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Show Ur ox (Zht Uw0 ALEXIEFF RELIEVED PAID THE PENALTY. Frank Rose, Wife Murderer, Executed at State Penitentiary. IT AAD Ufa S WCXOM, frffrtrtMf. Frank Rose was executed at the TAKAS OK SOBSOUrriOA! Utah state prison on Friday morning, Sm Tw, Is UtuW for the murder of his wife, Maude ' fUMoaite niM MtRUtfonMMMnMMIHfHfHIHfH Morris Rose, in Sait Lake City last Christmas day. Before his death he u 1 City Britten bUiAUIArtM OSn told George Pugsley, one of the men imuI ! Batter. assigned to his death watch, a long TADIC ITAADUfO, Miter. story of a bloody criminal career. He declared that for fourteen years he IJfWTKUCTIONS TO OOKKASAONDENTS Item of Hfi or teUoltei from ill ynrte ol bad been guilty of one robbery, burfeooutry. glary or murder after another, until Write upon oei Ate of tte poporoaly. Write proper iwa ploioly. he had fairly lost count. No less than la onlor te proteot to. aukUstar Iron I BMUIono from lrro.pon.lbI. ptrtoni, topfull five women in addition to his wife BA of to ftulbor about b aliood t TO. Idootity of oorro.po.teiu. had fallen victims to him. His favorwill te wliotejn wh.o.f.r tedrod. ite method was to give them chloral then throw their bodies into some and PUBLISHED BVKRY THURSDAY. river. This was after he had secured all they money they could get for him. His first murder was committed at UTAH STATE NEWS. the age of 20 years. He had a fight cases of with three men in St- - Louis, and says There were forty-thieso he understood In Salt he stabbed one under quarantine smallpox death ensued. Lake City at the close of the week. From that time on he became inBuilding permits Issued in Salt volved In one tragedy after another Lake City last week aggregated culmination came in the the until Nearly all were fer residences the bands of the law. There is a difCharles Stopley, a pioneer of Dixie, ference of opinion as to the accuracy Is dead. He settled in Toquerville of his statements. Rose shot his wife on Christmas in 1858, while the country was yet a day (Friday) and nothing was known desert of the crime until the following After killing his wife. Rose The right of way along the line of pawned a Buit of clothes which he the San Pedro road has been fenced wore on Christmas day, and with the miles south of money bought whiskey. to a point twenty-fivWhen his ' money gave out and he could get no Callentes. more whiskey. Rose began to sober Frank Roses execution at the state up, and early Sunday mornlug went to fifth the was 22nd on the the police station. The baby boy of . penitentiary that has taken place in Utah during the murdered woman was left with the mother, and was found by the ofthe past ten years. ficers when they visited the scene of Slot machines which pay in checks the crime. Rose claims that he reor which have any element of chance turned to the house on several occasions and fed the child. He claimed about them will no longer be permit- his wife lived an hour and a half after ted in Salt Lake City. he shot her, and that she forgave him Ole Hanson, the Mt. Pleasant dairy- for the act Rose his wonderful nerve to man, is putting up a new skimmer at the last, kept and met death with a smile Chester, with a capacity of 2,500 on his faca pounds of milk per hour, CAR BANDITS EXECUTED. ' - Mountains along the San Pedro e successor to and sharpest critics a in Makaroff Admiral Vice late the command of the Russian navy in the RUS8IAN VICEROY SENDS IN HIS far east. Vice Admiral Skrydloff had an InRESIGNATION. terview with the emperor and discussed with his majesty the question Objected to Appointment of an Enemy of his (Skrydloffs) relation with Alex-iefto to 8ucceed Makeroff and Aske The relieving from command of be Relieved for Duty in Alexieff would not surprise Viceroy Far East intelligent observers of the far eastern situation who are familiar with According to advices from St. Pet- the gradual change in the emperors ersburg, Viceroy Alexleff has applied towards the viceroy, and M. attitude reby telegraph to the emperor to be who represented the milBezobrazoff, lieved of bis position of viceroy in the advanced element, which was or itant, refar east. It is expected that the anxious that Russia should remain in quest will be immediately granted. Manchuria. It was to these two men has announcement While no official entente first that the yet been made, there is reason to be- lost Its friends. They believed that coris statement above lieve that the Great Britian would not go to war and rect that Japan could not do so. To the The immediate cause of Viceroy of Japan they succeeded Alexleffs application to be relieved la Indignation in the policy of the empire turning reported to be the appointment of from carrying out the treaty for the AdVice Admiral Skrydloff, one of entire evacuation of Manchuria, pendmiral Alexleffs strongest enemies ing further demands on China. f. Anglo-Japanes- e WHERE $41,-75- RU8SIAN AND JAPANESE ARMIES ARE APPROACHING EACH OTHER. jn-da- e are being explored by a score of pros- Leader of the Band Carried to Scafpectors from Callentes and many rich fold and Hanged