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Show - WORK FOR THE BUND. Mileage Seems Proper Occupation for the Afflicted. L Matignon urges the adoption of tuassage by the blind, citing the example of the Japanese, among whom it is practiced almost entirely by persons thus afflicted. Sight is not necessary for effectual work in this line, providing the operator be familiar with the muscular system and knows the art of massage thoroughly. Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium are following the examples of Japan in this respect, and the author describes a Moravian Barloy and Spelts, class meetirg held in Brussels by Two great cereals makes growing and Professor G. Daniel for the instruc- fattening hogs and cattle possible in tion of about a dozen blind persons. Dak., Mont., Idaho, Colo., yes. everyand add to above Salzers BilPour theoretical lessons are given at where. lion Dollar Grass. Teosinte. which prothe beginning of the course as to the duces 80 tons of green fodder per acre, value of massage and its application. Falzers Earliest Cane. Salzers 60 Day The fifth lesson is devoted to the Oats and a hundred of other rare farm seeds that he offers. study of the skeleton, the sixth and JUST CUT THIS OUT AND BETtTBH IT leventh to the muscles which move with 10c In stamps to the John A. the various portions of the body. Each Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis , and pupil pslrates the muscles on a hu- get their big catalog and lots of farm man subject. The following lessons seed samples. (V. N. U.) concern massago Itself, and are conMy Creed. tinued until the pupil, are individually I do not think the ProvMenqe unkind well versed In the art. They are then That gives Its bad things to tills liie ot ours. admitted to pracfce In the clinic, and They are the thorns whereby we travelers blind perfect themselves in the vocation by Feel out our flowers. means of which they are afterward enabled to r1 think lute shows the living quality of love. That wrong eltrsts that somewhere there Is right: Most Common .The Disease. , Do not the dm kest shadows serve to Yorktown, Ark., Feb. 29th. Leland prove The power of light? Williamson, M. D a successful and clever local physician, saya: On tyrannous ways the feet of Freedom "There is scarcely another form of press green bough broken off lets sundisease a physician is called upon so The shine In: often !to treat as Kidney Disease. I And where alia Is, aboundeth righteousness, invariablly prescribe Dodd's Kidney Much more than sin. Pills and am not disappointed in their Man cannot be all selfish separate good effect Tor they are always reliable. la nowhere found beneath the shining J could mention many cases in which sun; 1 have used this medicine with splen- All adverse Interests, truly understood, Rssolva to one! did success, for example, I might re1 do believe all worship doth ascewd. fer to the case of Mr. A. H., Cole. Whether from temple floors by heathen Age 31, greatly emaciated, some trod. Or from the shrines where Chrlsttai fever, great pain and pressure over praises blend region of Kidneys, urine filled with To the true God. pus or corruption and very foul smell- Blessed forever that His love prepare ing and passed some blood. Directed The raven's food tne sparrows fall doth see: to drink a great deal of water, gave simple, sinful as I am, He cares brisk purgative and Dodd's Kidney And. Even for me. Pills. The pills were continued reguAlice Cary. larly for tnree weeks and then a few Lord Where Nelson Really Died. tlosea every week, especially if patient felt any pain In region of Kidneys. ''Visitors to the Victory at Cured completely and patient perEngland, who have gazed upon formed bis duties as farm laborer in a spot In the cockpit and believed It four weeks. to be the place where Nelson breathed "Dr. Williamson has been a regular his last, were quite mistaken, accord-ing'tdiscoveries just made during practitioner for over twenty years and his unqualified Indorsement of Dodd's the overhauling .of the ship. The auKidney Pills Is certainly a wonderful thentic place where the hero died tribute to this remedy. was close against one of the hugs ribs of the ship s little further forward. Women Replace Men. This place Is now to be railed around, ' Women are now being substituted and It will, be lighted with Electric for men in the Italian postal service. light, for which a store battery is to Signor Galimberti, the minister of be placed on board. The old ship is ports and telegraphs, is responsible