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Show ! A DAY OF DOOM!: Ken, Women and Children Hurlsd to Death by a Fierce Tornado. TERRIFIC WORK OF THE DESTROYER South St. Louis Littered With Dead Bodies East St. Louis a Gigantic Cemetery. Other Towns Swept Amost Out of Existence Dead and Dying Everywhere. THE SWIFT, DARK WHIRLWINDS RUINOUS PATH. VESSELS AND PASSENGERS ENGULFED IN THE MISSISSIPPI. Ill Mtarj Itulldliig Vali-l im Fir by Hi I ueimia Mlajil Irniii Wrecked, m-eel are l.rliirnrd-lleldi- una floats lr.lruid-lliindfds uf Human llelng lliirhil Ihurmli lit- l brie- Si liool. Ilul U aud f linrlthtin ti lK(tn In Ituln, err lug lutnalra la lKlh-I.iaUliili. ud lire add lu lhe Trrrure of lb Am lnl imitation. i nr. Lotus, May 2). Two hundred I ) llvtssnulled out In I ln ctly and ns i many oiun lo F.sst Ht. Louts, property ; destroyed In value running up Into lullilous, It lha record wade by tba li7ib Uy uf May, IbU-i, This lea ounserva li te estimate. IS o possible Idea of tha nu tuber of j p oila killed In the tornado that iwi, . , i MiU vlolnlty yesterday afternoon nan I be made at llili tlnie. Houlli Ht, Louis -l 1 llllarad with the bodies or the dead. I Fast Ht. Louis la a gigantic oemelory. il'uder Ilia debris of tUo buildings of that oily are tco tea burled, whoes , lodlee will not be brought to Iba 11 lit I f many days, perhaps naTer. It was ' l Ilia oioit disastrous storm from every i point of view lu llio hi i lory of lbe : H.ulliWMt. Tha atorm did little dam- age In the business and uorllisrn ! puitlons of tlie city, vara along tha liver front, WUam tho damage cannot be riilnmlfU; nor will It ever he iDuwn Just bow meuy gave up their live lu tho waters of lue Mississippi Missis-sippi when tha tornado cams down and lure all Ilia buais In tha harbor ' Ironi their moor lugs. Tho channel I full of wreckage, lu Buuth Hi. Luts 1 tha storm spool IU turo. All tha way i from i'aplu street to Csrondulet it put a, lamp on the Isco of the oily that will not be disced fur yean, ills, i strong buildings fell bsfore the wiud Ilka houacs made of cards. From I where It entered tho city, out lu tho southwestern suburb, to Where II left, somewhere near the Fsds bridge, there la a wide path f luiu. eoiuiy alter Isotury wtnl dowu aud filaa uf brick aud tlojlmre maik tho Uci on whton they etuoj. UwelhiiK" were plokeJ up aud Ihruwu lu every directum, ftutiuvat huuaee were flattened, 't here mm uo rhattie fur the eitrie of the uocupauta. The rulmouvereu hiulkuUauJ luanified Itjiilei that will not be urovred until a ytemllo rearcU in uiaUa. Tuuu randaoi famlllee ui Huiu riu liui ere hmuuleM, prantlcaily, end tba tern-I tern-I orary hufpitale aheller luurea ftud hu uuiula, i-.arly in tho slurin the plent of the 1, Clede Uae oi mpnay, at KuurteenlU , and 1'oplar treola, wee dveiruyad and h large portion of the central ptirtlou ol Hie city m rut oil fruni ItJ ga supply. sup-ply. I lilt alfunluil the ueaj.api ulllcr uvcreiy. In the Itrpubiic i.tlUe nu ttuB Ouuld be ublalubd tu ht-et tie iituielou tbu liuo ype niROinue end the tyiioltliig wee dune uu iiiai-hiueB In winch the meel wu iiiclied by blow Uiiiim. Tine fti'Oouuti lor the twi. ltd toudtilon of Hi" typograpiK h ui dupartnii'ut nf the lUcubim liit murnliirf aud alu tor U limited nit.. 'llieHvulliti line will he onpplwd lor wve k U'ciiuite of thebli'wmg down of ihepuwtr huune on Uieyer avei.u-. WiruH are uowu ell ovjr the city. l-lKH"U t Myere big lartury lu Coui--( lu lifiKht 111 ' hiijh ititd many wuieklllfd aud Irjtiifl lu Ine wreck. J. waiore were biowu dowu. boain wriuiilt end riiurrhra and ivhuol huueee were dtiuuimhed, 1-LAllbB UKKAK Ull T. . Alter tho wind end ruin hu doua IU work, Hi adund to the 4ieatruuttur. HiiRB'MnHI wm tho flrl lu bevuino united em! It to'.elly domuymi m li of i.VV""'. tUrni itaireil fai-tory, marly fifty loiiird cera in tttit Uuulnal yaidf, lyuch' buar-ili houw, ili-id'e feed iiorf, Le' hiecttriii.lh iUup and other tiiiHiiir ilcn wen burord. lhe d-atruotiuu d-atruotiuu ol mo wler wotUa early in ihetitonu cuiotl the water eupply end t hief 1'urdy huh hin uuu fouht the llio with a bui knt bnictde ai brat tlmy could, lhu whole cnulrnl poitlou oi t the ul y wel lurealened by thuburnlhg mill, but M hand worked with eurb will mat lie further eprvad wu pre nted. The flie oauied CDUlerna- , Hon. lll'WAN l'iVKH INflllbriOlKNT. 1 Whan tbo flrat ovldnnoo of the ap I proacbing etorui bexan to fthpesr, every Lglner on the nvrr gut up full tam In wider tu be able to o nibel the e lament, lied II been anything but 1 e tornado tile piobaole title would hee aided the orewe of lhe textile re lu eav lug their craft, Uut the onelaught wee eu violent that lha orewe fouud their eflurUi only aulllolenl lo aid tuem lightly In directing the course of their twate. The atemmer l'lttaburg, of th Iramond Joe ln., the eh emrr City ol Vlekuhurg end the I'rovldeuoe of the 1'olunibian KsptMltlou cmiatiy; the Captain Mouruv, of the Anchor Hue, ud many uf tho eiuallrr cralt were ptirbed and loed about uutll Ilia floe I blaal rem them from their nuohoragv. lhe lurni iweil diagonally aoruee Hie river and ttruok the IUiuoIr buk,wlih Inrreaet-d lury. The loia tit life lit the water ou the et aide eeerue to be light, aa every Itody was cautioned not to Jump aod everybody wa carrhd aaitly to laud, lha City of Vlekuhurg la alraoat total wreck. The City of 1'rovldeuoo waa blown up on tho I Minute bank. Her rudder, cabin and emoke tang are gone, Tho Ht. louu