Strapped to a Chair. claims have been located. Atheist to the last, but seemingly r claims were lo- unnerved completely, Peter Neider-meie, Twelve cated about twenty miles south of leader of the Chicago car barn . Callentes within a mile of the line of bandits, was hanged Friday from a ' the San Pedro railroad last week. chair, contrasting with his companCold weather in Dixie has caused ions In crime, Gustave Marx and HarVan Dine, who, standing erect, considerable damage to fruit. Twen-tw- vey kissed an image of Christ and died miles north of St. George the without a tremor. The three executions were separate, twenty minutes i peaches and berries are destroyed. apart, the same scaffold being used Aleg Jennings, on trial on a charge for all. of having set fire to the Lehl creamNeidermeler had boasted continuery On the night of November 9, has ously of bis courage, but as the last moments approached he collapsed and been adjudged not guilty by a jury. was unable to take three consecutive In the debate between representa- steps of a march to the gallows. Neitires of the Colorado college and the dermeler was strapped to a chair, and executed in that manner. University, of Utah, held In Salt Lake City, the Utah boys proved victors. FIGHTING ON THE YALU. Hortlculturalists of. the state will Rumored That Japanese Column Has petition the next legislature to estab-Been Completely Destroyed. Uah an auxiliary experiment station ' somewhere A to the Central News of dispatch in the middle southern London from Port Arthur says news portion of the state. Mrs. Mary Dixon suicided in a lodg- has been received there of the complete destruction of a Japanese coling house In Ogden, taking carbolic umn on the Yalu river. No details, It acid;. The woman and her husband is added, were obtainable. v bad "quarreled and she declared that Rumors of fighting on the Yalu she was tired of life. river are repeated in various forms Judge Jacob Johnson, at Montlcello, and from various points. The Shangsentenced Charles Botha, the Grand hai correspondent of the London Post county murderer, to be shot on Fri- says he heard that the first day, June' 10. Botha ' broke down army had crossed the Yalu Japanese when sentenced and Bobbed piteously. without opposition, and the almost Chronat Seoul says Sarah Wolff, a young girl confined icles correspondent that heavy fighting has occurred, but Is the Salt Lake City jail, attempted that for strategic reasons it is imsuicide by strangling herself with her possible to send- - particulars. No aubelt, but was discovered by the of- thentic news, however, has reached ficers and removed to the padded cell. London showing that anything has happened beyond skirmishing. Sheridan Ostler, aged 19, was killed According to the Telegraphs St Rio a Grande at Western train by Petersburg correspondent, the Russian strategists are reluctantly arrivBpringville, the accident happening as at the conviction that Kuroki Is the boy was getting off the baggage ing engaged in the adventurous plan of eat, after stealing a ride from advancing along the middle reaches .I of the Yalu river via K&ngge, and dei The new Salt Lake City directory, spite enormous difficulties is moving now being issued, shows the popula- his army over the mountain passes, purpose being to outflank the Rustion of the capital city. Including Fort sian position on the right of the Yalu. Douglas, Murray and the outlying suburbs, to be 91,195; for the city proper, WE NOW HAVE PANAMA CANAL. 75,009.,. ( ' . Transfer Said to Have Been Made Se: ' . Four men attempted to burglarize , cretly and Unexpectedly. the general store of C. C. Crapo at The auouncement is made that the Sandy one night last week, but were contract by which the Panama canal surprised by the city marshal and passes to the United States Is three Of the men were captured after and sealed. The title to the signed canal is an exciting chase. , now vested in the United States. The - Reports presented to the grand document by which this transaction lodge, I. O. O. F., held In Salt Lake is consummated bears the signatures City last week, show that there are of President Bo and Director Richman of the Panama Canal company, who forty-si- x lodges, with a membership of Bigned for the as its responin. 2,500, the state, an Increase of four sible officers. company The transfer is comlodges since the beginning of the year. plete and without reservation, and the United States secures a perfect title. At Acoma the daughter This baa result been quietly accomof F, M. Morrison ran up behind a plished and unexepectedly, as the pubhorse and was kicked in the face, lic had been given to understand that and painful injuries being in- the contract would not be executed flicted to her forehead and her face until after the meeting of the stockholders of the aPanama Canal combadly bruised. She will probably be pany Saturday, at which the question ' disfigured for life. of ratification would be presented. Damage suits aggregating $155,000 have been Hied against the Southern War With Japan Is Costing Russia $750,000 a Day. Pacific company as a result of the dis- It Is