undergoing a thorough refit, which will for . the change. not be completed for several weeks. London St. James Gazette. INTERESTING TO AMERICANS. e-- - Port-mout- . Western Canada Will 8oon Become' the Supply Oepot for Wheat for Great Britain. Y During the past year about 60,000 Americans went from the' United States to Canada. Most of these settled upon farm lands, and the writer is informed by agents of the Canadian Government that the greatest success has followed the efforts of nearly all. To their friends on this side of the boundary line the fullest assurance is given of the prosperity that la hi store for them. There will always be a splendid market for all ' the grain, cattle, and other produce ; that can be raised In Western Can-- . ada. and "with the advantages offered 'of a free homestead of 160 acres of land,. and other lands which may be , bought, cheaply, an excellent climate, splendid school system, educational advantages of the beat, what more is required. : The husbandman gets more' return for his money than in any other country in the world. On the occasion of Sir Wilfred Lau , riers visit to the Corn Exchange, London, England, Colonel Montgomery, V. several Important statements. "The function, he said, which you have just been assisting In connection With a kindred association has doubtless shown you the importance of the provision trade of Liverpool In its relationship with the Dominion.' and the enormous possibilities of the future development- - of that trade. Well, the grain trade of Liverpool has Interests with Canada no less important than those of the provision trade. When it is borne in mind that 80 per cent of 'the breadstuffs of this great country has to be brought from abroad, you will readily appreciate with what great sat'sfactlou we view the large and steadily increasing supplies of grain which are annually available for export from Canada, and I challenge contradiction ' when I say that of the wheats we Import from Russia, India, the Pacific, and the length and breadth of the United States, none gives more .general satisfaction, none is more than that generally appreciated raised In ; the Province of Manitoba. We' cannot get enough of it, and It is no exaggeration to say that there are before us dozens of millers who hunger for It. This Is not the time to enter into statistical questions, but we look forward with confidence to the time at which, with the present rate of progress, the Dominion of Canada will have a sufficient surplus of wheat to render this country independent of other sources of supply. I think I may, with justifiable pride, remind you that this is the chief grain mrbet of the Priti'h Empire, and through its excellent geographical position, as well as through the enterprise of its millers, it is now the second milling center in the world. . Send to any authorized Canadian Government agent for copy of Atlas and information as to railway rate, ' etc. . Somewhat Ambiguous. My dear fellow," said Brown to his friend Jones, who as bespeaking bis attendance at Smiths funeral, "I never go to ceremonials of this description unless I have loved and liked the man through life. This invitation I must, therefore, decline. If it were you about to be buried, I would go - , with pleasure." "'DV-'inat- Je Adders Infest Island. Island of Ruegen, In the Baltic, i infested with adders. Last year 1,243 of these poisonous snakes were killed and bounty collected on them. The- - Prussian DOCTORS FALL IN LlNfl Ancient Prescriptions. Sir Walter Besants study of old English customs shows that the doctors of several centuries ago prescribed for fevers "a cold water affusion with drinking of asses milk. When the queen was 111 In 1663 they shaved her bead and applied pigeons to her feet. Powdered mummy for a long time was considered to be a It Is said specific against diseases. that the reason It went out of use was that dealers took to embalming bodies and then sold them for genuine ancient mummies. Peculiar?! cf Plillcicpher. Herbert Spencer hated clocks which clocks. strike, especially Whefi staying in lodgings In a Berkshire village he sent a request to the owner of the principal house there that the stable flock, which struck the - be topped. He was not hours, a good coUipanloti to go out for a drive with, as, llf he did not feel well, he would ascertain how fast his pulse was beating and if It were not satisfactory would instantly give the order to return home. . , . V What Ice Will Bear. - ft Is said that ice wilt sustain a man, or a regiment of