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Show o mmmmmmmm . i A HOME PAPER Foh Printed for Homo By Home People A HOME A WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZINE Number Nine PUBLISHED DEPENDABLE bjr AT PHOTO, OF LOCAL AFFAIRS UTAH Scouting Beckons All Boys A Nalkm-wkl- e nunmlga against syphilis la being sponsored by I lie Junior Chamber of Commerce, and tho Provo Chamber la rondurting an Intensive local campaign barking the National program. Dr. J. Knssrll gmlth la local rliiarawa of tlie Yrnerral Disease Control committee. Ite. W. W. lllgrUiw wee here Thursday evening at tha Public Forum aa principal speaker, sponsored by the local Jayceea, peaking aa riialrmaa of the (Hate Committee on Vraenal IHimw) control. Two weeks of press publicity, radio talks, aad public foram rdurattoa are plaaaed. Dr, D. Eldon Beck, a member of the IVuvo committee, has written the following article as a eonfrilxitlun to the education of Ute public oa $75,000 Water Suit Ended Favorable to Waterusers; Supreme Court Decision Reverses Bates' Decision doe have a soul. If you don't believe that yon may not have Utmost importance is attached by waterusers in Utah heard of a Wlaconaln firm which turned down a (15,000 order for to the Caleb Tanner vs. Provo Reservoir Waterusers comwar materlala from Ruaala, which pany suit which has been pending since 1926 and finally waa accompanied by (5,000 In caah. The president of the company replied In no uncertain language that a certain honor exlated In America and he did not care to deal with people who would take advantage of others as had been done In Finland. ,'No we do not care to handle such people's money", he concluded. ' SILVER THREADS are now proven to Indicate "gray matter" beneath, according to Dr. Frank H. Freeman, dean of the University of California school of education, who has just completed an "Intelligence Teat" of 1131 people from 10 to 90 years of age, and found those past 40 years a little brighter than those between 30 and 40, commonly considered to be at their peak of mental life. DEFINITIONS contributed to this columnthia week: Intending to clarify 'the different forms of government now In existence one reader sent In the following definitions: BO SIALISM: You have two cows, you give one to your neigh- bor. You have two COMMUNISM: eows, you give both to the govern- ment. ... ended Tuesday by the Supreme Court of Utah reversing Judge Bates' decision which favored Caleb Tanner who first instituted the suit, involving five second feet of primary water rights, estimated at $75,000 value. Waterusers under the Provo Reservoir canal now bavo tha right to um theae five second feet of Primary water of the Provo river. This water right was originally known na tha old Blue Cliff right, to which Mr. Tanner claimed priority over tha Provo Reservoir company, tbs five second feat of primary right being dlvertlble at the tail race of the Utah Power A Light company at Olmatead. Tanner Brought Suit Back In 1020 Mr. TUnner brought salt against the Reser-voir company, seeking to havo hie right declared prior and to re-strain tbs defendants from In any way interfering with his usa of tha water. Judge George Christensen of Price heard the casa, for the Fourth District Court judges who bad become disqualified. His de- clslon want against Tanner on the that the water In queo- tlon had been adjudicated, and he was bound by tho decree In case known a No. 2888 Civil, In which Judge Morse of Balt Luka preaid- ad. Tanner Appealed Tanner appealed to tho State Supreme Court. Tho case waa reversed and remanded to tho lower court with Instructions to permit the defendants to file an amended answer setting up further defenses. Defendants amended their answer and the case was heard by Judge Nephl Bates of Richfield, sitting In tha place of Judges for tho Fourth District. Judge Bates decided In favor of Tanner, and the Reservoir ComCOOPERATE: panies appealed to tho Supreme or else! Another reader told Court, tho decision now being Is most us what the world needs handed down as stated. to learn to cooperate: His terse admonition was punctuated by Tanner Breaks But The Court In Its ruling hold: the following somewhat trite reFIRST That tho Blue Cliff mark: "Remember the banana every time It leaves the bunch It Canal company began an appropriation In 1805 and It was gets skinned. You have two eows, FACI8M: you keep the cows and give the milk to the government which sells part of It back to you. The NAZISM: government shoots you and takes both cows. The govern NEW DEALI8M: ment shoots one cow, milks the other and pours the milk down the sew re. You sell one