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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Peterson of Brigham City enjoyed a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowcutt of Wheelon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardy and their mother of Ogden, had an enjoyable visit with their sister and daug-t;?Mrs. Kate Saunders last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simons and son, combined business and pleasure in Brigham last week. Mrs. James Atwood of Marysville, Idaho, was the welcome guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bigler for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Kidman spent a pleasant Sunday in Trenton, Idaho, with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fryer and daughters, Phyllis and Lois, of Deweyville, were the Sunday afternoon guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Potter. Miss Esther Erickson of Preston, Idaho, spent several pleasant days with her sister, Mrs. John Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kidman and family, motored to Pleasant View Thursday and enjoyed the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Collinston One of the pleasant affairs of last 'Avnek, was the Radio social and ch;cker.n supper, given at the hdhie of Mr .and Mrs. Art Saunders, and sp neered by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Saunders, Mis3 Ruby Saunders and Henry Mclntyre. Mr .and Mrs. E. E. Lefler and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Simmons, have just returned from a delightful five day vacation in Logan Canyon and Coke-villWyomnig, where they were extensively entertained by Mr. and Mrs. 0ie!l Bigler. They found the fishing extremely good, and also enjoyed the Rodeo and California players, which were the main attractions there last week. They returned home through r, e, Oirden Canyon. Mrs. 0. A. Riley and three sons, of Brigham City, were accompanied by her niece and nephew, Norma and Garland Riley of Chrisney, Indiana, in a sightseeing tour, around the Bear River Valley. They made a short visit t t he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. sr, M where Mr. and Mrs. George and their mother, Mrs. E. Wilson of Logan, were also Monday guests. Miss Ellen Rich, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Able Rich of Brigham City, spent a pleasant week with Miss Faye Bowcutt of Wheelon. Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard motored to Ogden Friday evening to meet their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Goddard of Colorado, who will spend a few days here, before continuing their journey through to California. A large number of relatives of the late Joseph Whitworth, enjoyed the reunion held in his honor at the Lava Hot Springs, Monday, July 15th. Miss Faye Bowcutt of Wheelon delightful entertained the Beehive girls, at a delicious Weiner and roast Wednesday evening on the banks of the Bear River. marsh-mallo- Middleton. Mrs. Alice Saunders of Ogden, is relatives enjoying a visit here with and friends. Miss Norma .Seal, successfully managed the merchandise business of E. E. Lefler, during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bowen and family are thoroughly enjoying their brand new Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Secrist are the proud parents of a fine baby boy. Deweyville j Members of the Dewey family re- turned to their homes at Deweyville, Ogden, Brigham, and as far north as Emmett, Idaho. There were one hundred and fifty relatives met at the w Never Before in the Auto History have you seen such Bar- gains. CHEVROLET SEDAN CHEVROLET 1 TON TRUCK ALL IN WILLYS-NIGH- SEDAN T TOURING OLDSMOBILE COACH BUICK TOURING BUICK TOURING WILLYS-KNIGH- T SHAPE "A-l- " EASY TERMS CALL AND SEE THEM Heitz & Winzeler Auto Co. I 1 V V V V V I WHERE YOOR that's where the children are. If your lower extremities are chilly, the children must be cold all over. And little children need even more heat than grown- V ups. With American Radiator Heat- ing Equipment your floors will be as warm as your ceilings, and free from drafts. Less 1 "EET LIVE 3L than $75 a room Convenient payments May we tell you how cheaply and easily you may own it? We guarantee all work. Liberal allowance on your old furnace. V V V V V V Duro Automatic Home Water Systems BURGESS BROS. CO. TELEPHONE TREMONTON 6.0-- 1 INTRODUCING THE NEW AND MIGHTIER Majestic Electric Radio When you see and hear these new MAJESTIC receivers, you forget all but quality quality of performance, quality of appearance that you can really feel. You only know you want to own one of these new models to have it for your very own to add breathless beauty to your home and give l, Friday evening the following made a temple excursion to the Logan tem ple: Mr. and Mrs. Thos .Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eberhard, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Summers, and Mrs. James Summers, Mrs. M. P. Jorgen- sen and Mrs. Bert firth. Mr. and Mrs. George Stark and children motored to Willard Sunday where they visited relatives and friends, returning home Sunday eve ning. Mr. Robert Hamblem of Ogden was the .guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth Sunday. Herman Eberhard, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eberhard, was removed from the Valley Hospital to his home here Sunday. He has been suffering all summer from intestinal trouble. Mrs. Roland Christensen has recently returned home after spending a week at Brigham City'at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers, and family and Miss Lelia Stark, left Monday morning for Logan where they will attend the Farmer's Encampment. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Coles and son and daughter, Leland and Lois, of Harrisville were calling on old friends hero Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers motored to Brigham City Friday morning. Mrs. Nels Anderson Saturday, motored to Salt Lake City, she intended to spent a week there with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Summers motored to Brigham City after fruit Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Newman and family drove to Brigham City Sunday for fruit. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Summers are sporting a new Ford coach. Miss Ella Stokes of Tremonton was visiting here with ralatives and friends Sunday. Mrs. Bert Gibson, Mrs. Emil Kupfer Mrs. Leo Stokes and son Thayne, motored to Brigham City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ellis of Salt Lake here with City spent the week-en- d relatives and friends. Monday afternoon, Mrs. Leslie Stokes entertained at a swimmijig party in honor of her daughter, Jean. After a delightful plunge in the water, a luncheon was served to a number of her young friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson and children Keith and Eloise, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ras. Peterson of Tremonton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mills and family formerly of Cache Valley arc miking their home here. Mr. Joseph Stokes and sons, Roy and Keith, of Tremonton, were visiting with Mr. Thos. Stokes, Monday. Miss Dorothy Anderson was the dinner guest at the home of Miss Lois Wilson of Tremonton Sunday. Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers nrd Mrs. Lou's Anderson and son, DeVyrle motored to Salt Lake City where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wallace. Miss Marjorie Stokes also accompanied them there. They returned home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Anderson of . you matchless perfomance which puts a new song of happiness in your heart. j Bothwell BARGAINS 1928 1927 1925 1923 1923 1922 1918 Afton school ouditorium, Friday at 10 o'clock, where a splendid program was rendered. At 2 o'clock all were served to a trav dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Campbell of Afton, six families at Afton gave the splen--j tiid dinner which was sumptuous and they are to be congratulated as how it was served. In the afternoon, a program and games was the intertain-men- t. At 7 P. M. a light lunch and Ice Cream was served to all at thej home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. In the evening dancing was enjoyed, music by the J. C. D. Orchestra (Johnson, Cambell and Dewey.) There were 21 autos from out of Star Valley, and 102 persons. If all could have been present who were of John C. Dewey, Sr., there would have been 584. There are 03 dead, 136 graduates from eight grade, 79 high School. 6 college, 12 .Seminary graduates and 15 have been on missions. If John C. Dewey had lived he would of been 98 years old in May. There were 50 members from Deweyville at this grand family reunion The next held at Afton, Wyoming. reunion will be held at Lava Hot Springs the first part of July 1930. Mrs. Duett Loveland and son Dar-rclMiss Mabel Ault, and Eva Gardner, enjoyed three days at the Farmers' Encampment at Logan, July, 15 to 18. Mr. William Ferison and sons Willie and Walter are enjoying three days fishing at Mackey, Idaho. M .A. Lish of Deweyville was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Harwood of Salt Ike City last week. Bobbie Dewey of Murray, Utah, visited his grandparents here and attended the Dewey family reunion at Afton, Wyoming. Eddie Dewey, who has lived at Star Valley