properly Ice . will spaced Infantry; four-inccarry a man on horseback, a squadron of cavalry, or light guns; Ice, heavy field guns, such as eighty pounders; eight-incice, a battery of artillery, with carriages and horses, but not over one thousand pounds a ice square foot on sledges; will sustain an army, while on fifteen-incIce a railway can be built and operated. two-tnc- h six-tne- b h ten-inc- h h Scared the Doyj. A witty Englishman who sought to save a tract of woodland and shrubbery from the destructive attentions of the boys of ihe neighborhood put up a large board bearing the warnAny ono trespassing In this ing: plantation will be splflicated accordThe result was very ing to the law. satisfactory, as the fear of spiflfca-tion- , whatever it meant to them, .deterred intruders from passing through the woods and the trees were unmolested. Curious Motor Race. The most curious motor race ever The organized was held In Paris. competitors were taken to the top of the Eiffel tower, and a distant church spire was pointed out to them. Then they had to descend, get aboard their machines, and find their way through the maze of streets to the church. DOCTORS COFFEE And Hit Daughter Matched Him. Coffee drinking troubled the family of a physician of Grafton, W. Va., who describes the situation briefly: "Having suffered quite a while from vertigo, palpitation of the heart and many other derangements of the nervous syt 'm and finding no relief from usual methods of treatment, 1 thought to see how much there was In the Postum argument against coffee. So I resorted to Postum, cutting the coffee and to my surprise and atlafaetton b?ve found er.ti-- s rrllof from all my Bufferings, proving conclusively the baneful effect of coffee and the way to be rid of it. I have found Postum completely takes the place of coffee both in flavor and in taste. It is becoming more popular every day with many of our people and Is having great demand here. "My daughter, Mrs. lxrag, has been a sufferer for a long time from attacks of acute indigestion. By the dismissal of coffee and using Postum in Its place she has obtained complete relief. I have also heard from miny others who have used your Postum very favorable accounts of Its good effects. I prescribe Postum in place of coffee In a great many cases and I believe that upon Its merits Postum will Name given come Into general use. by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. for the famous little book The Road to Wellvtlle, In each pkg. off of Doans KMnoy Practicing Physicians recognize ihe unfailing reliability p;n, . and Ur nary Disorfers- -a wJa scribing them lor Backache, Kidney, Bladder, Four eases cited from Notes of His PrattZ, by no other Proprietary Medicine. k Dr. Leland Williamson, of Yorktown, Ark. Yorktown, Ark., Mar. 1( igg. I I have been engaged in the practice of medicine inTJ Gentlemen. section for ten years. This is a very sickly climate, on the Bayou njj tholomew, near the Arkansas River. It is particularly malarious! miasmatic; we meet with many and various abnormal conditions of ajl human family, prominent among the cases in which I have been calD upon to prescribe is kidney disease. Many of these disorders themselves by pains in the back, often extending to other parts'1 Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Fostir-Milbur- n I We Learn By Doing. sell. I have seen more sore elbows and even bumped heads than threaded W learn by doing, little folks. No matter what the work may be. needles, though now and then some Just try. with all your might, and find How one by one your giants flee. fellow will accomplish the feat. Suppose you try IL : Dont eay, "I cant. before you try. But try and see what you can do. For If you're helped by others, why The Wolf's Revenge. 'Tie others do the work, not you. According to an Indian legend. In See happy bird In yonder tree. the beginning the Dog was put on the How soft and warm he builds his nest. mountain and the Wolf beside the fire. He asks no help from you or me. But tries to do his very best. When tbe winter came the Dog could cot enoure the cold, so he came down And If like birdie. little ones. Your very best you try to do. to the settlement and drove the Wolf Youll find how easy will become from the fire. The Wolf ran to the The task that seem so hard to yon. In Alice Lutherlngton, Kindergarten mountains, where it suited him so well News. that he prospered and Increased, until after awhile he ventured down again Nuts and Cards In Parlor Magic. Here is a clever