CAPITALISM: cow and buy a bull. (Jits mom! Atm! City Hall Appointment of R. E. Alien to tbo Provo Metropolitan water board was tbs highlight of tho week. This board Is a separata taxing unit, and was created to relievo tho City of the debt limitations which otherwise would havo mads It tmpoeelblo to acquire Deer Crook water and other water previously for use by tho City. Jeeeo Haws, City la charge of waterworks, Is anlomsUonlly a ber of tbo Metropolitan board. important matter. (Written Specially for the Ilah Valley News by Dr. D. Eldon Beck) Quack can either mean the cry of a duck or it can de- scribe a boastful pretender to medieal skill America's public - ( , iorkteinto tha haiimm health forces in the campaign against syphilis and gonorrhea wltb xmashw success, are presently concerned with the legion of quack opportunists j. h. Caidsr, Clarence Harman, who see in the campaign against these diseases a golden nd Dr- Vasco M. Tanner are bolding regular weekly chance to cash in on the misfortune of others. s sad are aaenmlng their - uuh ltlke l Kbeduled Templo Feb. 19. has been gned especially to the bifb priMta 0f the stake and their wives, announces A. C. Dalquist, "take genealogical chairman. All member of the high priests quorum eligible to attend with their wives are Invited to do so, adds W. W. Brimhall, chairman of the church service committee excursion of the quorum, a special meeting of Church service committeemen was held Sunday in tha Provo seminary under tha chairmanship of Mr. Brimhall, at which masting plans and discussion of the Temple Ject of tho quorum were outlined, This project Includes st least one visit to the Temple each month by each member, or the payment for n name to bo done In tha N. WARNICK of MERRIL Pleasant Grove was president of the Utah Dairy Federation at their annual meet- -, Ing Tuesday In Salt Lake City. by Ita successor In terest for 60 second feat out of tbe Provo River. SECOND That Caleb Tanner as tbe trusted employs of tbe Provo Reservoir' Company, which had paid him toms (11,000.00 for hla services, failed to discharge his trust to that Company In that he did not call to Its attention the water filing In which ho was Interested so that he or his predecessor in interest could havo boon named as a defendant In tho general Provo River adjudication completed In- salt the groas Income tax, used there olnee 1035, and haa successfully balanced the budget, besides providing additional revenues for Increased serriceo. Actually It Is n tax upon tbo business, privilege of doing rather than n tax on Income. It levies 1 14 per cent on most forms tail-rac- e. roeponal-bllltle- tbo to tho entire satisfaction g herbalists, tbs of tho City commission reports GALLERY Anderson. Tho manufacturers of sure euro patent ART Mayor Mark Municipal Power plant la rapidly remedies, and svsn soma friendly Into shape for prediction, getting CROWDS ATTRACTS but unthinking druggists, are and tho plant will be operating by In" on publicity, fright, "cashing March, althoagh the City will not and ignorance. Newspapers have take over the Power load aatl Provo have the visited Crowds been asked to sound n warning April 1st. but not an ominous one. Art gallery every evening seeing e e m If victims will go to doctors, the exhibition of wntoreolors now Hum Shifts a Day clinics, hospitals, they can bo on display showing scenes of Baa era bring worked on Provo's cared In n vary high porcontego Francisco, pointed by artists of now Canyon water lino Improveof cases and they can la nil cases tho WPA program from Califor- ments. which will finally bring Del Mar Nelson, to others. nia, reports ba mads ' the Citys abaadaat water to tha Tbs only sura protection, says gallery director. consumers la hags concrete ytpaa, comIncluded In the 21 different tho National At about 100 man or more mittee of tho American Social watarcolors ara scenes of natural are present working In . .tranches, In association. o widespread and Hygiene or In tunnolo, preparing phenomena, which education of tho pooplo who together havo combined to glvo cutting, tbo bod for tha pip lino to ho sot, through Ignorane and gullibility, lba clty 0( tha oolden Gate n reports Jassa Haws, water mako up tha army of thousands reputation for being om of tho mission er. of customers for tbo ruthless World'a most glamorous .. met e charlatan. rwnpnl1su, deal area - Mf . Nslaon, Wfttcr Extratou- It is true that prostitution In wbo thus explains why tbs pro- - nr always a sign of dtp "Public Enemy No. 1" In the sent collection at tba Provo galgrowth. Parhapa no othar Index national campaign against syphilis lery la attracting ao many