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Show THE BOX ' ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY MARCH 3, 1904 because controled oy Rankins Address. parents or serguardians. Dr. Rankin said In opening his Imbeciles, or tnose incapable of vices Sunday night: As I intend to historians to show caring for their own private quote from many affairs, or s that Presbyterians were the prime-factor- managing their own property, were in bringing about the separa- not Judged proper subjects to manage tions of the thirteen colonies from a great nation, because under a guardGreat BritiaD, and tosbow that it was ian. Thus every possible safeguard is as much a fight against the domineeras the used against state church, to keep one man from of the ing having will more power or I the of country, control than another. government read a few sentences to show the beHence every man who is incapable lief of Presbyterians: of managing bis temporal affairs, and God alone is Lord of the con- has to submit to the council of anoth1st science and hath left It free from the er, should be challenged at the polls. doctrines and commandments of men And much more so if he has to obey which are in anything contrary to His counsel In politics. an implicit word; aud the requiring Lastly, in this government, framed and blind an absolute and faith, by such patriots, there is no room for obedience, Is to destroy liberty of con- priesthood rule. Manhood rule is all science, and reason also." That, is a that is recognized in the laws of the demand for the right of private Judg- land as In the laws of God. ment in all things temporal and In this month, which has the birthspiritual days of the two great presidents, it is 2nd Magistrates are to protect the well to devote one service to patriotchurch of our common Lord, without ism, and let us close by singing our giving the preference to any denomi- national hymn, nation of Christians above the rest." We ought to Text: Acts 5:20. how to tame lions. obey God rather ihan men." This is a sufficient answer to the DnaUh Woman Ha Kaw Theory Aboat Controlling w lid Animals leaders of a church who demand more Her leiiatioael Feat. can conscience yield than a Christian The terrible tragedy which was enmore than private judgment can apacted In a lions den near Berlin has rerebelled The Apostles against vived the question as to whether a lion prove. chruch dictation. Washington rose tamer can ever hope to die a natural above the teaching of the leaders in death. At the pre sent time Miss Ella, a Banish his church, and showed his patriotism, woman iion tamsr, is giving a sensaand love to men, by fighting for his tional exhibition at the Roj al Music hall, Holborn, with seven African lions, says country, and cause for a London dispatch to the Chicago Inter ment, when every clergyman in the Ocean. She concludes her performance by church of England was against him. Or- - tells One of the most singular icals in the United States is The Star throwing away her whip, lying down on the stage, and putting her head and arm in the mouth of the large African lion. Siegfried, who killed a keeper In the Vienna zoological gardens four years makers art. The articles and Cents trations are by the prisoners them selves, each signing the number of nis cell. No. 22,818 sends a Christmas story; Nos. 50,379 and 54,299 are poems. The most notable thing in the Christmas number was "The Ballad of Reading Gaol," the last poem Oscar Wilde, written by him in It is a heartrending story prison. of an execution, and is enough in it. of self to place Wilde's name among the great poets Tragedy "Just Averted. the nick of time our little boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. WatPneukins of Pleasant City, Ohio. monia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set iu besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption and our dariiDg was saved. Hes now sound and well." Everybody ought to know its the only sure cure for coughs, colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed by The Eddy Drug Store, Price 50c and II. Trial bottles free. In GHOST WAS A GENUINE When the butter wont come put a penny in the churn, is an old time dairy It often seems to proverb. work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scotts Emulsion. It is like the penny in the milk because it . works and because there is astonishing about it. Scotts Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children because it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scotts Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment Bat The General Electric company at Schenectady, N. Y., is building thirty power each, capable of trawing a train 130 miles an hour. In an Interview Miss Ella said she was not at all nervous in the den, and had handled wild beasts since she was eight soldiers. years old. Nearly all accidents which happen The government was founded on to tamers," said this daring young wothe equality of free men. man, arc caused by forcing lions to do Slaves were denied the ballot be- tricks against their will, instead of letcause controled by masters. Minors, ting them rest until thy get into a good temper, but fatal accicents are v ery rare. were no difference how intelligent, It 13 an old belief, adoed the lady deprived of the priviledge of voting tamer, that it Is necessary to lcok wild animals straight in the eyes, but this is a great mistake, as it makes the lions savage. I always turn my back on them, and have no fear of their turning on me. are for They the New York City subway. Spices idea from his Bakin a rThey Paysfrom Great Americas Importing Tea Cos Main Street, Brigham City, father-i- n. BRIGHAM - . Utah. I CITY. ,C. Holst N. E. Mortensen N. J. Nelsen Isaac A. Jensen C Simonsen law, Senator Andrew Funk .B P Newman It Savad Hu Leg P. A. Danfortbof La Grande, Ga., Recorder Treasurer .. .... suffered for six months with a frightMary Johnson Happy Healthy Children. sore on ful his writes Marshal leg; but running Samuel Carter Any child can take Little Early Risers with perfect safety. They are that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly Aito.aey B II Jones . For ulcers, harmless, never gripe or sicken, and cured it In five days. of the Peace....Wm. Horsley Justices yet they are so certain in results that wounds, piles, Its tbe best salve in Waterworks. Lorenzo Anderson Supt. robust constitutions requiring drastic the world. Cure guaranteed. Only Chief Fire Dept W S Taylor means are never dissappointed. They ?5c. Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. cannot fail to perform their mission Street Supervisor. .. O. O. Jensen and every one who uses DeVVitts LitLodge? Powder are Beauties OFFICERS CITY tle Early Risers prefer them to all other pills. They cure biliousness. Russia is filling up her army with Sold by The Eddy Drug Store. pardou for sersuspects and exiles, Assessment Notice. vice. In tearing subordination and The Bear River Valley Creamery obedience they have certainly had Si- Co., a corporation organized under the berian advantages. laws of Utah, location of irlncipal place of business, Eiwood, Utah. Do You Want Strength? meetIf you want to increase your strong Notice Is hereby given that at a held on the 23rd of the directors, ing tb you must add to and not take from In other words the dayjof January, 1904, an assessment of the physical. levied ou the capifood that you eat must be digested, $5.00 per share was of the stock tal payable corporation, assimilated and appropriated by the on or before tbe 12th day of March, und before blood tissues nerves, being 1904, to tbe secretary at his residence expelled from the intestines. Kodol at Thatcher, Box Elder Co., Utah. Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical stock upon which this assessment ADy It gives strength to and builds up remain unpaid on the 12th day of may It Is strength in the human system. 1904, will be delinquent and Mareli, pleasaut to the taste and palatable, advertised for sale at publio auction s and the only combination of digest-anton 19th the day of Marsh, 1904, to pay that will digest the food and enthe assessment together delinquent ables the system to appropriate all of its health and strength-givin- g quail with cost of advertising and expenses of sale. ties, Sold by The Eddy Drug Store. F. Alan E. Roche, Sect, and Treas. Probate & Guardianship Notices f!8ml0 Thatcher, Feb. 5, 1901 City Bell Express Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of the City Jailor ft Night-watc- Sexton Jno BOARD OF ...... Secretary Dr. E. A. Rich. Orders Filled Promptly. .Charges Reasonable The city council meets the second ft urth Tuesdays of each month . and Henry Pulsipher, THE l OLD RELIABLE PRECINCT OFFICERS. DRAYMAN ( -P- J BOX ELDER CO, DistChas H Hart Judge 1st Judicial Dist. A tty F K Nebeker Chairman Co Com...... A W Valentine ROPRIETOR O- F- rood stablos, x Llvory and - Andrew Funk, OFFICERS COUNTY II. GLover Rios, Co Commis., Iowa Sting.-- M " Kelton County Clerk.... Prosecuting Attorney. Treasurer At All Hours.... Hack meets all Trains Hart E H Jones Jo Jensen J S Perry B Sheriff ..... Recorder at Depot. Utah Brigham City Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information. Assessor . Co Supt of Schools Surveyor, Dewey ille Fun Estate of James Forrest, deceased. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Colds Causa Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of Creditors will present claims with on the lungs, caus- vouchers to the a cold, OW BI2I9MAM CITY. undersigned at Briging pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gert- ham City, Utah, on o: before the rude E. Fenner, Marlon, Ind.,who was 27th day of June, 1904. entirely cured by the use of One MinJ. B. McMaster, ute Cough Cure. She says; . The Administrator, coughing and straining so weakened Nets Jenson. me that I ran down in weight from Attorney for Estate. 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of first Date of publication, February remedies to no avail until Itacd One f 25iu 24 19C4. 5, Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. Sold by The Eddy Drug Store OOtS STRICTLY A BANKING BUSINESS a, Breakfast Table Explanation Calmed a Womans Hind Curious Experience. Most ghost stories are susceptible of satisfactory explanation as the incident recorded as transpiring at a country A young woman guest at a bouse. house party had been thrilled with delicious horrors by tsles of ghosts and hobgoblins told by certain of her fellow guests about a generous fire just before they separated for the night. The next morning she appeared at the breakfast table ready for departure, and when pressed to explain her reason for going, finally confessed that she waB afraid to sleep under that roof another night. She said that about midnight she was awakened by the stealthy step and to her horror saw a specter, all in white at the foot of her bed, and it raised its clawlike hands and actually drew the coverlet off the bed. There was no hallucination about it, for the coverlet was gone! While the Interest was at Its height, a belated breakfaster How appeared and remarked genially: cold it was last night. Knowing that the room next to mine was unoccupied, I took the liberty of helping myself to an extra covering from there I" Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent With her insurance money in hand Baltimore is jumping into the work of reconstruction. directors: Lucius A. Snow, The debris alone is worth the enormous sum of $10,000,-COa