out death, and when man sows the seed he must reap the bitterest harvest. In the whole course of iny Journey I PREACHER saw no horses being hurried forward, DENVER BY SLEDGE were there that understood I though several thousand expected. DRAMA OR prices are beginning to be felt OVER LAKE BAIKAL at War our for halted we the buffets where meals. The peasants had long ceaBed to bring In fresh supplies, and the cost Bread of necessaries steadily rose. At THINKS IDEAL THEATER WOULD trebled. WHICH coffee and FROM COLD doubled, sugar INTENSE AID THE CHURCH. the RUSSIANS SUFFER. the same time I noticed in. sidings half commerce lying ordinary trains of snowdrifts. in hidden Condemns Sunday Performances and SiTroops Carried in Sledges Across Several Russians on the train who Believes Soce Plays of Today berias Frozen Inland came from the east of Baikal were Are Injurious. Sea. about the situa- TRIP THE Lake Baikal, the frozen barrier that cuts the great Siberian line in two, Is indeed a remarkable body of water. In talking very gravely tion. The native tribes grind their own corn, but the Europeans in the towns send their grain to Moscow, from which it returns as flour. If these flour trains are stopped prices will soon be rising famine high Peculation and In Eastern Siberia. the bribery of the officials will give the civillians supplies taken from the war stores; but I can well understand why Russia has sent her convicts Into the army. She wants no spare mouths to APRIL 20, 1904. FEW ARE Only The Rev. W. A. Hunter preached last Sunday night at First Avenue Presbyterian church, Denver, on "The Thea- A. CjrLOVjr BARGAIN For THREE DAYS only we offer Vou ' opportunity to procure serviceable J,e .fitting Kid Gloves for very little monev ,JTbe ft comprises some of the best makes in ilu. worth regularly from 1.25 to 2.00 They come in a variety of desirable tan, brown, black, blue, green, white, iiiodeX GOING. irab Four Utahns Will Accompany Governor to World's Fair Opening. Gov. Wells has received a circular ter." He said in part: 10 length It would stretch from London The ideal theater would be a powerful letter from the Louisiana Purchase exEdinburgh, yet Its breadth Is only miles. from twenty to twenty-thre- e adjunct to the church. The dramatic position officials inquiring as to the corresa writes I stood, Instinct in many makes the presenta- number of guests from this state who From where to the London of Kxpess, the tion of truth In a dramatic way very will attend the opening ceremonies of pondent was side, on other the of Baikal, town palatable. Some of the most powerful the exposition wth governor on Aprl a little over forty miles, but It is this writings of the bible are In the form 30. The object of securing such inof the drama. The book of Job is a distance over the frozen floor of which feed. formation is to arrange for the enterdramatic poem. So is the Song of tainment of stores and men have to be transported distinguished visitors from BUSINESS IN REAL ESTATE. to the front, that will cause the RusSolomon, and many of the parables of the various states. The governor has sian government more trouble and The following warranty deeds have Christ are dramas in miniature. replied that so far as known only four anxiety than the entire route from the been handed in for record at the counToduy dramatic writings present besides himself will attend the opensome of the best poetry and the finest Ural mountains to Port Arthur. ty recorders office: ing. They are: Gen. Chas. S. Burton, The track has not yet been completMartha Stone to Samuel J. Halver- sentiments and the most exalted mor- Col. N. W. Clayton, and Commissioners ed around the end of the lake. As an son; part lot 17, block 4, S. O. S., $400. ality. For some bright minds the stage and L. W. Shurtllff, of tillis, Johnson Owen W. Halverson to S. F. Halver- settings and acting may not be needed, engineer explained to me, the southern commission. Utah the end of the lake, which la the only pos- son; part N. W. quarter section 24, but many admit the great value of sible route for the line, Is Imbedded in township 6 N, R. 2 WH $1,600. such a setting in glvng the proper inSheer granite cliffs rise John L. Herrick et al to Agnes mountains. terpretation. Hence the demand of WOOL SEASON UNDER WAY. a to water of the surface from the part lots 3, 4 and 5, block 12, good music, eloquence and painting in height of 1600 feet Through these plat A, O. C. P., $1.00. the theater. Some of the purest men, Heavy Shipments Are Now Being cliffs tunnels to the number