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Show 0U HU. ESTATE ft ESTaIc NORTH Ml bsmt, fruit ALPINE TWO bdrm. 37U SOUTH IDaciOut rn.,n,-ecre horse prop- ULTIMATE in medium range. Almost new. bdrm. 14 bath. price Tuoor style. 3 barm. 25 9 rm 1 k'fehen after Spm. J7J9,,m path, upgraded through;sS81 5. 9 put. I car attached gar ASSUMABLE 3 POR Sale bdrm. 1 bunt, tic neighby buiioer, new fg detached esum gar. ii wcres w pasture sua oao borhood, immtd occu- home in Am Fork, area, over 4000 sq ft Financing avail. Call Skippancy (43.000. Sit E 1050 N M9 973. Ft eve RE 37$finished, must see to ME Orom. Call the minv tin mm . 700 GOOD starter, Bdrm, I res (142 000. No aonfi NEW home, state money, Bath, Util. Rid, Fncd yd. Call S39.N0. Auumt 10 loan view lots, 3 bdrm. 100 1 EXCELLENT yr eld bsmt. Price reduced. Cenw(4,400 downor make brick. 4 bdrm Low 3754595. Call duplex. offer. tury II Showpiece Real down pymt A int. 375-- 191 . Estate 79 ( 3 501, Paul or PRICE Reduced $7000! Abuilt Rambler on Kaye 79(2525. ssume or lease ml CUSTOM Vi acre in Lindon. option, 4 bdrm, IV bath, REAL ESTATE 3 bath. 3500 ft near schools, NE Orem, finished. Appraised for Call OTHER AREAS trees. Assume f 71 home, UMFA loan. (20 P 4 I. erty, IV) Knob-ww- il 7. 5 u $115,000, will sell on con SAVE 4 ways at Board- tract for (89,900. 5B5 W 100 walk Townhomes in Lehi. By Appt, only. SS2782. Tax credits of over $4300. SACRIFICE Exec, home Fuel savings of up to 60. on 2 acres. rights, Monthly P.I. pymts of 2222 sq ft. Animal main floor. 3 $267. Plus the best buy in 1000 sa. ft. Dbl Gar. Bdrm, Utah county for the formal dmina rm. fam rm. money. You will have to C bath. Rock Frplc. See at see to believe. Call 5J5 w. 100 S. Lindon, Ut. Call or ASSUME Utah money i raaes or offers. on (43,700 balance. (411 mo. Owner asking $51,700. Equity terms negot. or will $69,500. SPLIT level Am trade for lot. 3 bdrm Ram- Fork home. Knob Hill bler, I bath, dbl carport, area Great lake 8. mounexc cond, 31S W Lakewood tain view, rock garden-nlawn to mow. Or, Provo, (65,000. 3 bdrm, BEAUTIFUL spacious fam ALPINE. 'M acre. Assumable loan, home, (25,000 under ap- flexible terms. 7564567. praised value at (225,000. 5500 sq ft, 4 bdrm, 446 SALE failed, owner albath, sewing, fam, A rec ready moved, priced rerms, separate living for- duced (4400 Si seller pays mal dining rms, beauti- point 4 bdrm home, 21x21' fam rm, 1755 ft fin, 2 car fully fin, convnient location. gar, Ig lot A garden. Close to school A shopping, 2 BY Owner, leaving state, from Trade Tech. No beautiful 5000 sq ft custom miles reasonable offer refused. home, 4 bdrm, 4 bath. 2nd Call Reed Cornaby 4654472 kitchen in full bsmt, ample or Garth Boyce storage on dbl lot, fruit 21 Golden West trees, auto sprk sys, dbl Century No 5 RC 106. gar, choice area. 7 min THREE from Y. $197,000. bdrm, 2 bath, fin bsmt fruit trees, fncd yd, (7000 BELOW appraisal, nice PI Grove neighborNE Orem, cathedral ceil- hood. (59,500. 586 S 350 E. ings, fncd, 4 bdrm, 2 bath, Eves trade equity or home in OWNER retiring, popular SLC. By owner. near campus. Call BY owner, leaving state, 111. . 768-43- 373-553- 5 o 366 Prove home on I acre by Prove river. Great 1st or 2nd home. By owner, OLYMPUS Cove, next to Forest Servce land, 6400 sq ft magnificent view. one of the finest homes in Utah. By owner, DO MINUTES from at Midway. 3900 sq ft 3 COWOMMUNG down low monthly payments. Call after 5 PM LOW 375-11- i Edg-mo- TWO A 2 bath, fam rm, DW, disp, frplc, fncd yard, dog run, Ig patio, fully assumable 9'A loan, very flexible terms, anxious. 390 N. 1030 W. Orem. BY OWNER SUPER LOCATION!!! REDUCED (10,000. Ap-pro- sq. ft. finsished. Unique Cape Cod. 6 Ft. Custom block Fnc. 363 W. 1060 S, Orem. 4700 $149,-90- 0. fi nancing avail. $36,500 zz56. otter. Agent. P.I. MONTH Percent fuel sav ings, and enjoy receiving a $267 SIXTY tax refund from uncie Sam of over (4,300. Only 4 homes left in 3rd phase. Boardwalk Townhomes in Lehi. 224-- 1 2 30. DEER Haven Estates-P- . U.D. Beautiful brick townhousev 3 bdrms, 2'j baths, central heat & AC oak kitchen cabinets, extra storage, dbl carports, ad joining beautiful park, ap praised at $72300, low in troductory prices start at 5 $53,950, 10.375 down, financing. Great invest1455 S REAL ESTATE ment! Near BYU. State Provo. 