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Show DAILY bA,UROAD rates FOR WORLD'S ini District S. H. Superintendent of the Iullni.iu company went understanding concerning Twining X general to Green River thin morning. route for round trip excursion G. F. MeGnn.igie ,,f tle southern la- world' fair at St. Louis t to the will return from ' upon which they may be the west th after IIOilll. (nd the dayf will be reached ut the 1 he I iiiuu r.u Id probably iiic will iniy off today Transcontinental the Hid of the Southern l.uitie ix existed to mention association. now Jn tomorrow or Friday. Agents pjuengor Cal. wing to further washouts on the lon at Santa Barbara, of the passenger depart Oregon brunch of the Short Line train from Oregon are greatly delayed. The ent of nearly every railroad went of volck train this morning will arrive attendance' the In upon chk.ago are late this afternoon. I generally conceded it and (Boventlon Superintendent Lewis of the dining-ca- r and hotel department and Mr. Lapp t fixing rates for world' fair travel are matter to be spending today in Balt Lake. k the moot Important Shopmen continue to arrive here jooiidered. from Evanston and there will soon be said on good authority that a over It sixty employed ut the local shops. to report upon (ommlttee appointed Two trains currying the Eleventh world' fair excursion business will I. nited States cavalry and bound for two days a mbmt a report favoring Fort Riley and Jefferson Barracks will tftI gale from all Pacific coast arrive here from the west today. points, and western passenger This morning's Southern Pacific ,ients are very much pleased, as the from San Fttncisco had on boud mctment of such a regulation will Prince Pu Bun. cousin of the Chinese Hdve many passenger transportation and his retinue of fifteen emperor, lems that would prove to be very Chinese noblemen. They will go on to nntlous In the event of sales being Washington and attend the St. Louis Bailted to one day a week, which would expositon before returning to China. (turn a congestion of passenger traffic st-- ve -- 1 ter-mjP- ai it certain season a An effort will be DAMAGED BY STORM. made to adjust the on transcontinental rate nta pro business and put it on a more Running of Trains Over ths Lucin Cut-OIs Temporarily satisfactory to all suitable basis, tMds. It ha been decided to hold the iKt convention of the association at Late reports received in this city Chicago some time In July, the exact lite to be determined later. are to the effect that great damage has been done to the trestle work of the NO SETTLEMENT OF cut-onear Ramba by the terrific 8UGAR RATE. WAR storm on the lake. All trains are being sent over the old road and officials Contest I on over the sugar rate at the station say they do not know IBMthm. The Chicago Tribune says how soon the cut-owill again be In that the arrangement made in New repair. Tork last week for the settlemnet of It was stated this morning that over the sugar rate war has been knocked mile and a half of the trestle work m the head by the refusal of the New been affected, and while details has Orleans lines to- accept the differential are lacking reports have It that over la their favor of 11 cents a hundred a mile of the trestle was entirely half pounds. They have been getting 20 out of place. swept cent which, the eastern lines claim, The frightful storm commenced Satinvented sugar shipments from the and has raged nearly continuurday eeit to the Missouri river. The sugar ever since. Detailed reports of tnet Is said to be responsible for the ously cut-oare expected m complications, it being desirous of the damage to the today. keeping up the discrimination against euten sugar Interests. The traffic b WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. of the interested roads have Director R. J. Hyatt of the Section fca In session here for the last two in his weekly crop bulbureau weather bn trying to bring about a compro-sbdated April 18th, says: letin, but thus far have failed. The weather conditions were favorThis disagrees with the New Tork able during the week for planting and Commercial, which said, on supposeof seed. .A few scattered dly good authority, that, the railroads germination were beneficial. Spring grain showers would act Independently of the sugar all" planted arid beet planttrait, and that their protests would la nearly is under good headway. Garden ing not be considered. Until the eastern rates are settled, truck, lucerne, fall grain and the range were growing finely. Apricot, apple, :he questions which affect the local trees were mgar Interests can not be disposed of. plum, cherry and peach blooming generally, except over the northern counties, where the buds OFFICIALS SUMMONED TO was CONFERENCE WITH HARRIMAN were swelling. Only slight damage furIs The frost. range reported by abundant feed, and nearly all A dispatch from nishing Portland, Oregon, stock