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Show 11 Page - THE HERALD, Prwo, Utah, Tuesday. April Legal Nonces &o...you wplfd m pet f al. fcl not the litter. Specifications bi good dition within ten (10) days o,tt set for the bid Si nur.itlK Make (lose eats 0 Legal Notices NOTICI OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described property situated in Utah County, Utah, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of the Utah County Courthouse, Provo, Utah, on May 22, 1984, at the hour of 9:35 a.m., for the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by MICHAEL O LUKE and JUDY O. LUKE, his wife, as Trustors, In favor of ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL Benefi- ciary, recorded September 4, I9M, as Entry No. 30252, n Book 1858 at page 7i ot the official records of Utah Utah, covering property located at: 287 North 730 East Orem Utah 84057 and more particulary da- scribed as: et the Commencing corner of Lot 1, Northeast Plat "A", 1 2. 1914. NOTICI TO CREDITORS Probate North 101.74 feet along East line of said Lot 9 to the South line of 300 North Street; thence North 8938' East 85.04 feet along South line of said Street to a curve to the right; thence along said curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 10 feet, a distance of 15.67 feet; thence South 03S' East 91.78 feet along West line of 750 East Street to the point of begin- No. 21,751 IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH COUNTY STATE OF UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF B. DAVIS, Deceased MEN-LON- All persons having claims against the abovt ta NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, payable In lawful money of tht United States at the time of sale, at tht front steps of the Utah County Courthouse, Prova Utah County, State of Utah, on May 1914, at 10:00 a.m. on said day, fo the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by DAVID L. L DONNA L. KUNZLER, husband and wife. Trustor, in favor of AMERICAN SAVINGS & ! requireo to nrMnt tham with vouch- at V0AN AS?CJA1L?N' V trs to the undersigned h. i.u, nifiH n d.u umr. if us if Area aft ding Ivlt, Attorney at Law, 41 North University Ave- nue, Prova Utah 14601, on or before the 15th day of July, 1984. Dated and signed this 3rd day of April, 1984. Pamela Marrott. Personal Subdivi- sion, Orem, Utah County, Utah, according to the official plat thereof on file in the office of the Recorder, Utah County, Utah; thence West 95.0 feet along North line of said Lot 11, to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 of said Subdivision,- - thence egal Notices PROVO CITY SCHOOLS SHERRON H. PORTER, CLERK No. 1227 Published In Tht Dally Herald April 21 23, 24 25, 24, 27, 2, 30, May 1. 480 South f urley covering real Property "" rii r J" ?i. "!! I? r"""" y,ahdescribedmoras S,B, particularly ,ol'ow!i . . ParksWa 'on' VII age cm'. u,h or.d.ina .,0 ,n Drive ? cn? 0 hrf'nUtah. lA? Utah P Pleasant Grovt. Utah offict 84062 County, RAY HARDING IVIE IVIE YOUNG Th JnTerest Attorneys for Petitioner 48 North university Avenue P"nt ' beneficialC ; '"t "t Dated this 4th day of IVM P n Bo47I April, L. Mark Ferre Prova Utah 84603 Successor Trustee Telephone -- u" 0 No. 1182 Published in The 200 Daily Herald April 10, 17, American Savings Plaza 77 West 20 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 No. 117$ Published in The Daily Herald April 10, 17, 24, 1984. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Separate sealed bids for construction of the Provo City Airport Improvement Project which includes aircraft tiedown pad rehabill- - 24, 1984. