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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929. -- ! J I East Tremonton 1 J above Mantua. Mrs. W. E. Young-- children, drove to Malad City on Fri and Mrs. Claude Gilbert, acted as day. Several of the Stake Mr .and Mrs. E. A. Rower and chaperons. , children spent Tuesday evening with The Garfield reunion was held at ' In the day time they enjoyed several- C. F. Shaw. the J. O. Garfield home on the 4th of; hikes. In the evening dancing, groupThe Misses Violet and Isabel Jen July. There were 74 persons present, PiaW. and candy makin, sen of were the guests of Old On Wednesday evening the 50 of whom were from Draper,' Mrs. J. R. Owens, the latter part of Eureka. Salt Lake City, Ogden, and Testament Class went to Crystal ine weeK. A bounteous Springs and enjoyed Sheriden. Wyoming. dancing and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Evans and CLEAN QUARTERS dinner was served at 2 o'clock, then a : swimming. Mrs. Evans, mother of Mrs. John Mline program and sports, were enjoyTndaw vninir th "RnnV nf ARE MOST VITAL Adams of Brigham were in Corinne on ed until 6, o'clock, when ice cream and mon" cass wjtn Laran Anderson and afternoon as rewere Tuesday they n caKS were servea. mere were fc,zra liurt teachers, enjoyed swim turning to Promontory from a trip up young men present, who were ing in Crystal Springs followed by Logan Canyon. Cannot Escaps Pan to the pleasure dancing and lunch. cousins, which added W. T. Brown, of the Pure Bred Pigs of the occasion. Miss Annie FitzMr .and Mrs. W. A. Reynolds, Mr, Swine Co., spent Tuesday in sites in Foul Pens. gerald, Mrs. Annie Perry, Mrs. Emma and Mrs. W. T. Brown, of Ogden Corinne while on his way tonight Burlev. Mrs. and Lizzie Mrs. Cutler Garfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. A Idaho. Heber Garfield remained over the Older. Probably there is no more common Mr. W. E. Young, received word of week-enMrs. E. H. Parker was a Brigham the death of Mr. Younz's sister. Mrs. or more serious parasite of domestic Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garfield left City visitor on Saturday last. John McGregor on Mr. and animals than the common roundworm last week for a trip into Idaho, where Mrs. Winifred Jarvis Worthy Mat Mrs. Young went toMonday. once of swine. These worms, says U. F. at Ogden and Mrs. Evelyn Smith, Past on receiving word of her death. they visited many friends and I'ourne of the veterinary division, Colatives. Worthy Matron of Corinne, Chapter Mrs. Lenord Mattson of .Salt Lake orado Agricultural college, ordinarily The Daughters of the Pioneers Io. 11, D. E. S. were calling on Mrs City is spending this week with her occur in the small intestines but are entertained in honor of Mrs. George C F. Shaws, Wednesday evening Mrs. Allen Sarah mother, and grand frequently found invading the Ed. Ryan of Pasadena, California, adja Brough's 74th birthday, last Thursday mother, Mrs. Jsarah Lonmer. . several the at the home of Mrs. O. L. Brough. in Connne, spent days The following item is coDied from cent organs, particularly the bile ducts of the liver. Tyrell and Austin Seager and j last of the week on business. the Granger (Wyoming) News: Ervine Garfield returned from their Jack Holland of Evans was trading It Is practically Impossible to raise Mrs. George Davis, formerly Miss from worms i:i quarters trip to lellowstone 1'ark last Sunday. in Corinne Saturday evening. Alice I recirickerson of Corinne. Utah T'TS fr-Miss Margaret Jeffers of Sheriden,' The Valley Rebekah Lodge will hold is which J:::ve been used fur ho;; raisins m and about being highly praised Wyoming, was a guest last week of a meeting on Wednesday evening for Granger, Wyoming, for her heroic for yei:rs because the soil is polluted Miss Olive Garfield. initiation. rescue of Miss Irene Anderson of with millions of evgs passed by aniMr. and Mrs. Levon Green and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Higgins and Kemmerer, who is spending the sum mals of years, each ep:g conchildren of Sheriden, Wyoming, were daughter, Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Luke mer at with her sister. Mrs taining aprevious Granger