returned to Deweyville with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dewey, after the Dewey family reunion held at Afton. A number of our M. I. A. members attended the Stake Union meeting Sunday. SPECIAL FOR THE MONTH OF JULY Duart Permanent Wave Ringlet Ends Tremonton were calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson Sunday. Miss DeOla Seegmiller spent Sunday evening at the home of Miss Helen Christensen. Mr. LaMont Vance of South Tremonton is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itoland Allen. Elwood - i The Boy Scouts returned last Thurs out day from a very pleasant ing to Bear Lake. They visited many points of interest, which included the old Juniper Tree in Logan Canyon. Don Hunsaker and his brother Lloyd, are fine Scoutmasters, always working for the interest of the Boy Scouts. Those who enjoyed the trip besides the leaders were Reginald Hunsaker, Floyd Christensen, Wayne Larsen, Harold Hansen, Milton Andersen, Clarence Kelstrum, Peter Rasmussen, and Dee Francom. Mr .and Mrs. D. R. Taylor, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Meldrum, last week, while on their way to visit the National Park, or Bryce Canyon in southern Utah. Mrs. Taylor is a sister of Mr. ys Meldrum. Mrs. Daisy Duke of Bay Foint, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jensen of Mantua visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Meldrum last week. Mrs. Eva B. Hansen, and Mrs. J. Walter Green, were especially invited guests at the Daughters of the Pioneers' meeting held last Thursday at the home of George B rough at East Tremonton. H. P. Larsen and children, Irene, and Donald, Mrs. Ren Hunsaker, and children, went to Willard last Sunday to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elsie. Irene will remain at Willard, for an indefinite stay. Those of the Stake Board who visited our Sunday school conference Sunday were: Mr. Lillywhite, Mr. Richards, Miss Hall of Garland and J. W. Green. T. A. Meldrum was sustained as 2nd assistant to P. W. Christensen in place of Verl Ander sen, who has moved to Garland. The program was good, the children rendering their parts well. The M. I. A. officers visited the different wards last Sunday evening in the interest of our big Banquet and Dance to be held Friday night at the Grand Opening of our new Recreation Hall. We have a lovely kitchen, but it will take quite a sum to equip it and it is for this purpose that the entertainment is given. All are invited to come and enjoy a good time. This promises to be a big event. The banquet committee are: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen and Mr. and Mrs. June Thompsen. Mrs. Inez Meldrum, has been chosen as 2nd counselor to Vera Hansen in the Y. L. M. I. A., to succeed MiSs Jensen. Maurine Andersen, had as her guest last Sunday, Miss Ora Russell of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Christensen and children, of Preston, came down yrj ADAMS BEAUTY PARLOR Phone 27.r Tremonton fast Miss Erma Hansen gave a "Misfit" party on the lawn at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen on Monday evening. Games were played and dainty refreshments served. All had a very fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Miller and children, and Ada Frank, went to n Sunday, in their new Whippet, to visit with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Val Frank. Will Ransom of Salt Lake City called on his aunts, ' Mrs. Andrew Jensen and Mary Austin, last Mon- out-of-to- Lo-ya- day. Miss Verde Roholdt of Grace, Idaho, was the guest of Viola and Isabel Jensen, last week. Mrs. Julia Jensen accompanied her son Andrew eJnsen to Logan Monday. Miss Verian Andersen, entertained her Sunday school class last Friday, at her home. The little folks had a very nice time. The excursion to the Logan Temple last week was well attended from here, 22 making the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Syrel Wright and children of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen, visited at the home of R. P. Hansen last Sunday. Winona Hansen, accompanied by her friends, came up from Salt Lake Sunday to spend the day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen and Mr and Mrs. Ogg, visited at Preston, Idaho, Sunday. received Burt Ieroy Hunsaker honor in California. He was appointed Sunday school superintendent of k the Boyle Heights ward in the stake. Congratulations. Tysorel Hunsaker, came home Sunday after spending over a month at the Valley Hospital with a broken Ie Holly-woo- leg. Riverside Mrs. J. H. Ward was a Willard visitor Friday. The Ladies Farm Bureau held a meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. H. S. Tngey. club girls