end HI. i'aul pack ft com pan it teamerHl. i'aul lied elarted tor Keo kuk wheu the toroadu atruek the oity. Hh hae not bren brard from luce. Hhe had a full oabln Hal. The Italia of Caihouo, and the Llhbie (ondnr whlrh wero moored near ('hoteau avenue, ware a I moat totally bmkeu up. Tbo Kllen U. Hmlth, tho harbor b-at, waa blown away uowu the rlvrr aud waa wrecked near Araanal Iilind. It le thouaht no Uvea were lout cu tbla boat. The ilramer hd. Harvetter, of the Mluuurt Valley 1'rNiiHitoitallon eompany wu alao torn from Ite dork and oarrled down the river. Many berolo acta were per formed lu the aavlug of Uvea aa are ult of the alurm. When the City uf Muoroe had luted away Jioiu tbo anohur hue wharf there were about forty paeaengera on board aud a lul crew, aa the boat waa Juet making rt-ady fur lha trip tu New Orleana. When the mouriuga finally gave way the buat lurched uvt-r un lta atarboard Ida aud ueaily oajwlsed. The move ment thiew ueariy all tha frelfbt lo tnr atarbuard aide aud served to huld the boat lu Ha perlluue poiltiou. Captain Viewer made a reaiiurlng l -eoti to Hie puaeqgerB, which ilihlly ((Uleted the extreiuo exul lenient. le-nient. Ho and ibey were all Whm the boat alruck the lilluoia liauk the capiat n waa ul lu be found. A lug had a marvelous escape from drowuliiit wbeu tha boat we- blown from ite moorluKe at the foot uf Washington avenue. Ou board were Ihrt e men and two women, the lattur Jennie Miller, o tok, and imuia ulan, chauibirmaiu. When Hie :urui Dioke the meu were ou di-ok aud the wmubU bolow. Tue uuieaaw that tne eioriu wa lu to a bar J on and be ginlorihii the alarm bell, l'hou tne aiuaiuer Uragoug wnU-h left lta oionr ltiKa wa biown out tutu theatrearn. Ai me euie moiiirnl the Holpulu'a ropea parted Mild Hie tug btgati tu ililp eHttr. 1 'ie Wind blew hur ealuat the bndgf. Wlitlf title wita Kulng ou the Witnru auJ the meu ou the buet Oiluibud to tho Uti er ducks. Wbrti Hie buat airuoH tue briuga those on hoard had lo Uxdge to escape the Iron Morkofthu stiuoiuiv. luo ikiale S4W thoru wa no nope It tlwy aiacd ou b.mrd. Jrunle Miller WuHlhtillrat lo cditiuouthe iron w -rk. hue was a titled by two uf the moil While the mule stayed ou deck tu help i.ruma Nolan. As she swuii helhblf to Ui tiHuma lhe Ual dulled awuy aud sank hoforo tho eyes uf the br iflcd crew, rtiowiy with tne wlui blowing with a force Hial uausfd tho big siructura to Muk like a oredle, tba three brave weo aaisaaaasaejasssi f" I '" 1 aoilated the women on tha lahnrimit chnibto tba madway. Heveml timet ilit-y were nearly hiwu '! They finally rrsoht-d lhe railroad track on the bridge where tlu-y lay down until lhe lull loroa of lhe atorm was pasted. Tney ihr-n crawled to the Wathiugton avruuestalloo. Tbu Ht. Loula Uefrlgerator and Wooden (iutter oompany's entire plant nn Main aod 1'atk sirr-. waa Ueeiroyed, Tua plant ooneia:ed uf a lturtory factory, fuursiory warehoue, a blrycle factory aud several smaller bulidlnus. Whan lhe cyclone struck the plant there were at work between 4K and rV men and womeu The top tloruMuf tha waiebuee and factory were blown off. fortunately there were only a few eople uu lha top fl mrandall but Iwo ara thought to bava escaped with alight injuri.a. Oaa oi the employee waseeen shortly alter tha oraab, and ha waa punitive that at leaallwool bis fellow workmen had beu burled tu the ruins, Kire broke out In the warehouse just alter the lop Door was drstroyed. The pauio-strlokeo amidiiyes rushed ill m-ll from the buililings, leaving mauy disabled behind be-hind tnem. To aod to lhe horror, hundreds of plena os bavy lumber from adjoining luruLer yards came llylug through the air aud forced many back Into the biasing buildings. Alarms were sent lu from all the fire alarm bmea In the neighborhood, but the wires were al reaoy useless. Chief Hwlngley hap lened ho ha crossing tho fourteenth street bridge at the lima aud saw Hie hlaie. ite drove to tbo nearest engine house and piloted tha apparatus ti tha die. liy the time tho engtue arrived tue warehouse was a mate of llinvt aud the Are bad already spread tu the factory aoroso the alley. The ground for blocks around wae covered with lumber and brick, aud lha fire plugs near Ine business buildings were under tutsans of debris. It waeeutuellnie bnfnra water oould be secured and much dlfllouliy was ex)erlenoed In drag-ting tue hoie to lh building. The chief burned vtt attar more apparatus aod euouede I lu getting several oumpanles lo lha fir. It waa seen that tho entire planl was doomed so the main efTurlaof lh Us paritneut were direoled Inward preventing pre-venting the spread of thetlniues. At Id o'clock the fire was uuder control aud al midnight it was praulloaily out, THE PATH Ok THK Ul-MTItUYEH, Ht. Louin, May a7. Tha tornado proper was preceded by a 0rae blow from the oast. Htroug and steadily the wind came and then It awelled to a hi - icaue and there were three dlstluot attacks whloti ripped up rou'a aud ooimuenoed tba geuaral destruction which followed. Wbeu this wind mot one which was coming from tha suuih-wool suuih-wool the tornado was born aud returning return-ing legau Its work of dtstruotlon. it truck Ht. Lioula on lite aoutuwest at a point Just north uf Tower Urovo park and traversed la a ourtheaaierly dlrro-iiun dlrro-iiun uutll It reached Uraud avanus. Kroiu thsre it followed Mill Creek val-Ivy val-Ivy tu lue river, veering ilticniiy tu thu north when It reached Tentn ilroet. Al the levee It ewuug around almuai at a