3730312. SOUTH MAPLETON, 3 bdrm, acre, fruit trees, well, C&A Susan Realty MAPLETON, 5 bdrm, 3 bath, laundry main floor, 3 acre, $88,000. Susan 1 $69,-00- CHOICE Location, by owner. Leaving area, must Many extras, sell. appraisal. 3180 below Shadow-broo- k circle 373-- 222. THREE bdrm, 2 bath, ja- State money, cuzzi, 10' move right ia Call 785 7556 CMA RE before 8:30 am. MAPLETON NE newer brick, 6 bdrm, 3 bath, 2VS CAMELOT, 2 bdrm, no acre, barn, (195X100. Susan $35,000. C&A RE 9JM534...Near BYU, 3 bdrm, zoned students, SPRINGVILLE-Wel- l kept 10JM522..NE Orem, 2 bdrm, fncd, yd, (42000. owner going on mission, 3 Susan Vicky bdrm, pool, 6JM525. (.an CMA flE Jim Marrott Provo RE FRUIT Trees & Fncd yd in 3754700, lovely 2Payson home. 4 SWEETWATER share. bath, 8 frplc. bdrm, golfing anywhere Owner will carry contract Boating, in the world. Call for Infor stairs. DRIVE by 385 E. 100 N. Orem. See my 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 frplc, AC, water conditioned, sprk sys, dbl gar, newly shingled, beautiful draped, well kept home. Owner will finance. You name the price A interest. Appraised (95,000. No points or closing costs. $5 000 down.L $65,000. Buy my location A I'll give for or Call you the home. MAPLETON, newly reFOR sale by owner servooeled 2 bdrm home, Vi ice, sellers we can help in acre, animal rights. Susan expose your home. Ameri489-- 438, Vicky can Properties, C&A RE MUST SACRIFICE 5 bdrm, IVa bath, fin bsmt, ASSUMABLE trees & garden, Ig fncd VA, 6 bdrm, dn pymt $53000. yd Call $64,-50- 5 0 489-614- negotiable, priced for quick sell, in 70' s. Low down. Call REDUCED (5,800 APPRAISED (81,800, reduced (76,000, negotiable terms, professional custom int common to homes twice the value, 5 yrs new, 2236 fin sq ft, (possible 2436) rambler, 2 car gar, bay window, many many extras. Beautiful yd, Ig garden, wpear trees, A variety of fruits, PI Grove, 1st owner. BY Owner. Brick, 3 Bdrm, Bsmt, Exc. neighborhood. (51,500. Lehi. HELP AGENT must sell- - 543 N. 640 W. Orem. Older home, newly remodeled, (45,000. Offer or trade. NO Down or Low Down, 192 Westbridge Condo, Provo. 3 yrs old, drive by. Finance-term- NEW HOME mation CALL 226 7 422 or eves 377- 6118 to see 2 bdrm Edge-wooCondo. Make offer. OPEN House! See for yourself what affordable luxury living is all about at Sandy Brooke Condominium's. Prices begin at $64,900. Open house Sat 100 E 1400 S, $1000 down, will carry con 10am-6ptract at 12'! or $5000 Orem down, assume FHA 10'2 BY owner. Garden Park int on 3 bdrm home, Sp Condo-Oem. $48,900. Will Fork. $53 000. discount for cash or make offer. 2 bdrm. patio, swim- MUST Sell: View lot, over Vsacre, owner mi ng pool, central air, $1 1000. storage. Call 2260664. wi II finance at Call BY owner, bdrm condo, negotiable Close to downMAPLETON, 2 bdrm, acre woutbuildings, close town Provo. Call 3734985. lo school. $51,000. 4894022. llfliH-HHlfy- , REDUCED $3,300 ALL Brick 4 Bdrm. 4 level home on 4 Acres, Payson. Will trade for Highland or I kAl?M Sandy area home. Equity Price $73,300. ($52,000 (Mark W. St ring ham RE. 1275 fst 1788 hrtJ Call 377-- 883. rnxe New ground floor MUST SELL Condo. Full baseFOUR bdrm, 2 bath, home in Sp Fork, fam rm, wood- ment,' double garMove, deck, fncd yd, split age, energy efentry, new cpts. Close to ficient. kchool & town. $65,000. Exc CENTRAL 798financing. Call Grant KEAl ESTATE 798 8593. RE 2727, Jensen far r Elk-ridg- 6, 1 'j i 1 pmonol QUIET Mapleton area, hawing 0 Spanish style 3 bdrm brick home roofed in bsmt, cor rals, fruit trees, many extras, a steal at $87,000. Owners very anxious. Call Provo RE Skip (DCSTOHrLUCK . inc ) tenkaaa plan Oaraaaj L3754700. Orem Location, baths, 1 tub, tile e iacuzzi-lik- kitchen counter oak rails, & floors, garage wele. opener, family room wfireplace, ar (79,500 negotiable. Also in under const. Provo w10.55 financing. Call Kirk Evenings w RIAL ESTATE NORTH REDUCED to (74,500! Beautiful view, 3 bdrm, dining, fam rm, 1 bath, deck, quality throughout, fruit trees, garden spot. No agents. 