went to the Udy The Hot Springs Tuesday. Mrs. Francis Tubbs has been ill 4-- H East Garland Miss Maurine Oyler who is workat ing in Logan spent the week-en- d her home and visiting with relatives. Mrs. Jouia Yearsley and family of Woodruff, Idaho, and Mrs. Francis Allen and daughter Vera of Portage, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sorensen. Early Tuesday the M. I. A. girls of our community returned home after having spent a week at Yelow-stoNational Tark. They had a very enteresting and pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson had as their Sunday guests, Misses Maurine and Norma Oyler. The Relief Society met Tuesday, July 15, 1929, at the home of Mrs. Henry Sorsensen. An unusual inci dent, which was a surprise to many, was the presence of Mrs. Mary Sorensen, who has been an invalid for many years. The Relief Society always holds one or two meetings with her each year; but all felt to rejoice that she was able to be wheeled to another home. We hope to see her in our ward house in the near future. Aftet a pleasant social time, the hostess, assisted by her sisters, served cool refreshments to thirty-thre- e guests." Mrs. Alva Rhodes and daughters, June and Dorothy, spent Saturday in Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and family were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes. ne curves III A BRILLIANT PERFORMER The Whippet's higher com- pression engine gives more than 20 added horsepower with faster speed and greater hill -- climbing ability. Whippet is the only car with all these advantages: Extra long wheel-bas- e, oversize balloon tires, WHIPPET 6 SEDAN Balance, 13 monthly mentis full force-fee- d All H'illn-Ovirla- . ut seven-bearin- INC. paKtat onJf $329.00 WHIPPET 4 COACH own ptymcnt only Balance, matt. lubrication, silent timingchain, invar-strpistons, "Finger -- Tip Control," and, in the Six, a heavy g crankshaft. Down pay ni f. 4. TJtdo, Ohio, fin and ipenjicationi nbject It low-pric- ed IOLLDO. OHIO have h. around sharp $7.50 The Opportunity -- during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Voygt of Park City spent Thursday and Friday here with Mr .and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield. They were enroute to their home, after spending a week touring in Yellowstone Park. Edward Tubbs and son, Blaine of Ogden, visited with Mrs. Franci3 Tubbs Sunday. Phyllis and Thelma Woods, of Fielding have been visiting here, Sunday. They sang two songs at the evening meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peters and three children of California, are at the home of Mrs. Phoebe Ward, mother of Mrs. Peters. Miss Iris Lillywhite of Brigham is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Fracy Welling this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy were at Brigham Monday on business. Mrs. Phoebe Ward entertained at dinner Sunday for her children. It was the first time the entire family had been together for fifteen years. were: Mr. Those from and Mrs. Melvin Peters and children of California, Mrs. Nephi Bott and children of Logan, Wilford Ward of Park City, Dwight and Ira Ward of Centerville. Tom Udy spent Saturday and Sunday at Grouce Creek. Mrs. Karl Jenson and Mrs. Phil Fryer of Brigham City called at the T. J. Udy home Tuesday. Mrs. Lee. mother of Mrs. Leland Capener, came up from Salt Lake last week, to visit with her daughter. Joseph Lillywhite of Brigham visited with his daughter, Mrs. T. R. Welling, Tuesday and Wednesday. Steep Hills p WILLYS. OVERLAND, been hoping and looking for Sunday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen. H. C. Hansen went to Mink Creek, Idaho, Saturday, to visit relatives. He was in company with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Demont Dockstader, Miss Hulda Meister, and Mrs. Getz and Rasmus Hansen of Bear River City. three children called on Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen to enjoy a Mulberry treat, Mrs. Dockstader had not Monday. seen any for 20 years. They ought to name their place Mulberry Farm. If there is others who would enjoy the same treat just come along. A crowd of boys from Garland en joyed a swim in the Bear River Sunday. They got in a hurry to return to work in Tremonton, hit a rut in the A road and landed in the drain-ditcbroken window and a bend fender, was all the damage done to the car. One of the boys received a minor cut. It was necesary to get a team to pull the car out. They were quite lucky but it ought to be a lesson not to go so NEW SUPERIOR $250.00 It monthly pay Line include! Con fx, Sedan, Roadittr, Touring, Commercial Ckauu. WhipPET FOURS AND SIXES Heitz & Winzeler Auto Co. PHONE 16 TREMONTON, UTAH., |