right angle and swept straight up the river to beyond Venice auu Madi sun, where It vere I to the oa-l aiu. Ju Jju irom the reports of the great ul datuago done the path of the etoriu was uu an average uf leu tu Iwelvn blocks Hi width. The wurt damage was doua lu a path about S'X blocks wide, extending eaaiward iioin Urand avenue to ieutu tueei. btuiu Xj4 Fyette aveuueuu the -oulU lu the raiiiuad tracks on ths h'ftit about evury other blocs, tue wiud eaeiutid lu reacu uut and crush a lew buildings aud uurujf reslduuces . uulde uf iu maiu path. fevry aloug Chulteat aviuus from Ureud avuuuo east tu TwditU street was dowu aud tim poles end thuir heavy weight ul cabins were soaliered along the slruul. All itroaia from IS ;k avenue to Ouoleau wore lu m i mitar O HMlltlon. None of them wa r i.mIi.v witn m horeor vehii ,u wiiklg wasadiHWult snd dan... cit'rlineut. What lew tel-grsth nj h U;li ut alrrs remains 1 ai-ove frroui d w. r.-ilraid r.-ilraid y bttere I tin r .' ir m neighburlng rfaldencee and tho tin rMuad lo have been bltcV"ni)l In liken of the ruin that lis 1 iwmi brought. In tho nlghh rh cnl of J f. ferann avenue and the railrsa I tr rka and fur three blnnkt north, Inrlud'nir KtHtenla, Adams anl JandilpH tre-ts, it was linpihl t' ir1v lhrouHii snj ni-arijr tvety i-(-iia md butldln;; al i.o rilh-r of iln.ni wlthlu lb ree btuoks itUrtUiton avmur wer ntore or Irse daniagrd. At Kaat Ht. Irmls the daairurilon Wisgn-a. The houaM, lactones ana noikh ps aoog the front strcnt wrre tut to the ground and preaut- a s-d IhIU uf rum and wrack. H iw many live wtre suulTeJ out under lhe wrecks It will lake time In find an I, Tu at there Is a number uf people klllej la re Ham. Two hundred I th. uhl to be a ronsurvatl ve estimate uf Hi t ou ti her J a. I, A three story hotel of Wm. Wh knr. In which there ere Htlseii or twetiiy people went down with a orah. 11 .w iiiany or whether any uf ln gm-ats were aevvd is nut known, Auiong the bolldlnirs dertrnyed are the rlty nail, police stillon, Tremonl houae, Itnlu-mireV Itnlu-mireV Ohio and Vand-Ma railroad round bouses. Kvery ffflit'ii hiti-v on the I'lsnd, Wigxln's h'-r,y com i auy's warei oute, Htandsrd Oil work-, tlrlvaln's hotel, Workman' lank, It. Iv. Harila's cjoper shop. A THAI WHaX'KH, Ht. I,u;im, May 27. As train No. tiS.it nf the Mcicliartts leun' tl puilvd but of (Iranlte city, HI., el b:U p.tu., It wu trunk by tho second nviliii ol tho hurrlrane arid was orr: I In lit tho track, overturning bib coschea run l-dnlug 114 1 pae.etigers. l ite train Is kn'iwn as the "v:irk train" and car rleseim loyes to and fnm their work at the M ie iringhaus rolln g mills end tiiplhg work al (iratiiiv city. Hi. i eit Miller, foreman of the rolling ur dtptrttusnt sust.liiel It uns from whlcn lie dttd, Mtet Nellie Haiier man received irjurlee which may prove lalal. All the oilier paasengcrt. escaped without inwry, exuept abut forty who received s?rli:he. The domsge in Uranlle Is reported slight. .Nn words emu .ixju-tice u the h orrors ol the siurie at HeVenth and thitger atrtrts. In one wreck aione It Is known that mora thao twniy bd-ira bd-ira am still luilwdded. Klve eMocklngly uiahitUd forms were unrov-red aud removed ti4 before midniglti. Kred Mauchelmer kept a sah-oti ou the outheail corner uf Heventh snj I tut-I tut-I ger, a three story brick buiLnug fined in. h.i.J e taiiHine it h ,u-e. A few in I u nte alter the tornado struck, the structuia was a mere pile of brick, woudwurk aud plat run, and beucath it an uoknowu uu.uiMr of men, women and children ruel an aw lu l death. Ity the lltihl bt a few lanterns lan-terns AsHataut Fire Chief titust aud a Cortisol aaalttanLa labored under gre-l dllllculttee all night. Just before ui'd uiaht the (bodies ol Frid Miuchehel nier, who kept tha saloon, and U. Thomas Harry aud Wuil.nJ Klillau, the latter boys under eight yeare ol a tie, were recovered, together with that of an uoknowu meu. The searob still went on. Mauchalmer's wife and not lea ihenteuly;pf)ple,proiiably maoy more, are kuowo b he pinloueJ uuder lha tuiurd tenemsut. The bodies ol the five were taken lu Adolpb Oyer's livery stable, near al baud. Ibey preeented a frightful appearand. In au adjoltilug apartment of the stable were tha remains of an uld French wurueu sattl to bava bsen laaen frutu the demollahsd three si ry building ofierated as a grocery by F. 11, (luudiach, on the opiioslie ouruwr at i:tol south Heventli. It waa staled that mure bodies are In this latter wreck while a few yards south al 1.1A6 tbree.tuore people are knowu to bava bsu 'caught In Iba suddenly collaj sed home. I 'lha LsCleda (laa company's tank at ! Fourlaeiitli and Uraliul was itruuk by ; Jlghtuing and exploded. Hamuel Cupplus'e woodenwara company's com-pany's warehuuso mi bevenUi aud Hpruoe wae burued. Htx unkuowu men were taken out of the rulusofft bug faulury al Mlulb aud harry. The foundling asylum at Hickory and F.lru la a complete) wreck, Ou Houlh Jedereuu avenue four One rest deuces ware completely wrecked. lie hales' lumber yark was struck by llghtuluc and destroyed, and Aonuu oiatluu oh u rob ai HixtU aud La Halle waa blown duwu. A street car was overturned at F.lghth aod fark and oruaheJ au un kuowo mail. Others wet Injured, Mrs. Hophia 1. Msrtlua killed by flying timbers uu Clark and TwalltU Slieet, uoly ona Identified. 