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Show X, ASTERN . ' USES OF PAPER. NERVOUS IMPULSE IN MEN. Jaoanese Would Find It Hard to Get Along Without It. The Japanese use paper at every moment. The string with which a "darling of the gods does up the articles yo buy is made of (thrown paper. The handkerchief away after use) is paper, the partitions dividing the houses are paper, and the pane through which an indiscreet eye looks at you is paper! The pane is certainly wanting in transparency, but there is a simple remedy. one finger is passed through the r that is all! Afterward a small on the opening with a piece is stuck grain of rice. The mens hats, the cloak of the porter who carries his burden, singing a cadence, through the rain; the garment of the boatman who conducts you on board, the tobacco pouch, cigar case all are paper! Those elegant Bowers ornamenting the beautiful hair and those of the Japanese ladies, robe collars which are taken for crape paper! , a Woman Cant Understand. Things Its awful hard to make a woman understand that when her husband has to sit up all night with a sick friend it is natural for him to throw his watch on the floor and put his shoes under the pillow. New York Press. pa-pe- The Shortest War out of an attack of Rheumatism St Jacobs Oil Which affords not only sure relief, It soothes, but a prompt cure. subdues, and ends the suffering. BOUGHT AND SOLD ON MARFOR. CASH. GIN OIL W have a special department for buying and eelling Stocks and Ponds for immediate delivery. investors and bankers will save time and money by giving os their orders la that line. . . Value of Doga In the North. SOLICITED. We offer special Inducements and liberal commissions to out of town correspondents Our book of information How To Speculate," mailed free, long PHONE Members Salt Lake Mining Exchange 699 OFFICES ROOHS D.F. WALKER BLK. SALT LAN E CITY U TAH. HEADQUARTER 2 The FREE Homestead s OF Western Dogs are undoubtedly the most use ful animals for man in his polar expeditions where sledges must be dragged over the ice of the Polar sea. They have the advantage also, that unlike horses and reindeer, they readily eat their fellows. Their weight is small, and they can be easily carried on light boats or on ice floes. As the Danish government has forbidden the exportation of dogs from Greenland, explorers usually get their animals from wester" Siberia Washing Machine Only $2.70. Save your wifes health and daughter's beauty by using our great Star Washing Machine. Worth its weight in gold. Price only J2.70; with wringer $3 90. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. Canada Americas Gibraltar. the Island twenty-livCulebra, miles west of Porto Rico, which has Ari tbe STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904. been strongly fortified by the United Millions of acres of magnificent Grain and Graz States, commands the Anegada pas ing lands to be bad as a free gift, or by purchase which is used by all European from Railway Companies Land Corporations, etc. sage, commerce with the Isthmus of PanaTHE GREAT ATTRACTIONS ma, more effectually than Gibraltar Good Crops, delightful climate, splendid school system, perfect social conditions, commands the entrance of the Medi terranean. exceptional railway advantages, and wealth and affluence acquired easily. Christian Endeavor Hotel. The population of Western Canada increased 128,000 by immigration during the past year, over At St. Louis. Mo., Is the place to stop when visiting the Worlds fair. Write 0,000 being Americans. Write to nearest authorized Canadian Goverment them for terms. Agent for Canadian Atlas and other information (or address Supt of Imtmgration.Ottawa. Canada) BENJ. DAVIES, ROOM b DUNN BLOCK, CENTRAL AVENUE. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA. W. L. DOUGLAS 84.00, 83.50, 83.00, 82.50 W8S SHOES thV&d. W.L. Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other y X make. The reason is, they hold their 4fr ; shape, fitbetter, wear longer, and have Russia National Design. Russias Imperial eagle was first assumed by Ivan Basilovitz, when in 1472 he married Sophia, daughter of Thomas Palaeologus, and niece of Constantine XIV., the last emperor of Byzantium. The two heads symbolize the eastern or Byzantine empire and the western or Roman empire. Mr. Winslows Soothing Syrup d For children teething, softens the gums, reduce ftp flammAUoo.aJlays pain, cores wlndcoliu. 