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE The following described irrrar tiMiown property will tobe sold at auction the pad extensions, will be re- - public n oMer, ning, Being part of Lot 12, by Provo City Cormoney of the Uni ted the Provo co Knight Subdivision. of the time sale, Purchase price payable in City Engineering Office, SUtes at ttie front steps of the lawful money of the United 351 West Center, Provo, States of America. Utah 84601 until 2:00 p.m.. Said sale will be made May I, 1984 yommenv my -without covenant or war- at 2:00 p.m., Tne ors win ;. said day, for the: pur ranty, express or implied, W UU'ik' f w p. ...... Deed of a pose foreclosing regarding title, possession read aloud. by or encumbrances. Documents of Trust executed Contract " EWASHBURN DATED: April 17, 1984. may be examined at the WASHA. NATIONAL ZIONS FIRST "IS! BURN, his BANK, N.A. tor in favor of AMERI- :..wm., Richard H. Nebeker CAN SAVING AND LOAN Con- Attorney for Zions First ASSOCiATION, as Trustee National Bank, N.A. acIorin ail " Beneficiary, covering BOO Kennecott Building e West, Salt located at Salt Lake City, Utah 84133 City, Utah; RouteKi, Box No. 1235 Published in The office c4 Provo City CorpoUtah7and Count Daily Herald April 24, May ration, 35 West Center, utah more particulrly de- 1, 8, 1984. Provo, Utah. scribed as follows: A 5 percent proposal a pointCommencing to be NOTICE TO is required 54guaranty 0 375 a chain j,, CONTRACTORS suomiTTeo wun me oiu. East tne Northwest cor- reSealed bids will be The Owner reserves the ner ot Section I Township ceived by the Board of right to reiect any or an 9 urn. Range East. Salt Provo City o'- Education, Lake Base and Meridian; Schools for: ADDITIONS thence North 89M9' East 16 Copies of the Con and TO THE GRANDVIEW Specifications, rods; 10thence south 54' ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. tract Documents may be rods; thence South 1591 Jordan Avenue, obtained at the office of S9i9' West 16 rods; thence Creamer 8. Noble Engi- - North 54' West 10 rods to Prova Utah. Bids wil be in accordance neers, 435 East Taberna the point of beginning, and with Drawings Specifi- cle, St. George, Utah,, DATED this 13th day of cations prepared by Joe H. upon paymeni 01 ice ui April, lB4. AMERICAN SAVINGS Ashworth & Associates, $60.00. Upon PROMPT reAND LOAN Architects, 43 West, 300 turn, and in aood condition ASSOCIATION North, Provo, Utah and of the Plans, Specificasame may be obtained tions, and Contract DocuBy Gregory D. Farley from the Architect upon ments, $10.00 will be reAttorney for Trustee 77 West 200 South of $100.00 deposit funded. receipt to 1984. made Lake City, UT84101 Salt 4, set, Dated: payable April per the Architect. The deposit No. 1173 Published in Tne No. 1218 Published in Tne will be refunded upon re- Daily Herald April 8, 12, Daily Herald April 24; turn of such Drawings and 18, 24, 1984. May 1, 8, 1984. Pb' high-ceive- d Y,a0u?uu"' t LELr2?.5 lZbrn,Vil.M? 1 P'"' yt NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder on the 26th 2:00 p.m. at the east side of the Provo City Police day of April at the hour of Department, 50 South 300 West, Provo, Utah, the personal property herein after described. Said personal property has been held by the Provo Police Department for more than 30 days, and all reasonable efforts have been made by the Provo City Police Department to discover the owner thereof. No claim has been made of any part of said personal property. SERIAL DATE BIKES MO95064 1. Gold Volkscycle BYU 1220 2. Yellow Murray S05680276 3. Blue Bike LK530972 4. Green Schwinn 1303418 5. Maroon Schwinn 1068400 6. Blue Azuki D5S83705 6. Blue Murray M26571X67729130 8. Gold Ladies Bike 10- 9. White Shimano CE 12- 910COB472 10. Maroon KHS 11- 3 11. Blue Murray D196882 12. Green Hawthorne 502472511 & D0028974 13. Blue Sears Free Spirit 14. Yellow Bike . CS282398 10- 3 . FM5080158 15. White Stingray Schwinn 11- ,790126705 16. Red Schwinn Traveler 17. Blue Chimo 18. Black Rambler 70200888 19. Blue KHS Grand Sport HC4582136 & C820412967C1 20. Brown J.C. Penney 10- 275627294 & 5766272 21. Blue Motorcane 11- 9129336 22. Blue Schwinn 11- 3 23. Black Japanese D114 ' 1021419 24. Blue Azuki 12- 25. Chrome BMX WXT020150 26. Black MX 11- M46373 461187 27. White Murray 29-8- 3 11- 28-8- 3 11- 28-8- 3 08-8- 3 29-8- 29-8- 28-8- 3 3 08-8- 3 03-8- 08-8- 3 02-8- 3 3 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Chrome J.C. Penney HA201763 EH093266 Purple Eliminator Copper Schwinn 134623 Yellow Schwinn