'lha Hi. Louis Craoaer Company's bulldiug at Llghlosulh and Choieau la a wreuk. Owlug to tho absence of any lights no pruxiess cau be made and work In searching lhe ruing lor tha dead Is loW, AhKlMI toU AID. Chief of Police llerngnn baa race led tula appeal: Ht. l.niia. May 7.Clilat JUrrl gau: We hereby uituy you that a terrible calamity has befaliu us lu the way ol water, alurm end Are. Within the leal two hours death aud deaiiuo-Hon deaiiuo-Hon have bvou folluWeJ by wire aud we ask fur the liumedlste nld fur the uflitriug aud dtmd, l'leaua aeud lire uuglnes as sonn as poimiole, J. T. MAttTJMt:, Culsf of IV J Ice, Tha excursion attaiuari City of Vloksburg aod City uf 1'rovideuoo, lying al the fool uf Olive a treat, wt-rs hiuwuaut aud Uoatsd Uowu tne river badly damaged, Uiattioud Joe steamer steam-er flltsturg, lying at the fool uf Wab lugton avenue was washed out aud ttualed dowu. Tne Fagle oompauy's boat aod leu river pan a is were hlnwn away and floated dowu. Auohor Line packet Capialii Mourue, broke Irom fctr mouriiigs at the wharf at Chestnut stieet aud was biowu aoroa the river in the e4 t side. l'.tseugsra ad saved. Hleamer Hulls of Csinouu broKe iron, tier muoribga and U jaied itnu (Pa rivur. THA I.N 4 1I1.UWN UVW 1UK ."HAOIC. l he fre.ll buildings at West Ht. Louis and lUu tlAt lautliC4pu ollered a field for the slonu Uiei produced dire re lulls. The f roo uf tno at rm waa fuit there more thnu uu this sldu, fur th reaauu thai It Is less compactly Lull;. Xue property loss la gruel. Ihere Is c-ttre'y a hnuie standing In tha rath 1 of lhe storm, Hume uf tho largest luil.lioifp of the city were blown d wri ami mary freight houses were emtli'iKd. Aa an ll iistrailMU of its I Torre as It was ah tit to enter 8 rest Hi, L-mts the atorm curled .mo fpt nf t sea-Urn apprmrh tu the llr-t Ht. Lout- bridge, deinyl ir railway traffic an 1 a lineal cutting off roniinunlcatlon between the two cities. Freight ttalns are picked up blwn otf the trark and landed capa z-d in tho awanipe. A train was picked up and blowu elm out h diiy iMtn the river. Home of the light hoiiM-s, such as abound In hi, I. utile, were Mown tu Illy away. Ths fire also dniuaued pmveriy after the tornado hid pn ( No reliable estimate esti-mate C'liihl be made al nisltt can certilnr the fatalities at Kssl Ht.louia. In the darknes and rnlu the lescuera ; were furred to work blindly, I ALU. Ml Til K klVKH. I A detail uf ufllcers have been sent along the banks uf Hie river searchm.! I for some trace of the rul-atug sti-atner tlreat llepublir, whioh had Ami g ctiralouiats ou board. No rm.'-ria uf her whereaimuts have leen received at police headquarters and the autliorliies irsr soe la b.at. itunors that the steamer Ket tihlle has landed at Jell -t son briarks and baa suatained senuus damage are current but uu sulltcnilo rewiri cn le utdaine I, The distance between ('lark avenue and Watdiiuglnu avenue iioin Twaiiih street to the river auitertd fearfully from the ravagis of tne windalorm. the brunt of Hie vl itnnce of the surrn was borne by that portion nf theslls-ttict theslls-ttict lytug sutli a d aloiiiMhe rivr bank, as unipralivaly Jighl damage waa done to the property fHrihsr nuilli aud west. The t tins Jo vented Its grcalet fury aim g tne rivor fr uit. 1 nu levee tor ttlllee Ui and dow n win tlevaaialed and Uld wa-te, tlrrat stcamvr wre torn from their mooriuxa at Hie flrat Maalaud blown duwu the river for tulles. Of all Hie craft thai lined lhe rivur lor in lies bat utie remaiue to tell lhu story of lhe d la aster. It butlg Slendlly tu lis tno r lug throughout. When the tomato stiu-K the river the liht of day vau lahud In a moment and thuse al work un tho Irvee ecu Id barely disrvrti the forms of the steamers as one after another pitched and tose.l anu llnally with a crasb were blown out Into the Uark watvra end uiaai peared lha Miene oue of wild un sriainty and ctiso. No oue knew whither to seek ssfely from the lury of Hie storm. After tne turns lo had paaHi II left a sieueuf desolation where leu minutes before eteatuwrs had (focaej uletly al tnelr U.tnka, ao me itti arrived aud discbarglug their paauugeis; ulhers preparing (or depurture, irucka and baggaue had been toeed hillur aud thither mont uf it inu. the rivur. f'luws and agricultural Imple IU ills had beeu distributed Up and d iwn the levra as far as oould be seen and the whole epearauca was mat uf WMle and wrei-k. Thaslramer J. J. Odell.of the Illinois river packet line, was blown cut fmin lie wharf at the iruut uf Morgan street, crashed luto Uie eecituB pier uf tne Ls 's I rtto aud sank. Her bullers blew up berura she OUsppeared. Hhe had a orew ul twaive aud three women pssaengera besides ber oaptalu, tieorge lownaeod, on oi l river man who has bis borne in Ht. ii iult. 1 hree of tier orew, Jsck Morrleaey, I'st Milsu and a nun named Moure reached laud safely, lhe twu lormer luiuutd neluie Hie esplosion aud caught drift wood. Mure was blowu uverbuard by the vxpluslou and was cut abuul lha head, but managed lo swim ashoie. Three others of tba orew olung to the pier and made their way up tu the bridge proior. There In no way of estimating the number of Uvea that were lost uu the river craft that happened to bs near when the uycljue came. Hundred! of barges were uiuore.t all along the river bank. In some Inslaucus a many as ten and twelve pursons were on board when the auchorage gave wayuuJerlhe terrible strain. Meu were h. .wu into the water, the bargee overturned aud tha destruallou uf lii will be large. Heverwl b.atswerel Jurked frum the!.