of twenty-seve- n Brown and wife to Martha too, have catered to the dramatic tastes Made to the East Keen RailAlvin are being laboriously cut, but Whittneybell; part N. E. quarter, sec- of the world. We admit, also, that road Competition. in my engineer friends opinion, It will tion 34, township 7 N., range 1 W some have gone to the theater without be long before this atrip of rails will $1,800. The reports from the shearing dissuffering any depreciation of morals, be opened. J. F. Johnson and wife to Richard and are ready to testify that the great tricts are that shipments of wool to During the summer two great steam-er- a Leek; part N. E. quarter section '34, dramas are better understood when the East from Utah are under way. cross the lake with the trains township 7 N., range 1 W., $600. expounded by a skillful actor. Hence on board, but in the winter the ice is & L. Hawk and wife to J. L. Ives; a theater with virtuous actors and a Sheepmen who at first held out for 14 far too thick for the Baikal or her con- lots 5 and 6, block 36, plat C, O. C. S., correct audience and a moral play cents have moderated their demands sort, which I saw firmly anchored In $1,250. would be highly beneficial to a commu- and the result is steadily increasing dfid 13 cents, though a the led. C. S. Murphy, receiver, to A. Brewnity, and if you know of any theater sales at 12 There was a great rush for the er; part S. W. quarter section 28, town- like that I will not say a word against few purchases of extra quality wool sledges which awaited us. With some ship 7 N., range 2 W $2,600. have been made at 14 cents. it difficulty I secured a place in one, and Nine cars have already been shipped Chas. F. Middleton and wife to O. L. And yet, as a matter of fact, the with all the wraps I possessed about Becker; part block 1, Riverside Park theater in this and some two dozen are now bedeeast, a had has very city me started on my ride. Once out on Addition to Ogden City, $1.00. loaded. Twelve carloads are being is and Influence ing unworthy moralising the lake, however, there came upon us O. L. Becker and wife to Browning the patropage of the Christian people. shipped from Black .Hock today, two a steady, piercing blast that seemed Bros. Co.; part blocks 1 and 2, RiverWhy? It has done a tremendous from Nephl and singe cars from sevto penetrate my furs as If they were so side Park Addition to Ogden City, amount of evil in degrading the sacred eral other points. much paper. $1.00. There is little .wool left at Nephi, influence of the Lord's day. A theater I had never suffered so Intensely Co. L. to Bros. Q. deBecker; which la open on the Sabbath Is Browning though shearing now In progress will from cold in my life before. Indeed, block Addition Riverside Park 2, part cidedly antagonistic, to the church, by furnish a large fresh supply within a for live mlnutea I was almost insen- to Ogden City, $1.00. breaking down the spirit of reverence few days. sible. And yet the cruel gale was at which is the greatest safeguard of AmShearing Is finished at Cisco and my back, and the long lines of troops STARTING A WEDDING CHEST. erican libetry. No man can so far for- Thompson's, and is under way at packed in their sledges met It face Quite the newest idea for engaged get himself as to lose his reverence Kaysville, Milford, Price, Beaver and to face. girls is the wedding chest, and even for sacred things without suffering most other wool points throughout the It waa a curious spectacle, this end- girls who are not engaged are the se- very great injury to his spiritual na- state. n less advance of the Russian cret possessors of this sentimental and ture. The damage done is beyond reCompetition among the railroads for forcements across the Arctic aea. The at the same time sensible article. The man who loves his the shipments is keener this year than Hence the pair. route was staked out by telegraph wedding chest may be a fine new trunk church will not at any time patronize ever before. As the railroads get an posts placed about two hundred yards of the latest style or It may be a plain a theater which has no regard for sa average of $420 per carload shipped apart As we swung along at a good wooden affair prettily cohered and cred Influences and reverential In between here and Boston, the reason eight miles an hour, our driver croon- lined with flowered chlntx. for the competition is easily underto man a the the When stlncts. goes ing to the I horses an odd chant, the The idea is to fill the chest with a ter on Sunday he renounces his