live Mrs. of Sarah Lo last embryo Garfield ready to launch Vourine and three children from guests Clarence Adams. The young ladies Its attack when week and on July 4th attended the gan, were visitnig Mr. and Mrs. J. R. were the ingested spending the afternoon swim pig. llecau.se of this factbyIt is young Garfield reunion. Owens Sunday afternoon. imporwhen Miss Anderson was caught ming Mr. and Mrs. Wm Checketts and Mr. W. E. Young received word of in an undercurrent. Hearinsr her calls tant that all farrowln'g pens be either Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Stratton visit- the death of his sister, Mrs. McGeg- - ior help Mrs. Davis managed to reach located on clean ground or that they ed at the Charles Peterson home on ory of Ogden her after she had gone under the be thoroughly scrubbed with boiling wat Mrs. Clay Harnett and three child- third time, it was with Sunday. great difficulty ter and lye. Ordinary antiseptics do Jed Abbott returned to Monte Cristo ren, Alice, Jack and Beatrice, from inai jvirs. uavis swam to the shore no in so far as destroying worm on Monday after a few days at home. Salt Lake City, are spending this where she was assisted bv Miss larvae Is concerned. Mrs. L. E. Abbott was visited last week, with Mrs. Barnett's parents, Kathenne Trusk in bringing the al born Into a clean environment week by her daughters, Mrs. Joe Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Parker. most lifeless body of Miss Anderson andI'igs L. E. Howard and sister, Mrs. Wini- to Crowther, Mrs. Childs, and Mrs. kept free from contact with old safety. of Salt Lake City and by her fred Jarvis and daughters, Helen and infected pens escape the various hazsisters, Mrs. Jim Melius and Mrs. Winifred, and Mrs. C. J. Smith of ards accompanying worm infestation. Nora Smith, of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Brigham, were calling at A. R. g It Is desirable to move them from NANCY Milton Hess, of Farmington, and a and S. A. Older's on Wednesthese clean pens into open fields or brother, Horace Hess of Ashton, Ida. day evening. OWN pastures wherever this is possible Miss Hazel Johns of Ogden spent Mrs. F. W. Klock of Salt Lake City and to keep them away from infected week-end the at the Geo. Beal home. came up Friday evening to attend VI SOMETHING IN SILVER Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough attended Royal Neighbor Lodge and visited quarters until they are at least four Possibly five out of seven of the or five months of age. A good deal the Sunday School party at Udy Hot Mrs. .Sarah Allen until Saturday people who came to Nancy Lee to ask can be accomplished by afternoon. springs last Wednesday. ordinary saniMrs. Dot Fridal spent Monday in Mrs. Arthur Smith and Mrs. Emil ner advice in the matter of selecting a tary measures in removing the filth for a special purpose or occasion, Brigham City, visiting her parents, Rohwer, of Brigham, were calling on gift said something like this: "I don't want which accumulates in hog pens and iu Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Merrill. Mrs. C. F. Shaw on Saturday. the use of sanitary wallows. Miss Lydia Hyer of Lewiston, is the A work car of the Western Union anything big or showy just a little Removal of worms from adult pigs know I'd like be to it someguest of her aunt, Mrs. K. H. Fridal Telegraph Co., has been standing on gift, you Is best done by a qualified veteri in silver, because silver is althing for the week. the track at Corinne, several days, Miss Mae Fridal had as Sunday while the crew are working on the ways good; but nothing elaborate, vou narian since no simple treatment seems to be very effective. understand. guests., Mr. and Mrs. N. Storr and coast to coast telegraph line. .Small silverware separate pieces Mrs. L. W. Kling, who left here for family of Salt Lake City and Mrs. didn't wonder at the, requests. Sarah Fridal of Bear River City, Ruth, Nevada, in April is now at the Nancy Money in Raising Pigs home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Every housekeeper, every bride, every woman of her acquaintance, whether Tucker in Washington. by Saving Little Ones she lived in apartment, house, or hotel, Miss