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Show I MERESMG I CONFERENCE. Every Scssjm Well KtkM Maitf- ' Visitors. H i H . gApeetle Chas. W. Petiroso and Elder v ""V'rtcAIurrlB Present Interest- fnz Talks Olvcn. fl Saturday morning at 10 o'olock theParowau Stake quarterly oonfor- enoa convened with President Mara I den In charge. On tho stand with him were hla counsellors and u uuro-I uuro-I ber of other loaal autburitlea. Tho meeting waa well attended for the I flrst session, and wan interesting from I a religious standpoint and the Bplrlfc. of the Dloty was manifested In the I services. I The afternoon tseaalon wna alsi ono of great profit to those who wero I present and all enjoyed tho tulka glv H en I 8u"uday morning tbo'Sunday Schools I' of the two'Gedar wards woro oub in 1 full forco, and na there wero a large I number of. the older people prosont tha tabernaolo was well filled, In fact H . - Beating room wns at a premium. m After the opening exercises. Apostle 9 PenroBo talked to the children lu nn H ' interesting manuer and. all seemed to fl enjoy bis remarks. Not only the H little ones, but the older one as woll fl ,r were woll repaid for their trouble in fl ' coming out. Elder MoMurrln talked fl directly to the older members of the fl congregation. He delivered a power M fol BQrgumvBlonft general gonpel- lines H - an(iJ.tened to wttb rajot atUi JjwlnkWk!lMtffl fl'djlr.,, t&imlzSnUttEMRfBmM 'BBiVbBIBbP'Jb'""1""11 Ml '" r J and aa bo did in the morning, dullv I orad a "Pbudld gospel talk which wns 1 tlmoly and thoroughly enjoyed. I After Bro.mMoMurrio had tasked I Apostlo Penrose made one of the moat I appealing talks that has been dolly. I cred from tho pulpit ior omo tlma I S d alt principally itb the hub t 1 nfYlargo number of. saints of wll- I ' ota'ngTho authority and Had ng 1 ? u It with everybody and W 1 i general. Ho also spoke upon the I- iu.d plural manages that had T aliened plural murrlflgos iu... m, 1 ?rBBBDlrod Blooa tho maulfesto, and I ontorSl an emphatlo denial that any I bad ben solemnized by the proper 1 authorities, or tlt Pres. Sm.tb n 1 cognizant of tho marriages Ho Stat- 1 od that no doubt someone had over 1 Bteppod hla authority and made mai 1 r ages between parties In Mexico and I Canada. They had douo so without I Sanction or authority of the Pres- I dent of the church, and us there was I bat ono man at a time on ear 0. who I - hold tho keys of this ordination It 1 as easily soon that such triages 1 Were null and void before God and 1 . He urged all who had Infor- I matlon that would lend to tho p - I Ishmeot of these people to hand it a 1 and action would be immediately I taken ny the ohuioh and such pco I pie excou.manl.mied. Apostlo Pen- I rose was emphatic In his remarks and 1 etnted that ho knew Proa. Smith to I bo a man of spotless oharactor and f would not connlvo at anything of an l underhanded nature. He also said f that the President was u man of Uoci, and as such should have tho respect, ' ,. love and support of nil the salnta. I 1 the evening ttiere was a mooting I for the young people at which the I ' ' two visiting brethren were present 5 ' and gave some valuable Instructions. I The conference was oonsldored to F be the most Interesting and Instruct L . Ive that baa been held for several !1 - W , years. |