- mouriiigs and oar ' ried far down the river. The lug lielle uf baton Huge, which was an uhored up tbo river, wae carried far down lha river, rolling over and Anal ly struck tha orslt of the Wlggiua Ferry company at the Irout of Cbuleau Avauue, whore It sunk. A gOKNK UK DKHULATIUN. Ht, Loltia, May IS When tho sun rose on Ht. Louis aud vtciully this morolug It shone upon a scene uf terrible terri-ble ruin and dlaaater. Wind, rain and fire had combined In a uihmlon of destruction. Two huodred lives are lost lu the city aud many snore in Fist Ht. louts, while thousands were In lured, many so severely that they uauuot reouver. Tbo dittu go snd dee trucllon tu prorty will aggregsto many million. The terrible lornsdo that caused this destruction stiuok the city In the sfterno m al 6:1 and Kaol Ht. Louis Ml the allien uf lha greatest damage. AITIIUACII UK THK DKMl Uu V Kit. Hours of sultriness, f ulls of wiud Ooaitug by tor os from all pjlubj of the conij"s, Hie flying hither and thither Of light, Ullst-llae Iwnitalloiis BOruaa the dull, daiSoolord maaaee theau wore eneiaclenaiics uf theefieruuon which bnuh-h! to Ht, ljouie lhe moil die aslri.ua storm lu the city's history. Kir houis the lorreubj shlitd,the wind blew lot and cold and a storm ouu trr developed, 1'helury uf the elements was bom within the city's liiuiis. On the west atuu' d r slorm deve:uid. Farly muileriugs Indicated hoihlitg mule alaiiulug inau a dowuHur with the urulnary electrical accouipani mcut'. i ins ralu cloud came up h.w iy ul flrat from the weal, bi-yond F. rt4 Talk As the black cloud tuuuiiUd hlghtr aove lhe builaou, lis arc em brauei u ore leintury tu the nurlti aud suih. A atrntig wind irom thu cast begun lu blow right In the tace tf the torm. It was lhe lower current, Huj ouuly the wind stopped blowing (torn the eatl aud there sweit from the northwest a urntlo gale which uisde tha beet built alruclune lrwmile with the hurrkMue, lor that waa at Ural the lutui the slonu lo.k,wnuu It broke over the wuilerii part of the illy; thtu csue the ilelUKe. Fr in a few iniuuh a beforu fl oVh ck until b:iu, this tiuril rsne blow In lu the nnilhwe-.ll Lhutl there ciiue u lull, 'lhe curiotitssiiilivd, lu the s uthwesl there oatuu Into exint-u exint-u Ofjaaluriu cloud with esteutlal lea. luruiof a toruauo, fuuuul shuiie. Tula sooud ituim burst upwu the utty Hum tha SMilhwrat. It came In onKiuHi La ayeile park, alruck the city Iv ital snd from Ihere tore Ms wny ihr-nitrh the city to the river by a hurlhf-.-l.ilv course. It wrought a havoo Hint will leave trace In that an of the mly Which lies ! of Hevenlh slreft and norlh nf Cerre street ti l-.ada bridge. It ats were turn from their moorings and cpa:sd or want adrift. Hhnrtly after six o'rh rk with the fun ntotethan an hour above tho woat eru h.rlio Here eotllet upon the rlly chillis so Uenee thai the daylight inckiy gave i lace lu the tlatkhea uf mtiinittht. That wsjs a precuiaur nf the P rnado fri in the muihwe, Tlti hurri'at Irntn the norinwrfl gave the weatern portion of the city a vrre ahakirg U. 1 bo lornsdo from the srulhweal, whlrii I- naonalbli for the loes uf It: and Hi atructloii along the hvi dialrh t and i.ul Hi. L nils, fob lowed lhe htirni nne l y ansul hall an hour. Health CommUsiutier Htruklidl, aht ut two hours after the toruadu had ased, sent wu d that lhe deaths eon Id reach iiml aud that no fewer than l.iiou terruns bad sustained ser). Ily mtdntght tne rnimrters had vis I Ited all H e strlrkeu urtiuns of the ctl and ire suburbs. 1 he list of dead discovered foil far halo, the flrat eall mat-, but it was loin enough to be a) pa Mint. Crushed he neat b falling wulla, hurled agatnet shies ul hulldlnKs, alruck l y Hying ntm ers, out by aliat-tered aliat-tered glaaa, thcckMl ty a network of wires, hutiiauiiy sullaced In way lu numerable aod the iitue uf al' In lured will never lie known. U& UK I'H'tVl HI V. Of lha destructl u of prut erly Ihera can he no ant i tar lory v-tiinate. The I- ea In extent and lu i: larsuier la be yund poiict ptluii. I u the !lahliig lightning isel n ghl .he city tmaplial lotiked like a ruin. The new surgical ward waa partially demolished. Tor lions of three other buildings were unrooted un-rooted and lhe walls were cracked, lo lliederkua lhe phyalnlsua began the removal uf lha pathnls lo tlm tern jturary quarters. There were Vi slrk lople lu the hospital. When the stnim came some ueihsred eiiun;tb in their fright aud ran shru king imiu the place, finding shelter nti the nulmde. l liirtceu werelniurei lu one ward. The convention hall and tour cutirta were In the paih uf ll:e cloud as It paaad from Filly hoapital toward the river. The convention hall loal part of Hie roof. Ten dtye wurk and an as pviidltureuf f-'i.otKi will make lhe ball lu lhe district between Htxtli street and the river mirth Irom Cboieau avenue lhe tornado tore a pslb, evnry bulldlna SLiataluluu damaur. Hmoke lacks ami chimney a toptiel over, walls were ieveled,and imiuaaudsuf wludows amaahed and ml lea ut lulegrapli and leienlioiie wirre loft a net work on tho ground. 1 hroun.ii this district Hie streets are Impastftble, They are cuv ersd Id places With debris len foel deep. Along lhe Uvea fruit the ha wae r anapied and the boats weia sut adilft, some tu go duwu, others la guashureuu tba aaateru bank. The h ie of Ufa which might have taken pmne at this point waa averted by the hour at which tha lurnadu came, A little later excursion steamers wo"ld have beeu going out. I he death dealing oloud crossed tha river al such angle as in strike and wreck the upper works at ihe eard end of the Fads bridge and lu sweep part uf Kaai ni, luuia. i'erbepe lhe must impreaatv evidence of tha eturm cloud's force Is sevu lo the wreuoh uf the eastern eud of tha Fads bridge. 