Yellow Schwinn Blue AMF Roadmaster Brown Huffy - 4 02- -03-8- 4 01- Gold Royce Union Gold Huffy Red Sears Free Spirit Silver J.C. Penney 41. Red Schwinn Typhoon 42. Yellow Lakama 43. Red Huffy 44. Brown Coast King 45. Blue Huffy 46. Gold Girls Plymouth 47. DH 020976 Yellow Bike Blue Western Flyer Blue Female Free Spirit 48. Tan Sears 49. Red Columbia 50. Yellow Raleigh 51. Blue Murray 52. Yellow Piscean 53. Green Sekine 54. Silver Carrena 55. RedWhite Schwinn 56. Blue Columbia KL501624 EJ614706 G254565 A70399268B9 629A294 02- - 4 4 03- - 03-8- 4 02- - 28-8- 4 made furniture BRICK er block work. and remodeling. kmail obs & frpics a spe- ity, ail work gtd, tree TAX 4 HP3701389 LH1497927 HP6083326 8. PB3131 061 ' 502474380 K0537752 A51511A M07006474S5301006 03202 181821 HC3100019 J821305 51680120 45407 57. White Azuki S23799 . 58. Purple Ross Grand Prix 06913 59. Yellow Senator 03045344 n cinin HoiiraiT Also, other miscellaneous Items held by Provo Police Department. Chief Swen C. Nielsen Chief of Police Provo Police Department Provo, Utah No. 1167 Published In The Dally Herald April 10,17,24, 1984. N num. 373-64- re- Cash Rates 3 Lin Minimum 3 Days, 3 Linoe 7.00 6 Days, 3 Unas 9.73 25 Days, 3 Unas 23.50 377 CONCRETE Flatwork, walls, footing. Call for esti mate. Doyie, BRAKE out & replacement, Curb 8, Gutter work, truck work. Backhoe t Call QUALITY e can service, 1325 S. 800 E. 7 misc Call TREES & shrubs, trimmed or removed, free est. Seven Trees Co. FOR good Topsoll 8. Fill Gravel, Call E. H. Miller 3. SUPER-LIT- E Rock". Lava "Volcanic A 224-444- 5 1 9 1 e. 7 Roto-vatin- g beautiful maintenence-fre- e footings, way to dation & flatwork at com- - landscape. Very econom- too. Also helps weed petetlve prices. cal RENT Symon concrete control. We handle onlyin high quality material, forms, reasonable. Do red color. We your own foundations, haveor chocolate 81 l'-ground walls, etc, or let us do it cover, & boulders in any for you. Gary Ashton size. Don't settle for second best. Our W rock is deal for driveways, walk CONTRACTORS 029 ways, parking lots, etc. by the pound or GENERAL contractor Wethesellton) Color Country would like to service your by Lava Rock Co. 1100 N. 1200 needs, new const i. addi- W. (Frontage Road) next tions, bsmt & sm comml, to Miller Ski Co. Orem, work gtd, lie & insured, Utah. free est Randy. trimmed or reNEED to make improve TREES 8, hedges ments but don't know who moved. Shrubs & shaped. Fruit to call? For Gtd. profes- trimmed Free est. sional work by a Lie. Gen- trees pruned.Tree Service Valley eral Contractor, call Rob Utah & Lie Call 375- ins. (UVTS) ert at (You'll be 9539. PAINING WANT to babysit. My 05 glad you did!). home. Exp. 18 Mo. & up. sod, TILLING, leveling, PAINTING, all kinds, 10 Near Y, Fncd back Yd, CERAMIC tile setting preparation, yrs, fast, quality work. Lots of toys. Kim Comml, & Residential. seeding, power raking. Lowest rates. New Const, etc. FULLTIME Babysitter Cleanup, Prun- - LICENSED Painter & near byu. S6.50aay. in- 18 YEARS exp & He gen SPRING contractor specializing m ng. Raking, Hauling, Paper Hanger. Low rates, fants-- 4 yrs. Call but quality work & service. BABY rm additions. Also do all Sprk work. Jim r Lov kitchens & interiors. Free TILLING, leveling, & ing Care in my NW Orem est. Arch drawings. Call us backfill w750 John Deere PAINTING; Indoorout home. Call for help in planning your 4 WD. door, residentialcomml. 5 LOVING Child. Care, 24 addition. Yrs. Exp, Quality work. RAILROAD Ties for land hrsday, ig fncd play area. Lie. Free scaping & retaining walls bargain prices. CONTRACTOR, Utah LIC. Est. wRef. Additon, re 1385 w 1600 N orem. 224- - PAINTING, 23 exp PROFESSIONAL yrs Finish Day modeling. Garages, 4340, reputation, father & son Care in home, infants & after 5 PM. Bsmt. SPRINKLER Systems in team for mission. Paper up. Call NEED a Bsmt under your stalled & repaired, finest hanging, Int 8, ext. 785 house, or Addition? 