llltle'trlckT' which .and killed some animals in the settlements. The people got together and will entertain all your friends and followed and killed him, but his brothso little to. It requires them, ers came from the mountains and took preparation that it can be arranged in such revenge that ever since the peohalf an hour, and the fun it will bring have been afraid of the Wolf. you will repay you a thousand times ple for your trouble. Miss Selinas Horse. Get four English walnuts and split them neatly In half through the little raised rim that goes around their centers. Then take out the meat. Select four face cards from a pack of cards, say, four kings, and write the name of each on a separate slip of paper. Fold the papers in a small compass and put each inside a walnut shell and glue the shells neatly together. As soon as the glue dries a When Miss Selina Coddington once little the nuts will be, to all appearbought a little herse. ances, exactly as before. She said to all her friends, My dears, Now for the trick. We will suppose it Isnt fair, of course. that a half dozeu of your boy and girl That I should always sit and drive friends are present, awaiting the surwhile he does ail the work, prise you have promised ttem. You I wouldnt have him think for worlds his mistress meant to shirk, give four of them the nuts, being careful to remember which one has the So every other day Ive planned (of course, hes very light) That he should sit up in the cart I think its only right! While I shall be between the shafts (of course, Im very strong) And for an heur or so just pull my little horse along. d enough for safety. The boys, however, gave It a trial near the shore, and. finding it firm, they ventured further out. Little Walter Rackett, 11 years old, was so engrossed In the good time he was having that he got beyond the other boys. Suddenly the ice gave way under him and Walter sank into the cold water. As he came up he caught at the edge of tbe ice near him, but it broke off in his bands. By shouting he attracted the attention of the other boys, wbo were afraid to go out to him, and stood calling for help. Young Brooks, however, kept a cool head, and, starting for tbe place where the poor boy was struggling, soon pulled him out on tbe firm ice. kidneys, extending to the bladder, is caused by excess of uric acidw decomposition of the urine. Hemorrhage is sometimes met with, caqj . by high state of inflammation or congestion.. There is no class of diseases a doctor is called oftener to treat the variety of kidney diseases, in many of which the patient will u! chills or rigors, followed by fever, a result of the kidneys failing to eli. inate the uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require thekid. neys restored to their natural functions, then the poison and foreign stances are removed shock to the nervous system averted, and natj health restored. I have, for some time, been using Doans Kidney Pills in theseim- -l manifestations and with uniform success, curing most cases. fZI further say that even in hopeless cases where they have waited too loj, j Doans Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I canrecojl Railway in Polar Circle. mend the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of hriatj The northernmost railway In the and malarial attacksjj,! also in convalescence from swamp-feve- r as world is a solidly built, well equipped in cases the verified following my practice. by road In Scandinavia, the furthest staCASE 3. CASE 1. tion of which Is a hundred and thirty 60. Brown Ears, Wynne, Ark., m Taos. Orrll, Bear, Ark., agethen tr.i'es above the polar circle. It is 21. Had severe case o malaj Pain in back for several weeks, called the arctic Railway and runs hoemataria or swamp fever. Gan chills, irregular sometimes, severe from the Swedish town of Lulea, near necessary liver medicine, calomel aaj rigors followed by fever. Gave good the head of the Gulf of Bothnia, to padoph, and morph, sulph., to purgative of calomel and padoph, After lieve pain, and ordered Doani pj, the newly built port of Victoria Haand Doan's Kidney Pills. for the high state of congestion and taking four boxes of the pills, patient ven, on the Ofoten Fiord, In Norway. This fiord Is very deep and free from Ice the whole year round. This makes the position of Victoria Haven very important, as the large supplies of Iron mined in the vicinity of this railroad can be shipped by steamer throughout the year. The road was to tunnel several mountains and at the point where the Arctic circle