7854242. INTEREST 8.' AND Mo ithly P.I. $267. are only a small part of what we have to offer you at Boardwalk Townhomes in Lehi 430 N 500 W. Call ASSUMABLE loans on 2 Salem homes. Owners will carry most of their equity wsmaii down payment. Both priced at $64,930. Call Dale Mike or Bushnell RE 3736650. ASSUME 60K VA Loan. SE PI Grove. Great view, 3400 kq ft Rambler. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, deck, full Dsmt, extras, $85,930. FARM Home loan. 3 8.5 bdrms, & full unfinished bsmt. Payson. $12,000 down. $54,000. Ask for John Lambert, Bushnell R.E. Haaal 224-27- 14 7IVrI l. leen Glad RE . OWNER Full finished basement. Call Kathleen RE 224-8- ? 00. IM 3 FOUR BEDROOMS! $55,000. Nice brick home in lovely Sprgvl. Location feels like home. Call Osmond Jolene . RE 410 375-7(8- t. 0 5 2 5 -l 1 m p 8 489-643- 373-536- 623-182- 8-- R-- 3 6 25-- 3 terrific . to l'i 3W will pay costs. Swapp RE Gordon SELL FAILED LOVELY 4 bdrm, split level, Lehi, 2 car gar, fin throughout, wwood stove, ' assumable loan. Call on this one today. Paul Singleton 3734503. Mensetl 8. Assoc 22S-- 500. i 225-299- Agri-Ind- 1 6 3-- TtUtCU rOVO iriKHMEVLCVCU rWISHEl, KMTfFlH. 200 N 400 0 run VAtMU CITUIOM CM CABiW.ES WITH MW FCWI TUS WIEU rttVATE HICK EITEIIUB 4'EIIAk fHIKGLC tUUf !KG riMEST IVTEUOK COUIKIAL I IMSM WORU ALL farvtm ftmii 4800 Martk 800 Wart.Proro Steve Black 226-165- 21 The lata E, SPANISH Fork. Lg. 3 Bdrm, brick, 1 bath. Huge lot wwell. IOVi Assumable loan. Small ruot visriM-Tiv- t ISFNHTtLT 375-334- JMucLXtTaTtl THE CREAT JOim COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SANTAQUIN, 2 building lots. 400 S Center St. 85 x PROVO Comml. 187 ft 130. Call frontage. On hill "between rovo & Orem. $133,000, 2 25 ACRES. $21,250 acre. Lindon. An imals water aoodterms. Swapp RE call nice view, Mon-sa- t Guy 377-- 753. 85 STORAGE Units. $3,000 per month income. Only PRESTIGIOUS Orem 15 $250,000 lots avail. wExc. terms. neighborhood, Only $18,930. 8th S 4th W, Call J B. at Washburn CF Orem. sell, NEW 3 bdrm duplex, sell or trade. Call 430 BUSINESSES COMPLETE dbl bed. Posture Ultimate. 4 yrs old. transferable warranty, exc cond. $250 ERBACHER skis, mens KO s. boots tvt; ladies 170 s, boots 7Vi. $100 per or 224447. dies clothing & video set rental Mm $511000 investMOUNTAIN Fresh water ment Call conditioner & softener. 2 CREAM O Weber Hi and yrs old. pd $950. Asking home delivery milk route $450. Call Exc oppty Sherwood Hills River Bottoms Dairy will NEW Life Athletic Club, lifetime membership, $275. help finance 3734353 Call 2244615 after 5pm. FIVE yr old part time bs PUBLIC AUCTION (15 hrs month) Moving SATURDAY out of state Nets $9600 April 28, 1984. I 00 PM Sharp. Chain Saw, per yr. Jeanne 224481 2. Pipe Fitting, Tool Box full of tools, Drill Steel, AnGARAGE tenna. Shovel. Tray mi PlasI YARD SALE Files, Small tic Elbows. Welding Rod. AUCTION Sat. Apr 28, 10 New Brass Outside Taps. a m. 4 family estate sale Wet Suits, Boatswain antiques, clock, cream Chairs, Sledge Hammers. keparator, ringer washer, Picks, Rolls of Nylon 65 Chev PU Kirby vac Rope, Jerry Cans, Rear uum, rototiHer, bar stools, View Mirrors (new). Weldoak table, guns, chairs, ing Leathers (new). Boat yrs.-Fu- n 8 1 . I Tri-Po- har motor. Cement Tools. pictures, saddle, more. Old much hwy thru Salem, follow signs to 70 W. Apple Blos som way. Salem. 423-- 209. nesses, New ters 1 W Center, Buildings, RAILROAD ties lengths, (5 & up. br ft (each. YcOR or Wilde & CO. r STORM windows, storm drs. Replacement windows, tree estimate, any'" quantity. Therm Glass.- 2 TILLERS & lawn mowers on sale, also repaired. Quality work guaranteed. low prices. Cutler's, 10 E. 400 S. Orem. WE buy A sell coin 4. fold silver, stamps A dia A monds, free appraisals, investment counseling. Coin Trade Center. 1102 S State Orem. BOOKS wanted, cash for old. used books, magazines of many kinds HOOVER vacuums, reduced, we guarantee big savings. Wakefields. RECONDITIONED wash ers A dryers, $85 A up. Gtd. Drapers. WHIRLPOOL washers, fridges, DW's. Reduced Wakefields. Save! prices. HUBCAP CITY UTAH County's largest supply of new A used hub- -' over caps, save dealer price. 450 E State, . PI Grove. Call TV SATELLITE SYSTEMS 100 FINANCING Avail. 