has been turned out. Rain would wye Traffic Manager Stubbs of the Harriman system of railroads and E. be beneficial over the southern portion state. McCormick, assistant traffic dlrec-k- r of the of the Harriman lines, left that city MAN FALLS FROM TRAIN. rwterday tor Los Anegeles, Cal. The received today states Information wulon for the unexpected departure found dead yesterday man the that the officials was a telegram from Mr. near was Barney Brennan, Croyden Herrlman, who Is making a tour of the Athene Pacific, proceeding westward formerly of New York. He was evibound for the Croyden quarSwn New Orleans, accompanied by dently. He had been drinking heavily ries. hlha Kruttscbnitt, transportation before leaving here and accidentally ordering the traffic officials to the train, being killed infrom fell Woeed at once to Los Angeles. They York have T make a brief stop In San Francisco stantly. His people in New with. communicated been to reach Lois Angeles expect Sunday night If plans are not again wed, Mr. Stubbs will return to YORK STOCKS Welland next Tuesday. Mesera. Stubbs and McCormick have h In Portland for several Closing Quotations April 20, 1904. days con trrln with the officials of the Harri-,n- e Furnished by Ogden Brokerage centering In that city. It 2482 Washington avenue; company, raported that decided several 215: "Une In the operating departments phone Copper, 49 read are In contemplation. Atchison com., 72 YOUNG Smelter com., 48 will not pas-mg- STATE JOURNAL, SALT LAKE and VICINITY I ottiie Ht Sau 1'raiK FAIR duy In Ogden. Repre-jitatl- UTAH er ff ff . ff ff of-H- e, PREPARE FOR EXECUTION ROSE I'nlex there is xonio ui.fnrween Intervention the execution of Frank P. Rose, the wife murderer, will take place in the stale penitentiary about 10 o'clock next Friday morning. The pieliininary arrangements for the execution have already been partially iwrfected by Warden Pratt and Sheriff Emery. Rose will sit in the same chair occupied by Morteusen. It will be placed as nearly as possible upon the same spot where the murderer of James R. Hay sat when he pad the penalty of his crime. Of course, new timbers and fresh earth will be used lit the of the background to the chair. The erection of the platform upon which the chair sits, and the construction of the background is a matter of but u few hours work. The platform and back will be put In place tlie day before the execution. A few minutes before Rose is brought out le shot, the chair, with Its heavy leather straps, will be put In place. 1-- 2. 1-- 1-- 116 are car- ried out the same five men who shot Mortensen will play a similar part In the execution of Rose. They have been asked to officiate, so it is said, and have agreed to do so. The same rifles will be used, also. Sheriff Emery is not receiving as many requests to see Rose shot as he did in the Mortensen case. The sheriff will fellow as quickly as possible the law governing the number of persons who are entitled to see an execution. The attendance will be limited, the sheriff says, to only those who are absolutely required by Law to see that the mandate of the court le properly compiled with. PROTHERO BEGIN8 SUIT FOR REWARD dispatch from Omaha says: .. Pacific official said tonight the reported removal of the gen- -. Editor, Erastus Toung, to Chi Wa improbable. According to 7 official the general auditing 'nt of the Harriman lines Is In anfl Mr" oun8 residence Omaha represents n a nominal his headquarters manner. He has of-the headquarters of each rall- -, Ver whose auditing department control and spends little time In 8 . at city. Nothing was known of the report a general engineering Railroad lon h . tT" In de- - NOTES. Superintendent Platt went this morning. 'riant Superintendent FIGHTERS NOTIFIED TO 26 the result of Monday nights draw fight at Salt Lake between Jack Clifford and Perry Queenan, they ' have been notified by Chief of Police Lynch A Ililliker en"t- - 'cling Passenger Agent Lippman j Guard against and poison from im pure water by using a shut-dow- n. Germ Proof Water Filter Positively removes all germs and impurities. It is simple, compact, cleans in a minute and does not require frequent renewal. CALL AT THE STORE FOR DEMONSTRATION 1 quick-flowin- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF the Second Judicial District for Weber county. State of Utah. In the matter of the assignment of Paul J. Kammeyer. assignor. Not ice hereby given by Hennon B. enker. assignee of Paul J. Kanuneyer, assignor, to tlie creditors and fill tier sons having elalins against said Paul J. Kninmeyer to present and file said claims, duly sworn to by the claimant or by some person familiar with the facts, to and with said assignee. at tlie office of J. D. Skeen, 3 First National Bank building, Ogden. Weber county, Utah, the place for the transaction of said business, within three months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated April 20. 