373 quality, lowest prices, free 7170, 7245 or Free Est. est. Lie. & gto. tCOMETAX SPRING clean up time, int COORDINATOR-customs- , LANDSCAPE, gardening. & ext. fast clean, quality add, roof cutting, plumb complete clean-up- , tilling work. Call INCOME tax. High Re & power rake. ing. Chuck, INTERIOR, Ext, no job funds, Computer checked. k LET us help you with your TOP free, $10 per too small or Ig. New or old In vour own home. Call or addtion, remodeling, new pickup load or $7.50 per work, 25 yrs exp. Lie. 489- construction, RKB Con yd. Loc 2035 W 820 N, 75S. PAY LESS TAXES 8am-5pstruction. General Con Provo. Interior & FAST personalized, comEXTERIOR, tractor. Call wk days, 8am-lpSat. Commercial. 2 man team. puter checked, income Low rates. Free Est. Call taxes. QUALITY work wtrue 9 LAWN CARE or craftsmanship. Custom 045 homes, room additions, LAWNS WOMEN Painters, resiprofessionally WORK WANTED bsmts, kitchens, interiors, small commercial. concrete. Design thru com mowed & mainicured. dential, 7 Refs. 2654)250. yrs exp. es free Reasonable rates, pletion. 20 yrs exp. Lie. timates. Prestige Land PAINTING, custom work MAN ivPU, all kinds of aft 2. Call Lynn, scaping & Yard Mainte- is what we like, intext. work, reasonable. Day or nance. Lie. Free est, good refs. night, Kelly. DRY WALL M4 HOUSECLEANING Pro- SPRINKLER systems, TAPING, fancy texturing hauling, cleanup, & ffessionly done, reasonable etc. HUMBNG patching, restoring, trades rates, anytime. Beverly 051 considered. POWER RAKING MAINTENANCE, repair, BIDS, $5 off wadd. new installation. Semi-r- e STUDENT wtruck needs EXCAVATION 027 work tilling, hauling, tree Weekly lawn care, tilling. tired. Reasonable. & shrub trim. Any work BACKHOE Service. So in new REPAIR, remodel, Call Call Utah County. $28hr. SPRING Clean your stallation, special rates, I will paint an average yard!! Power raking, fer- free est. 2254)753, & general cleanempty 2 bdrm apt, for $75 DON'S Excavating; water tilizing, Free est. paint. 226-- 164. RADIO-Tlines, sewer lines, bsmts. up. 841 free est. Call YARD Doctor, Power RakSICK of weekly house main- QUICK, reasonable TV, Cleaning?!! Call Tracy 785- FILL Dirt (Sandy ing 8, Profat grounds VCR, CB repair. 1245. att ip.m. yesterday's stereo, Gravel). American Fork tenance Free est on carry-in- . 146 S. ROTO-tillinArea. Good price. Call 225 prices. Need your Lindon. 5085 or T1MP Lawn Care Service. State, Harden tilled? Free Est. reasonPROMPT free Clean Call Russell Service, work, BACK Hoe, Trenching 8, Prompt low rates. Call able rates. Sr. Citizen Dump truck, reasonable estimates,or Dscts. Your home or our RELIABLE housecleaning. rates. Call Goodwill Radio TV Call Kathy shop. COMPLETE Yard Care, 798 S State Orem GARDEN tillingtotal tree & shrub trimming, FENCING 021 lawn care, pruning, & power raking, mowing, 643 ROOFING 3734845. Call estrimming, Free ACME FENCE CO rates. reasonable Do FENCING; residential timate HOUSECLEANING: Roof We FLAT owners! wire, 50 ft rolls, 4 & Lawn can change your roof to a you want your home 6 Also ornamen LANDSCAPE professionally? specializing pitch for little more than a cleaned tal iron; beauty link, wood Maintenance, cleaning, free est. & trimming. n reroof while increasing Total link, iron wood, window Freemowing Good refs. Nancy estimates. your home value. guards, horse corrals, dog Lie. Cont. live-iLADY wants & job, more. & much LAWNS Mowed runs, barns, main Also avail tained. Lawns over 'nacre ROOFING specializing in exc references. 32. Call aft 5, Rm. chain link fence. Green, only. None too big. Free reroofing & asphalt shin black 8. brown. 4, 5, 6 ft est. Val gles. Call heights in stock. Materials INSTRUCTION or installation. Your one COMPLETE Lawn & yard FLAT roof problems? & rea Cover over existing roof stop fence store. 1440 W care. Dependable Duro-Lasonable. Phil Blackwell with one piece Center, Orem. Call roofing. 