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Show 1 11AILU0AD HATTERS. ; rraaliiant 'lark ol the I'alna l'ac flc Talk 00 Hattira of lutrreal 10 lUb-Low larol.il llatM. P.ailtfanlH. 11. H. Clark, manailtu recaleer of Iba Unlou l'aclllo, on bit return to Omaha from hla Uur of lu iiaclluo of Iba weitern lloei, waa lu. tervlewtd by ft VorldUerald raoorter. He la qu ited aa aaylli: Wlilla In Halt Lake 1 had oonfer-auca oonfer-auca wild (jeurne 1. Cannon and olbela Inleraalad lu Ibe ojoilruoilonul Ibe road between Halt Lake aud l.oa Auuelva. They talk Taiy bo:ul and are ronndeut of their ability to build II. I told thrm that It required a giei d. al ol uiom-y 10 build any klud or a road, and that the turn lo eouatiuol ancli a load aa Ihey .ro,oied Would b enorn ua, but lliey are ooufldeul thai limy ran rai.e the uiouvy aud cairy Ibe load 'o oumitletloii, "l.e oompany dealiee ta uaa the ('Dion l-.tillo Horn H.lt Lake to Mil. I. .id and from MlllirJ coulliiuene con.t.uoUou. 1 told tb.u that Ibla would he faeorable and llial a Ir.fllr affreini.nl rould .robably li" li.o!r Wllh the Union PaullV. olTlli tH'"' acr.ae to Kail Lake. Wnen tney I r . pi.tn to brum the oonitrucuou ol III. r nt I do not kii'.w. It will he a.t.ral nmnllia yet li-lore li-lore (he dreon eH'orl Line an.i Ijinli Northern leav.a In Union TaeHlr n.ni,"aid Mr. Ciri,".iid I i" 1 .ay that It would be Oivnnef I bef re anytlihiK d, niille li known about the load. Ih. I'la.l ol r.orialliaallon l l be HI. Jo". li ()rn,l l.land baa I111I b.. n ojiu, leio l a .d I .re.um II will b. .. me llii.e 1.1 1 re the I'lall la .ul In operation .ml tlie road la laaeli out 1, 1 ti.e reieiTrra' handa and o..rai. .J ln.l,..eiidentl)'. It baa not y.l lian .l.ci.'OJ whe.lieror not wa will o,eu UaiDi ld ll.,ch tlila aeaaqu, bul I nine dial wa will.'1 |