35csbotUe, greater intrinsic .value than any other shoes. : Sold Everyuhora. LmE (Hr Rnme and price on bottom. which Ie Dougin ones Corona Coltnkln, tobethe finest Patent conceded everywhere need Fast Co or yrlets used. Leather yet prod Show by mail, 36 Rents extra. Write for Catalog. W. L DOUGLAS Brockton Maw. 5,000 COPIES STANDARD e PIECES. IO COPIES (potptd' SI. 00. Send for cat, aJo.il.. Aim von- - pi Sync direr.; from factory, dnrfnl bargain. In imiuo A big saving to yon. Wrtta at onoa for catalogue and price. Mfudo Magnificent Royal Tomb.' The most magnificent tomb In the world is deemed to be the palace temple of Karnak, Egypt, occupying an area of nine acres, or twice that of St. Peters at Rome. The temple space is a poet's dream of gigantic columns, beautiful courts and wondrous avenues of sphinxes. tiful accompaniment to orchid tones. The various shades that characterize bunches of violets now are notably new of the Crepe mrquise is one beautiful, and they often peep out spring and ummer fabrics that can be from a background of cerise velvet, I washed. has a crepe ground of while light blue gains an added charm monotones, and is distinguished by in contrast to the Russian violets. embroidere dots. Crepe Jacqueline, another si.; and cotton goods in monotonesruns through the gamut of colors fron pale ecru to black, with overrunnin - jacquards. Crepe is itnilar to crepe marquise, save that Uk stripes instead of dots break its urface. Crepe princess is Voiles for spring wear show faint all cotton, but is a charming fabric. colored plaids and raised dots, someVoile duebss is a new and cheap allcotton goos, with three threads wov- times both in the one pattern. Small hats are to be en togethe in such a way as to preworn, their severity softened by a vent saggig of the material. Pompadour crepeis another new dress ma- ribbon rosette holding a falling bunch at the side. terial, witithe softness of crepe and of flowers Dont try to wear that new Algethe lustre of silk, and printed in rian" blue unless you have a faultless Pompadoui designs. complexion. Some of the spring walking bats are Blouse Eton. trimmed with foulard handkerchiefs, Walkingcostumes made with short which show Japanese centers and coats and kirts that clear the ground plain borders. are the laest shown and are charmLots of tawny yellow shades and ingly graefui as well as hygienic and umbers will be worn by those who comfortable This one is made of can do so without endangering their mixed honjspun, In tans and browns, looks. with revet of tan colored cloth, and good lotto n Crepes. three-cornere- Did His Best. A young Sunday school perlor appll-aatio- n. one-hal- would exclaim at has become very popular this season. It is red and pink, and brunettes may consider this a blessirg, as it is particularly becoming to their type. Pink is used for the foundation of the frock, and it is trimmed with clusters of cherry or deep poppy shades that blend with it. The effect is very rich, and a handsome gown Is the result if care is taken in the shading of the color. Childs Frock. or French frocks are among the most fashionable shown for the little folk and are charming in the extreme. This one is made ot mercerized blue chambray with trimming of white embroidery and is eminently simple 88 well as attractive, Long-waiste- Nelson Rice of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of s large number of grateful patients In his county who have been cured by Peruna. Hon. Hon. Nelson Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, writes : The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: I wish to congratulate you on the success of your efforts to Gentlemen: win the confidence of the publio in need of a reliuDle medicine. I know Peruna Is a tine tonic for a worn out system and a specific In cases of catarrhal difficulties. Yon have a large number of grateful patients In this county who have used Peruna and hava been cured by It, and who praise It above all other medicines. Peruna has my heartiest good Nelson Rice. wishes. in any form or la grippe. A course of MARCH, APRIL. MAY. Is sure to correct all these conditions. is an ideal spring medicine. Peruna Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion, It does not irritate it invigorates. It does Pe-ru- not temporarily stimulate -- it strengthens. It equalizes the circulation of the blood, tranquilizes the nervous system and reguSpirits. lates tile bodily functions. Icruna, unlike The sun has just crossed the equator on so many spring medicines is not simply a its yearly trip north. The real equator is physio or stimulant or nervine. It is & shifted toward the north Hourly eighteen natural tonic and iuvigorator. miles every day. With the return of the If you do no receive prompt and satisfacsun comes the bodily ills peculiar to Bprlng. from the uso of Peruna, write tory results With one person the nerves are weak: anat once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full other person, digestion poor; with others statement of your case, and he will be the blood is out of order; and still others ploased to give you his valuable advice have depressed spirits and tired feeling. gratis. All these things are esjieciiiliy true of Address Dr. Hartman, President of The those who have been suffering with catarrh Hartman Sanitarium Columbus, Ohio, Blood, Impure Childs Frock, 2 to 8 years. years of age will be required 3 but the design can be reproduced in The slightly open many materials. neck is a special feature and the wide collar peculiarly stylish and becoming. Tc make the frock for a child yards of material 27, 34 yards 32 or 2 yards 44 inches wide. A May Manton pattern, No. 4652, sizes 2 to 8 years, will be mailed tc any address on receipt of ten cents. 