1 bent the Tornado deal! with lU he and masonry. It tore oil aud tumbled down tons upon Ions uf masonry. livglnnlug with tha big eaataru pier aud extutidlug to a fool uf i lucllne Uie cloud cut oft toe upper part 1 ( the structure as If It bad beeu a tlluiay trestle Instead of a structure of wurld-iauied mauury. Fire added much to the 1 me accouut. The alarm system waa paralysed aud the ap-pracnea ap-pracnea were biuckadrd. lha flro added at laait $.V)0,(KW to thelussesof thestoim. Huoh a night of horror In Ht. Louts wss never known licfore, I ue burn, csne came when tha business men of the city had begun to send the workers to their hi ines. The servlre on almost all the street railways waa suddenly suipanded When night came soon after the premature darkening brought by the lornadu, uu eleclrio lamps biased up. Mauy thousands of men and erumen lulled huBiaWihli through the drenching rain, 1 ii Ht Louis tho destroyer seems J to have a course that lay chlelly between tba railroad track aud Lafayette avenue, though It swept lha entire city, cutting a wide swath wherever it uld any uamsge. The complete sue (eiistuu of telephone oonimutilcslion aud street car tlalllo multiplied the ilioonve Die noes aud otieiaoles that beat; be-at; I Hie pjllce departruvut aud added lu Ine gttuvra) discomfurl. There were a tew in a ue uf summoning Hie ambulances ambu-lances for the removal ul the aieaj or hie injured, and these were carried to various places In wsg ns or In litters, l ue city diepeusery t-s overcrowded. Ihe demolitiuu or thu cuy hospliul pn vented lha utllluition uf that lustl-lutluu lustl-lutluu snd huudrada of persons has leued there lu eld Hie uuloriunate patients. It waa flr-l luteuded to utlliso the armory or thu ox p isitluo building fur thu IniureJ, nut the old Houtu of the Ooud Hhe'.. herdwas pressed lulu use. The wharf wss lha scene of the worst devastatlou this sldu uf tho river, llefore Hie slurm, steamboats, wharf twsiN and hargne were uiorei from Hlddle street lu Chotesu avenue aud tnuae were swept from thulr falenlngs almost In a solid phalanx .and ot adrift. Hume were oveiluriied aud auiik utticia were blowu smo-a and crushed agsinst the other side. The Anohur l.iue wharf buat aud exuuraluu boat were Ihe ooly oral! lull between the bridge uud Hpruce street, lioth were shuved upou tue bank, Indlutilug that Hie slurm had a rotary molluii aa all the oihur cralt were bluwu lu other direction'. Home wore seen fltiatlug whuu tbo biuut uf the storm had panted, but In ueariy all the upp'-r works wot toiu away. H'l Al kMKNT UK THK V KA1IIKK i.-HKKVEH. i.-HKKVEH. Ft. luict, May 11. W. Frans-enflold, Frans-enflold, the local weather u 111 our, aala: uFur thu past week Hie weuiuer in Uu vtctuhy uf Ht. l.uuls has beuu charac tbiitttd by Fw presture, high lempuru-lure, lempuru-lure, excesMlvu humldliy uu 1 pr'vuti-lug pr'vuti-lug suutherly Winds, The pieMU ;l Uasalsu beeu low thiuughuul the West. ' ?; At iba same time It waa relatively I hii;h In the H iulh, causing a warm I a utharly wind laueo with molaturo to I ;h.wfr.m the Oulf of Mexico. Thla ! I ! rii' t'turn was held In suspense by tho , J warm nini-eidiere and the humltllty ionmfuvn'.iy Inoreased from day lo I 1 d-y. i be mean temperature averaged J j Hiree tu tbliiien degrees ab jve aonnai. ; whlln tne humhilty ranged from 7 lo . j per sent. On Wednesday morning lh steadier map showed luw pnaaura i still overly lug tbo weal, lha central do- ': j priasion ex'enJing In an lrrenulr IIiir nvrr 'ru.' Uxaa Fan hauule Ihrntigri weet Ktuaas and Nebraska. It I hrou hotit Miiuri teniterattire and l-utitiiiltiv prevailed without wind. I ne itmj witiid bj pnriiciilar farmed "warm, h-iy, muggy" although ra- pnr e are mlaaitiK oi ing tu Hie wlie ti -jrt ad iieatiucl on. li Is evident tba r stoiin area moved slowing eaal during 'J tho day, 1 1n barometer between ' noon anJ I o't'tock bad fallen one-thir ' ' ' t enth inch. Ah.mlirm time ma sky t waa veru..t with dark, thickly acou t-mulsted t-mulsted atrata, which by 'J o'clock cortimenfed lu Bumma n light green oolor. In the n ribeest this green rl'.ud slowly advnced from the north- ; seat an 1 sprrad mure to the West and north and the lemiratufn commenced S failing, I ho normal ryoluulo clrcula y Hon thus brouuhl wiuda ut different .j lemporalures and humidities in lha ni ut pr pi. xith n, with the results thai diflded Instability waa produced In tha atuioaphere and secondary storm oen ter crented. i he barometer oontlnued to fall repeatedly, liy 6 p. ns. II bad fallen y 6 of an Inch since noon. Tho , winds were beoomlng variable with a leixteiicy toward a northerly dlreotloa , until Hit h tning aud thunder aunt mencid ai 4:U p.m. "At J1: thealoim broke for j In all v lis fury; the wind changed suddenly ta ' . iiorthweat with rapidly lucreaatng velocity ve-locity aud rain fell lu torrents, Tho , -n green cioul still remained In Ihe west i eud north, but toe storm moved to- n ward the eaalj Urge, angry detached l nissaes of clouds crossed ajch other. T "At 4:H p. m. lha wind ohaugetl ml from nortii having the greatest veloo u Hy in the lu-lury uf rU Louts. About 6 p. m. the wind bad reached US miles; ii laier It c ns lived in dlrvuliou to the d souihweat. From o:u p. m. to ti.ai p.m. l.xt lucbea uf rain