Ingeborg Hendrickson of Brig-hoThe sure way to make money rais welcomed a gift of silver. spent Sunday at the home of her is to save them. Every lit "For the ing pigs modest the really gift, parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Hendrick- kind of present that often must stand tle pig that is lost increases the cost The Corinne Sea Gull Girls in con- son of Corinne. Her sister Annie, of those saved. Very commonly one with an array of expennection with several other camps returned home with her after having comparison sive I recomwedding gifts. third to the pigs farrowed always spent Tuesday and Tuesday night at spent the week in Brigham. mend the relish and bon bon dishes," cne before time. A Mr. and Mrs. John Brangle and two at Beylmia, the young Ladies Home weaning Nancy said frankly to her friends and farrowing lime is worth or haspigcost clients. "No, they're not new. but $3, and it pays well you don't want novelty so much as approximately to keep as many of them alive as pos want you Another A Symbol nice quality. very Jgift to send a young couple is a pair sible. Aim to be on hand when the ui napKin rings we re using .napkin sow farrows to see that everything To more than 2(1,000,000 Metropolitan policyholders in the United goes well and that the little pigs get rings again, you know. States and Canada its majestic size typifies the strength and magni"The coaster sets, with pierced sil- their first meal as soon as possible. tude of the Company in which they are protected. ver rims, are also good. A silver Then, be sure they have a place to In 1928 the Metropolitan's assets reached the stupendous total of bowl and spoon, designed for either keep warm. Have a guard rail around a for the of $2,695,475,905, $306,828,329. Every cent of gain year jelly or whipped cream, is th or a protected corner with these assets belongs to the Company's policyholders. too and mighty useful. I know most pen of the bedding in this protected The a is the hostess who uses a set like I young Metropolitan, biggest, fastest growing life insurance this constantly; it's large enough to place. company in the world. It is the one through which you should hold a creamed vegetable for lunchguarantee your family's protection. Expert help in arranging the best insurance program for you will be given by eon and she says it tickles her sense Shrinkage in Weight or economy to be able to offe a left of over in such style that a guest thinks L. C. Shipping Steers ne is being served a special dish. When steers are shipped to market PHONE GARLAND R. F. D. im very fond of the vegetable there is always some shrinkage or dishes, especially those that will hold loss In weight. By Representing proper handling two or three kinds. These usually it is METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY possible to reduce this loss. aia proviuea witn covers, though very clever plate has compartments Steers which have been getting a full ior two vegetables and a bowl for feed of corn and alfalfa hay should sauce or gravy and of course, has no have their grain somewhat reduced Frozen Salads and Desserts Win Praise These Hot Days TS - J cijsn-tee- d. rel-iro- n, ; . Sco-fiel- d, LEE HAS NOTIONS Kaf-ton'- - HER Corinne , Y I fat-ric- cup evaporated milk prepared 1 Vt cup rliopped of Strength 1 lf E I cover. SIX SPEEDS FORWARD Two Reverse 1 Vz Ton Trucks WITH DUAL TRANSMISSIONS I wY illlt Get Yours Now IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BODY TYPES AVAILABLE STAKE BODY STOCK RACKS PANEL BOii SCHOOL BUS BODY LOW COST TRANSPORTATION Utah Auto & Imp. Co. UTAH .! 13 M t W . i I mm. i wi ,i . , if not auuui cancuesticKs : came the question with unfailing regularity. "Lovely," Nancy invariably ed "The low sticks are usedrespondwith console sets, although theremostly is no nara ana last rule about this . The taller candlesticks are graceful this question of height is simply a matter ui taste. "Salt and pepper shakers, in nairs or tiny ones in sets of six; the silver compotes, vases; adorable vnu uuxes, giass-iinecunning .iKaieike servers, mane on the order of the familiar something spoon holder anu quite as decorative; and the table lighters which are as useful as thev are ornamental these are all odd pieces of silver that can not fail to piease tne recipient. not aish trivet-- sandwich plates ami uasKets, me sugar r.nfl creamers, i tray ior the same b.xad travs, cake plates, condiment sets, casserole noiders, mm bowls, ice tubs, gravy boats, marmalade jars, cheese and cracker plates conventional and traditional and in silver always welcome," Nancy Lee, making out lists, explained. 