4662 of 5 Depressed HALLS CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY 1 favo- FOR TALK BY ALL DRUQQI8TS NEVER FAILS- - ANO QfcNERAL STORK.. Nelden-Juds- Readers of this piper can secure any May Manton pattern Illustrated above by filling out all blanks In coupon, and mailing, with 10 cents, loLE Harrison A Co., 85 Plymouth Plaoe, Chicago. Pattern will be mailed promptly. In fullness below the stitchings that means admirable, folds and lines and allows the droop over the wide belt that marks the latest models. To make the waist for a woman of medium size will be required 514 yards of material 21 or 27 or 2 yards 44 inches wide, with 5 yards of applique to finish edges of cape, sleeves and collar. A May Manton pattern. No. 4678, sizes 32 to 40, will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents.' MEN AND WOMEN. TOO. .Do you want to be a big, husky man, with vim and power In your every action, with courage, and ambition to do things? Do you want to get rid of that feeling of gloom, that weakness In your back, that nervous, worn-ofeeling which unfits you for business or pleasure? Do you want to feel like a man all over, to hold up your head with the knowledge that you are the man thut nature meant you to be? I know that no man remains a weakling because he wants to. 1 am sure that you want to overcome every Indication of early decay that has shown Itself on you. 1 don't think the man lives who would not like to feel as big and strong ss a Sandow. and I know that if you have a reasonable foundation to build upon I can make you a bigger man than you ever hojed to be. 1 want you to know that you, who can't believe It, and I want you to have my book In which I describe how I learned that strength was only electricity, and how I learned to restore It; also I want to tell you the names of some men who will tell you that when they came to me they were physical wrecks, and are now among the finest siKJcimena of physical manhood. 1 have thousands of letters I can do Just as much for women as for men from grateful women, who had spent years and money trying to get relief from drugs, and who came to me as a last resort and are cured now. Why should you be suffering when you know that your friends and neighbors are being cured? Why, the money you spend for drugs In a few months, if invested In my treatment, will assure you health and happiness for tifo. Dont you bollcve It? Then send for this book with the proof that can give you, and you will be Cout X nvinced. Dont wait a minute. Send for this book now. If you will inclose this ad I will send It sealed, free, and will give you the names of vour own neighbors who are cured. I will tell you whether I can cure you or not, if you will tell me your troubles. DR. N. L. McLAVGHLIN, WEATHERWISE IS THE MAN WHO WEARS 5im5 A reputation extending over aixty-ai- x years and our guarantee are bock. of vvery Garment bearing the t 51GN of-- THE FISH. 'There are mar imitations. Be sure of the name jv TOWER on the buttons. V COL MASS-8. A.' LiMteA TODONTO. CAN. 603TON. CCL 933 16th STREET. DENVER., COLO. FLOUR OGDENS BEST -- AND- PHOENIX HIGH PATENT MADE BV OGDEN MILLING & ELEVATOR Co. OGDEN, UTAH. - I'O'ONSfcLtEVQYlfHERt- "A. J. TOWl TOWER CANADIAN MSB Mustang Liniment ie a positive cure fbr Pile. ... State... Pattern No. Waist Measure (If for skirt) Bust Measure (If for waist Aga Of childs or inlsal pattern) Write plainly. Fill out all blank Enclosa Mall to E. E. a A Co., 65 Plymouth Place, Chicago: Xo. Lake City, Utah. MEXICAN Kamo Town Salt Drug Co., General Agents. on FREE TO vewweeeAseseeeeeewwwwe If Sasoii, teachjr Red and Pink Combined. A combination of colors most people Veils Are Passing. Veils will be much less worn because of the veil effects In the lace 4674 Mouse Eton, 32 to 40 bust. trimmings, and feathers, though seen 4673 Talking Skirt, 22 to 30 waist occasionally, will be far less popular includes he fashionable tucks in both than flowers. Roses stand first in blouse aid skirt. The drop shoulders, r-very large and small, and pink the wide sleeves and the crushed belt more than other colors. all mark the blouse as essentially And all the handsomest ornaments smart, wills the skirt with front and are in art noveau tinted to match all back alile and short tucks between is the spring flowers. one of tlB newest and best liked. To make th blouse for a woman of meJapanese Satins. How lovely are the gauzes, some of dium sizi will be required 3 yards them exhibiting velvet brocade, some of matenl 27, 2 yards 44 or 2 yards 52 incheiwide; to make the skirt 7Vi satin stripes; many are embroidered with gold