large item to the underwriters. THE FINEST Harness and Saddle Exhibit This signature is on every box of the fouin Tablets Laxative Bromo-Quini- oe the remedy that cares a cold in PM day Old papers for sale at this office nothing better to put under your carpets per hundred. .Nephi Anderson J N Hoidaway Game Warden, S F Thompson Dr. E. A. Rich County Physician Water Commissioner. , N P Anderson & foleyskidhlycure and Bladder Right John L. Edwards James Nelsen, S. N. Lee, Nels Jenson, Alma Nelson, Peter M. Hansen. Lorenzo N. Stohl, John D. Petebs President Cashier. Minute Cough Cure COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH. A W Valentine Dr, E. A. Rich. M. B. Hart and Chairman Secretary E. H. Jones, members of board. TERMS OF COURT, I9O4. District court First Tuesday in February, May, September and November. County commissioners meet the to Chicago and the East over the only double-trac- k railway between first and third Mondays of each month the Missouri River and Chicago. Excellent service in every particular. One of these trains, the Overland Limited, Is the most luxurious train in the world. Electric lighted throughout. Direct connections at Omaha via The North-Weste- rn Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis. For fr jptcE-mxsT- Tickets, reservations, and full Information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & Mwtei North-Weste- rn i; Ry, MS South Main Street, SeK Lake City, Utah. vvwvwvw. Per Coughs, CoEds and Croup 0. ANDERSONS G. HARNESS STORE Repairing of all kinds In my line promptly attended to. 'Mall orders have my personal attention. To- Makes Kldntya In the city will be found at only 25 cts HONOR AND TAXES. The high average citizen la best seen through when he is confronted by the tax collector, sajs Frederick Trevcr Hill. In Eierj body's Magazine. "If a tax law stands on th' boo. s. iniquitous in l.s working and tuna some be) ond bearing, he does cot set a.,c..t to obtain Its repeal. That might in. cite attendance upon primaries. He rather We will send you ty'Olds the issue by countless devic s, the penny, . e. a which go all the way fro m downright perjury to legal evasion; but, b tool, sample free. or by crook, he does not pay the tax, Be eurc that this picture In and nobody cares. In New York city the form of a label is on the rule rather than the exwrapper of every bottle of perjury Is the Emulsion you buy. ception, and scarcely anyone is punmerchant went & BOWNE, ished. Very recently a into a 'blind pool with a couple of Chemists, rascals, who wefe to get his taxes re409 Pearl St., N. Y. duced for a percentage on the an ount involved. When the tkro tnen werecaught joe. ini $ i.oo ; oil druggUt. Impersonating the mefehant before the commissioners the takpsyer' pleaded has bought from San Fran-illi- en Ignorance of his Igents methods, failed to Identify them; and shffsred no social dollars worth of canned setback if public and private comment criterion. (far is probably about what afford any fair First Door North of First Nat'l Dank Bldg Brigham elty West aide Main St . DO YOU TAKE THE NEWS? per-ton- a! THE Grande That is, arc you a subscriber of the Box Elder Mows? Grande Western. IF NOT, Denver & Rio AND THE Rio scon THE SCENIC LINE TO Glen wood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east Connecting at Ogden Union Depot Wltn all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City look this copv over carefullv and see if it is not worth 2l-2- c, the prleo charged by the year , called it. It edves you the local and state news; More Riote. lifeturbances of strikers are not r rly as grave as an individual los of the system. Overwork, fol ileep, nervous tension will be ed by utter colapse, unless a rell-- e dis-le- remedy Is Immediately employed, eres nothing so efficient to cure orders of the liver and kidneys as ctrlc Bitters. Its a wonderful icand effective nervine und the alest all around medicine for run r n systems It dispe s nervousne-s- , umatism and neuralgia and expels laria germs. Only 50c, and tatis-tlo- n guaiantced by The Eddy Drug Nelson Chairman bishburn...... VV J HEALTH. Dr. L , Berg F Thomson C C . deep-seate- d ONE. (The American Cltlxca's Attitude ward Hi Debt to the State- Perjury la XeW York, Teas illus- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. . Mayor sweep each others commerce from says Miss Susan Anthony, we dearly the seas, and inevitably involve this love to imitate the men, and we dont Does he get that great pretend to be much better than men." Councilmen country. L j coffees vr vr specimen of the printers and book monster moters of 2,200 horse ago. Dollar Premium is a beautiful n Lincoln rose above the teaching of the majority of the church, and for the unity of his country, and love of humanity, struck the shackels from 4,000,030 slaves, and clothed the freed men with the uniform of U. S. In the Denver election cases women Congressman Gardner of Massachusetts predicts a war between Ger, were engaged in fradulent voting and Of course," will stuffing the ballot boxes. many and Great Britain which period- of Hope, published in Sing Sing state prison, New York. It contains about 100 pages and Page 5, Nothing has evef equalled Nothing can ever surpass it it It is tilled with other reading: matter of Dr. Kings HeiY For; A Perfect hCure i WcY,l(W For All Throat and Lung Troubles. If It MU. Trial OotUc.fr.. C a Witts For We havent had a dissatisfied subscriber yet Discovery lOYSUMPTION interest; Saiva BSJst P5ios, Burns, Sores DINING CARS Service a ia Carte on all through trains. For rates, (older, free illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your nearest ticket ageat specifying the Rio Grande route, or address A. P. D., Salt Lake City, Ut Give It a Trial; Only $1.25 a Year. book, |