Chris- stood. A local railroad man said this advancing sleighs seemed to mount pretty things to wear or for the furtianity. Instead of the theater being morning that the railroads would reinto hundreds and even thousands. nishing and decoration of a home. One the adjunct of the church, it is, as a ceive probably a total of half a million In those carrying troops, six men girl is filling hers with dainty clothing matter of fact, the adjunct of the sa- dollars for shipments from Utah and were crowded into a sleigh built for which she is making herself, another loon, and within easy reach of the Idaho alone this season. three. How they were able to endure Is buying ornaments and knicknncks worst element of society. I admit that taht terrible weather pased my under- from time to time and filling her chest there are persons in almost every au The Property Called Health standing. They wore their great coats, with them. Not only to wear, dlenee of unquestioned integrity and of things it is true, but other wraps were few such as gloves, lingerie and dainty spotless virtue; it is also the rendez- Runs down or Improves, just depends among them. hosiery, but pieces of lace, tapestry vous of the offscourlng of society, who on how it is cared for. It is the most Sometimes I met an empty sleigh squnres for covering sofa pillows, hand- applaud with religion is caricatured valuable property we have, and should with its soldier passengers tramping some table covers are receive the most consideration. It receiving the and are in rhapsody when virtue is helps you in business, helps good looks, along by its side, srtlvlng to 'warm of a bonnie Scotch maiden. sneered at hepls make friends, helps get situatheir frozen limbs. Blue with cold and Another Is making a fine collection tions and helps you hold them, and enThe is elevated which and play utterly miserable they sedmkd, and of table linen makes happiness. center always Property mats, napkins, nobling has usually a slim audience. when a Russian with whom I traveled and so on. rretty bits of China Shakespeare is poorly patronized when like this, at the first indication of. bepieces assured me that many of them must should be looked ing out of and go In the chest of an- kept on the boards for many consecu after and a repair, be badly frostbitten, or even die from remedy applied at once. other maiden. tlve nights. The effect of the stage There are any number of signs that exposure, before they reached the other Thus the girls are slowly collecting upon the majority of actors is demor show repairs are needed. Bilious side I could not but believe him. and use saving them for alizing to such an extent thnt the spells, indigestion, dyspepsia, belching, On the outside tracks moved the pretty things dizziness, sick headache, sallow comIn their homes. As a rule, their friends thoughtful shrink from seeking pleas- plexion, maprovision and store sleighs, the pimples and liver spots on the know of the chests and take pleasure ure In such a way. The view of life face, a drowsy feeling after meals, sour jority with five horses apiece, drag- in helping to fill them, although some presented is not true and is, These symptoms all stomach, etc. ging slowly forwnrd in long lines, of the girls like to feel that everything immoral as falsehood. This show loss of health. The Wallace Drug saw several sledges with rails sticking falsehood In the theater frequently Co. will sell you for 25c a box of Dr. out behind them, but there was no was bought with their own money. Gunns Liver Pills, a sure lakes the form of separatr.g the evil cure for Improved sign of any railroad track being laid WIVE8 AND OLD LOVE all these diseases. LETTERS, across the ice. No sensible wife will ever refer to The surface of the ice was very Irher former sweethearts in the presence regular and uneven. In places there of her husband, and none but an ab were crevasses and fissures, 11 Idiot of a woman who willfully solute while here and there the Ice had risen a for Something nothing garden into hummocks, which nearly Jarred sought to disturb his peace would ever Trom a desert Such is the history of show himold love letters or other me me out of my sleigh. Despite the wind irrigated sections. Take land that sells mentos of past affairs of the heart A waa there around us a curious driving for fifty cents an acre, put water on it wise woman destroys all such useless mist that hid the distances. and it sells for what? There are quarAfter two and a half hours we sight and dangerous stuff. There is nothing of land