'Then, for the purely personal gift, boudoir silver is charming," she added. 'Have you seen the perfume trays? Some clever craftsman must have sighed for th.? ruined bureau tops where careless girls have spilled perfume on fine polished woods for now you may buy a mirror silver or gold mounted, and the trav, perfume dropper and atomizer stand on that. Powder boxes, jewel cases, atomizers and droppers, silver photograph frames, candy boxes for her own supply of sweets, are all distinctive gifts to give a girl. If she's modern, she will dote on the toilet ware in the sharp angle effects. And take this hint from a real girl whose preferences were being consulted in mv hearing by an admiring uncle. " 'If you want to give me just one piece for my dresser, make it one of those spiffy d mirors,' she said. 'I want a handle yards make me feel so elegant'." gold-line- a day or two before shipping and given mostly prairie hay or fodder In place of alfalfa. Steers which have been getting a good deal of silage should be fed dry fodder before shipment to market Arrange to ship so that the cattle will arrive at the stock yards during the night or early la the morning so they can take on a fill before the buyers bid on them. d; PHONE 28 long-hande- y TOBACCO CH EWERS HE WARE Now that stenographers sport bare legs, a man who relishes his daily chew of "trb.nccrr" has to be doubly careful where he spits. Step On The Gas "The dang motorist what kiled that chicken," remarked the irate farmer, "should be kicked by a jackass and I'd like to do it." traction trip ever made up Pike's Peak, 200 turns in 12 miles at record The Firestone tread speed. the Studebakers protected which went 30,000 miles in 26,326 minutes. Get new Gum-Dipp- ibre. UTAH AUTO & LSttenln Monday Night IMPLEMENT CO. PHONE 28 TREMONTON, UTAH IT'S ICE THAT KEEP 'EM FRESH! Live Stock Hints A well-ice- d larder means fresh, wholesome victuals in warm, wilt- ing weather. Most men will do fairly well to keep an ordinary supply of live stock In good condition and. paying its way. EVERY DAY Our iceman passes your door to take your order. BESSINGER BROS. This year there is a nation wi le movement amo::g seep raisers to pat on a docking and castrating campaign. As In the oise of all other live stock, care and attention are the main essentials in producing good hogs for early market. I Firestone Tires strongest, toughest, most dar- - d; long-the- (TEJ for FIRESTONE , TREMONTON, Ail '11 g, Christopherson DUMP BODY , s. 43-A- -4 EXPRESS BODY cho-olat- e . GRAIN SIDES - - good-lookin- PLATFORM BODY e whit cherries for whipping cup chopped 2 tbsp. lomon juice apricots 1 1 small orange, cup mayonnaise cup pecans chopped cup crushed. drained pineapple Heat milk to boiling point Chl!l In bowl surrounded by ice and salt. Whip until stiff. Add lemon Juice and mayonnaise and fold In lightly but thoroughly. Chop pecans and add chopped fruits. Then fold Into mixture. Turn into freezing pan and place In mechanical refrigerator. From 6 to 8 2 tbsp. flour Vi cup boiling hours required for freezing. This 2 tbsp. sugar water salad may also be poured into a 2 egg yolks, beaten M cup vinegar Mix dry ingredients in top ol freezing mold or an ice cream can mix- double boiler. Add egg yolks, thes and packed with a 1:3 salt-ic- e ture. About 3 or 4 hours will be re- butter and diluted milk gradually; quired for freezing. Yield: 10 serr-log- stirring constantly to keep smooth, Cook over hot water 15 minutes. ReFrozen Cheese Salad move from fire. Cool and add V cup evaporated cup mayonnaise vinegar. Yield: 114 cups. milk prepared y, cup chopped Creamy Salad Dressing dates for whipping S tbsp. lemon juice hi cup crushed, i cup evaporated 1 tbsp. fruit Juice ox. cheese cream drained 1 cup cooked t ( 1 small milk 1 