is crossed a station has been built so that tourists may be a.iowed ta stop and note how imperceptible Is the difference between the frigid and temperate zones at certain points. inflammation of the kidneys. R,. covery resulted in two weeks. Prescribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to In continued nntil the kidneys o, thoroughly strengthened and all pain in back subsided. np aud enjoying good health for one of his age. CASE 2. Mrs. Smith, Tarry, Ark., age 29, mother of four children. Had female complaint and kidney trouble, manifest by pain in back and urine irregular; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber. Gave local treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doan's Pills; after using six boxes she regards herself as cured. These are a few of the typical cases in which I have used Doans Kid. ney Pills. In a great many instances I use them alone with curative Wise Dog. remedies are associated. A collie was in the nabit of fetching results, while with some others indicated I believe that by the judicious use of Doans Pills many serious cofrom his masters room slippers, cap, incurable cases of Brights keys or anything he was sent for. One mplications are arrested and many hopeless and day, sent on the usual errand, he did disease prevented. not reappear. His master followed, I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is required to "Im sure that he cculd easily be and found that the door of the bed- effect a cure, but in some cases I continue their use until all sy mptomsare room had blown to and the dog was taught to hold the reins, absent and the cure effectual and permanent. Yours truly, entirely I think it very likely Ill be laughed at a Some days later he was prisoner. . Kidney and Blad- Afreetrialofthiserat for my pains; "O a a again told to fetch something, and, as der Specific can be obtained byN.addressing Y. The Co.. Btittao. But, still, If he enjoys the change, I the wind was hlgn, his master, after a Foster Milburn for not If 50 is cents box, size per regular dont intend to care, few minutes delay, followed him. He safe by jour druggist or dealer, will be sent Yorktown, Au. mail charges prepaid, on receipt of price. I wouldn't have him think for worlds found him in the act of fixing the door by his mistress was unfair! firmly hack with the door mat, which Evelyn Glover In Home Chat he had rolled up for the purpose, and Grow Careful Eyes. VV. having taken this precatuion, the pruThe careless eye read gathering tor A Magic Glass of Water. The Card from the Nutshell, dent animal proceeded to look for the catering. & If you were asked to put a glass of sappers. shell with the king of spades and There are millions of Instructions W. L. Douglas water in such a could that It position which the king of clubs, etc. Now heard and read every hour in this shoes have by t.ielr take the face cards from the pack and not be lifted without spilling all the The Dancing Snake. world and the world needs better ears excellent style, hew water would and you go about it? spread them, fanlike, face up, in your Cut a 'perfect circle out of a comand eyes and voices and penmanship. superior wearing hand. Let each of the remaining mem- Perhaps you think it cannot be done. mon playing card with the help of a Earl M. Pratt. achieved qualities, Use a wine glass for the experiment bers of the gathering select a card, the largest sale of 1 and, of course, one of them will take Fill It to the brim with water and on Stops the Cough and any shoes la the Works Off the Cold world. a king. Suppose the king of diamonds It lay a card that is perfectly flat. Any 25c. Broaio Laxative Price Tablets Quinine They are just as good is selected. You take that card back, piece of thin cardboard will do that os tiiose that cost you never has been even 4 to 5 the ouly slightly bent, for replace it in the pack, shuffle them On the Regular Circuit well and then announce that the king you must have It touch the rim of the A breezy individual from tbe Windy difference is the price. Bote Everywhere. all around. of diamonds has disappeared, but can glass City drifted into one of the uptown Look for name and Place your hand on the card and be found in the nut which another hotels yesterday and used the public price on bottom. member of the party holds. Give quickly turn the glass upside down. telephone to talk with a friend is Douglas uses Corona ) which laerery where namM la Coltskin, that one a hammer and allow him or You may remove your hand from the Brooklyn. When