fell. Tba electrical sniriu wasuf unusual volume. u lhe shy wae aluiut one loiitiuuuus . . hisxe of light and lha clouds exteuded Is "tu the suuih. A:tn uv iiRh((t-u. I rasseiigsra uo Iwats related msny I acts of beiuism ierformed by roust about a. Ou toe Libie Conger, which was ground tu pieces on Hie) lllluols y oniid, a bjy aged five. When lha li siotm appeared a negro look the child pi lu his aims ami pluiiged overboard, iiawrlng the captain's buy safely iui through the boiling w a tare to the till-uule till-uule snore. Captatu Hvamau rescued his wife. This morning John McDowell, ri'UslaUiut on tne tug AIIU , ance, which Is performing great work ( , among Ihe boats wblob Una the tc illtuuls bank lor utiles dowu lhe u river, returus lo the city, burdened with tueesegra lu loving ones from f fathers and tirulbera, tailing uf their ealely. 1 hey reported that Msdail waa bluwu lu places and thai tha crews swam a-ho re. He though every uau 00 avrat-ad. H e reported that tha ferrlee at the toot of A hob atieei aud at asst Caroudelet had been blown to pleoeo a and sunk with tho crewe and saeu- I gei, lu is could uut be verified. I AT TUN rAIH UKOUNDa. 1 t'aptsln Fat Carmoudy's presence of af mltid previuited a panlo at the fair grounds. When the crowd appealed . I ir protect lou from tha lornsdo, Fal , ; Corraled IritihUnsd toe people uuder Hie stand aud forced them to remain !, there. Urn held a mub ul about 3uU la check. While Carmoody was holding tbem c back lha roof of tho Huutb Hide staud waabluwnuut and the debris fell Just A' Where the euple wauled lu go. Car moody s good Judgment saved ruauy in .-. A A MAHKUW AI'K. While the storm wss at Its highest,! train ua the Chluagh aud Alton rail way pulled uut uu the bridge from lhe Missouri side, on lha way eaal, Fuglueer Hcott proceeded uoly a short dtstauue, when he realised tha awful d.i.UMr. 'l hu train - .IiaiU half e-4 across wheu Ihe uverhead-osta wero snapping and tumbling lulo lha river, r- while large stuoea wero shifted loose A frutu the fuundation aud plunging luto , the water. UeaJislug that at auy mu- -ai Diebl his train might be bluwu luto Hie water or the brldga bluwu away, rioutl put uu full bead steam iu au slturt to make the Faat-slde shora. Tba Iratu bad scarcely proceeded two buu drrd I eel wbeu tho upier span of tba bridge was blowu away, aod tons of huge granite blocks tumbled to the) J tracks where the tralu, luadod With pMBsuiiyers, bad beeu a tno uie u I beture. The same lo.taul tne wind struck Iba trslu, upaelltiig all tua cara lUa play thlue. Fuiklly nu oue was killed, but "' evuial were tku uut severely lujurad. ' " I'tNJltUuUHK lhUATKi B4CAPM. At tho burning uf the HI. Lonla reinguraior aud gutter warebuut.ee eeveral were Injured. A flremau baa been taken fruiu Ihe wrcok aud threw V mure known lo be In the cellar dead. P Three brothers u anted Hardy ara dau- gvrousiy 1 1. lured, it was said that m probably aeveiny mora are still burled i lu the ruth. When tho storm was at i Its heiKht the gas holder at LlghteeuiU struct uollspsed aud culuiuua of burn lug gas leaping hltib iu the air. Tha pooihotiae situated al the extreme rj Swutheset limit uf tbo oily suffered i from the storm. The roof of Ihe fv male building was torn t-fj M .d flung yarda away. The tower un tup of the ut.ntral building crashed through Ihe rr huilJiug dowu Into the baavuient. i L lucrrdllablu as It serins, Willi 1,000 .at)vti1s In thu bulldlutr, 76 of wiioiu ate l hr or, uol a Ufa Wan toil at Uie puorhuusv. ' AT ULAYTUN. ' At Claytou, the oouuty seat, Iba I'reatturlau church Was levelled to ; ttie grouud aud auolher churob wruuktd. Fart ut the Claytou vuurl luu-u was alio loru down. at i:abT HT, LOU la, Fabt Ht. Lmiiih, Mo., May "8. Tha ' Hitlers at HI. Mary's huaplttl kpt uu recuid of the Injured, but Ihey aia be , 4 lieved to be t Ver fifty. Ouly a tew ' f wctu cuusldeted 1(1 be iu a mutual euu k u i'v vl I " -' i; llllnr; two or three died after belli received Ml Ibe hi pitl. Ill pn'iit rlnoo in r alz the f..talltl. r.n.1 auflfrtng of l;l Ht. l.-nii (irratly fxrpJ thoae on thl aide if the river, A larger part of Ilia central portion of the city ) rnJ to the Kr.tind, while on tht- tlai along Hie rlvr bank north of l- eda brl le, not ft ho:i ti lull atanuiiig. 1 h lu'nM life i lr r. hla, r-carrtiy one family nMm li have -rnpi-d HhiHil (mine nieintr hi irj; : kiled, Witt In many hoiiat-hiil.tr Hiti; wiped out of eiiatenc. A nt)HTTntlf ftimete nf the deed Mure It placed at Th Catholle obnrrh nf HI. John nf ; Ncpomlo wan dem liahvl cept the f rnn i, whtch atainia Hire a lower. Hoy I). Moure, the Vnndaha freWM oleik, cautrnt Hi the wreck n' the fietght otllcH wltn about thirty wilier I, lie wni pinned In netr alx other who wre all taken out all. A to toe twent?fiva other ho ciuld not y What became nl thr-nt. Horace I run)i m nt the hod'ldc nf a aick eitlvr, a t-fti-fIJ-tiotr y In hi nriuf anl a 4yearolu deu. liter tu .tr on the floor, when the atnrin atrurk thehtie. The baby ami tht- -l-year-old uniiwhli were I net nl iy killed. Mm. 1 rump la eunalder bly bruised. , Htnuding tin the viaduct brld nl midnight, one could har the air mix lnnorema of the wounded. At 1 o'clock hut nlwlit a apeciaj tram w unlit to lllvllle for . ulllf to ant In tlghlin Ihe (irr. 1 E,N I ft F.'B TUB Jli'MKLK". WasiiinciioS, J. C, May H".