50-7- No Down-Ban- S Rates. k Complete showroom of,: systems to choose f rom. Res. A comml systems t avail. World Video Satel lite Systems, 1155 W 150 N. , A- Orem. Utah, Fuii Service Dealer. HOW to get brand name , . , i . ' AAA Trading A Pawn, 402 W Center, Provo. LEVOLOR Blinds, 50 off. vertical blinds 40 off, Ve- - rosol Shades Aspen Interiors . off.' 35 ' 37441963. ' ,t NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE WOMEN'S Gold Diamond' BnlY Wrkt Watch. Sale seat, craddle, walker. May 1st, 1984, Bill Harris! 1655 S State, Orem. on Music. Best offer all swing. items. Call TWO Ig wall type display 460 HEAVY Duty wood tter, (30day. Call split- - LUMP Coal, $59.50 per ton or $3.50 per hundred lbs. Call Boyer Coal & Feed, FIREWOOD: Ponderosa Pine. Delivered for S35PU BUY A sell used lawnmow-- ' ers A tillers, guaranteed. ' cases wsliding glass repair work. doors. Very reasonable. Val ANTIQUE ENGAGEMENTS SETS Iron bath- & ball feet, & gold, $500. 4654221. tub, claw white 20 in. bike. Men's spd bike. Camping lan BOY'S 10 DIAMONDS 7854767. cast . WE sell quality diamonds - teweiry, for less man anyone. Dave Hur Jewel-- . ers. Behind Arby $ in Orem. Call I Have access to several" A tern, CB Watt meter & men's suit. Call thousand yards of high A Anso IV summer CRAFTSMAN, 12 drawer quality nylonI will FIREWOOD carpet , rates. Buy now & save. tool chest, $150. Wood oval Carpeting. your Living Km. a nan in . Oak, pinion, cedar & pine. multi-colordining table $50. high Kelly Safari 100 quality Nylon sculptured AT tires, mounted' on 4 for $289. Price Incl. i 15"xl0" turbo 3 mag whls carpet MISCELLANEOUS Carpet, pad A labor based', $300. Call load. Dbl load $50. ,', 48 FOR RENT GOLD fridge, set of bunk backhoe & beds, coal stove, coffee work, rent my table, kids table & chair set. Call 7984833. FOR rent: 750 John Deere 8 HP REAR tine garden 4WD wtiller, plow, rear tiller, good cond. Also 5 HP shreader. Call blade, & front loader. RIDGE Athletic Charter fam membership, $650 or MISCELLANEOUS 5 or offer. OH DO your own fumptruck on 30 Yards. Add 3 Bdrmt, save more. $739 based on J 80 yards. I also have-A Comml. carpet. , c Steve anytime. kitchen 3 BACK problems? Gravity J inversion helps. Sacrifice $350 deluxe machine fori $95. Call TROY-BIL- T ROTOTILLERS, avail in' stock at factory off season , WANTED 4YU STORM Window inventory Free assembly A too all windows in prices. HillerFurrower. F inane- - DESPERATE! Need stocklarge, off. Call at Garden also ng power poles & large pipe. ext 530. Housing Au in Orem. 2244888. Country ., thority of Utah Co. All ALL wood CASH for any kind of an- - windowsas is. storage sheds. 0 Different sizes avail, or-- . Also want guns, USED eqpt: 2000 lb elec material pkg. for the Eiques. silver. Call forklift, $9000. 5 HP air your setter. 7 (WE buy & sell coins, gold compressor, 80 gal tank, , , Eves. silver, stamps & dia $1700. Linde wire feed monds, free appraisals, in- welder. Miller spot weld Kevin. vestment counseling. Coin ers. HOME Trade center, uoz s State APRIL special Sculptured FLfimCS Orem. Nails gtd $20. Stylist I WANTED CUSTOM 8' diameter Edgmont water bed, burgundy ' Your junked, wrecked, or SLC to Lon- round FOUR tickets velvet wa mirrored pad-- 1 used car or truck. Will pay don round trip, $625 each. estal. $600. 7564385. ? hop dollars wfree towing. Call we also have lg selection of used car & truck parts RAMSEY 8000 lb winch. MATCHING Couch, chair'1 A ottoman. Exc. for Den. at lowest prices. 3734224, Call 8 $175. after 4 PM. 3 WK116. SANYO elec ca:h register. Grai- - r MOVING IRRIGATION pipe, used Franklin vooa stove, ner ' (Mill A Mix), also or damaged, hand line. never used. $300. Mixa Sears Bread, Call after 6pm. YARD mortarplaster Sewing Machine, $150. WANTED 2400 sq. ft. mixer $800, also used wood Stereo, AMFM A record stove $450. Metal building. Call player in wood cabinet. $250. Beautiful sofa A love Ask for Randal. BABY Crib, stroller, car- - seat wwood trim, quilted -CASH for used, damaged, seat, high chair, playpen, cushions, 100 nylon, (700, seconds & half pair large portacrib. Call new. Mower, 9.2 hp wi- size moon boots, over- FOR home sewing: Repo sonsin eng, newly rebuilt,' shoes, snow packs, & sewing machine, (250. snowmobile boots. Soles Surging & cut material in DINING rm set, I months" must be good, tops & liners overcast immaterial. Jim Phillips, one operation. New (369, old, only $450. Call Wendy, will sell for (199 cash or (8 7 or mo. or CASH Paid for washers, NEW Pine bookcase GUARANTEED reconditdryers, & refrigerators ioned appliances, over 60 bunkbeds, $135. Call 756-- .. working or not. We pick to choose from. LaMar's 2407 or i up. bed couch, exc Appliances, 265 N State, HlDE-awaLindon. cond, $250. Rocking love 4 DIAMONDS aft 4. seat, $75. LAWN Tractor, wmowing above deck & snowblower attach EARLY American couch, items at absolute best ments. Perfect cond. (950. love seat, chair, ottoman, ' prices. Alpine Coins, be Call new cond, $650. L hind Arby s in Orem, 225- 7848. NEW Rainbow vacuum DOUBLE bed, complete,; cleaner, still in box, Gtd. $65. French Provincial Reg price $800, will sacri dresser, $65. we need guns, gold. fice for $399. or BEAUTIFUL red velvet.' diamonds, tools, tv's, drapes, fits 10' window, " camping equipment and $100. Coat of arms, (25. ! OFFICE Furn. Desks, of value. anything ' chairs, exec desk & cre- - Wall acces, 810. Highest Prices Paid denza, bookshelves, etc, ORANGE Swivel Rocker, LOAN A LAM PAWN exc cond. child's dresser, misc. Call. 480 Watt Center, Mva THREE 4000 gal storage 373-551- 50-7- 5 .. 025-517- do-it- days.,-224-26- 510 Sale-Whe- 7. 0 -- 374-936- , ; y GOLD-SILVE- R 375-161- 9. 1. tank, $2500 each or best or offer. WINNIE The Pooh crib $75. Stroller buggy $50, Car seats $20. Like new, i baby items. Call COMPRESSORS NEW TANK MOUNTED HP $299, 2 HP $399, 3 HP $599, KATE Industrial Co. 2 0UU FOR SALE starting dbl 9'xll'. Bdrm sets, dresser mirror 1 drawer nite stands, headboard, 4 pc set $180, full size beds $59. 1 authorized In- - grsoll-Ran- FOR SALE MOTORCYCLES, beds, much more. 1138 W Shop 2700 sq ft, 1240 N, Orem. TWO car seats, $40 each. 1 wnew eqpt & inventory 7 acres industrial land, PI RAILROAD ties. 1537 S. infant seat, $10. Grove. Approx $3001000 Main, Springville. Call VIC 20 Computer 2 pro value for $195,000. 785-- 1 205. MACHINE DID tbu" LIK 515 ; APPUANC5 ' CUBIC ft fridge with icemaker. $350. 21 6. LIKE new white GE range, $270. Washer A dryer, $175. n 2. BAM IX I, new $79, great Mother's Day gift, 1610 E 200 S PL Grove. BOSCH II, new wmeat doe grinder hook; cookie A cake whip $139. 1610 E 200 S, PL Grove. Call 1. SIX inch Southbend metal lathe, 24" table, $750. Call licer-blender, WASHER, older model grams $50. Piano $500. GE, very reliable, $75. Hidebed couch $75. Color Dryer, new Hotpoint. 5 TV $100. Queen bed $50. Yrs. in home, warranty. Girl's bike $20. Swingset $200. Call anytime.- RECONDITIONED Appliances for sale, WOMANS wedding ring guarantee, your best buy,", set, never worn, best offer. Call TradeSell. Call WASHER A dryer, (100 CAMPER sleeps 6, (600, each. Dishwasher, (125.-Ca4 in slide camper (500, Browning shotgun (400, dryer, exc' Savage 243 rifle (175, WASHER, asking (250 for both.' mixer $400, Womens bike cond, Call $40, blue couch or chair $200 or best offer. Call aft '83 G.E. Hotpoint, almond,1 6p.m. 7564302. refrigerator, nearly new,' FIREPLACE Insert, new, asking (360. $300. Call WASHER A Dryer In exq PIONEER stereo receiver. cond. Will sell seperate 9 '49 Dodge truck. Call ll 6IRL Dot. exc cond, 4-- Cam- - WARDS 14 cubic inch STEEL firplace with dam2 yrs old, $100. Zenew, 36" opening, fridge, nith 8 trk stereo, $95. Car BI75. Call per, like FlEA? c $100. 4894091. LITTLE immed possession. Swapp RE 3735363 or WONDERING if you can buy? Let us show you this 3 bdrm twin home. Quiet area close to school & church. Low dn assumabn loan. Call Cen tury 21 Harmon Rc 224- 2010, ask for Cerolynne. L fold-ou- USED brick for sale, light Bell & Howell Movie kolored, 2000 left, 12 cents era $75. Call leach. WHAT LQOZ& I van, TJ06 HE . FORSfciE 0 t couch for Inflatable boat wmotor $200. Bentley Grandfather clock $100. 0 By Don Addis A M5CSLA0U$ Ken Young. TWO Captains chairs. $50 7854071. "L" LIKE 21 groceries at up to 37 discount. Recorded info. Dial Drem. (If repeatedly RIDGE Athletic charter busy in eves, call days.) colored or fam bldg; fARM steel siding, Call membership, $550. $25 SALE: Sewing mafwood post & beam or steel chines, lawnmowers, TV's, beam bldgs. Any size. De- SELL '73 GMC 2Vjton or vacuums A bikes. $50 sale: for or van. Low as trade needs. Washers, dryers, fridge, camper sign your 2 50 a sq ft. Wilson Farm or beds, guns, stereos, etc. 1440 ($12 30. $15. ii Me Binders, Tents, w Boxes, Drills, Drill Motors, Jig Saw, Tools, Machine, Dressers, Ta bles, Chairs, Filing Cabinets, Trucks & Cars, WeldBLMLDNG Cfl ing Torch, Tips (new). MATERIAL Utility Truck Bed, Hydraulic Pumps. 