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Show ALABAMA MINSTRELS DELIGKHtlulGS As the writer stood in the lobby during the performance, and also after af-ter it, and what comment he "lear I in cafes and elsewh'-i e, let us give the opinions of others, which exactly ex-actly expresses the pleasure to the audience who heard and saw the Alabama Ala-bama Minstrels last Monday evening. even-ing. For the comment is that :t was the best show yet given in Delta; on all sides we heard expressions of the highest , kind. Certainly the audience audi-ence was well pleased. Mistah 'Rastus Ratio Donald Perkins Per-kins Cram was the life of the party, ably supported by Snowban runk,l and when it comes to the trio, "Steve" is the candy, ccon with gum drop ears; "he shouldn't orter ever wash up" said some one close to the writer the other night. ' That trio took the house. Their song "Al-fal-fa Al-fal-fa Al-fal-fa" took the house, and their little pleasantry about the "liberal merchant" met with instant yells of approval. Yes, the trio was a scream. Roy Billings was good but then, they were all good, and we include them all in our comment. There was a great deal of confusion confu-sion about the reserved seats, anc many left the theatre much put out dids and youngsters were plastered all over seats which marrleci v,-omen had had reserved for their especial use much to the discomfort of who had to stand the entire performance perform-ance out. |