wistaria blooms. Printed yards 52 yards 27 5 yards 44 or 3 satins show something of the Japinches wde anese element, and though we cannot A Ma;, Manton pattern of blonse, No. 4674 sizes 32 to 40, or of skirt, Alcohol cleans piano keys; kero- quite make up our minds whether we No. 4673, sizes 22 to 30, will be mailed sene, oilcloth, table and shelf covers. are to be faithful to silk and return to any aidress on receipt of ten cents A tablespoonful of vinegar mixed with all our allegiance to it, it is cerfor each ' with three of pure linseed on will tainly making its way for picture gowns, and soft makes are delicately freshen and polish mahogany. For sponging out bureau drawers or painted with chine effects. DiaphanLouis XV Ribbons. There s a suspicion of the influence sideboards use tepid water containing ous silk muslins and tulles cannot be beaten for evening wear, and the amof Louis XV In the new ribbons. A a small quantity of thymolin. To clean plaster of paris ornaments plitude of skirts show them off well. beautifu' long white satin cloak has a cape conposed entirely of puffings of cover them with a thick coating of chiffon, toning from dark to light. starch and allow it to become perOther efects are produced in evening fectly dry. Then it may be brushed gowns ly placing one color over an- off and the dirt with it. Polished iron work can be preservother; pnk, gold and blue produce a quite d eightful nuance, end there are ed from rust by an Inexpensive mixmany otiers, deep purple shading up ture made of copal varnish mixed to the jalest mauve, brown to flame with as much olive oil as will give When making a pudding dont forcolor. Janne, velours, mousseliues, it a degree of greasiness, and afterbeautifu in themselves, are capable ward adding to this mixture as much get to make a pleat In the cloth at the ' top of your basin, so as to allow the of displiying lovely coloring to en- spirit of turpentine as of varnish. To clean a clock lay in the bottom pudding room to swell. hance tteir grace. Borderings of such The hands can be cleansed better fur as eanine and miniver are a beau- - a rag saturated with kerosene. The with warm water than with cold, but they should always be rinsed WITH CAPE EFFECT afterward with cold water, as this keeps them in a better condition. A good polish for stoves is made o( one teaspoonful of powdered alum mixed with the stove polish. The brilliance that this polish will give to a stove will last for a long time. To preserve stair carpets put pads of old blankets on each step. If there is no store of ancient blankets to draw from, a substitute may be made of several thicknesses of brown paper. When a spoonful of borax is put into the last water in which white clothes are rinsed. It has the effect of whitening them. Before it is added to the rinsing water the borax should be dissolved in a little hot water. Popular Laces. Bruges and duchesse figure on many of the new Paris gowns, which means it is hoped that Honiton will have a look in. It is so pretty combined with soft Suede In belts and in appliques on Black lace sparkles with materials. jet and is accompanied by beautiful collars, which are more wonderfully cut than Jet has ever been. West Philadelphia had this experiUna, Gultara, Strings and fitting.. ence with one of her pupiis the other THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. Why. Willie, she said, fight1283 Washington Ava. Ogden. Utah. day. ing again? Didnt last Sundays lesstruck Dmand th Utah Hand Made Hors son teach that when you toareturn the Collar from on one cheek you ought Waists made with fancy capes, or your dealer other to the striker?" "Yesm," said 8u Willie, but he hit me on the nose; cape collars, are both graceful and to the ma- and you see Ive only got one. fashionable, and also are becoming to chine mad greater number Of womankind. You will PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color the nevar have trouble with ham hold more goods, brighter colors, with less This one is peculiarly effective and makes part of a costume of violet work than others. seeded voile trimmed with ecru lace Howard E. Burton, Depth of Antarctic Ocean. and worn with a crushed belt Speelman prleea, Qold, Silver. Lead, 11 Gold Stiapplique ver Tie; (fold Me: Zlne or Copper. II. Cyanide Mate, ,The Scotia scientific expedition, af- of messailne satin. The tucks, that stalling envelopee and full prloa Ilea aenl on Antin miles the 5.000 ter aolletted. vork Lead Control and Umpire cruising to give a yoke effect in Villa, Colo. Jteferenoe, Carbonate Metl Bank. arctic ocean, reports it to have a fair- are arranged to confine the sleeves and waist the f two and of When Answering Advertisements ly uniform depth closely at the shoulders, provide soft miles. Kindly Msntlon This Paper. for a fumes loosen the dirt and cause It to drop out. Id a few days place another cloth saturated in kerosene in the clock. The fumes lubricate tbe