1974 Cabover ACME FENCE CO Kenworth 13 spd wCum- ROOFING, galvanized, 26" Open for inspection kide, 8' $4.55, 10' $5 70, 12' mings. Friday, April 27, S6 85. 14' $8 00, 16' $9.15. Ken's Auction Barn, Ben Also avail 26" wide 26 jamin UT. Sale conductd (gauge, 8' $6.15, 10' $7.70, by Western Auction Co. 12' $9.25, 14 (10 80, 16' 28, Auctioneer: Good NO Down 2 location, brick, PI. Grove, FULL size beds $89.50 2 pc will subordinate for down set. Rm size cpts cood payment, trade. 3734161. cond. at $14.50 for -- PLEASANT Grove, 3 Vi acre 3 bdrms (2 up 1 dn), fncd SPRINGVILLE, fam rm, deck, gar, lot, Ig gar. (2750 dn. Owner bdrm, 373-536-3 8 RARE Central Orem loc. 86x142 irrig. $2a 900. By owner. 2244025. ll RESTAUR AN baby coming, exc Bs. (50.- 000 gross yr. Good oppty. Call after Sp m 3730594 or 61 N 100 E. Provo RETIRING after 38 business for sale. La- 1 Call 3 . 4 038-o- r ONLY down Call Bill FULLY developed lots in SE Sp Fork Will finance at low interest rate w low down Call Ron 7983051 Jensen RE 7988693 NORTH Orem residential building lots. Fully imS left to proved choose "rom. Lots range from $14 500 to $17,500 in price Call Jerry Love and, Bushnell RE. 3734650 or Os- - Allen mond RE 2248200 DON T Lease Buy! Office Condo. protect now begin-ng Exc. Location in High traffic area on Center Street m Orem. Near Hospital Check into the bene fits of ownership. BUSINESS bid tor sell or lease Payson. 1450 sq ft narking Call 798-- 255. ' & Co. Santaquin. SPANISH Fork, 3 bdrm, 2 baths, fam rm. Iclose to school. $2495 dn. Osmond $49,900. Swapp Rfc or 375363. WILL contract on 4 bdrm, 2 bath, PI Grove home. Jack 2254310 $18000 ,- 4 LEHI BUY AT (53 900. 3 bdrm home on Vj acre lot. Lots of amenities. Call Me! Kath- r.m s On GEORGETOWN FOUR Bdrm frame starter home. 8'2 FHA. $3,500 Down. Offer less than 450 PITI. SP. Fork. Call Bill or 7984338. Wilde owner at r V 225-227- 3734650, 3774308. HAVE dinate! Orem s nest loca- TERRIFIC comml value tion. 1200 E. just off Cen 12 100' warehouse. 2300 I4P0 showroom. 1504' ter Can jack Alien li 3746. Osmond RE 224 8200 carport. 5002OO lot 183 acres biacktopped with link fence For lease CHOICE N Orem, acre chain w irrigation & fruit trees or sate Priced low. Call 1 House-WiTravel, bdrm brick, gar, good Spravl area $50,500, as VA sumable loan or $2,525 dn.ASSUMABLE 8Vi loan. Swapp RE 373Loan, 4 bdrms, 2 bath, fam New rm wsfove. (59,900. Ba- 14190. 09, Windsor OWNER TRANSFERRED rbara 224-9Properties DESPERATE for a cash DESPERATE! 1700 sq ft out off er on $15,000 equity. Assume $34,647 in Rambler, 'Aacre. Ap- and loans. 4 bdrm home, on praised (105,000. Consider 'acre A real sleeper, see reasonable offer. 3730205. ill 14 6 1 s, $ Wooos, - Pigt UUU FOR SALE showroom, ware- AUTO repair bs, good- 22 QUART commercial W 0S OFFICE, 2774 sq ft. NW leoot, inventory. & reoute- mixer, I sod, & accesso-rieReduced price' Breton house, kion $20000 offer. 3772186. $250 Povo. $500 me. 2240 514 Orem. WiH subor- THREE FOUNTAINS Manor home ml khowpiace interior design REAL 5TAIE ing, i kitchens, sunken for- 2244227. mal dining, 3 bath, many TRADE View RIVERBOTTOM lot amenities. Priced $169 950. (excellent loc. $18,500 Call Call Gary Stone TRADE nice Huntington 3754774 Osmond RE home & acreage Zoned TWO bdrm, 2 bath, near AMERICAN Fork, 14000 sq Comml to contractor to below ap- build me a home on my lot temple & BYU, I level. ft commlat bldg. $195X100 Monte praisal lOwner-agenin Elkridge Allman RE 4896964. ' WILLOWBROOK Condo foPROVO FOURPLEX CHOICE Corner view lot. NEWER 3 bedroom units, reclosure, most deluxe 95 imX 105 ft Fully 2 in w bdrms. (condo project. fireplace priced below 1.75 baths, frplc. track proved. SE. PI Grove. appraisal at $149,000 owe Cash or trade for equity & 9( 000 Trade for duplex, lighting, skylight, 4 more. take over payments. I will house etc. Call Moench RE Top floor loc. Ask for John I am Lambert at Bushnell R E. carry. No qualifying, Salt Lake City very flexible 2244 211. B736650 or DELUXE duplex for sale LARGE view lots, NE or trade for home, propOrem. Good prices. Call BY Owner, 3 erty or construction. or cond a 3 Fountains Provo, Mark bdrms, nice area. 1162 W 3 bdrm, 3"i bath, fam rm, THREE bldg lots. 650 N, Provo $60000. eachair elevator, marvelous N.E. of Large PI Grove, irrig kiity. Call view, ideal location. water, animal rights, $26000 Equity in beautiful or 3735875 terms. 