20 yr warranty. THE American Institute of Call Weather Seal Roofing. Medical 8, Dental Technol PENDLETON Precision ogy has started their new Fence Co. Quality wood SPRING into Summer wa tuneup by mproved 7 month course Fncing. Free Est. The Green Thumb. Prun- FLAT top & shingles, free n medical & dental assist-ng- . est. thru Classes commencing ing, power raking, Troybilt special prices HEATING 035 For informa-ttion- , tilling, general cleanup. May 5. Call 7th-y- r in UT service call Betty prof FURNACES: oil & coal ROOF repair specialist. now! Valley. Can service. Call especially flat gravel type. Village Green, Provo. YARD Service, Spring fcxceiient guarantees, sen PRIVATE guitar, drum. clean-up- , HOME DESIGN weeding, haul ior discount. Call 034 banjo, bass, mandolin, & ing, monthly care, free est. ACME Fence Company. (synthesizer lessons. HOUSE plans, prompt. Call. Merger Music. Roofing Galvanized, 26" reasonable rates, trades QUALITY Lawn Mowing, wide, 87S4.S5; 107S5.70; PRIVATE Guitar lessons, considered. edging, trimming. Reason- - 127S6.85; 147S8.00; 167 beginning & intermediate. 19.15; also avail 26" wide ale rates, tree est. pecoustic or electric. Call HANDYMAN 126 037 gauge, B7S6.15; 107 ask for Dave. LIQUID Fertilizer, Weed K7.70; 127S9.25; I47$10.80; CARPENTRY Bsmts, Ad Control, & Insecticide. Sig- 167 SI 2.30. 1440 W Center, DENTAL Assisting, 16 wk ditions, sheetrock, painting nature Lawns, Orem. day & evening courses. concrete. New classes start every DIAL week. Also Special 8 wk TRIMMING MOW, Edge, trim, sweep. C4f summer course starts Jun HOME Maintenance & re Homes and Business. Dr. Ken Molen at o 4. Call pair. Carpentry & odd, No Relax!! I'll worry about (TREES trimmed, or Careers. (Dental Job too small. your lawn'. Call Steve for (moved shrubbery ow free est. pruning & tree surgery. PIANO teacher has open- WE'LL do our best job no Firewood cut free. St lie 8, ngs. Member UMTA, matter how small, repairs COMPLETE Lawn & Yard ns, free est, 22 yr serving IMf NA. icare. IF or or remodle Weekly service. help of any Provo & all Utah CO. aft 5. kind. Call you've tried the rest, now Seven Trees Co. GENERAL help neeCed, the best. 0 exc starting pay. YARD clean up, trim, try HAWAII SERVICES for appt. weed, mowing, tree cut, POWERAKE, by a lawn TREES & shrubs-cu- t specialist, experienced. down, trimmed, topped, PART-Tim- e hauling, free est. evening help Free est. Craig removed, clean 8, haul needed wnew appliance) mow, trim, edge, free est, sway, reasonable rates, store, no exp needed. Com 031 HOME IMPROVEMENTS free est. pany training provided reliable, experienced mo. salary or profit WALLPAPER aft 4 p.m. hangers. adult. TREES trimmed or re $400 can Reasonable, Exp. Julie snaring, RAKE tret POWER rnoved, surgery Alyson Dorm super WE have a 7 yr history of Shrubs & hedges trimmed ASSISTANT iTORM windows, 40 off, making beautiful lawns in I shaped. Fruit trees visor, part time, hrs windows, Ut Valley. Don't compro- sruned. Low rates. Free week, 14.50 hr & up. 2 to replacement winEst. Utah Valley Tree 3spnt shifts a week. Fill itorm doors, complete mise! Power & clean up at 4 yr old Service (UVTS) lis & ins. out application at Provo dow & screen repair. Call Therma Glass Canyon School, 4501 N. prices. Dave University, 9 am to 4 pm DUALITY wood retinish- - COMPLETE garden main UPHOLSTERY weekdays. 070 29 in a low price. tenance, CA, na done at yr exp Westwood area aft 6. full tall Rich at REUPHOLSTER or have BOOKKEEPER, 000 to charge, SI 8, save to made hew suiv summer PROFESSIONAL DESIGN wallprinling-thstart. Send resume to: Fine tailoring Gtd. Uack alternative to wallpaper. lawn mowing, rototilling, rnoneyl L. Williams, General Free home Est. power raking. For info, call wtgr, Holiday Inn, P.O. Box 1441, Provo, 84601. foun iiie-tim- ... 