he was through he be the finest Patent yet prodtmd. her to break the shell. As the paper card and the water will not run out, offered the young woman at the Faet Color Eyelele ued. Shoe. hymall.ftr-axtlBrocttss.laA W.L.DouxIm, Write for Catalog. is unfolded bearing the name, king of because the outer air keeps tbe card switchboard 10 cents. "Twenty cents, In its place, covering the rim of tbe diamonds, the deception Is discovered please, she said. Twenty cents! . but every one will wonder how the glass. ; 20 cents! he shouted indignantly; Place the glass thus inverted on a slip got there till they examine the Why, in Chicago we can telephone to other nuts. perfectly smooth wooden table and h for 10 cents." Yes, respond slowly aDd carefully pull out the card. ed, the operator sweetly, but, you contact NOT HOW CHRAk. BUT HOW SOOD. The rim of of the With the Magic glass String. know, that is in the city limits." with the smooth surface of the table Some remarkable effects are obtainNew York Mill rvt Fxrress. Whitaker & Dallas. Makers ssSiS able from the use of a piece of strong will keep the water from running out. pair of scissors. Fig. 1 shows how a For Sl.es Money Order. string about two yards long. At one even when you have removed the strip of even width is cut in a spiral The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La SEEDSSEEDSSEED$ way toward the center of the circle. end of tbe string make a loop big card. And now you have the glass in tbe The other end forms the head of the Crosse, Wis., mail postpaid 15 trees, enough to go easily over a persons FRESH AND RELIABLE of Apricots, Apples, Crabs called for, for it certainly snake and should be drawn with a consisting position and at a the other tiny loop only head, Cherries, Plums, Peaches and Pears UNO FOR CATALOGUE-be cannot lifted without Just the . all for It a Cut to or spilling thing hold an ordinary peneyes, itc. pencil, giving city big enough piece country water. the & HEINECKE garden, SCHWARZ the including of to Bismark wood box great form cil. Ask some one to cover his ears the stand cigar all hardy Wisconsin are sa a. anooNo south at. Rubbing a little butter or lard on for the snake (about 4 by 4 inches), Apple, with his flat hands. Now pass the sent you free upon receipt ofstock, 1.65. SALT LAKE CITY TmipHONa sea. AND yon 160 AND THIS NOTICE, large loop of string over his head, and the rim of tbe glass would Insure the and stick a knitting needle through Its center, perpendicular to the stand. you get sufficient seed of Celery, Cardraw it tight across the backs of his success of tbe experiment. hands. (See illustratioi s). Hang up the paper rot, Cabbage, Onion. Lettuce, Radish Keep the string taut, and and Fiower Seeds to furnish bushels A Brave Lad. snake by its tail and place the toy or gently turn the pencil In the small choice flowers and lots of vegetables Ivan Brooks of near stove a or Although heater. The will Orient, heat round and for round. The loop a big family, together with our person BAILEY & 60NS with the loop about his head will hear Long Island, is still a lad, he has done set the snake in motion and the hotter great plant and seed eatalog.(W. N. U.) 61 E. Second South St., Salt Lake City a as deed brave as heroic the man any heater the quicker the snake will a noise like the firing of a battery of ore headquarter (ortho best quality Alfilfl Value of Cold, Fresh Air. turn. Gris Seeds; also Grass aud Garden guns. Then gently flick the string could do. Msfl etc. In busioess 40 seed Hay, The other morning several boys, with one hand, when he will hear Cold, fresh air has special value be- order given special attention. years. Ivan In the company, with A Few Conundrums. cause it stimulates all the functions the boom of a heavy gun. of tbe body; it quickens tbe heart and Still bolding the pencil in one band, slung their skates over their shoulders Spell enemy in three letters. Foe. What trade has the sun? Tanner. increases the number of red corpusfold a piece of paper over the string and started out for a merry time on with the other and pass It gently back- the ice. Why is a spider a good correspond- cles in the blood. A reduction of 70 Although the harbor was frozen ent. Because he drops a line at every degrees in its temperature increases to COPIES ward and forward along the string. fore 1.00. Send (piwtpaidt aliKue. Al..i won- - DIANflC direct from fKlMT. The listener hears a magnificent rep- over, tbe ice was not considered thick post. the proportion of oxygen in air derfut