10 discount, 10 home, for duplex, r con- quality 2 down, 10 int, CONDO'MANIA', w positive cash flow, pre or tact. IV Call Gary bath, ownership bdrm, ter Provo'Orem Bushnell RE 3734650. w out the hassle. Quiet set2' ACRES, hwy comml it! $38,500. Just try ting. BEAUTIFUL view lot on located in Delta, Jerry, 373-- 336. Horsley Osmond Lane. Priced at property Utah. Will trade for home Realty. 3777778. $110,000. Call Jeff in Utah County. 3741 138. LIKE new. beautifully Osmond RE kept 2 bdrm, I bath condo. IMPROVED Bldg lots. FOUR bdrm home on Vi2 Many luxuries, easy terms $8500 & up. N.E. PI Grove, acre lot, fam rm, rec rm, baths. Delta, Utah. Will to help you slip into some- Azoning. Call trade for home in Utah thing more comfortable. 374-138 $38,500 Horsley Realty, LARGE Provo Ipt in nice County Call subdivision, great location. LOT in Aspen Hi lis for Jerry, convenient to stores, mall pick-uor welding ma & schools. Randy LOTS chine. Offer. LOT for sale in Sherwood ST GEORGE S ACREAGE Condo, 2 Hills Appraised value (65.- - bdrm, near temple for TWO Bldg. lots for sale by 000. I will entertain any home or income prop. In owner in sprgvl e. siisuo offer or trade. Balance Provo 3730623. aft 6p.m. 000 at $S00mo. for owed, $25 Call FREE & clear. Orem manor 3744 566. Call terms of sale & location. sion, 8000 sq ft on 2 acres, NE MAPLETON, 2 acres, MAPLETON I 82 acres bid $580,000 Trade for land. bldg permit avail, $45000. permit, owner will carry Real Estate. Larry , C&A contract no dn, Susan Ferguson RE. Realty PRIME BUILDING LOTS DO you want to trade? ONE Acre, improved lot, SE OREM location prices Look at this: 1530 sq ft Call at $12500. water, animal rights, large starting brick wfull bsmt, huge 2264 020. Ostrees, at end of quiet Dill Young gar, good Payson area. street, 1st $29,900 otter mond RE 2248200. Owner will talk. Swapp RE takes. Orchard Hills SALEM Pond view lots, all improvements in. 335 S PLEASANT Grove home, BETWEEN Am Fork & PI Chrisman Circle. Owner appraised 85K, 50K equity, Grove. 18 Acres, reduced can finance, $16,500 each. trade up for residence. to $105 000 Cash. 3774 760. Call Gayle ex, 35K Also, Sp Fork acre lots, WOODSTOCK Estates Sub- Equity. Consider SLC ALPINE, Call 7854667. area low int contract sale. A- division. Now starting to 7564816. take names for improved lpine RE ots for sale. Located, at ATTENTION INCOME PROPERTY Contractors, 700 E. 100 N, Am. Fork. 2 acres Over Developers! Call Mitchell Dean homes. zoned, right in Provo CONTRACT sale! 24 unit city, call 3734617 eves. ELKRIDGE building lot. student apts near BYU. LOTS priced $12,500. Will 100X1 10', beautiful view, Terrific oppty for someone subordinate. Build with will sacrifice for $12,000. needing tax shelter. Call 10.55 pet Utah Housing Call or OsJack Allen mond RE Money. Call Jack Allen & DRY HIGH WE'RE 2 RE 746, Osmond AT THE OAKS NO da repossessed, 2 new Beautiful view lots for sale deluxe Provo duplex' 10 buy! Lg view (overlooking Spanish Oaks bdrm trade, $10,000 below lots, $12,000, 94x100. Will Goit course & R. Red- - appraisal, assumable. 3 subordinate to qualified ford's horse farm. Exc. $140,000 ea Call Larry buyers. Jack Allen 225-- Terms, Ferguson RE. 3746 Osmond RE ANXIOUS to sell, im- MOBILE Home Park, 16 SPECIAL OFFER 6 homes. Good proved bldg lot. $14,700. hkups $24,000, 23 ACRE, improv-men- t 6 income. Only $295500. 