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Show ! A P OSTAL CARD BRINGS YOU A I COMPLETE PRICE LIST ON A. RAW FURS fch ; tTC ' ;' , Uag ;,. - TO-DAY AMD A &f get postso. "uiiNVEK, COLORADO Gems to Lcs Angelss The tine?! plaoo on onrlh to live and pel o Itt'STj N cS KUl CATIO N wort ti while. Foicuny sobool 2Uh year. SV rue for catalog "W." lit tti l loor Hamburger Buililuig. Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing; Syrar. Forcfilldren tepthirii:. sotti-ns t n-' ;.mi:ii;-. trance-sin- I llauiiiiiUonilLLys pin, cures wind co.ic. 'Juiju. boiuc. I Pn arr vottr Invent ion. Free nrelimln U S J I J! ft anr search Book id t ree. Mll.0 f-f I irnhi H ll.V i tV EXS x ill.. K::ib. I.-, b53 Hlh St., WajaiQ'.un; -1J lieareoni St., Ouca-Or W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 53-1910 No Man is Stronger f) Than His Stomach hT A strong man is strong all over. No man can he .,. ' .: strong who is suffering from weak stomach. with its V .y V. . . '-- consequent indigestion, or from some other disease : . ' of the stomach and its associated organs, which im- - J pair3 digestion and nutrition. Fjr when the stomach -'CNV5 is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition t , . .'. -. 0--( contained in food, which is the source of all physical ; . "' ... - strength. When a man " doesn't feel just right," njr'. .aifiu when he doesn't sleep well, has an uncomfortable x" feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despondent, despond-ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. Such a man should use Dr. Pierce's Goden medical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other-organs other-organs of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood, invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes the nerves, and so GIVES HEALTH AXD STREXGTH TO THE WHOLE BODY. HIRAM CARPENTER'S WONDERFUL WONDER-FUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. "I have been afflicted for twenty years with an obstinate skin disease, called by some M.D.'s. psoriasis, and others leprosy, commencing on my scalp; and in spite of all I could do, with the help of the most skilful doctors, doc-tors, it slowly but surely extended until un-til a year ago this winter it covered my entire person in the form of dry scales. For the last three years I have been unable to do any labor, and suffering intensely all the time. Every morning there would be nearly a dust-panful dust-panful of scales taken from the sheet on my bed, some of them half as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part of winter my . skin commenced cracking open. I tried everything, almost, that could be. thought of, without any relief. The 12th' of June I started West, in hopes I could reach the Hot Springs. I reached Detroit and was so low I thought I should have to go to the hospital, but finally got as far as Lansing, Lan-sing, Mich., where I had a sister Jiving. Jiv-ing. One Dr. treated me about two weeks, but did me no good. All thought I had but a short time to live. I earnestly prayed to die. Cracked through the skin all over my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs; feet badly swollen; toe-nails came off; finger-nails dead and hard as a bone; hair dead, dry and lifeless as old straw. O my God! how I did suffer. "My . sister wouldn't give up; said, We will try Cuticura.' Some was applied ap-plied to one hand and arm. Eureka! there was relief; stopped the terrible burning sensation from the word go. They immediately got Cuticura Resolvent, Re-solvent, Ointment and Soap. I commenced com-menced by taking Cuticura Resolvent three time a day after meals; had a bath once a day, water about blood heat; used Cuticura Soap freely; ap- lou can t anord to accept a secret nostrum as a suDstitute ior mis non--alcoholic medicine of known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. We are just as proud of trie REMINGTON .22 y? f Repeaters as we are of the Remington Bisr Game r v J high power rifles for just as good reasons. No other j make of the .22 class is built to as high a strndard. j 'j The features that place the REMINGTON .22 in a class by itself are the real big 5 ' ? REMINGTON features-Hammerl ess and Solid Breech. You clean the harrel frota 1 1 5 the breech not forcing the dirt back into the working parts as in other .22'i, insuring ;j life-time usefulness and maintaining ccnstant shooting condition. M ' There is perhaps a greater difference between the REMINGTON and other 32 Re- 1 1 ? peaters than is to be found between rifles of any other class. ' fl 1 jjj A REAL RIFLE the REMINGTON .22 Repeater. Shoots without adjust- f j ment. .22 short, .22 long or .22 long rifle cartridges. 