people. Is ns accurate, believes Mr. Hawa because it Is the chief menus of Numerous comment havo bean who reports several applications spreading the Infection, thou tho beard of tho present exhibition for water lines out south of Fifth quack may well bo regarded as which lasts until Feb. 10, whan west, and North of Sixth wwt, an Public Ensmy No. 3" sine bo local artists' work will b die- Is the principal barrier to syphll-U- a played. George Post's "Water- - aPaa wbara considerable bnlMtag ln UnMi control through proper modlcnl front stands high in esteem acll?lty ears. Tho quack la interested among visitors, and his "Alcatras principally in revenue and not at island" and "Fishermen's Wharf" .raingTnu.nally wall carai nil In scotching a plaguo which ara likewise pralswortny, reports (or tbaM daaplta tha him income. his with fat supplies Mr. Nelson. tnd snow hnsards of tho past tew Everyone should know that nix wntoreolors by weeks. Commissioner J. P. Me, Among tho syphilis esn be proparly diagnosed Dong Kingman In "Colt Tower Oalrs, In charge of striate, haa an and In most eases cured. But, and the Embarcardero, wblch Is "emergency crew" oa tho job at mors than this, everyone should extremely well done, and Oolden 11 times, crossings filling also know that only n competent Oats Bridge, an engineering (rani or where sink hotel physician Is qualified to under- marvel of tho century, adds Mr. along trenches being dag, or take treatment of a patient havpairing pavomonta which some ing syphilis. "Wharves," by Farwell Taylor, times got out of Um censing a And what has nil this to do te one of tha few remaining gist- - hasard for older folks walking with you? rlcta of "Old" Ban Francisco. along thorn. Its a fan Um Job It suggests that yon might find day to uowor calls ter Included in tho exhibit an four mMt out if yon could pooalbly bo "that photographs of tho 1800 square Iwpwomoata by Pr0T0 cltiaaas. one" In twanty who has the di- - faat o( aaraI now bolng pungs sense. A blood tost and physical dons by Herman Vola In the examination by n doctor will glvo Federal Building at Treasure yon tho answer. And If you nr Island, rite of tho 1030 Oolden "that one", proper treatment and Onto International Exposition. professional cure will glvo you a Tho Cliff Hone", under The theme of tbo 11 o'clock better than oven chanca of euro. whose windows the ere toed break- - Church service Sunday morning A practical way to take part In ora of tho Pacific Ocean dash will bo tha organised educational effort their spray. Is well portrayed by at tho Community Church Unknown" tho Into "Adventuring to boat back the advance of tho Yoshldo Ssklda's painting by that Walter Lants will sing "My Tub". disease would bo to mako n do- name. Church School moots ns isnal camnation to tha Exhibitions change every three at 0:45. Mrs. Rollo will speak Yon can send your gift paign. In- In ths serls "How W Got Oar to tho American Social Hygiene weeks, says Mr. Nelson, who advan- Bible." all elttxens vites to taka Association, 50 West 30th Street, Id tho evening tho Young tage of tho art classes being held New York. It Is n twonty-flv- e snd Thursday nights la Peoples C. B. will meet at T year old and highly repntnblo In- Tuesday o'clock. Thera will be n talk oa Provo high school building. thous- ths stitution. Behind nostrum-concoctin- us Antl-Syphll- ds Templo by someone else. practitioners, Off-col- set for THIRD That Tanner had advised tha Reservoir company to enter Into n stipulation with tho reached the amusing total of a Power company moving tha Blue million dollars a day, with a Cliff right from tha Holsrit Dam grand total of (313,000,000 durdown to tho tall race, and that ing 1030. In addition to this the defendant companies had used property loss, 10,000 lives were the water from 1019 until 1930 sacrificed, or about 300 a week. without Interruption and without Three hundred million dollars would pay for thousands of air- of business, exempting such busi- knowledge of Tanner claiming any at tho planes, or would build 100,000 nesses aa manufacturing, whole- priority for hla filing The Court hold that he was homes st (1,000 each, or would saling, and producing, wblch are build countless hospitals for sick assessed at U of 1 per cent; estopped to assert any claim by conduct. people who now suffer without printing and publlahlng pays 1 reason of this hope. Fire spells carelessness, per cent, and professional services Tanner Estopped That Tanner had Fourth just like traffic accidents do, and pay 1V& per cent. traded for n part of tbo Bluo Cliff look at tha price we pay for our 8uccese In Hawaii of this simple carelessness. Its