claimed that the daily expenses astrous dynamite explosion on the Lucln cut-of- f on February 19, when a of Russia In the present war wun score or more of persona were killed Japan are averaging $750,000, and it is estimated that a years expendimostly Greek laborers. The fourteenth anniversary of the tures for the war will total $250,000,-00To this there existed a free - establishment of a branch of the balance meet of $30,000,000, which was inYoung Mens Christian association in creased to $115 000,000 by reductions Salt Lake City, May 4, 1890, will be in the ordinary budgets, leaving ostencommemorated Sunday, May 1, by the sibly $135,000,000 to be found. But a portion of the laying of the cornerstone of the new the increased latter Is made up by earnings of the railhome to be erected in the capital city. roads owned by the government. The body of Alfred Peterson, aged The Colorado Coal Strike. 22, a West Jordan student at the Latter-day Saints university In Salt Lake . President John Mitchell has conCity, who wandered away on the night ferred with W. R. Fairley, national ; of February 29, and lost his way in a representative, and William Howells blinding snowstorm, has been found in and John Simpson, president and sec, City Creek canyon. retary respectively of district 15, conThe town of Moroni is still wrest- cerning the miners strike In southern Colorado, which are managing. ling with, an epidemic of smallpox. As the companiesthey refuse to confer - About eight families came down with with the miners, it is expected that the disease on the first of February President Mitchell will recommend to national the board of his organiza' and every few days since that time tion, which meets at Indianapolis ew smallpox flag has been dls- - April 27th, that the Colorado strike be played. continued indefinitely. gold-silve- Circles shew Russian and squares Japanese forces. Square with arrow Indlcatea position of Japanese transports reported to be approaching the mouth of the Yalu river with additional troops. 8mal circle at upper right-han- d corner of map shows points said to have been seized by Russians along the Tumen river and fortified. o v A TEN MILLION DOLLAR FIRE. Wholesale District of Toronto Almost Entirely Wiped Out Fire, which swept through the wholesale business district of Toronto. OnL, on Tuesday night, caused a loss which will probably reach $10,000,000. The fire started In a factory in Wellington street about 9 o'clock. In less than an hour the flames bad spread trom building to building on both sides of the street, until the whole block was a mass of flames and the fire was utterly beyond control of the local . Appeals were sent to every surrounding city where fire apparatus could be obtained, asking for assistance. Montreal, London, Hamilton and Buffalo at once responded. Chief Thompson of the fire department and George Dowkee of Montreal were cut off by the flames while directing the work of firemen from a roof. Thompson Jumped six stories to the ground and miraculously escaped with a broken leg. A mass of tangled wires broke his fall near the ground. Dowkes has not been seen since, and it la believed he perished. Joint Statehood Bill. After a debate extending through the entire session, the house on Tuesday pasaed the hill providing for joint - statehood of Oklahoma and Indian Territory under the name of Oklahoma, and of Arizona and New Mexico under the name of Arizona. In dis- cussing the rule which had been reported by the committee on rules providing for Immediate consideration ot the bill, Mr. Wiliams, the minority leader, declared that no Republican had any idea that the bill would become a law at this session. TRAIN JUMPS TRACK AND KILLS EIGHT. Defective Rail Throws Locomotive and Coaches Down Embankment Northbound fast passenger train No. 1 on the Mexican Central, which left Mexico City on Monday night, about four kilometres north of Sacrates Tuesday, jumped the track, the wreck resulting in the death of eight persons and the Injury of thirty-fiv- e or forty others. The trian was bowling along at a high rate of speed when a defective rail precipitated the locomotive, the express and baggage cars, the first, second and third-clas- s coaches, down an embankment, totally demolishing them. The two Pullmans were the only cars which did not leave the track and those occupying them received no injury beyond a severe shaking up. It Is impossible to secure a list of the dead. THE JAPANESE ADVANCE TO THE YALU RIVER. Sco-eld- - ? s. i- e - Zuiu-Kaffir- There is such a demand for antique furniture nowadays that the demand is far in excess of tbe supply. But it is certain that the supply will never be allowed to fail so long as the demand exists. Of course, there is very little genuine antique furniture to be picked up, and the dealer must .either turn away good customers or else fabricate the furniture. For example, a man will pick up an antique bedstead in a remote country place which costs him only a dollar or less, and from it will fashion an antique cabinet which will deceive any one except a connoisseur, and quickly find a purchaser who will be