726-303- or prof results? Lan mowing & lawn care, there's a difference! Roto WE do fast concrete jobs illing 20x20 garden SIS patios, driveways, side new lawns, tree removal walks, etc. Free est. sonnel Office, State Capital Bldg, Salt Lake City, ut. Before April 25, 1984. Bldg 2, Orem. needed for tree WORKERS ASSISTANT Manager. Need 2 mature people to planting crew $3.50 hr to M-Native train for mgmt. When start, W 2100 N Lew trained; overwritt bo Plants 1697 full time work. nuses, & benefits. High temporary earnings oppty. Call 37S- CARRIERS, sales help, & 2263 between only. phone solicitors nttdtd A.D.S. RESUMES immediately, can Between USA PM. WHEN you absolutely, positively must have tht best Today Newspaper. resume, call HI Spot looking for full or good BUILD ON part time help, YOUR FUTURE wagts. Apply In person at If your advertisement soo IT7 N provo. w, AS a member of tht Utah a National Guard Engineers. SECRETARY, accounting Best price 1 best way for apptart Incerrtctly, us notify imrnMiamy. fexcenent training, pay experience helpful, full gardens 4 lawns. and education benefits to time. Call for appt, zeda We wil not bo rospon-sib- lt PLOWING, tilling, furrowqualified applicants. Call Computers, for mora two than ing dona with small garden in Provo; tractor. Exc results. $10 incorrect insertions.' in American Fork; BEAUTY Consultants min. UT County wanted: should make 818 in Lehi; Such responsibility h in Spring-vinhr commission, 1st week. limited to a correct in LISTON'S Tractor .oriented ptoplt. Caretr Call Provo. advertise-menCASH? Oram, t. sertien of NEED EXTRA Call PUT those extra hours to manS8.00 por DATA Proctssing ROTO Tilling, Troy Built. The Daily Herald work! Earn up to needed. ager needed, Ig computtr hr..Car, phone Best way for lawns t gar reserves the right to can Fuller Brush Co 225- co, B4R competlblt txp, dens. Call contact TAR I edit, or reject 2662. classify, less for GARDEN tilling DELIVERY Help wanted, classified RESUMES. Call than you can rent a tiller & on weekdays to get profes- 2 openings, weekday afteriadvertisemtnt. do it yourself, noons Sat morns. Aversional one day service. Call 226- ROTOVATE your garden age PART-tim- e workFull 1517 aft 5pm. plot wFord tractor, neat, retime for pay. Looking ready to plant, Inexpen sponsible Indiv. to work IMMEDIATE opening for aft 5. sive. ENTERTAINMENT e g Eve. shift power sewing machine opCUSTOM tilling, satisfac Comp. Hrs. 6:30- - erators, must have 3 mo 10 pm Wk days. tion guaranteed. Sprgvl to pm (exp, S3.35 piece rate. a dance!)? ELANNING wmuch benefits inci neaim & Santaquin. exp 8, Sat. Pay $400mo.foror profit txc dtntal Insurance, vacation Apt. GARDEN tilling & plowing versatility would like to sharing. pay, holiday pay, start disw750 John Deere tractor. have you can tves, - RESUMES! A better Re count, pay plan, credit Ip.m. Ask for Alton. sume can make all the union sick 8, stock purchase difference! Call Call REAR tine tilling, lawn plan. AVON, earn extra ts. wkdays, ask for Cindy. mowing & edging. Once, CHID CARE 225summer. Donna weekly, Joyce NEEDED By May 1: 6 0631, Selma best TILLING wTroy-Bil- t. energetic people to make rea SP FORK, reliable, commis price, can do within 48 sonable. Seeking dependa LIVE-i- n companion for over $2000 mo food star-aghours of call. grandparents. Exp & refs. sion. Emergency ble parents. Judy a 8. CONCRETE 3399, 19, Utah State Prison. Must have a thorough knowledge of tlectrial control work. 4 Yrs. Exp. as a journeyman, AC repair- t. ROTO-TIU.IN- y 019 WANTED Journeyman. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning repairman. Grade for all hiring office personnel, rent certification $8.50hr. station attendants, custo- welding positons. exc. turn benefit pug. dial, cashiers, fc management Tall in tn fill thair in a State Employment Apopenings. Our program Is plication to tht State Per ea 756-31- WANTED L 9. Hydro-Technic- HEP man required. $8.50hr. Exc. benefit Pkg. Turn in a State Employment Application to the State PersonlOam-lnMon-Fr6507 S nel Office, State Capital Bldg. Salt Lake City, Ut. 400 W, Murray, UT. Before aprH 25, 1984. WlLKIMtnM Partonnal WANTED Welder, grade reverified employment port helps you get employ 19, Utah Statea Prison. 4 certified ment or oetter empioy- - Yrs. Exp. as mant aAaaw ramnaniet welder. Must have a cur 50 8 zzs-oz- 105 7 part-tim- wex-pandin- 10-- 2 0 115 3 374-604- sitting-Tende- 5 120 5. soil-roc- 8 9 125 4 yard-wor- 0. 