next thing to method of taxation haa attracted Right and had recognised It and war. Finland lost only 358 lives national attention of taxpayers, dealt with It as though It worn 50 second foot of water dlvertablq during the first six weeks of war. administrators, businessmen, and at tbo Power Companys tnllrscs, We loee an average of 300 every economists. No of and for that reason bo was estopweek and a million dollars a day property, no shiftingappraisals of title, no ped from now denying that It was from fire alone Think It over! chicanery at nil simply a tax for n fifty second foot right divert-abl- e e bnslnees of the privilege doing at tbo tallrac and with n Advocates of a Big Navy levied upon your gross Income. of 1535. priority have cornered the attention of Why not try it In Utah. Tho poor The decision also confirmed the Congress. Economy Is In the air devils of farmers and poorer defendants right to bring waters everywhere, except In naval ap- workman would at last gat s down from Round Valley Creek propriations. We are apparently break. to the Power Company tallrace enttlng down on every other form and there divert them into their of expense. Perhaps expenses Industry Has Paid canals. This had been challenged should be reduced, but why spend (215,000,000 for research dar- by Tanner. DESTRUCTION? for Europe ing 1030 come 2000 concerns even If over the can't Invade America, country having paid thin Turnover of Attorneys Germany and Russia win. Both bill, according to Dr. William A. Tha csss has bean pending so will be so exhausted that It will Humor, of tbo Mellen Institute of long that there was s record turntake decades to recuperate, say Industrial Research. They have over of attorneys. In tbs first nothing about being able to cross learned bow to change coal and case tbs late Judge A. C. Hatch the ocean and Invade this coun- air Into silk-lik- e Comhosiery, how to represented the Reservoir try. By the time they ara able make tires wear longer, how to panies and Mr. Tenner was reto corns arross here to disturb us. taka static out of radio, bow to presented by tbe late M. R. Straw, the shlpe we propose to build now make safety glnse that is really At tha second trial Judge A. V. will be obsolete, and new methods safe, how to get more miles per Watkins, A. L. Booth and A. J. of warfare will require completely gallon and less knocks per mile Evans represented the Reservoir new designs and war equipment. out of gasoline, and how to make Companies, Mr. Tanner being rethousands of article cheaper, and presented by Christenson, Straw Gross Tax By Income at the same time better. Of course ft Christenson. On tho Inst apis Hawaii's answer to balancing , the consumers paid tbe bill ulti- peal Christenson ft Christenson the budget. Reports from Hon- mately, bnt wbnt n debt we do represented Mr. Tanner and the olulu declare that the Island has owe Industry, and business! defendants were represented by evqlved a tax plan which has Sometimes ws forget onr many A. V. Watkins, A. L. Booth and solved their tax problems. It Is blessings. Ellas Hansen. FIRE LOSS IN U. 8. Quacks Retard Campaign Doings Against Syphilis' JiOTK The Editor) BIG BUSINESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1940 INDEPENDENT O044tM444444444 What do 0 Provo Reservoir Company You Think ( Wins Caleb Tanner Suit (Opinions PLANT ? ttTmnnttntrv Volume Three la mnn-msd- Mth birthday M America celebrates Scout ry 8, all of the 1,130,990 Scouts, Cubs aad which has metlve to service the leaders will re dedicate themselves decades. ifltn id character! led the Movement for three vrnlure, lun and achievement--- ! tractive te aU bays through tho democratic life of the Scout Troop and Patrol, as essential ingredig ents in Its program for tho boys of America. local and national Drawing sn the rich experience of the Movement, Sront leaden anticipate the opportunity to servo more boys annusii Ms -- character-influencin- BY 'THE MAYOR OF PROVO A Proclamation THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, incorporated February 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress June 15, 1015, Is celebrating ita anniversary from February 8, to 14, during Boy Scoot Weak. In tho post thro decades tha nearly nine Million former or present membera have rendered notable service to our community and our nation. In times of distress from floods, hurricane, tornado and other disasters they have demonstrated the effectiveness of organised boy service. During tba period of economic stress they contributed In many ways to the relief of suffering, and they havo rendered noteworthy service In flood arms. Tba Scouts have