willing to pay him from $150 to $300 for it With the aid of sulphuric acid and French polish he will make it as black as ebony, and a few minutes with a shotgun will riddle it with worm holes in the most realistic and artistic manner. In the same way an old chest of drawers or a wardrobe, tbe designs of which are not sufficiently artistic to find a purchaser in that form, can be converted into a costly piece of furniture, which has every appearance of a example of sixteenth or seventeenth century work. And d tfioughts of black rule and Independence, such as those that prevail in Liberia. No such native avalanche ever hung over the heads of even the few white settlers in the American colonies in the early day, for the American wilderness was never peopled by such hosts of savages as fill the African veldt and jungle. For the attempt, at least, nothing Is wanting but the Toussaint lOuvre-ture- , the determined and able black leader who can organize the diverse and mutually foreign nations and tribes and inspire them with a common motive of revolt. No such leader is in sight. Yet a negro King Philip, a negro Pontiac, a negro Tecumseh, the stamp of whose foot upon the earth may some day be heard in the earthquake, is neither inconceivable nor impossible. We may understand the uneasiness of South African whites over this HotThe Hottentot's tentot insurrection. are a widespread nation. A general black insurrection must result in horrible massacres. Yet there could be but one final result for it, as there was but one possible result for the general Indian wars in America. The thousands of whites, with their resources and organization, would prevail, and more sternly than ever against the millions of blacks. Common (Circles on above map shew location of Russian forcas. Squares shew the Japanese. Dispatches state that the Japanese advance had reached Chang-slanon the south bank of the Yalu river. Small bodlta of Russian troepe are said still to be at Cheean and Pyokfeng, on the same side of the river, although the main Russian force has retreated te the north bank, which la reported to bo otrongly fortified. FRENCH TO HELP RUS8IA. Rumored That Two 8ubmarlno Boats, With Crews, Will be 8ent to Cxar. The Socialist paper, L Action, published in Paris, declares that Lieuten-nn- t General Fredericks, formerly military attache of the Russian embassy, was really aent to Paris to negotiate the secret purchase of two submarine boats. The correspondent adds that the government not only will sell the boats, hut will provide them with trained crews drawn from the French navy, after their fictitious resignation. The Horror of War. The population of Vladivostok Is In want of the most necessary kinds of provisions, and In consequence of the flooded rivers which Interrupt communication It la impossible to furnish them supplies. There is also a scar-o- f money. Many Inhabitants, particularly the women and children, are leaving the city, abandoning their property, which they are unable to ell. Half of the houses in Vladivostok are empty, end the civilian population la already reduced to (.000. IN PATH OF AVALANCHE. Are Many J Entertaining a Whipper-SnappeFolonius was right, abstractedly, when be said worth alone makes the would he man; but, if alive dare say that worth alone makes tbe woman. Every successful business man realizes that clothes enter largely into tbe successes 'and failures of toWomen day, and dress accordingly. long ago learned this truth and have little respect for Polonlous and bis ante-dat- e philosophy. Recently some very expensive and lavishly furnished apartments were western city. erected in a Two ladies, eminently respectable and possessed of means, being In that neighborhood, decided to call and inUnfortunately they had vestigate. been on a long constitutional through the parks and wore plain costumes, They walked including short skirts. brusquely up to tbe building and enThat inditered the agents office. vidual was absent, but his understudy, a young male thing, with an inflated idea of his own responsibility, eyed them critically and with an overbearing manner endeavored to impress rentals them with tbe enormous It was placed on the apartments. more evident than pleasing to the visitors that they were being sized up as entirely too cheap to be worthy Much disgusted of consideration. and more indignant, they withdrew to the street. It was Byron who said: well-know- n "Sweet Is men. Revenge especially to wo- over-politel- y much-muddle- d r, power of his fairy godmother to bestow. Three doctors attending a child with diphtheria saw it growing steadily weaker, although they were giving it medicine which should have cured. When it seemed near death they called In a distinguished specialist. They went upstairs with him, and one ol the attending physicians opened the door of the sick room. The specialist paused and said: Move the child to another room and then Ill look at The instant the patient ceased to it --A A Theres a heap of difference in folks. One of our neighbors thinks the city just dreadful, and too dirty for human habitat She makes herself miserable