tbsp. sugar pkg. ) salad dressing pineapple milk to Heat Chill and whip evaporated mils. boiling point and chill in a bowl surrounded by Add sugar and fruit juice, then fold chipped ice and salt Add lemon into salad dressing. Especially nlcej Juice and fold in. Mash cheese and for fruit salads. Yield: 6 servings. ' Ford Blend until soft and smooth. Fold into whipped milk. Add fruit and mix lightly but thoroughly Turn into freezing pan and place la mechanical refriger ator. About 3 hours required tot freezing. This salad may also bo poured into a freezing mold or am Ice cream can and packed with a 1:3 salt-Icmixture and frozen lik. a mousse. Yield: 6 servings. Chocolate Mousse I cup evaporated cup boillnj t water milk prepared 7 tbsp. sugar for whippingI sn. bitter t egg yolks Pinch salt cup evaporated i up. vanilla. milk Chill the one cup of milk In bowl surrounded by chipped ice and salt Melt chocolate in top part of double poller over hot water. Put the 14' cup muK ana tne water in top pan of a second double boiler and add sugar. Heat to scalding point Pour over well beaten egg yolks, stirring Add salt Return to constantly. double boiler and cook over slowly boiling water live minutes stirring continuously to keep smooth. Pour egg mixture slowly over melte-- 4 chocolate stirring vigorously. Thli mixture is smooth and shiny. Cool and add vanilla. Whip milk until ' mixture stiff and fold chocolate-mil- k lightly but thoroughly into whipped , milk. Turn into cold freezing pan and place in mechanical refrigerator immediately. About 5 hours required for freezing. This mousse may alsa be poured into a freezing mould or an ice cream can and packed with ai 1:3 salt-icmixture. About 3 or 4 hours will be required for freezing. Yield: 6 servings. Cooked Salad Dressing 1 tsp. salt 2 tbsp. butter 1 tap. mustard cup evaporated milk diluted wltA Dash cayenne aid mayonnaise. m one-ha- I Prudence Goodhue have prepared a series recipes for frozen salads desserts made with evapo rated milk. I am sure of their wel come, too, because dost of them bare come to me from women who have solved that very modern prob lem of how to enjoy rich, sweet tast ing foods and yet retain that school girl figure. sFor the secret of the popularity of evaporated milk In the preparation of salads and desserts lies. In part, in the fact that while It Imparts a rich creamy flavor. It Is much more "lean" than the cream. Evaporated milk has many other good qualities when used where cream is usually called for, but I doubt if its popularity would be so great were it not for the fact that It Is so comparatively fat free yet rich to the taste. This is because the 8 per cent of butter fat contained In evaporated milk is so thoroughly broken up and d!stributed through out the body of the substance that the taste buds actually encounter more fatty surfaces than they do in cream containing 23 per cent butter fat. Frozen Fruit Salad By Manufacturers of 23-4-2- ICE BEVERAGES OF ALL KINDS SWEET CIDER IN SEASON 9 Thone 36 good hos oiler kept filled with old crnnkense oil, diluted with' coal oil. and a little coal tar dip added, will hold Ihe lice In check and keep down mange or scurf. A Is always the Since prevention cheapest remedy, all sheep should be carefully dipped twice each spring, soon after shearing. The cost Is small, the benefit considerable. At the earliest possible age the colt should he fed oatmeal and bran, l, corn and legume hay. He may he weaned at four to six months of ago, depending on his condition. Sheep will overeat of salt If It Is supplied only at Intervals. Keep It before them at nil times. Good beef calves that get a little with their mothgrain In a ers milk are being sold fat at weaning time at $00 to fSO per head. creep-alon- Cheap pork comes with an abundance of clean water of the right temperature. Have fountains that prevent the hogs from making a mudhole about It. A healthy hog needs water close to Ids feed. Notice to Farmers! We Will Call for and pay cash for dead or useless horses and cows. Just ring Logan 40 and ask the operator to reverse the charges and Zip! we'll have some one there. Colorado Aninia! products Co. P. 0. Box 104 By- Iojan, Utah ' ' :i - 3 1 v a |