In the irrigated sections of ters ed the great rest house, of wood and makes a man feel so sore and ag Colorado that eannot be purchased for felt and brick, that is built yearly In grieved ns a wife's old love affairs. the middle of the lake. A very pal Perhaps he should be proud of her ace it seemed to us weary travelers. popularity and consider it a compll Not until after two plates of soup and ment to his own good taste that she some steaming coffee could I And my should have been admired, yet the fact is that not one man in a thousand can legs and feet again. Tet the poor sol dlers passed it by. making no break stand the mention of a wifes old sweethearts with auy degree of amla in their Journey from shore to shore. to say nothing of equanimity. billty, It was with lingering regret that and yet you can purchase in the Big A man always wants to feel that the left the hospitable resthouse and again Horn Basin of Wyoming and in the woman of his choice has never loved disappeared beneath my wraps. But North Platte Valley of Nebraska irrinever and will love any one but his even the crossing of Lake Baikal land for $15 an acre up, where own gated self. precious comes to an end some time, and about climatic conditions are healthfu; and six hours after I had started I arrived where the water supply Cures exhilarating, and Colds. Coughs at the little town where my Journey Mrs. C. Patterson, 625 Lake St, . Is plentiful and inexhaustible, and was to recommence. peka, Kansas, says: "Of all tern where fuel is abundant and cheap. More troop trains nnd ever more edies Ballard's Horehound cough is Syrup Let me send you booklets telling all met as we passed westward. After my favorite; it has done and will do nliout these bargains. Is claimed for It to speedily cure second day the soldiers that they car that all and colds so and is It coughs sweet rled changed in type. They were no and pleasant to the taste. 25c, 50c longer young recruits, but the reserves $1 a bottle. Sold by Geo. F. Cave. ll-built, middle-age- d Ticket Office, 79 W. Second South 8t. men, 'who behaved themselves as veteraris should, The management of the Journal will R. F. NESLEN, General Agent, the first time I noticed cannon consider it a favor if subscribers will Salt Lake City. each train having two trucks contain report of promptly any ing one gun apiece, fastened behind It papers. Telephone 664. ie; Take your choice of the lot for , Cents PER. PAIR. They are odds and ends and broken lots from the best stock. The low price we have made only a fraction of what they are reallv but the lot must be sold at once. Come worth, to get your size and the color desired. early reo-rese- nts S. J. BURT The Overland Route PATRONS OF THE Union Pacific Ralroad are assured that bric-a-br- accident by the Railroad Pacific Union in pony dol-spe- nt the Com-- 1 mporovement 1 of ment lta equip line is renown This ed for its fast , their arrival p,CT0 on time, and the general superiority of lta service. and. trains XJnion Faoiflo RONS Three trains daily to the East the fastest trains arriving many hours ahead of all competitors. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application to G. H. CORSE. TinE SAVED TRAVELING When purchasing .your tickets to Eastern points you should bear in mind that the new route of the Overland Limited is over the ac Union Pacific & Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Line The through car service makes this the most popular route to Chicago and other y, Eastern points. 106 Ir non-delive- ry 3 J Salt West Second South St., Easy GOOD, CLEAN COAL-A- XY KIND PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Sole Agents for Anthracite Coal To attend dances theators or to catch train In a hurry If 7 or romsmbor tho na ALLEN TRANSFER COMPANY. 2041 AND OFFICE8 2407 WASHINGTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE OR ALBERN , COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RTAN S. STEVENS, Manager. Washington 514-- , 254 k s? Superb... Cut Rowers j- - Order, csrafnllv filled CO. MCE 412 L Those Lite Men Phona alles. Phone 22. 18-- Let us clean and repair yeur last year's Electric Feu Or, better still, let us sell you u new one. 2279 number-pho- 22. SHURTLIFF COAL CO. 18-- X City, Its GOAL Wealth $20,000 -we- Commercial Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, W C. S. WILLIAMS, de Created . of lions Mil- lars have been on lunda-mentall- foot-wi- all human Ingenuity has been adopted to protect them against re-o- at-ti- BROiS. sad F HolbrooK Gree"bLlfr X Phono 420-E- . |