brooding over the disadvantages of & residence in such a Sodom. Another neighbor is happy and sings at her work. "Oh, I guess 'theres cleaner places, but somehow I just cant help being happy!" We like to visit with the sunshiny woman, but we cringe every time we hear our wife announce the intended visit of the other. Funny, Isnt it? Beatrice Fairfax says intoxication among women is growing. Boys, its time for us to declare the lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine. It k is the expense we did not have figured in the expense account that makes tbe balance on the wrong side breathe that air it beThe specialist could gan to revive. only approve the medicine the other of the ledger of life. doctors were prescribing and go away. All he had brought to that house of sickness was a little common sense. germ-saturate- d Disastrous Snowellde In Mountains In British Columbia. Snowalldos are reported from almost every point In the Interior of British Columbia. The moet serious occurred at the Silver Cup mine in the Lardeu district A slide 1200 feet wide came down the mountain aide, carried away blacksmith shops, ore sheds, a quan- How dear to my heart ia the There wasnt no use In our tryln to fool achoolmaam. her, tity of ore, 166 feet of tramway and Shed get an impression we couldnt deto When aad recollections present her killed a miner named John M&rrable, stroy, view; whose body was found twenty yards Tbe then shed go at it and lay on the way that she'd often os boys with a And ruler away. The total damage will be $65,000. rule lamra The schoolma'am I knew Would make toe full future look terriwhen a boy. Russias Great Army. bly blue. And still In my fancy I feel my flesh And yet, notwlthstandln her constant enIt la claimed by the general staff tingle, deavor. Time never can quite that sensation deThem schooldays with Jest lots of pleas-ur- e at St Petersburg that General n stroy, was fraught, now has 300,000 men at the For when she got started she made the We always went into some mischief house Jingle whenever seat of war. The correspondent of That schoolma'am 1 We thought we could do It without get-tla boy. caught. the Associated Press Is informed that The knew when d schoolmaam, the We threw paper wads and was noisy and d the dispatch of troops to the far east schoolmaam. pranky, The argus-eye- d schoolmaam 1 knew And did all we could her poor soul to has been suspended for the present when a boy. annoy; No wonder that once In a while she got It is positively asserted that the If youd Jest crook your Anger twas cranky railroad was connected a That quickly detected, schoolmaam I knew And follered at once with a fuss that when a boy. few days ago. Construction trains dread. The boarded-roun- d youd schoolma'am, the now past around the lake, but the line Until all the boys In the school schoolma'am. , The d wlU not be opened to troop trains or schoolma'am I knew She could see Jest as well through the When a boy. back of head. passenger traffic In Boyhoods WILLIAMS The 'very next day there drove up to the building a handsome equipage, from which alighted two fashionably dressed women. The sunlight sparkled on their jewels and they bore themselves with the unmistakable air ot good breeding and plenty. The agent, smirking and smiling, begged to show the ladies the apartments, but they insisted, strangely, on the assistant be. ing their escort. That individual, fawning and bowing and feeling much elated at their marked preference, led the way. Then began one of the most strenuous experiences of a whipper-snappeFrom apartment to apartment they urged him, up stairs and down stairs, through a modern city apartment of miles of stairway. At each landing they found many grievous faults with the inferiority of the building. They were exceptionally outspoken in their criticisms and even took occasion to sink the shaft of venom inta the humiliated assistant. At last, after having taken almost two hours of the young mans time, he informed they was not wouldnt think of living in such a shoddy, unpretentious and mediocre structure. Have you nothing better to show us? Something worth, say, two or three times as much and several times nicer arranged and more elegantly equipped? they demanded. "I see we have been misled by tbe adver-tismebut, yesterday when we were raised the rifle, took deliberate aim, here the prospects seemed better for and again lowered the gun without some really modern and acceptable flats. firing. About this time the truth began to He could not explain the reason for in the mind of this strange act, nor why he backed dawn whipper-snappebut before he the softly off and retraced his way, leav- could assume a air, tbe ing the lion undisturbed. He had nev- ladies, their noses retaliating elevated and their er done such a thing before in all his faces locked with disdainful rigidity, mountaineering experience. grandly out past tbe bewildered At length he sat down on the edge swept to their carriage. of a boulder and cogitated long and agent Home! they cried in chorus. over matter. the qujeer seriously They had been avenged. Now, what In thunder