bargain, In alAlaUd A big aavlnytoHA This is why one feels bet- Write at once for catalogue ard prices. Manor resentation of the washing of the ter in cold than in warm air. The Una, Guitars, String, and Fittings. waves on the seashore. Now take a A CALENDAR TO PAINT. THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. vital fires as well as fires in grates spoon or anything hard, and with It 2283 Washington Avn. Ogden, Utak, burn the in cold weather. The brighter scrape tightened string spaswhole tide The of life moves effect with greater Demand the Utah Hand Made Horaa modically. produced Is that of heavy thunder. activity. When oxygen is not plentiCollarfrom ful enough to make the vital fires your deals? ' burn sufficiently to consume the fuel 8 u perlor Study Faces of Cats and Doga.! and waste of the body, then much of to the maHow many af our little men and chine made the waste material is left behlDd in women would recognize a picture of You will form the of burned subimperfectly the fqce of their cat or dog? Most of hold stances, which may be called cinders never have trouble with hame us know our pets by the color of their of the Uric acid is cinders. body. coats, by the shape of their bodies, or by some peculiar marking of their fur. Yet a writer for the magazine "Our Dumb Friend, says that close observation would reveal as striking differOldest and most reliable Seed Boose io Oolorod , L. DOUGLAS 3 SHOES n 3. easy-fittin- g, 1 ' , - ALFALFA SEED MUSIC"11 r ences in tbe facial expression of animals ss there are in human faces. She once owned a cat of whitest fur, touched here and there with tortoise shell, which was always spoken of as Angel Cat, a name due not alone to sweetness of disposition, but also to facial expression. A An indoor Simple Special price to market gardener. Co. The Lee Pioneer Seed 0OIA IS I31647 FARMERS and STOCKMEN i Feat. feat that always gives amusement is threading considerable a needle on a measure, says a writer in the American Boy. The measure must be perfectly smooth, without handles or rim. The contestant seats himself upon the curved side of this and raises tbe heel of one foot to the toe of the other and in that position attempts to put a thread through the eye of an ordinary needle. So long as he keeps one hand upon the floor he is all right, but just let him lift that hand, even with the end of the thread twisted smooth and stiff and the eye of the needle made ready to receive it, and he is almost sure to topple over without succeeding. It looks simple enough to the spec-ttor- . but the proof Is In trying it him- - WAZEB STREET, DENVER, We caa save yoo middleman's profit by nd own wrwhnnwn pnd fading p' blscbeat pniiie prlcen for your graio Send for our KRKK Mltooktet. a. Farmers Grain and Live Stock Commisi enb-Ol- d ChioNfo Oolony Building, yfK We teach the Barber T" tn 8 Weeks and p,wlM,,li. Write fur partlcunn HOLER'S BARBER COLLitt Colo., DaMPints bALT La Ctt. Indispensable four-qua- For all aches from head to foot St. Jacobs Oil has euraitve qualities to reach the PAINS and ACHES Here are the last three months of an artistic calendar that you may have on your wall during the coming year. Th letters of each month paint a different color. The border, around each month should be of the same color as the letters of tne mo:.th. Now paint the flowers and leaves in their natural colors and you will have as pretty a calendar as one could wish to see. It would be well to paste the complete calendar on to pasteboard or stouter paper before beginning to paint the picture. Jf the human family, d tn and cure them promptly, Erica 25c. end 50c. CAPS1CUU VASELINE I ftp rr i oollapmbl tt) substitute for and superior to musurdor other pUnter, and will not blister the m n and corau delicate skin. The qualities of this article are wonderful. stop the toothache at onoe, and ac he and sri atira. We recommend it a tne d i A tV known. and safest external counter-irrita- nt as an external remedy for pains in the cne and stomach and all rheumatic, neurslstc A trial will prove wnt outy complaints. claim (or it. and it will be found topeinysi able in the household. M any people say JL Price the best of all your preparations. cent, at all drutisits or other dealers, or sending th s amount to us in will send you a tube by mail. No article be accepted by the public unless the mw carries our lubel, as otherwise it is net gentm CHESFBROIJGH MF(I. CO., X7 State Street. New Yuat CitT. j po,tinr..idl When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. |