1 2 2 n 3 d vinyl-coate- 130 st lawn-garde- n 8 0 23741 C0244205 03- - -t n Te Mac Yeur Ad Dial . , 4 50247125366542433 3D16118 A446948 4 UWNMOWERS M 2215396 02- 03- - Information CUSTOM INCOME citing carter opportunities. Internship avail. Institute of Travel STOKES BROTHERS IE Vnn aa ana Quali fied talai car ion & VOU know that you art the best at what you 00, then we want you. Apply in person, Ratti and Z- 039 TRAVEL AGENT BRICK cleaning, paint EXPERIENCED Tax est. & reasonable rates. moval s sealing. Free tor service. Call prompt SUM IBCK3T appt. Dennis If pflid wMhta S 4vys MtscEuitfous INCOME tax. High Re funds, Computer checked. CHAIR Caning. Expert re In vour own home. Call ot oamageo COPY DEADLINE placement or woven seats. Wkcoyv WE do Prof maintenance 12:00 Noon day UNDSCAPING 044 81 work-fasest. Free yd prtccading publication wtractor or tiller. Garden or new ONLY a dally newspaper Sunday . . , 12:00 Naon Friday awn leveling, any size OK. can offer ntw readers evCall Parley Monday eryday of tht week. ONLY a daily newspaper TILLING-Tro10 A.M. Saturday bilt. I'll will keep your merchan- save you time, effort. PLOWING 055 dise in front of new read money! ADJUSTMENTS ers everyday. Avail GARDEN DON'T want to pay top 8 eft 3 pm , Plowing. CREDIT Saturdays. Call t ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 144 35 HELP WANTED to be a travel qualify agent in lust I weeks. Ex- ADVERTISING PROFESSIONAL Painting LAWN Mower & tiller. 8, Repair Free. noma ranairc tall taa. lune-u- p Turing, carpentry, electri- - PCk up . Dtl. cal. Etc. Apts. a specialty Free Est, Rets. MASONRY 049 9 C(NHw CLASSIFIED as HOME NPROVEMENTS Cleaning-upholster- sea( N.A., 224-26-20 3 35 ri Daily Htald cussiniD cus!:::s$ SEIWDffi'BIBllCTQDy Bids will bt received until tht hour of 1:00 P.M.. May I, IN4, it which tin they will bt opened and read CARPET CARE APPLIANCE RL?AK 01S aloud in the Board Room 035 at the offices ot the Board SUNLIGHT Carpet Clean- of Education, Prove City BEST BUY APPLIANCES tors. We do it right, to 4 a4SkERVlCE. 210 repairs Schools, West, intake it bright. 2 rms. umra, parts, OumeiTic North, Prova Utah. - S15.7S. 375- Call washRc. refrigeration, In the Bid amnuatSecurity af flwa dryers, OW, StOVCS. UI32. Visa 8. Master Card. of the bid. made pay- - pall (CUSTOM installation 8. re able to the Board ot Edupair, no iob too small. I Yr AUTO Provo cation. City Schools, rOty. Call shall accompany bid. if certified or cashier's check GET your car repaired at CARPET Repairs-al- l types is used in lieu of bid bond, home. Mobile aura repair Beaming, patching, a current certificate from Shop comes to your house stretching. Floor covers- reall Ivinyls, or minor crpt sold types an approved surety com- lor major 3 eves. expert Installation. pany Guaranteeing execu- pairs. Call crpt; tion of a 100 Performftnampoo, steam or dry. BICYCLES ance Bond and 100 Pay010 Estimates. ment Bond must bt on file with tht Owner. BIKES N Things at our EXPERT Carpet vinyl 665 N. State, nstallation. Quality Refer Tht Board of Education, hew location. Provo City Schools re- prem. Sales a. Service. ences. Competitive prices. serves tht right to rtiect Spring Tune Ups. Call any or all bids or to waive any formality or technical- 94444444444044444I CARPET Cleaning, win- bows, all types of floors & ity In any bid In the Inter est ot tne state. Lpholstery, gtd work, good Ftfs. BOARD OF EDUCATION, (5) BANK, 1:0.7.2 & OMKMng. VP 373-645- 24. 1984 6 28-3- 2 rake-fertiliz- e. 1, SALES career-Me- t. Compensation Co. ins. TEACHERS needed. Spe during cial Education, basketball training. Exc. Manage coach, English, Art, Counment opportunity, tut. seling, French, UtahUS. Elemen History, Reading, Combinations of the above are necessary except Elementary. Send re- Call tary. COMMISSION sales $40,- 000 , invite people to a sumes now to Tlntic meeting. We close sale. Schools, PO Box 230, EuGood for houseperson. Call reka, Ut 84628. Current or yrs min exp, $7.00 hr to start. Send resume to: Jack L. Williams, Holiday Inn, P.O. Box 1441, Provo, Utah 84603. FLATWORKS Foreman. Quality conscious person w expert Exp. in forming 81 pouring residential & commercial concrete. Exc. pay, quality a must. Refer ences. After 6. acHEBER City Corp cepting applications for a until director public works April JO. 1984.. Applicants must have at least 4 yrs of public works mgmt exp. Send applications to Heber City Corp, 37 E. 100 N. Heber, Utah, 84032. IDEAL for student, I night ., reper week, lief live-i-n for women shelter. $12.50 a night. Call 374-9351 for appt. IF You want to work for the best known name in the moving industry, have sales exp, & are goal oriented, then we want to see you. Call Utah Mayflower aft 10am for appt. LABORER'S unskilled positions avail immed work as often as you want up to COOK, S 9 6p.m.