also contributed to n deeper appreciation by tbe American people of tha higher conception of good cltlsanshlp. THEREFORE, I, MARK ANDERSON. MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PROVO, do hereby recommend that citizens of this City do whatever they can to observe Boy Scoot Week and glvo their support In strengthening tho work of the Boy Scoots of America, particularly through the Utah National Parks Council which administers the Boy Scout Program in this Community. I earnestly recommend that our civic organisations, our churches and our schools cooperate In carrying out a program for n definite recognition of the effective service rendered by tbs Boy Scouts of America, In order that the work of the Boy Scoot Program may be extended to n larger proportion of tbo boyhood of this Community. The Boy Scout Movement offers unusual opportunity for volunteer service. It used men to serve In various capacities as leaders of boys. I hops that all wbo can, will, through tbo organisations with which they are connected, enlist for such personal service. Anything that Is dona to increase the effectiveness of tho Boy Scouts of America will bo n genuine contribution to tbo welfare of thin Community, tho State, and tho Nation. In witness whereof I bsva hereunto set my band and caused tbo seal of this Community to be affixed, Done this 1st day of February, In tbe year of onr Lord, one thousand nine hundred and forty. MARK ANDERSON, Mayor. . . "P" Antl-Byphl- it tra social ands of Amorica'a outstanding man and women, giving tbelr money snd sponsorship to guard onr nation against syphilis and tbs quacks. R. BROWN was ap- - pointed Recreational leader for Provo City Thursday morning by the City commission at n salary of (70 a month. work followed by Tho High School Qnartett furnish music. dlacns-PHYLL- I8 8abbath School, 8:80, Murrlel Harlow in charge. Subject: "Homo and Religion". oclock: "What is Sermon, Sin? Did It originate In tho Welcome. Garden of Eden? Sunday morning, 8:80 a. m. Clnff, chairman, had awarded Red Cross certificate! In Home over "Prayer In tha Care for tha Sick, with thru cer- Life of tho Christian. Doss Ood tified Inatrnctora being engaged. hear and answer prayer?" Tho FIRST AID. Guy F. Christon-ee- n, family blble honr, sponsors a program for both Provo Chief of Pollco, chairman. had lisaed 1(0 First Aid young and old. Tnno in on your local station and learn to know certificates, with 14 Instructors blble better. your six In classes and various parts of the county. STRAWBERRY RESERVOIR LIFE SAVING, Paul Henricbnow holds 80,000 aero feat of sen, chairman, had given Instrucstored water, compared to 84,-0tion to 60 beginners, II Interat this tlma teat year, and mediate, 31 swimmers, and bod 75,000 In 1080. However In IIS) given 28 Life Saving certificates, at (Ms date 40,000 aero foot under seven qualified Instructors, were stored, only and In 1088 bnt 10,-0JUNIOR RED CROS8, Mrs. W. aero feet bad been stored, J. Snow, chairman, bud muds re- according to records mads pnblls markable strides during ths year. by Stats Engineer T. H. Red Cross Reports Accomplishments at Annual Meeting "At Your Servlco" was tba motto announced by Mrs. E. H. EastDr. J. J. Weight Reected County Chairman at Banquet; man, secretary, whoae office is on Delegates Review Activities throughout Utah County. tha same floor as KOVO at tho north end, and who Invites nil With a net cash balance of $1857.87 in the bank after cltlsens to make n visit there. Henricbsen, ebalrmnn. the past years operations and all expenses have been paid, LifePaulSaving committee, gave an including the sending of $878.11 to National headquarters, Illuminating report of ths school as reported by N. Halvor Madsen, treasurer, the Utah for Life Saving lost summer In California. County Chapter of the American Red Cross is in a healthy Mrs. Weight and Mr. Madeen, condition, not only financially, but in every other way, for each reporting, gave an Imprest membership is an index to all other activities, declared slve picture of Red Crow In tho Mrs. Thelma E. Weight, delegate to the National convention. Nation, end Red Crow st home in Dr. Gathered around the banquet to reports snd addresses nntll Utah eounty, respectively. table In tbe Hotel Roberts, dels- - 10.10 p. m. Monday evening. In- Weight acted ns chairman and gates from every center In Utah terspened with musical numbers muter of ceremonies, calling for county chatted enthusiastically by Mrs. Doyle Dastrup, and tho reports from each local chapter. HOVE HYGIENE, Mrs. Emma about "Red Cross", and listened Provo High School quartette. rion. n li u 00 00 (CoaUawd OB Pm Thrat) |