-The following teaoiullnn w 'i.i .rtfiittU tn the Houe today ly JV,ol Hi, I.tul. an I a-)o io: 'l(e It rryvu I y the Henate anil Houae of Uepre"eiiiBtivea In Cnovrcaa BF'iihlel, that Hie aicretary "f war be and li htTrhy auih ru-ed in lend the inayurauf Ml, l.oiil, unir null ni;u ' laiioua and reatrlctiout bb be rimy u I proper, a uf,trden( number n( tenia ior '' temporary ahtdter o( auoti tu may hava lot their bum by the tornado tor-nado ye-tardey,'1 When the reanlulloti retched the Hrnate, ithanlni' u ronini waa ulvi n Ij Uhu It Uf. Hetiulor 'oit aM Mii eourl waaahleto lakrcite of Iht mi pie, ami later rojiiria haj aliowu that Ithe flrt reHrt ot the Urrlhle calamity liaJ been oiacitetHteil. lie aaiil it woulU to tif harm tu ( if the rraulu ttun, however. The ro:ullun wat rhanttrit from couo.irreul to joint and pac4. Ihe I-HI. Joief h Martini, J bn luaily, I Harry lle.a, Kfd Hernlil, l:.iu auih, inotu aircet, llotert Jllaud, Johu Heamer, Charha Mails, William Huber, Henry Wintaribai.. An- ueraou, 'al:rnly, Miita i uniey, Mr. Hihlr, John Hay, Mr. William i itaya, Mia. 1'at JWau, Mla r.J-H. hikiij, ui'piietl id be tniJtr the ' wreck uf the Vainittllailral; City Clerk J ry Kela, Frank ll.and, Frnnk McC'ornlck, AlUrt V iRinan, J-.nrl K.ena, Utorge Wood, Mtk lMl--a, ' VV. K. Klhr, AlTin Male, Will Mur. ray, Uau Kceiy, tiurne Koiner, W. t relink and W, Hanford, ail eiitiloyra tn the Vantlalia depot ant hell vii in ba In the runa; Itutvrt Wllnic; ! iweniy-Dioe emtiHtyi-a ol hivKdi I A Mera' tUart-iie fait iy; iwmy. Oto vuployea of ri, l.tjus Wo: Own ttutter couj any; Malactil MrlJunald, AO, aloult', -4- Clark avenu; John Ii'MQ yj a Jauiiur, In the iuhk oi Hi, 1'aui'a tliurch; William Ottewad, John flurni, Wallace liulirr, Jiub-ert Jiub-ert MIDer, ltlair and tieutou aveuuea; I I Mr. MarUlle and turue neivant (tlrla at t I the Maitell bouar; Mr. aud Mrt. Juvla I H. Ueu.tfe W.odf, ulrrk tu the I Vaudalia olllce; Itanry Hprickor, Vau- ) ualia Hue; Ur. i;. li. Huh, dmii; tw. ' nblldreu ul Mr. Horace i ruuij,, uf i llobfleld, M.; Mr. Uiikuy; Joe ' f 1 raua; Jue Miiuheli; Phil ntnukler; ; Mi Muuneli; Cbane Carroll, bar- ? bar; Cherlt Kent; Mr. Hi-oti 3 i watdi'Krauk Hut; O. KaavuauKb; ' , Jiioot. Kun; Vluu. u.ita, luu.; (,h,. l.'leodeitulru; M'a. lirur-r; Mr, l-'miiin Hulllvau; Kuoert lllano; Jitit Kuhiii.; . Charlca Wane ; Wil lam ilurtei; ileury WiiiiMrmttu, AiitleiNuu; i'etvr WluiU, Atlf ( oni; Mr. HUdi; J.bu Hu; Mr. I'm hum; J, A. l-oriei; i'.r-'i. l.'n.; AUxtiidor . l'tiuorliiKt; Jaiuca iJmn ; rraura I I'nrrid'iotT; i rtu Wuii-, u yim uid; 1 ; Sirati Welia, :i iiinn'h uui; Mia. t a i r ! j and ohilo; ltr livtrh-h; Mu Wu; MHlaihy Mi'D-ftBi.;, riii'tititvUetit Wa.r, I'ter.-aOl i'u.; J.tuia, niiiHr, Allvna irni wi ik; Kihuh ; Kiauw; Km a I lu-ut y; lrL.-U. Horn, of the Mawytr iiuhnfai UiritM: , , uunt'auy ; Char ira Handy i uiintit , , man, klln'J ai L'ul'tti ii.oi cjuiiio' 3uue, aui Ktttw i :i jiool. ( iJL'ui:i'. A pic u the It juiud art: Tom Car roll aud Juau libuud, Muilit mtulier ' n b doorway and wuru li ioii-d by ihe lyiuir wrrt'kfti:'; AhUy 1'urktj, Hi, , LjUir; Juliua AKilUr, n Jurrd ititer- ' i hally, no l tiheci'-d to live; H itry i , iijiiu, fsokuiuie, lil., brtdly lijunu; ' Jtiall. a Muni, twori, A 1 in a griu rouditloi ; J uin .ilnlt r, l'.uru fill-. Mo., tmdiy bur;; l'.-u r Hull, rlouaiy i J ire ; Maud H. liukn, Ualivillv, W (., bi ih vtu tu lo fAtnily njuie ; J. W. Hotter, M. I. linker, J. L. 'I il kit, all of W trio-, lh; It,. tir.iNUl M. 1. lubtrkih,u; I'atr oW Mu.Mahotttkri un brulre en the I ml; ; u.ui liieniiBu, t a iiy bun; J 1-taJl.lu, bauly hurt, uuconat'ibu-; J. i1 Ij. HolUamp, contuiluu at. ml (it uini nad, iLrhUrJ Jaiuan l-'m.way, l 'ly (('(Connor. ni J II, run oer tiy Ir.ln ilrlTnn i.y Urn wi.nl. Tlif rnlli.w' lulnrnn w.irUln iti lour uliny """ ''"'" ' '!"'t ,yrtr' r 'Trt'Mp Priory r Inmrt' l: I'mrirk Irn v, Null! hand Inlo oil; .Uiim- I.Huvy, hurl Intrrmllv; J "I'll looliiy. li.lerimly Injurnl, . J.n-ph H'MI, Ir,; li.n.-H, i..fi.- I.utt; Mill. I.!ij i), J'lti'tiini mi'iri.; TntrK k lli-u .-, Iiitrrn illv; jRiii-t L:hru, Itiltri'Hl lipjrlo, Jmnr l,lnlliu-, iy." nil 'Hit, n i p w.iin l; I li'iniM llnPilh, hip n .m.t ; liivll l,v., hn l n I lo-ly '.-ul; '.'l"lln" H .lmiil', .Mint Plii'r. I'-ic nri I .nklw hi ken; Alt'i'rt p'ttiut, I. v, oi. J "mi irolin. AT 1 UK I't I V imil'l Ilir'V O.I.H', l.tiirntiui. ClMtiM, MilIV h ail. -.11, U llllli l' 'ly HI' "! I ru it ; : y I lili M, mula ur lnfl )!' jtireu. KA'I -I. 1. .1.14 VICTIMS. Mmrlr. WjI"; Wi IIi.iii hiuriT;Mr. H , J. A. I'. tP i; I. Uiihi.i l!n..., ,ii lor llir Viiu'.u imlr iu i; A Hutu; .1 .hli IImiiI'I S.-itl 1! y.i .,.!; IVn-r VV nnlnfi J"lni Ail i . .Mr-. Ilini-r; I n.iii. Huliivmi; J ir-.i. ninii ; I'. J. iHin. kKi; .Mifhvi k.iitu; In i-. K-iii.; n-.i lnirr; Wlllnin' Kalri'l j hiii.K M.-l' .rum " J,i...in Kiii.k.i ix-l"..M-r,.i. lhim. liiillin mill lunilly it t f-; Krvuk K I! iI.ti ll.ii'i. Join. Vnlviilinr; Illy Ciulti'lor li.vltl r. rn miu w.l.; I'liHIli Kitli'klvr Jr. mi m.ilmr; Julf. I-x .. ik. V.n.lnlm, Mr.; Mr. M-.rirll; ml Inn h'.r.lr .1 Urn Mnrlrll .u- . ru'H.I JiUifi llui ' A I "Hi, III..; Mr. mi l Mr.. Jui.n II.)...; VVil-linn, VVil-linn, II. v; ll l...rili i.l Hi. I n nun t II HM-, .. irunlr J l I"; Mlll.r Mllrlirli; Wllllum MlU-iirl ; Willi. in Hllill'.l! nil Wllr; Mi.. J. hll llriil; I'.ilrlrk liinn i..l Nmlly nl !; Jul. II lii..h.n; l.Jwal.l ll'llr.i'ii; J inn Mrp.n; l.lil HU.;M. K.n ; All.rll i.lknim ; M.Il'IivIi; Jolin hulliT.n; Wlllisiu Knry. -"li nf Mr.. In. I. ... i.v; IL nry Wiiili riiimi; Ju nb K inn,., .u l (orly-i.no uiiIJcUUH.J a.a. |