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Show Hw9P1 ' i BK3E7V &" GERMAN NOVELTY THAT InWTSAMERICANS V BBM 4.HPt mm LhhN af BS5yTBK ' SBWnHPHHHF pwt ,-, w j bT bvRiV iAi rwBPSpBBBBBMBBSiiwiiB ijshT ' ib i v " fBPT Bfcv , " T?"ift,1wBIBBBBj i ffio?3& " BBilbWB llfllffPHJBfcl b r m kJm' Wj fTHBpjHBilMtoLL ' V ,1 jfvvvb j--MBiiiBBiBi5l! tl v? x n dM99Rv4& P"JJr-VflCtttar fc ?x. . T 0n. ru a. ? vv ,t rv 1 EIIB1P& H!aRil Wi I'rn,'aaB i- Vivvh. r' n fV!1 -aM99JflHHBBHHflflflflJaMBHBJBflflflflBataL 2 JHflrvajBfll aaBBBflflflflflBBaMh JtoMHiL't w MW'ffl!"' i B( $ 'Bt'P F"i rr If ' SbTilis C 3"-BMBa v.-j.- n"v;v . pSIS " '? i'' V&3J$'? BfcJHLIN. AnioU(f tlia numerous American visltcru In Germany tula summer aro many who are especially Interested In the development of Inland water trnfllc, and these gentlemen havo been paying much atton-tlon atton-tlon to a novel scow that may bo seen on German streams clearing them by cutting away the weeds and ; Braes. It Is rowed or poled along the Wator courso, and at the stern a man turns n wheol which brings i togother four largo knives beneath the boat It Is believed by the Americans that tho dcvlco would provo of . I great benefit on the rivers of Florida aYid other southern states which bocome clogged up with rank vegotatlou. fir ,rs--4---v--- .-.. . ....J-'- |