149 Int. N. Main Street, Coalville, good soil, ample GRANDMOTHERS UT. Small down, will carry water, 3 lots left. Seals GARDEN Estate. consider trade TWIN bldg lots, inter sec- - contract, older home with It ion of Salem Canal Rd & for VIEW OF VALLEY or ? for down ONE acre, good soil, per- Goosenest Dr. Beautifully acreage can in. mit, strawberry water. Indscpd, incl fruits & ber pymt. $33000, terms. Call Julie ries, chain link fencing. EARN 15 int paid 4894091 Goble at . sprk sys, & a neignbornood monthly, progressive firm BY OWNER fully im 2nd to none. For the ambi- - is sewing private expan a nice set- sion capital, will secure ml acre lot ml tious seeking each, proved terms choice real estate. Real stream, view, no flooding, ping. $15000 call Wilde & Estate Mgmt Co. bsmt ok, N Lehi quiet considered, Co. or street. Call 3754916. REDUCED $30,000 TWELVE plex student NORTH Lehi fully serviFARMS rental, dose to BYU. New ced lot, high & dry, reRANCHES Cpt, Exc. rental history. duced $14,930.3754916. 5 Call owner a gent SPRINGVILLE-b- y owner, 56 ACRE farm, Payson, after 5 PM. choice bldg lots, fully im- Kncd, leveled, all irrigated. FOUR-pleneeds a little proved, 10, 000 sq ft & road frontage, $3571 per fixing up, $840 rents. $90,- reduced prices. acre. Roger 4894029, Utah 000. Call larger, 1200 S 950 E. Termssub. Farm RE TWO for sale by Spring Meadows. SEVEN Acres, 185 W 975 N, Orem. SPANISH FORK, Wolf trial land, 2700 sq ft owner, Assumable mortgages. Hd low, bldg lot , nice size machine shop & eqpt. PI $100,000 each. $17,900. Susan 4894438. Grove. Ideal for truck C&A RE farm. Sprinkler lines & DUPLEX, $7000 down, 11 interest $48,000. 333 S. 400 SPECTACULAR Ig view artesian well. Approx W. Provo. Call lot, near N.E. Orem. Fully $300,000 value for $195,000. 785-205. CASA DE HOMBRE improved. Below ap- ' NICE 4 Bdrm, 2 bath EXCELLENT location praisal. 21 acres, Kirby close to BYU. Unique 5 MANILA, dandy Vi acre home,all Bldg, equipment much plex. Priced at $139,500 ml lots, fully improved. Call more. 7984111. flexible terms. Call Mike Peterson RE or Dale FORECLOSURE SPRING VI LLE, Creekside RE 3734650. FIVE acre farm ground. Bushnell Estates now under way. ' water rts & power, 35 mi. 12 FAMILY units. High acre Bldg. lots, from $16,- 2 back pymts rents wno vacancies. 500. 900 S. 1300 E, Spring- - SE of Provo. due of $15046 each. Total Complete analysis avail. ville. 2244529489-8301- . rice: $11,300. Call SLC Choice Properties SPRINGVILLE choice lots FOUR-Plex- , cash reduced for quick sale THREE Bdrm home. Am. flow. Close topositive Orem Cefrom $12 500. 4BM535. Fork. 1250 sq. ft. bath. nter. $109,500. Terms. ALPINE Exclusive. I'j Gar, Lg. covered deck. Swapp RE acre lot woak & streams, Sits on 5 Acres. OREM duplex, 3 bdrm, 2 Alpines most exclusive FARM ground, in Goshen baths, each. Assume loan. area. Easy terms. Buy of the yr! Excellent $85,100. Swapp RE LARGE wooded lots on se grow crop, orchard, or N. Provo whatever, incl irrig water, cluded anxRiverbottoms. $40,0OO-$55wil sell or trade make OUT of state owner 5 bdrm, 3 000. Exclusive Cobble offer. Chancellor Property ious, Ig duplex, bat h, dbl gar, ea side. BaCourt. 4150 N 450 W. Exc Call 7854000. rbara Windsor protective covenants. A $500 PER Acre for 220 Properties few Ig unwooded lots in 2 miles STUDENT Only same subdivision also Acre farm. rental, $2700 from town. Exc. View & mo. avail. 2250 income, good loc, sale ocation. Roger 4894 029. or trade equity. NORTH Orem, great loc in Utah Farm RE. Pepper idge, 1700 N. 280 W. $125 PER Acre for 1187 16 UNIT. Low down, high (E of State St.) 90'X95'. leverage. Break evennor1 Won't last long at $16,500. Acres Range ground. mal down. Great terms. Call John at 37M930 or hour, from Provo. Roger Choice Properties 4394029. Utah Farm RE. Joan at GRAND Cm MSCELuVtOlS 500 FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 224-617- PnataMM tfm Mil 2't bath, formal (dining rm, frplc, 1 best of la II the price is only (78.000. Call Century II Harmon RE 224 7010 Bill or Mary &MSSES (I PROPERTY (ACREAGE ultra-moder- n ORCHARD Creek, Orem. $1000 down will get you a I bdrm condo, exc cond, AC, rec area. Call 0 nice N Orem brick frame rambler, 5 bdrm, bath Vfr bdrm, 5 bdrm, LOTS 380 GARDEN Park CodO- Exc house Sun fipen & location. 1 bdrm sunroom 2254 294. 377- 7247 or 2243 350 OWNER almost desperate will heio vou buv 1 bdrm I baths, tarn rm. tonda to " Y". $59,500. Swapp RE 3735361 THINK sunshine! & plan your summer around the swimming pool m a beauti ful Shadow Brook Condo. 3 COMMERCIAL THE HERALD, Provo, Uuh, 24 1984 Tuesday, April $150 or best offer. Call after 4pm weekdays (200. HARVEST Gold (175. call e, 1. ' |