1904. HERMAN B. PEXKERS, Price $2.50 to $ 1 7.50 Our Positive Guarantee It is the Greatest Filter on the Market. 1 1 BOYLE HARDWARE Co. JOHN A. BOYLE, Manager. 42-4- Insurance Law The Pioneer Life Insurance, Abstract and Trust Co. Assignee. J. D. SKEEN, Attorney. SPECIAL Insurance Loans Insurance Information public. Was organized for the benflt of the Insurance-buyin- g It furnished expert information concerning all kinds of Insurance. Furnishes an abstract giving values of life Insurance policies. Furnishes a special legal department to make Insurance collections and setlementa with the companies for patrons. Makes loans and pnys cash surrender values on good life insurance policies. Call on or write to Or G. R. DAY, Local Agent, E. D. R. THOMPSON, Gsn. Mgr. 2486 Wash. Avs, Ogdan. Lake Salt Blk, City. Progress 1SL Ontario ft West, L. ft N., 108. Pac, 48 126 8-- 21 8-- 4. 1-- 4. Satisfactory Tailoring at Satisfactory Prices. 2 In order to make goods move quicker we Intend during this sale to sell at actual cost our entire line of Mens and Boys You'll find that we have nearly everything In hats. ' We are also selling at actual coat Anderson DO YOU KNOW J THAT WE ARE HEADQUARTER8 FOR REESE HOWELL & SONS 2476 HARDWARE CROCKERY 1Ee By Washington Avs. Phons 147-Z. JOURNAL Carrier, One Month, 60c By Mail, One Month, 50c C. A. Beghtols Jewelry Store u t. STILL GOING ON Two big sales each day-2:3- 7:30 p.m. MOST OF THE 1-- 6-- 1-- Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Hand-Decorat- ed 1-- 1-- NEW YORK STOCKS CHICAGO GRAIN not Wa depend on our eommiMluni, for our profit. onr customers' 1oms, Tiie only strictly commission houa In the state. OGDEN BROKERAGE CO. 21 0i 8. 1-- 2IK WAUlNUTONAVE China, Cut Glass, Clocks, Leather Goods, Etc., on'A Miss . are still on Hand and must go regardless of cost. This Opportunity. Attend today. Chairs Provided for the Convenience of Ladies. EIGHT ELEGANT PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY FREE AT EACH SALE. SINCLAIR . GABRIEL, Auctioneers. . t WHEELWRIGHT BROS. SHOES Boys, Ladles', Misses, Childrens and Babies Shoes all go at cost prices. ' 8CREEN DOOR8 GA80LINE 8TOVE8 WINDOW 8CREEN8 ICE CREAM FREEZER8 CHICKEN WIRE NETTING RUBBER H08E 8CREEN WIRE LAWN MOWER8 Our Entire Line ot Men's, Z That Is sxsctly why ws do ths Tailoring Buslnsu of Ofidsn. y ..HATS.. 4. So. Ry, com, 21, 8. Texas, 24 8. Union Pac, 84 8. Steel com, 108 4. CHICAGO GRAIN. 89 8. wheat, May 4. 48 corn, May 4. May oats, 87 May pork, $11.92 bbl. t At Cost Sale THE MG AUCTION SALE 8. 1-- Phone drinK II? WHY CERTAINLY! 4. N. Y. Cent, 115 5. Norfolk & West., 57 Sugar, j 5-- 8. HI. Cent., So. j vv LEAVE THE CITY 2. 3-- R Berry was to be placed trai of hrtment. Erie, J&u Wouldn't 414-41- 5 Percy L. Prothero, by his attorney, Robert B. Porter, instituted proceedings In the district court at Salt Lake yesterday against the Utah Light and Railway company to recover the $1,000 reward offered by the defendant for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the murderer of the two street car men, Amasea L. Gleason and Thomas B. Brighton. The complaint recites that the plaintiff, relying on the offer made by the defendant, gave the Information to the police authorities which led to the arrest of James M. Shockley and caused his conviction of murder In the first degree for the hooting of Gleason on the night of January 6th. Prothero cLulms that because of his compliance with all the terms of the offer he is entitled to the reward, but that the defendant, though often requested, has failed to pay the $1,000 or any part of the money. The allegations are sworn to by the attorney, Prothero having gone to Idaho Falls since his release from the county Jail, where he was held as a witness until the trial' of the Shockley case. Can. Pac., Che. ft Ohio, 82. GO TO CHICAGO 1-- to cither leave the city, go to work or go i" ji .l. Ttux act ion was tauten be- fail-,- the thief looks uhii the contest as a tike. This opinion is not shared by iv my of those who saw the tight, and. i.vi'iUess to say. by the tighter then solves. Clifford claiming that he put i:j' the st i Tost battle of his life. IVli.-asked regarding his action,: Chief l.vinli replied: All fakirs must go." This was taken to mean that sev- ernl I'.ghiers ho a re now quartered at S .' Lake will have to take nil early ' trail nr do a physical culture stunt on the io, k pile. What the effect of Chief Lynch'; move will have on the boxing game in Siit like is not known. Contests' will not e stopped, so long ns they meet with the chiefs approval, but tlie least semblance of crookedness will be the signal for a The question the fighters lire now asking each other is: How much of a beating does a pugilist have to take to keep out of Jail?" The answer a puzzle. con-slruetl- on If the present arrangement 5 APRIL 20, 1904. ; OF MURDERER 0- - NEW WEDNESDAY, C. A. BEGHTOI, Jeweler, 2463 Washington Ave. |