1 I ) Set of Targets Mailed Free. f ,rt Ji3 THE REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY. Agency: 299 Broadway, New Yori City. pned. uuticura umtment morning ana evening. Result: returned to my home In just six weeks from the time I left, and my skin as smooth as this Bheet of paper. Hiram E. Carpenter, Henderson, N. Y." The above remarkable testimonial was written January 19, 1880, and is republished because of the permanency perman-ency of the cure. Under date of April 22, 1910, Mr. Carpenter wrote from his present home, 610 Walnut St. So., Lansing, Mich.: "I have never suffered suf-fered a return of the psoriasis and although al-though many years have passed I have not forgotten the terrible suffering I endured before using the Cuticura Remedies." W. X-. DOUGLAS T 3.G0 3.50&$4.C0 SHOES 0 ( M BOYS' SHOES. $2.00. $2.60 AND $3.00. BEST IN THC WORLD. :Z?S?-, t; - . I The benoUts of freo hides, If I conl1 tnho you Into my Ok ,vi which apply principal ly to I iare fiit-tories at lrm.Utmi, l';;7 i',"fj ' sole!eatlter,audtuerecUu.'ed. I Mas., ami show you, how curii'- . is ' i tariff on solo leather, uow I ""' !- J"Kl;lH ""hoc . ; , , onihlm inn tn o-Iva 1 ho I n,;"ie. superior ork riiHiislup , !n : i! enables me to gl e the Iuul lbe hixl , j,nucl(,,lUle,.8 .,, -.. .i, -i-, , f wearer more valuo for Ills I y ,vou!d then uiiin.tau.l why . rl money, better and lonjror I Iollarrrloll:r::uurnni- '' i wearing $.'5, $3.50 and $4 ! Simon to h..M their imm, A :ffStfi1PSki. shoes than 1 could irive prp- 1 ,ook "ml '"'tier nurt wear f fV-v'-'f Ji' vioiis to the tariff rovNIon. J or'w'' yiu!"ubu?'l3'M t 'I .1 ' Do you realize that mv slioei have been tha si an. hi nl rororflr.K "'' J """-J years; that 1 make ami sell more K.00, S I.M) and 1.(.) sli.iex than mPl ''''"'r"' ' any other manufacturer in the United Mates ? Quality couiil f-KcOVaAOA . '. It lias made W. L. Douglas slioes a household word nv.VvivhereXPy itiFfZ CAUTIOM ! 'iVIIU";,;!;;-!,, !;;..'?;;:;r;!;,r.TAKE HO SUDSTITUTE' If your dealer cannot supply jrai with v. I., hnniii-,. show, write ..r Mail (n.l.-r ( 'ii-,i,, V. L. lldlUUS, Hi J,,,urk. St., UroikU.il. Mu. Cured in One Day ft fw i.s rV "I retrnrd my cold Tire a being better bet-ter than a Life Iao mce Policy." Rl UN YON. Aa a rule a few doses of Munyon'a Cold Cure will break up any cold and prevent pneumonia. It relieves the head, throat and limes almost instantly. These little BUKiir pellets can be conveniently carried in the vest pocket for use at any time or anywhere. Price 25 cents at any druggists. If you need Medical Advice write to Mnnv'on's Doctors. They will carefully diagnose your case and give you advice hv mail absolutely free. Address Prof. Munyon, fi3d and Jefferson Streets, Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, Pa. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the sf?j Signature ofT In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Irifprif A Will Keep Your , iLliwOlfra Harness f 51$ la M r 9 & rof5: P3 3 Stove L btHtiji, blacu es a csa! g fi Bold by Doalers Everywhere K H MANUFACTJpr.r) P. Y FOr SL t H H 3 (H. Standard Oil Company Continental Oil Company W i J !n.orirt"l) (lr-c'.riral.) LflZV LIHEH "I find Cascarets so good that I would not be without them. I was troubled a (Treat deal with torpid liver and headache. Nowsince taking Cascarets Candy Cathartic Cathar-tic I feci very much better. I shall certainly cer-tainly recommend them to my friends as the best mcdiciue I have ever seen." Anna Barinct, Osboni Mill No. a, Pall Kiver, Mass. Pleasant. Palntnblr. Potent. Taste Good. Do CIockI. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c. 50c. Never sold la bulk. Thecenu-Ine Thecenu-Ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money bad&. SZS V.y'' The Rayo Lamp is a riiph prade lamp, soM at a low price- -y ThTe a r" 1 a rn t fiat 'out nn,i". 1. u t 1 h'T I h no di't lT ) :itop m;i rl it t n u j J'l price. ir;st rti r:t orj i,t MiiiO tirath; No'tH il;it"l i-it f : y k 1 . T i :iu n : B r "a orii.-i rnr-nt to u n t room i n an y 1m ii: tc. Tfi'T- iMiutliinif hinv-n to ttii trl of lnn.!orri:ik .rltf t t.H t can a'l rl tr, t lir. v;i i;r- of T i - 1'. A VO I i. rr: ; n n 1 Itrtit- "'A fcTlTlia n-virr.. KnTV rl.-n.r-r f V TV v. In-TP. It IlOtUt TOUIJ. Will luf WMITEj Ccicri jjllT cl rcul ar to t lie liuari'M at'cnr-y of 1 tifl UCHTi-1- CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) r" r n -v r r. n r r ra ? Sufis nfis enable the dynpcptic to eat whatever he wishes. They cause the food to assimilate and nourish the bodv, give appetite, and DEVELOP FLESH.-r Dr. Tutt Manufacturlna Co. New York. 1 'the best medicine tafor Coughs & Coldsh : ; f a tihLc bncAdlc I ' f "I 1 " F 4 V i Keeps the spindle bright and fre A ,H 1 i i from grit. Try a box. Iicalcrs every- ' I 5 1 J J ' '1 . F --p- where. Manufactured by Standard . V J I J j ! ?7 Oil Company (Inc.) For sale by jf t) t t 3 l i Continental Oil Co.. LA fc U l . Uir lJ Lad (InrorjKjmtert) j |