works. Initialed Handkerchiefs. smart handkerchiefs once more display at one of the lower angles the exact representation of a wax seal, perfectly imitated with the needle and washing silk, either in blue, red, gray or pink. In the center of this solid stitchery are worked out in white silk small delicate initials or interlaced monograms. Larger and heavier ones are fretted, Richelieu fashion, and entirely embroidered in white silk or lustra cotton within a formal square outlined with stem stitch. Brocades. Velvets of light and delicate colors combined with heavy patterned guipure and rich Venetian an? Spanish point are being employed for the most exquisite tea gowns and evening dresses, trimmed with bands of pale and dark fur. JVe are coming to panniers. especially for weddings. The mothers of the brides are falling back on brocade, and the guests are often seen in velvet gowns trimmed with chinchilla, the elder ladies favoring black velvet gowns. is a Fine Tonic a Worn Out System Mens Flsos Cure for Consumption is an Infallible medicine for ooughs end colds. N. Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 19001 Pe-ru-n- The Latest of the Decrees of Fashion Crepe Marquise One of the New Spring and Summer Fabrics Japanese Satins That Are Bound to Be Popular. sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love; pleasure bestowed upon a grateful mind was never sterile, but generally gratitude begets reward. Basil. The Meeting of the National Irrigation Congress. To be held at El Paso, Texas, this fall, promises to be of great interest to dwellers in Inter Mountain country, and addresses will be made by American and foreign irrigation authorities. An interesting program, including a genuine Mexican bull fight, will be given by the citizens. For further information regarding date of above meeting, railroad fares, etc., address C. F. Warren, room No. 411, Dooly block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Know I Ways to Procure Sound Sleep. Unrefreshing but sound sleep nearly always shows that the blood does not leave the brain by the veins at the normal rate. Soaking the feet in hot water, and using a high pillow will be beneficial. In many cases a daily saline draft or similar medicine will prove useful. Price. 25c and 50c 211-21- by Queen Mary of England with a royal commission to punish the Irish Protestants, stopped on the way to Dublin at the Blue Posts, of Chester, where the innkeeper, Betty Motter-shed- , overheard him, as he flourished his parchment, exclaim, Here is what will lash the heretics of Ireland! Fearing for the safety of her brother or brother-ilaw, John Edmonds, she, while he slept, looted his bag, abstracting the warrant and substituting for It a pack of cards, with grim humor placing the knave of clubs face uppermost on the top. When the doctor opened his bag, safe on Irish soil, tbe guileless imbecile countenance leered at him, but no warrant was there; and before he had time to return for fresh authority Mary was dead and his power was gone. .For this deed Queen Elizabeth granted a pension for life to Betty of $200 a year. a r.iiGiiiGAnr.iflYon says: Value cf a Good Deed. A good deed is never lost; he who Is to use DISTANCE How Simple Chambermaid Frustrated Plans of a Queen. In 1558 a certain Dr. Cole, charged n Neuralgia CORHKSPOKDENCE Research Shows That it Varies Slightly in Individuals. A curious instance of the care and minuteness with which the human body is now studied, in the effort better to understand its powers and functions, is furnished by a paper read recently at a meeting of the Royal Society in London on the Rapidity of the Nervous Impulse In Tall and Short Individuals. Even the difference In time required for a "nerve telegram" to traverse the bodies of different people is regarded as a matter of scientific importance. A series of observations has shown that the length of the nerve does not affect the velocity with which an impulse passes between the brain and the extremities, and consequently that more time is needed if the path is long than if It is short. It follows that a short man should feel a step on his corns quicker than a tall man, but the difference is slight that the offender has no better chance of escape in one case than in the other. Youths Companion. FOILED BY WOMAN'S WIT. Sample copies of 100 different leading newspapers and msgaainea sent to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cents to help pay formailioe PACIFIC ADVERTISING CO., 120 Sutter Sl, San Francisco, Cal A Dime NEW PENSION LAWS S5K Apply to NATHAN BICKFORD, 914 D C, V HUGH AND GROW FAT large pages. 50r a Tear ; a year n trial for Sfe. If to 3f Incidents, sketches, stories, adveaturs, sto. tinny RXLIABLE ASSAYS. Gold Lead and SilTeir....l 09 t .7576 Gold Gold. fitlTr, Cops .. IM Prompt returns on mail aaa plea 1728 AftAPAHOK 8T. DINVRS, OOL8 When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt Lake-N- o. 18. 1904s |