did I do that for? he asked himself, over and over. The Sure Enough Charm. One crack of my old gatlln here, up the flshllnes and sort out the and that cat would have been too Hunthooks; dead to kick, just as sure as the sun The suckers are running the riffles ot brooks. sets over that dirty little pueblo down Get down the flshpoles and match them for length; yonder. And to prove it Ill Just drop the etrlngers and test them for that eagle that has lit on that point Unwind strength. of rock across the canon. out back of the Dig with a pitch-for- k shed, He raised his rifle, took quick aim Where In flourish angleworms rich, at the bird and pulled tbe trigger. earthy bed. hie to Then fishermans away, angler, Only a dull click followed as the fate hammer struck. The cartridge was a And always remember to SPIT ON YOUR BAIT! , Sense in Illness Most physicians who have been present in cases where a specialist on tbe particular disease has been called In, says the editor of Modern Medical Science, have been struck with the fact that the man of supposedly more extensive learning uncovered no mysterious aspect of the malady, but merely applied common sense to the conditions before him, and really thought of tbe significance of things which the attending physician had only observed. If a physician were limited to tbe possession of but one persons! attribute of the many supposed lead to success, common sense would be tbe one which, were he wise, he would choose If these essentials were in the BYRON likewise a genuine antique can be converted into a number of pieces, any one of which will bring the price which the original would have sold for. An ingenious way of disposing of this bogus furniture is to send it to some remote country cottage, where the custodian, coached for the purpose, will explain to the unsuspecting purchaser that it has been in the The collector family for centuries. has no reason to suspect this statement, and he adds the bogus treasures to his collection with joy in his heart at his good luck. It occasionally happens that a dealer chances upon a treasure house of real ancient turniture in some out of the way corner of the world. The owner knows little of the real value of the what he calls rubbish, and as a rule it has been relegated to the attic years before. He regards the dealer who pays what to him seems a fabulous sum for the old furniture as a rich man with a hobby, and, taking the money, proceeds to refurnish his house with furniture of the most modern design spring plush rockers, box couches and enameled beds. New York Herald. Hank Grider, a veteran hunter along the great stretches of the Rocky Mountains, made a trip to southern California in 1871, and ascended Old Baldy. Among his reminiscences the following, related by himself, stands out as tbe most singular: One afternoon, while picking his way carefully along the narrow ledge high up on the mountainside, be came upon a sleeping lion that lay with its nose between its forepaws in a sunny angle of the rock. Grider was a dead shot, and raising his rifle softly to bis shoulder he drew bead on the lion, directly between the closed eyes. He had killed many animals of this sort, and knew exactly where to send the lead Into its brain. Nothing was. surer than if he pressed the trigger the great cat would pass from sleep into instant death. But, through some unusual Impulse as strange as It was unaccountable, Grider lowered tbe muzzle of his weapon without shooting.. Again he defective one. - . - BY If the blacks should rise, is a sentence which has not infrequently been uttered, and nervously uttered, in Africa, says the New York Mail and Express. The whites in that continent, even in Dutch and English South Africa, are in an absurd numerical minority. In Cape Colony itself, the oldest and best settled European province, there are but 382,198 whites to 2.118.437 blacks. No such disparity as this exists in any part of our In Rhodesia American "black belt. the unites are but a handful among upward of 500,000 warlike blacks of the stronger sort, including the fierce Matabele. In Natal there are 73,095 In whites to 806,512 most of German Africa and, of course, the whole of the continent northward to Algeria, the disparity is greater still. In the Warmbad district of German southwest Africa, there were, at last accounts 1,513 white persons, mostly Boers who have trekked there, tp 10,000 blacks. The other day we had news of the massacre of a white missionary and his community of eighteen converts in the hinterland of Liberia. The scene of this deed is significant, if the news is true, for if the black avalanche is ever let loose in Africa it will undoubtedly be by the hand of some black who has been inspired by Fake Antiques r, TICKLE GRASS The Peril in Africa Happy Days Kuro-patki- n' A SOFT SNAP MOTHERS SOFA. strong-muscle- quick-tempere- mneh-abuse- for two month. her Hank Spink In Boston Herald. A young bachelor, married! last Married life lsht so week, writes: bad after all, is It? This is whist we call snap Judgment Now let ui bear from the baldheads. Be bigger than your job. can hold it yo , |