-8a.m- 374-88- (certification a must. IaDMINISTRATIVE Asst. Take charge person, heavy responsiblity. Must be "mature"' 8, overqualified. Someone who does not need the work or the in come, but needs a chal lenge to expand them- Iselves. Age is no barrier. Your own office, 8,600 business owners to satisfy. First National. 390 W. 800 N, Orem. ARE you sold on multl level products but tired of products that will not sell? Call 2. 1. BOOKKEEPERRecpt, apply at Press Publishing, 1601 w. 820 N provo. COUNTER 10:30-2:3- 0 help needed, daily, fast food Irestaurant. 3744385. DENTAL Hygienist. 2 days a week. Call EXPERIENCED Welding Lead person. Must be able to supervise men, weld w Mig, read blueprint, & do fabrication layouts. Apply at Klemp Corp. 1350 W Center, Orem, UT. 0. SEWING Machine Operators, full 8, part time posiavail wholiday & va tions 40 hrswk average thru summer. $3.35 hr . SOS cation plans. Call Temporary Services no TRANSMISSION fees or contracts wknowledge of all LOVING babysitter needed drive train repair. Contact Mike at J & S days for 17 mo old boy. Freeway Transmission. Prefer someone living in 925 100 N, Price, Ut. E. or NE er Provo Canyon Orem. Immed opening. instructors TRI-CHE- needed, earn as you learn, MAKE extra money, no for info call investments necessary, we FULL-timyear round will train, a business that computer salesperson. goes anywhere you go. Apple 8 IBM Exp. preCall Diane ferred. Good pay 8. benefits. Leave resume 8, PETROLEUM Handler. schedule interview at MSC Limited Openings. In store, 1455 S. cludes College fund to Computer State, Orem. $15000 for qualified appli in PROGRAMMER. Experi-ence- d cants, can Provo for more informaCUnix. BSCS or ' tion. Army Reserve. equivilent, Olympus SoftPHONE sol ica tors wanted ware,or Incorporated. 7854342 aft 6pm. or 373- Call 4444. WANTED sewing machine Cat: e, - 377-581- 5 375-002- 5 operators, minlmun PRODUCTlONassembly positions avail immediatly no exp required work as much as you want up to 40 nrs a wk, $3.35 hr plus. SOS Temporary Service no fees or contracts RECEPTIONIST wanted. no exp necessary, $600mo. Please send resume to: Attn Julie, 122 N. Center, Am Fork, 84003. RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY done. piece rate, vacation 8, holiday pay, will train. Call 4 Bonita Mfg, Mapleton. :30pm, Sierra 1655 W Maple, ATTENTION College bound high school seniors graduates. The Army Reserve offers up to $15000 for college for qualified 5 enlistees. Call in Provo for more info. 8. CLERICAL Positions available immed. Must or more of the have or following qualifications: e SECRETARY to y oe 70 worn, word start. New co, grow with orocesslna. data entry. by corporate recruiter-write- r. 1 0 1 part-tim- or general clerical exp. S.O.S. temporary services, no SECRETARY, yr round, fees or contracts. full time, 60 wpm, must US. 2. have exc grammar 81 spelling, mature, permanent, S900month. Call pm wkdays, SIGN installer, will consi der trainee. Wage negotiable. Full time only. Hallmark Signs, 790 E 1860 S, Provo. 5 FULL time secy to collect rent & keep books on apts in Prova must know how to type, take shorthand, bt able to compose a letter, & be willing to work Sat's. Good pay, r week. Send resume to Rt. 2 Box 605, Provo, UT 14604. 40-h- SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS We have many openings for those who want to work tn tne apparel industry. We wiB train. a PKrlia.nt .... w.m,,, atfiMU wriwTiTi. Apply Oft , v 4 000-12- e 310 South Main Stmt, Uhl. Utah phono 7e4-M7l Mfm Tlpa,rtn, awatsyai |